Sunday Schedule
Worship – 8:30AM & 11:00AM
Sunday school – 9:45-10:45AM

End of the Year Party

This Sunday is our End of the Year Party!! Join us in the youth area & youth lot from 5:00-7:00. We’ll have burgers and hot dogs (there will be veggie burgers too) and games outside!

The youth lot will be chained during the 11:00 worship service on Sunday and will not be available to park in on Sunday afternoon. So, please plan to park in another of our lots when you arrive.

It has been such a great year in youth ministry at Church Street. I hope you’ll plan to be there and celebrate with us!

Summer Update

Summer is almost here! Next week, you’ll receive reminders of our summer schedule and all the fun things we have planned. Be on the lookout for me info coming to an inbox near you!


Have you viewed our page on Church Street’s website? Check it out!

Jenny Cross, Youth Director

One of our favorite things about the spring semester each year is celebrating our graduating seniors.  Welcome to the Senior Spotlight series for the graduating class of 2023!  Our seniors answered interview questions earlier this semester and it has been so much fun learning their answers! Check back in each week to get to know our seniors better and help to cheer them on as they wrap up high school and prepare for their next steps.

Meet Beth Suters!

What high school are you graduating from?
L&N Stem Academy
What are your plans for next year?

I plan to attend tbd college and major in history!

What is your favorite bible verse?
Jonah 4:4
If you could choose one meal to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Potatoes of any form
If you could give some advice to your younger self, what would it be?
Have some fun along the way.
What are your top 3 favorite movies?
Princess Bride, When Harry met Sally, Ten things I hate about you
What is your top book recommendation?
Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel
What is your favorite Church Street memory?
Going up to Sterchi Lodge every New Years
What are you most excited about going into the next season of your life?
Being able to meet new friends

One of our favorite things about the spring semester each year is celebrating our graduating seniors.  Welcome to the Senior Spotlight series for the graduating class of 2023!  Our seniors answered interview questions earlier this semester and it has been so much fun learning their answers! Check back in each week to get to know our seniors better and help to cheer them on as they wrap up high school and prepare for their next steps.

Meet Davis Bowlin!

What high school are you graduating from?
Gibbs High School
What are your plans for next year?
Attend Pellissippi State to major in Elementary Education(K-5)
What is your favorite bible verse?
John 16:33
If you could choose one meal to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?
BBQ Bacon Cheeseburgers with Nathan’s Fries
If you could give some advice to your younger self, what would it be?
Remember to always be yourself
What are your top 3 favorite movies?
Moneyball, The Longest Yard, and Creed
What is your top book recommendation?
definitely Inky Johnson: An Amazing Story of Faith and Perseverance
What is your favorite Church Street memory?
nothing can top hiking max patch in the pouring rain on the high school retreat this year
What are you most excited about going into the next season of your life?
Probably getting the opportunity to be more independent and make my own decisions.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of April 26, 2023

Rev. Catherine Nance

We thank you, O God of Words and Poetry, for the gift of the Psalms. We begin our prayer tonight with the words of the psalmist: 

In you, O Lord, I seek refuge;  

do not let me ever be put to shame;  

in your righteousness deliver me. 

Incline your ear to me;  

rescue me speedily.  

Be a rock of refuge for me,  

a strong fortress to save me. 

You are indeed my rock and my fortress;  

for your name’s sake lead me and guide me, 

take me out of the net that is hidden for me,  

for you are my refuge. 

Into your hand I commit my spirit;  

you have redeemed me, O Lord, faithful God.  (Psalm 31:1-5) 

We say those words at the graveside, O God. “Into your hands, we commit the spirit of ….” But you intended them for daily living. O God as we think about things we want to hide from, situations that bring us shame, forces from which we want to be rescued — how would our days be different if we committed our spirit to you? 

As we come to the close of this day and look forward to the refuge of sleep and dreams, we want to ‘sleep like a rock!’ Perhaps sleep is our refuge. May we wake refreshed in the morning and may we remember to commit ourselves to you first thing. We commit our spirits, our desires, our intentions, our words, our thoughts, our tasks, our skills, we commit it all to you O Lord. 

