Prayers for the Church Street Family

October 5, 2020

Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade


O Morning Star, you speak to us through the fading leaves that float across the window pane, scuttling down to the cool earth, joining a thousand others. They collect much as our days, crumpled and lifeless, never to come again. These dry remnants seem to say that what is past is past, and that our failures and mistakes have no need of resurrection. As an already-barren branch dances in the breeze, you already seem to be fashioning something new. Let us watch and wait to see what new fruits you are planning for the season to come.

Loving God, hear our prayer.

As chill winds blow, we remember that Jesus taught we are to be our brother’s keeper. Bless those, Dear Lord, who have such thin jackets to ward off the brisk air. From our own storehouse, we have enough to clothe everyone in our city. Teach us to share our bounty more readily, we pray. And we lift up today those who have endured pronounced suffering throughout these long months of the pandemic. Draw near those who have lost their faith in humanity and even their faith in you; couples who have drifted apart; those who have broken down under the strain; those who have no one to speak out on their behalf; for all who are disheartened, and those near death.

Loving God, hear our prayer.

Sure and Certain Hope, shore us up when we feel overwhelmed by the needs around us, for from time to time we ourselves fall into the grip of emptiness and despair. As you have sent others to lift us up in our time of pain, let us draw near and help shoulder the burdens of our brothers and sisters. And accept, we pray, these pleas for help which come from your people at Church Street, while also receiving our praises for your faithfulness:

  • Thanksgiving: a young teacher in Mexico is healthy & out of isolation
  • Prayers appreciated: a cataract procedure turned out well on Friday
  • Celebrating at-risk infant’s perfect check-up on Friday at Vanderbilt
  • Gratitude for the blessing of church’s in-person communion services
  • Gratitude for prayers: sister died peacefully surrounded by loved ones
  • Thankful that a mother’s infection is much improved
  • Pray for protection: daughter still traveling to Oregon to begin work
  • Remember in prayer: safety for daughter working at the White House
  • Prayers for wisdom & courage: 3 members taking the Bar Exam this week
  • A grandson, pray that he might mature & make wise decisions
  • Daughter-in-law w/ aggressive cancer, strength for her treatment
  • Comfort & healing for all grieving recent deaths of loved ones
  • Healing for troubled family, dealing w/ multiple health issues
  • Strength & courage for husband, prime caregiver for his ill wife
  • Healing mercies for a member recovering from knee surgery
  • Pray for healing: parents grieving the death of their infant son
  • 2 mothers in TX w/ dementia, strength for caregiving families

O Waiting One, sometimes we hesitate to bother you with our earthly concerns, but then we remember you are never too remote to hear our praise or to accept our protests and laments. Take these, along with our noisy chatter and the turmoil of our world up into your Great Silence. And rain down your peace upon us all; for it is Christ’s holy peace for which we deeply long:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Prayers for the Church Street Family

October 1, 2020

Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade


Truest Friend, you are always true to us, but we are ever having to say we are sorry. You have been faithful to us, but we confess we have been unfaithful to ourselves and to one another. You have brought us from the depths of poverty, but we keep forgetting the poor. You have given us the precious gift of your overwhelmingly rich creation, but we have failed to cherish it and have even marred its goodness. In the midst of all your glory, our sin casts an eerie shadow. Save us from this swirling downward pattern, we pray, and forgive us, that we may learn to forgive each other. Heal us that we may heal others. Embed peace within the sinews of our hearts, that we might always share your holy peace with our brothers and sisters.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We know you as the Hope of the World, for in your benevolence, you freely offered your own Son Jesus who told us of your hope for and your belief in us. His words are the holy soil within which our faith has taken root: “Abide in me and I in you; My peace I give to you; You will shine like the sun; Ask and it shall be given you; Seek and you will find; Knock and the door will be opened; Do not be afraid; I will give you rest; You are the light of the world; You are the salt of the earth; The truth will make you free; Watch and pray; I am with you always. . .” When we find ourselves in trouble or tribulation, these reflections of your confidence in us, offer the strength we need to carry on, in your Name.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Our requests of you must be wearying, but as you have affirmed your affection for us, we again share these particular situations to you this day. And may we not forget through the hours ahead to offer you our thanks and praise:

