Mail your offering to the church at
Church Street United Methodist Church
P.O. Box 1303, Knoxville, TN 37901

All are Welcome

All are welcome at Church Street! We believe every person is of sacred worth and created in God’s image. We welcome and celebrate the gifts God has given to all persons without regard to race, color, national origin, ethnicity, age, gender, disability, status, economic condition, sexual orientation, gender identity, or religious affiliation. We respect diversity of opinion and expressions of Christian faith. We believe God loves everyone unconditionally! As God loves us, so let us love and serve in the name of Christ.

Church Street News

Weekly Prayer – July 24, 2024

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family Week of July 24, 2024 Written by Rev. Tim Best Caring and loving Lord, You are our good shepherd and bring hope to us when we are lost and scared. We are grateful for the ways you have sought us out with your tender mercy this week. When […]

Weekly Prayer – July 17, 2024

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family Week of July 17, 2024 Tonight’s prayer is taken from The Methodist Book of Daily Prayer. (General Editor, Matt Miofsky and Contributing Writer; Contributing Editor, Layce Warner; Copyright 2023 Abingdon Press) After each prompt, I encourage you to take some time to reflect on the people, events, and […]

Weekly Prayer – July 10, 2024

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family Week of July 10, 2024 Written by Steve Richardson God in heaven and in our midst:  Time seems to melt away as quickly as a cone of ice cream on these hot summer days. During moments of reflection such as now, help us to place priority on our […]

Weekly Prayer – July 3, 2024

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family Week of July 3, 2024 Written by Rev. Andy Ferguson Rev. Andy Ferguson shared this prayer with Open Door last Sunday. He wrote it several years ago, back when he was doing yearly short-term mission trips in other countries – what we call ‘third-world countries.’ He prefaced the […]

Happening at Church Street

july, 2024

The Messenger

Church Street UMC’s Weekly Newsletter