Perhaps we will not be so weary, tired, and afraid tomorrow. 

Redeem us, O Lord, Faithful God! 

We pray for ….

  • A friend who went to ER; waiting for answers about ‘infection around liver.’ 
  • A young friend whose health has improved! Now home from St. Jude’s Hospital! 
  • A wife recovering from hip replacement surgery; doing so well in rehab.
  • A brother in the hospital after experiencing falls; prayers as he moves to rehab for strength and stability
  • The fourth- and fifth-graders who are going on retreat this weekend.
  • The sixth-graders who joined the church last Sunday!
  • A colleague who is feeling the stress of work issues.
  • A tiny one who is getting stronger each day in the NICU
  • College students at the end of the semester
  • The people of Sudan; may the leaders care about the people and not just themselves!
  • A husband recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s

We continue to pray for …

  • So many members who have loved ones going through treatments for cancer; waiting on tests.
  • A young adult looking for a job using his talents.
  • All of our elected officials; may they be servant leaders.
  • Those in our congregation dealing with chronic illnesses; the ups and downs – the unpredictability of good days and bad days.
  • The people of Ukraine and their soldiers
  • Those whose grief is so very raw

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for…

  • Bishop Debra Wallace-Padgett and the leaders of the Holston Annual Conference
  • The gift of holding a newborn
  • A sixtieth wedding anniversary!
  • A support group in addiction recovery.
  • Rejoice. Thank you for giving me a way to be at church.

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a Prayer Request?

Submit your prayer request confidentially by clicking here.

One of our favorite things about the spring semester each year is celebrating our graduating seniors.  Welcome to the Senior Spotlight series for the graduating class of 2023!  Our seniors answered interview questions earlier this semester and it has been so much fun learning their answers! Check back in each week to get to know our seniors better and help to cheer them on as they wrap up high school and prepare for their next steps.

Meet Anna Cooper!

What high school are you graduating from?
The Central High School
What are your plans for next year?
College at Emory & Henry
What is your favorite bible verse?
John 16:33
If you could choose one meal to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?


If you could give some advice to your younger self, what would it be?
Don’t worry about the future and enjoy what happening now.
What are your top 3 favorite movies?
The School of Rock, The Sound of Music, and Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Candace Against the Universe
What is your top book recommendation?
The Remnant Chronicles
What is your favorite Church Street memory?
Going to Sterchi Lodge and making music videos with my sister and the Suters triplets.
What are you most excited about going into the next season of your life?
To try something new.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of April 19, 2023

Rev. Catherine Nance

O God of Resurrection Power, as we live into our Easter faith, we remember the disciples and their visits with Jesus after ‘the third day.’  

  • Mary being surprised by him in the garden, but hearing your name;  
  • Thomas missing out on the group meeting and asking reasonable questions;  
  • Cleopas and his friend who walked with him all that way and did not recognize him until after he had broken bread and departed;  
  • Peter and the others fishing and seeing a familiar figure (but they dare not believe) on the shore. 

If we were to write our accounts, Jesus, what would we add to the gospel writers’ stories? Where have we seen you? Have we even looked for you? 

As we look back over our day, where have you surprised us, O Christ? As we think back over encounters, were you speaking to us? Was that you nudging us, Jesus? Was that you, causing us to rethink and take a second look? 

We want the alleluias from two Sundays ago to reverberate in our soul, but we get distracted by other chants and voices. We hear the anguish of citizens who are concerned about gun violence and the cries of parents whose children have died. We hear the concern over our denomination and churches leaving to go out on their own. We hear government leaders making promises about safety. We hear people who are sick pleading for healing.  

O God, as we lay our head down this evening, our prayer is that we can intertwine the Alleluias into the needs and struggles of this world. We cannot keep them separate; forgive us when we try. If we praise you in church, then we must trust that you are working in your world. May we see you along the road and in the boardroom and at the school and in the offices where decisions are made. How might we utter or cry out alleluia – proclaiming Resurrection power in our everyday living. 