  • Thankful for prayers: a son’s knee surgery was successful
  • Praises: A friend’s home sold for cash & she’s happily resettled
  • Appreciation for prayers: 3 family members now healed from virus & their homes received only light damage from hurricane
  • Grateful for prayers: a mother’s infection is improving
  • Gratitude: faithful witness of Christian friend throughout his prolonged struggle with kidney cancer
  • Healing for a young daughter with virus, recovering at home
  • Healing of young son & girlfriend, recovering from Covid-19
  • Prayers for couple dealing with major damage to their property
  • A grandson, pray that he might mature & make wise decisions
  • Protection for young teacher: in isolation in Mexico City
  • Daughter-in-law w/ aggressive cancer, strength for her treatment
  • Protection for young daughter, traveling to OR for new job
  • Member having cardiac MRI Thursday, that all may go smoothly
  • Healing for troubled family, dealing with multiple health issues
  • Strength & courage for husband, prime caregiver for his ill wife
  • Healing mercies for a member recovering from knee surgery
  • Pray for parents grieving the death of their infant son
  • Prayers: cherished sister in hospice care in FLA; peace for family
  • 2 mothers in TX w/ dementia, strength for caregiving families

Once forgiven, healed, fed, and clothed, we are offered the gift of sharing your ministry, as spelled out so plainly in the directives of the Master: “I am hungry, give me food; I am in prison, come to me; I am thirsty, give me drink; I am a stranger, welcome me; I am naked, clothe me; I am sick, visit me…”

Write your message of love upon our hearts, O Caring One, using letters big and bold, and send us out to tend those whom you have entrusted to us. Then when others read the stories of our lives, they might see a visible testament, your letter of love, addressed to all whom we meet:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Prayers for the Church Street Family

September 30, 2020

Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade


Under leaden skies the rain patters lightly on the cedars, as softly as a cat moves into a room, licking away its residue of summer dust. The summer has brought its wonders but also fiery protests and the hot smell of death. If your mercy does fall as the gentle rain from heaven, we so need it now. As your sweet drops brush clean the window panes, we might press close, peering out through the clear glass once again. Could that be you, Holy One, huddled within the evergreens, weeping for your children gone astray?

In the chill of autumn, heavy branches bend low in worship, as needles drop to the wet ground. These are as residue of regrets, broken promises, words spoken in haste, missed opportunities for reconciliation. Bathe us with those steady showers of longed-for healing, we pray; and not only ourselves, but for all who suffer everywhere: for lives ended before their time, for loved ones crumpled over by grief, for the imprisoned, the disheartened, the poverty-stricken, the dying. We are a nation of parched souls, thirsting for holy wisdom. Lord, we have been splashed with such grace through the centuries that we have taken it for granted. Rinse away our collective sense of entitlement, we pray.

And grant that our tears may mingle with yours until that sweet-smelling vapor rises from the well-watered earth – the aroma of newness that tells us what is past is past, and what has never been is still possible.

In your mercy, we lay before you these individual joys and concerns that are much on the hearts of your people at Church Street. You know what we need before we ask, but we offer all these, as Jesus welcomed the concerns of all whom he met:

  • A father’s outlook is brighter following a painful divorce
  • Happy couple grateful for their upcoming December wedding
  • Gratitude: our 3rd graders who received their Bibles on Sunday
  • Thankful for the life of a faithful witness who died on Saturday
  • Prayers for couple dealing with damage to their property
  • Prayers & protection for young teacher: in isolation in Mexico City
  • College students under stress: academics & threat of illness
  • Healing for troubled family, dealing w/ many health issues
  • Prayers for 3 studying for the bar exam as the date nears
  • Healing of dear friend enduring painful radiation burns
  • Prayers: cherished sister in hospice care in FLA; peace for family
  • Healing of a mother’s infection
  • 2 relatives with Covid-19, also recovering from Hurricane Sally
  • Two who suffer from heart failure, for improvement
  • Healing of grief: Parents of 39-year-old who died of addictions
  • Adult children in TX, endeavoring to help mother w/ dementia
  • Dear friend in TX w/ dementia; strength for adult son & caregiver
  • Friend with kidney cancer, continuing to trust in God thru all his days

