Join Our Team!
To apply for the Director of Youth Ministry position, please submit a resume, cover letter, and at least 3 references. Documents should be addressed to Cathy Goff and submitted to Review of applications will begin on October 1st and we will receive applications until the position is filled.
Church Street United Methodist Church, located in downtown Knoxville, has an immediate opening for a full-time custodian. Church Street UMC is a thriving and active congregation seeking a custodian to support the ministries and missions of the church. The position requires weekend work (including Sundays). Position includes paid vacation and sick time, retirement and benefits.
Please apply in person at Church Street UMC’s main office at 900 Henley Street Knoxville, TN, during business hours, 8 am to 4:30 pm.
More about Church Street’s current staff may be found here.