We thank you for words of promise and praise from our scriptures: 

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,  and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. (1 Peter 1:3-4) 

May our first word in the morning be, Alleluia! May we mean it! 

In the name of Jesus we pray …. 

We pray for ….

  • A couple who is moving from Florida to be close to sister and brother-in-law here in Knoxville. Sister has brain shrinkage and  dementia. Thankful they can move closer so her family can help with her care. Prayers for our church members who are preparing to welcome them into the neighborhood and care!
  • One of our church’s unhoused neighbors: to give him peace from his concerns, protection in his unhoused status and grace as he makes his self-appointed rounds to remove trash at the downtown churches.
  • A member’s son who lives out of state and who is having such a difficult time. Serious medical issues; his best friend has had heart attack and is in coma; and, his wife is wanting a divorce. Prayers for his health as he faces all of these overwhelming circumstances. 
  • A couple’s 24-year old daughter who has had to move out of their home. Prayers for her well-being and theirs.
  • A young boy who is dealing with brain cancer and complications from scar tissue; prayers for his parents who were preparing for his surgery and then told that is not feasible.
  • Governor Lee
  • Members of a Sunday School class who hold each other in prayer each week.
  • A member who has been diagnosed with lung cancer
  • Friends who are struggling with family situations and finances
  • A sister who is waiting on results of PET scan

We continue to pray for …

  • Those who are grieving after the sudden death of loved ones
  • A member who was injured at work
  • A friend who is waiting for diagnostic tests

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for …

  • Our daughter who is pregnant with our second grandchild.

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a Prayer Request?

Submit your prayer request confidentially by clicking here.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of April 12, 2023

Rev. Tim Best

This week’s prayer is from in-person worship on Easter Sunday, April 9, 2023. 

Gracious and loving Lord,

We praise and glorify you as we celebrate your defeat of all the forces of sin and death. We join our hearts and voices together in singing hymns and in shouts of joy and celebration, singing and proclaiming “Christ our Lord is risen today”. We praise you because we are so aware of the power of death. Creation groans under the weight of all those powers and principalities that seek to undo, to destroy, and to steal our hope. In our lenten journey we have known and named such pain and loss. In the light of this Easter Day we find hope in the face of grief and loss. Fill us with an Easter hope that will stay with us through the year ahead.

Lord, with the confidence of resurrection,

We are not afraid!


You who breathed life into all creation, breathe upon creation new life today. We see in our midst symbols and signs of your sustaining grace. We see the trees turning green again, colors and hues give new beauty to the landscape that for many months has seemed bleak and dull. We praise you for the beauty of creation, the bounty of your resources, and our calling to care and tend for the earth. Where we have used our resources unwisely or with selfish intent, forgive us. When nature has caused damage to the homes and communities of others, move us to action. When we have abused and neglected that to which we are charged to care for and steward, by your mercy guide us to change. Let us discover in your resurrection the strength to work towards a creation in harmony with itself. May we strive to embrace and embody a creation that fully reflects your peaceable kingdom.

Lord, with the confidence of resurrection,

We are not afraid!

Lord Jesus Christ,

In your triumph over the cross you show yourself to be greater than all the powers of this world. Rulers and kings sought to destroy you through violence and death, and yet you overcame the violence of the cross and the darkness of the tomb. When we are lured by the powers of this world, remind us of your strength, your grace, and most of all your loving mercy. Our hearts are so often filled with division and anger towards the “other”. The other that votes differently than us, the other that lives differently than us, other that speaks and acts and prays differently than us. As Tennesseans our hearts are heavy. We need this Easter proclamation as much as ever. We pray for our leaders, those we voted for and those we did not. We pray for those who work to keep or families, our schools, our children and all in our communities, safe. When fear moves us to use our power in harmful ways, correct and guide us in your Spirit. May we trust not in our power, but in yours.

Lord, with the confidence of resurrection,

We are not afraid!