Give us your reassurance, Loving Father, as we move through these troubled times. Whether your encouragement comes as the steady tapping of raindrops on our shoulders, the sound of the earth drinking in your refreshing shower, or as a sigh that comes when something mysterious has happened. We will look for whatever you send, and will continue to pray the prayer your Son taught us:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Prayers for the Church Street Family

September 29, 2020

Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade


O God, we often search for you behind the clouds, beyond the bounds of the conventional, but what if you are right here, alive and well in the most obvious? Have we been so busy peering through the mist that we have overlooked your presence before our very eyes? When we pass a vibrant tree or shining shrub, something stirs within us; could it be telling us something about your hope for the world? Might the face of a stranger be offering a clue to the depth of your love?

We confess that we speed through our hours, giving only a passing nod to our surroundings; but you may be speaking to us in every encounter. Unless we learn to observe that which is oh, so near, we may never understand what you long to share.

O Present One, you are not particularly concerned with our peak insights or our other-worldly experiences, but are more interested in the changing texture of our hearts. We confess we have thwarted our spiritual growth by discounting the everyday. Your Son teaches that it is never too late to initiate this heart-work, so slow our steps and sharpen our vision, we pray, that we might detect your Holiness that lives within our day, and to take time to reflect upon each meaning.

Merciful Lord, although we cannot know heaven’s ways, we do believe that you are working within each of us, and desire the best for us; therefore, we lift up our deepest gratitude for what you are bringing about in our lives, and also lift up our pressing concerns before your throne of grace:

  • Thank you for praying: sister’s colon surgery Monday was a success
  • Gratitude for those contributing to our Benevolence Fund
  • Prayers appreciated: depression is lifting for young wife
  • Couple in CO appreciate prayers: home was saved during wildfires
  • Thankful for prayers: symptoms are decreasing for one w/ virus
  • Member expresses gratitude for daily contact from church, assisting her in dealing with loneliness
  • Prayers & protection for young teacher: in isolation in Mexico City, preparing for a course of professional study
  • Friend with head & neck cancer, relief for painful radiation burns
  • Prayers: cherished sister in hospice care in FLA; peace for family
  • Wisdom for doctors: healing of a mother’s infection
  • 2 relatives with Covid-19 & also recovering from Hurricane Sally
  • Healing a friend’s heart failure; diagnosis of young daughter’s illness
  • Healing of grief: Parents of 39-year-old who died of addictions
  • A relative needing to follow the Spirit
  • Adult children in TX, endeavoring to help mother w/ dementia
  • Dear friend in TX w/ dementia; strength for adult son & caregiver
  • Friend with kidney cancer, continuing to trust in God thru all his days

You are that Sacred Magnet that pulls us toward your Center. We in the human community all live in that divine energy that is your holiness, which has much to teach us. What we learn from the other we learn about ourselves; when we help another, we somehow discover our own needs. Our small minds cannot fully grasp this mystery, but we are all bound together in Jesus, the Kingdom that has drawn near, who even now invites us to pray:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Prayers for the Church Street Family

September 28, 2020

Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade


Heal me, hands of Jesus, and search out all my pain;
Restore my hope, remove me fear, and bring me peace again.

Holy Source of Life, we give you thanks for all the signs you offer, telling us that your Spirit’s power is working within all things. We thank you for Jesus, who stretched out his hands to heal the sick, to speak good news to the poor and lonely, who proclaimed the year of the Lord’s favor, and who invited us to take part in his healing ministry. We shrink before the challenge laid out before us, but remember the One who multiplied loaves and fishes, who satisfied the five thousand, who amplified the efforts of ordinary disciples to render extraordinary results, wondering if you might also have a way to use even us.

Know me, mind of Jesus, and show me all my sin,
Dispel the memories of guilt and bring me peace within.

O Healing Balm, as we are bearers of our own wounds and brokenness, our own soiled pasts, and recollections of our failures, we are tempted to disregard your call; but your words hang heavy in the air: “Follow me.” Perhaps it is true that you choose only broken vessels to carry your balm of healing. If that is the case, you have many fragmented souls from which to choose. Cover us again with your limitless oil of mercy, found only in your immense storehouse. Heal us, we pray, that we might then worthily carry your restorative balm to those others who have also been maimed by the world.

May this day treat kindly those who wait in hope for rescue from illness, poverty, wildfires, storm, depression and despair; and those who wait for the next paycheck, the phone call, the medical report, the end of addiction, death itself. As we are your instruments, show us those places where we might make a difference and we will make haste to carry your oil of mercy wherever you send us. And remember as well, these situations uppermost in the hearts of our Church Street family:

  • Husband thankful for church prayers & contacts during wife’s illness
  • Gratitude for many prayers: NICU baby now at home w/ family
  • Grateful that mother has been released from hospital
  • For a relative to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit
  • Prayers for a sister undergoing colon surgery today
  • 2 relatives with Covid-19 & also recovering from Hurricane Sally
  • Friend (62) with head & neck cancer, relief for radiation burns
  • Prayers: cherished sister in hospice care in FLA; peace for family members now surrounding her with love
  • Mother with infection, for proper treatment & healing
  • Dear friend with heart failure, for successful treatment
  • One who faces cardiac MRI on Thursday, for correct diagnosis
  • Member ill in assisted living, comfort for him, his wife & family
  • Member suffering greatly with back pain, prayers for relief
  • Prayers for a mother-to-be, that coming weeks will bring safe delivery
  • Friend with kidney cancer, continuing to trust in God thru all his days
  • Young daughter awaiting diagnosis for fainting episodes

Fill me, joy of Jesus, anxiety shall cease,
And heaven’s serenity be mine, for Jesus brings me peace.

Our fears are the color of darkness, Lord, but in your saving grace, you reach in, stirring up joyful blues, greens, and yellows to enliven the dusky hue. We long for the time when fear, unease, and loneliness will be no more. But till that era when heaven’s serenity lives in every heart, keep us filled to the brim with hope. And we shall remain faithful to the ministry to which you have called us, through Christ our Lord:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Prayers for the Church Street Family

September 24, 2020

Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade


O Giver of Gifts, you hold out a new day, all wrapped with ribbon sublime, trusting that we will open it with care, using its 1,440 minutes wisely and meaningfully. We thank you that you will not calculate how much we produce during this freely offered bundle of time, for you are not really in the record-keeping business. But you do hope that we will be judicious as we spend our moments in personal encounters, in taking up our tasks, in sharing ministry with others, and in thoughtful contemplation of the sacred. And as the hours unfold, grant that we might learn to be grateful, not just for the high points, but also for the downtimes, as each may bring an important lesson we need to take to heart. And may we remember the love with which this autumn-colored gift was given.

All-Seeing One, there are many among us who live their days under a heavy fog, a free-floating fear that tinges everything they say and do. That unsettling fear has become thicker these past months, as virulent illness and rage take on new forms. We pray we will not allow the present uncertainties to eclipse our sense of promise. Turn that fear, we pray, into a holy mist through which your omnipotence shines in all its clarity. Then we shall once again proclaim that nothing in all the earth can separate us from your love and deliverance through Christ, our Lord!