Lord of the living and the Dead,

We pray for those who we love but rest in you. Even as we celebrate the resurrection, comfort us when we mourn. Remind us that since Jesus Christ has been raised from the dead, so too, will all those whom you call forth on that great getting up morning, may we be raised to new life. As we long for that day, grant to each of us the assurance that living and dying, our life is in you. We are afraid to die, but help us that in the promise of your resurrection we would not be afraid to live boldly for you.

Lord, with the confidence of resurrection,

We are not afraid!

We pray for ….

  • Church member whose aunt died this past week; last relative in that generation. Thankful for love and precious memories
  • Church member whose friend died suddenly
  • Those who are adjusting to life after burying a loved one
  • Those who are in the hospital
  • A member’s granddaughter as she seeks God’s will about college/future decisions
  • Our sixth graders who are preparing to profess faith and receive vows of membership on April 23
  • Those who are waiting on results from heart caths, PET scans and other diagnostic procedures
  • A family who is moving out of state; may they find good connections
  • All educators at every level who are dealing with spring fever!

We continue to pray for …

  • A newborn (who came very early) in NICU; thankful for his strength and loving family!
  • A young father going through chemo

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for …

  • Expressions of kindness and love after death of a family member
  • Easter! 
  • A couple who is engaged; prayers as they plan for their future together!

And now, because we can be confident in the resurrection, we offer these prayers to you in the name of the one who taught us to pray, saying…

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a Prayer Request?

Submit your prayer request confidentially by clicking here.

Daily Lent Devotions from Church Street UMC

Easter Sunday, April 9, 2023 — Evening

By Rev. Catherine Nance

Stay with Us

Read: Luke 24:28-29

“As they came near the village to which they were going, he walked ahead as if he were going on. But they urged him strongly, saying, “Stay with us, because it is almost evening and the day is now nearly over.” So he went in to stay with them.”

We remember the words from Good Friday, “It is finished.” We might be tempted to say the same thing this Easter evening. With a sigh of exhaustion or satisfaction — maybe both. It is finished. Easter is over. It was glorious!

Some of you gathered early this morning for a sunrise service. Many have been involved in Lenten studies, choir rehearsals, and Lenten collections. Today will be a full day of joyful worship and gathering with family and friends. As night comes, we feel tired, but what my mother would call a good tired; physically and emotionally spent from all the celebration. It is over.

As we prepare to retire for the evening, I encourage you to say instead, “It is beginning.” 

The two men on the road back to Emmaus had no idea who their traveling companion was but encouraged him to remain with them as night was falling.

On this Easter, we do know who our companion is. We do know Jesus is risen. We do not put Easter away. Thanks be to God! Jesus remains with us, abides with us. On the church calendar, we observe Easter for fifty days.

Get a good rest tonight … Easter is beginning!


Dear Jesus, thank you for a glorious Sunday morning! May all of the joy of Easter spill over into Monday morning and the next day and the next day. Stay with us. Abide with us, our Lord, Emmanuel! Amen.

Have a Prayer Request?

Submit your prayer request confidentially by clicking here.

Daily Lent Devotions from Church Street UMC

Easter Sunday, April 9, 2023 — Morning

By Katie Heatherly

He Arose!

Read: Psalm 130

I have to say that I cannot think of an Easter season without hymn 322 “Up from the Grave He Arose”. This song has been a staple in my family for funeral and Easter services alike. My dear grandfather introduced this song to me as a child. He tragically passed away when I was 8 years old. I can vividly remember hearing this song and thinking of him with our risen Lord in heaven.

What more do we need as Christians, be we 8 or 108, than this assurance in Christ from the chorus of the hymn: Up from the grave he arose, with a mighty triumph o’er his foes; he arose a victor from the dark domain, and he lives forever, with his saints to reign. He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose!

Prayer (from Psalm 130)

Out of the depths I cry unto thee, O Lord! Lord, hear my cry. Let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication. If thou, Lord, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand? But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou may be feared. I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word do I hope. Amen.

Have a Prayer Request?

Submit your prayer request confidentially by clicking here.