Touch all who are in pain or any adversity this day; and make your presence known, we pray, to those suffering souls whose names we now whisper in the silence of these moments . . . . . . . . . . . . And also attend to these requests that are voiced by your children at Church Street:

  • Family offers thanks for blessing of a son’s marriage on Tuesday
  • Thanksgiving for all who are giving to eradicate hunger in our region
  • Gratitude for our music program & all who willingly share their gifts
  • Thankful for friend improving after a brain bleed
  • Gratitude for healthcare workers & first responders
  • For a friend’s home to sell — owner needs to move close to family
  • Friend (62) with head & neck cancer, relief for radiation burns
  • Prayers for cherished sister in hospice care in FLA; traveling mercies for family members who will be surrounding her with love
  • Continued prayers for healing of NICU baby & his weary parents
  • Protection for all in the path of storms, floods, and fire
  • Member ill in assisted living, comfort for him, his wife & family
  • Member suffering greatly with back pain, prayers for relief
  • Prayers for a mother-to-be, that coming weeks will bring safe delivery
  • Friend with kidney cancer, continuing to trust in God through all his days
  • Proper diagnosis of young daughter’s fainting issues

Life-Giving God, we praise you for life itself, for your abiding guidance, and for our Teacher and Messiah who modeled for us the way of love. We confess that we still waver each day, but amid our uncertain steps, may your love shine through our actions, that others will know our hearts are in the right place. Through that same Messiah, by whose pattern we seek to live, we make our prayer:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Prayers for the Church Street Family

September 23, 2020

Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade


How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord,
is laid for your faith in his excellent word!
What more can he say that to you he hath said,
to you who for refuge to Jesus have fled?

Indeed, Holy One, you are that sure foundation on which we stand. Amid the apprehension and unpredictability of this present era, our lives would crumble if you had not planted us securely upon your rock that never fails. Your scriptures and hymns, inspired by your Spirit, speak the words our hearts long to hear. We stand grateful for loved ones who have buoyed us when our souls were ragged, for our church family which offers a place of belonging. We believers are separated by distance perhaps, but not separated from our firm faith in your saving love, our commitment to your church, and our trust in each other.

“Fear not, I am with thee, oh be not dismayed,
for I am thy God and will still give thee aid;
I’ll strengthen and help thee, and cause thee to stand
upheld by my righteous, omnipotent hand.”

The words you first spoke through your prophet Isaiah, “Fear not, for I am with you…” have reverberated through the ages, through many voices, giving us strength to carry on. You have provided aid in our most recent times of trial: for six months you have raised up researchers to probe the origins of and possible cures for the virus; you have called resolute healthcare workers and first responders to assist the ill; you have enlightened leaders to advise us concerning protection; and you have provided avenues which enable us to stay connected. Our vulnerability stems not only from the menacing disease that has seeped into every crevice of our lives, for we have been weakened also by the violence that has increasingly debased our common life. Save us, we pray, from the hatred that blinds us and the fear that leaves us cringing and dismayed. By your omnipotent hand, make us brave enough to confront the forces of prejudice and anger within ourselves, then turn our warring chants into a doxology of hope.

“When through fiery trials thy pathways shall lie,
my grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply;
The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design
thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine.”

Our lives are replete with personal stories of your saving deliverance, yet we remain fragile mortals who always seek out your healing and renewal. We cannot know the outcome of our prayers, but we trust that when we turn everything over to you, O Bedrock of our Faith, your grace shall be sufficient. So many across our globe are mired in misfortune and who also await your deliverance. Comfort and carry all the afflicted in their hour of sorrow, we pray, and attend to these concerns and joys that are uppermost in the hearts of your people of Church Street:

  • One celebrates: no further treatment needed after cancer surgery
  • Two thankful for long-awaited reunion
  • Gratitude: Mother home from hospital, recovering well from surgery
  • College student happily reports her post-surgery pain in easing
  • Thankful: Benevolence Ministry – helping poor in our community
  • Comfort for member & family – grieving mother’s death
  • Traveling mercies for grandson en route to TX today
  • Continued prayers for healing of NICU baby
  • Dear mother in assisted living with many medical issues
  • Member suffering greatly with back pain, prayers for relief
  • Safety for members driving to a grandmother’s funeral today
  • Healing for family grieving the death of beloved wife & mother
  • Blessings for two mothers-to-be, that babies are born healthy
  • NICU baby – pray for healing of his heart & for his parents
  • All dealing with loss due to wildfires & tropical storm
  • Member grieving the recent death of a lifelong friend
  • Proper diagnosis of young daughter’s fainting issues

The soul that on Jesus still leans for repose
I will not, I will not desert to its foes;
That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake,
I’ll never, no, never, no never forsake.

Yes, our souls find their rest in you, Faithful One; may we find courage, too, that we will remain faithful to the end. And by your mercy, grant that we might grow in the resolve of your once-rejected Cornerstone, our Savior, Christ Jesus, who taught us to pray:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Prayers for the Church Street Family

September 22, 2020

Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade


O One From Whom All Blessings Flow, your goodness pours over us afresh each morning. Even our first intake of air comes at your behest – your invitation to walk these hours ahead with you as our companion. And as we travel together, surprise us with the radiance of your creation, point out the places where your grace is already taking firm root, lead us along wisdom’s narrow path, and teach us your song of autumn joy. Whisper your will for us this day, that it may become our heart’s desire.

Hear us, Lord, for your mercy is great.

God of Life, we lift up our present brokenness to your heart of healing. Our minds and our bodies have been battered by virus and disease, violence and bloodshed, imprisonment and disaster. From Covid-19 to tropical storms, from oppressive heat to devastating wildfires, your children are struggling to breathe. We know that the time you have given us in our bodies is not up to us; but how we choose to honor them surely is. Help us tend to and care for those who are suffering emotionally, those who are in pain, those who are oppressed, those who are hungry or homeless. Forgive us when we think the wounded ones exist far from us. But what if they live in our own homes, in our own neighborhoods? May our work of reparation begin within our own families, then move ahead to help mend our riven world.

Hear us, Lord, for your mercy is great.

You have created us for community and, as your apostle teaches, we are members of one body. When one falls, we all hurt; when one is ill, we all are weakened; when one is anxious, we all share his unease. Thank you for our church family, the body of Christ, which joins with your Holy Spirit in praying with us and for us. Our cares, but also our joys, are many, and we lay them before you this new day, trusting that each will be suffused in your love:

  • Grateful for prayers: son in NV recovering well from surgery
  • Friend celebrates her final chemo treatment today
  • One is thankful that depression is lifting
  • Thankful that a biopsy was negative
  • Gratitude: Friend w/ grave heart issues now home from hospital
  • Prayers for member recovering from kidney surgery
  • Comfort for member & family — mother died on Sunday
  • Clearing of smoke for families in CA & WA, breathing difficult
  • Prayers for family grieving the death of beloved wife & mother
  • Prayers for 3 young persons studying for the bar exam
  • Wisdom for leaders to lead the U.S. to healing of brokenness
  • Comfort for a faithful member in physical & emotional pain
  • All dealing with loss due to wildfires & tropical storms
  • NICU baby is stronger, but pray his heart will heal
  • Prayers that hunger will be eliminated in our community
  • Healing mercies for friend: full recovery from rectal surgery

How blessed we are that you welcome us, Lord, when we come with our arms full of questions and sorrows. We thank you for your presence in our midst, and for your son, Jesus Christ, who lived with us, died for us, and taught us how to pray when he said:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Prayers for the Church Street Family

September 21, 2020

Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade


O Spirit Wind of Liberation, it seems that we are all tied down in one way or another. Some of us are bound to the past, stuck between the questions of “Why?” and “If Only.” If we could only revisit those earlier times, we think, we would make better choices, even make amends to those we’ve harmed. Others of us are held captive by smoldering anger that has lived within us so many years that we feel we would evaporate without those embers burning in our bellies. And there are others living in the chains of illness, loneliness, or poverty. Breathe that cool wind of newness upon us, Good Lord, and unleash the fetters that block our vision of what might still be possible. Heal these wounds, both emotional and physical, we pray, that we might once again sing of our rebirth!

Holy Spirit, deliver us.

On this International Day of Peace, we look to you as our Source and Center, realizing how we have strayed from your holy vision. We confess that we have spoken words that provoked discord and prejudice. It is true that we have viewed with indifference the hungry and the homeless and we have acted pridefully, as if we ourselves were the center of the universe. Forgive us for not standing up for freedom, for not speaking openly for reconciliation. You have taught us to forgive our enemies, but we freely admit that we have failed in this effort, as well. Deliver us from all our offenses, for they have marred our souls and have bruised your own heart. Reclaim the center stage of our lives, we pray, that others will see the Prince of Peace guiding all our aims.

Holy Spirit, deliver us.

Embracing One, despite our erring ways, we know you hold us fast. Throughout these days of insecurity, most of the time our steps are shaky; still we feel your arm around us, holding us steady as we move through the fog of illness, rancor, job insecurity, and political confusion. You have never let us down, but offer strength sufficient to endure. Enfold us securely, we pray, in your gracious vitality that never fails to reassure us. And remember these members of our church family who also share their specific concerns:

  • Grateful: Medical personnel and first responders who continue to fight the good fight on behalf of the hurting everywhere
  • Thankful that family in Nashville are much improved from virus
  • Gratitude: prayers of support were felt by bereaved family
  • Thanksgiving for unexpected birthday visit of adult son
  • Gratitude for prayers: college student’s knee surgery went well
  • Prayers for mother who has had a setback in cancer treatment
  • Clearing of smoke for families in CA & WA, breathing difficult
  • Prayers for family grieving the death of beloved wife & mother
  • Prayers for 3 young persons studying for the bar exam
  • Young mother-to-be, that baby may arrive healthy
  • Healing of our nation
  • All dealing with loss due to wildfires & tropical storms
  • NICU baby is stronger, but pray his heart will function normally
  • Lifting of anxiety & depression for 2 members who live alone
  • Prayers that rampant hunger be eliminated in our community
  • Precious child & parents involved in custody hearings
  • Healing mercies for friend: full recovery from rectal surgery

Forever Friend, look with favor upon each one who seeks your face and calls upon your name this day. Our knowledge of you is scant, but one day the fog will clear and your glory will be made evident. Until that time, your promises revealed through the life of Christ are sufficient for all who continue to offer his prayer:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Prayers for the Church Street Family

September 17, 2020

Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade


O Gracious One, as we begin our morning, may your praise be among the first words we speak. Your extending to us another day is a gift in itself, for within these hours ahead you will open new doors, bring us into contact with new faces, and offer new opportunities to serve as followers of your Blessed Son. In whatever circumstance we find ourselves, may others observe us as your servants alone, nothing more, nothing less. And when we respond with the kindness, warmth, and joy of Christ, may his holy essence be reflected, and be counted as our humble gift to you.

Lord of Life, hear our prayer.

Holy Deliverer, in spite of your benevolence, we ask forgiveness for our binding ourselves too tightly to this transient life of ours. Our good earth is a wondrous place filled with glories and mysteries that defy description, yet we have marred much of the natural world you created and offered freely for our sustenance. We have failed to live in peace with our neighbors both near and far, forgetting that your creation is their gift as well. We have caused great harm to those whose appearance and customs differ from our own and we are too easily swayed by that which glitters, taking the easy route instead of accepting the challenge of working for the good of the whole. Lift our eyes from our egocentric existence to that world that you envision, where all are equal, where all lifeforms are sacred.

Lord of Life, hear our prayer.

Our own present turmoil is no secret from you, Omniscient One. Covid-19, our most formidable foe, has insinuated itself into every corner of our lives, leaving grave economic and social losses in its wake. Governments appear unable to quell the pulsing hatred and havoc played-out on backroads and city streets. Wrecking lives and property, wind, storm, and fire continue unabated. We are a people in pain, and we long for peace and restoration. Lead us, we pray, to that avenue of healing.

Lord of Life, hear our prayer.   

As a community of faith, we wrestle with our questions and uncertainties in these tenuous times; but we know in our hearts, O Lord, that you will see us through whatever befalls. And holding fast to your mercy, we mention these most salient concerns of our brothers and sisters of Church Street:

  • Grateful: Wounded pet is now able to walk, therapy continues
  • Thankful for those curbing hunger through private donations
  • Member thankful for new cancer meds that offer him a fuller life
  • Prayers for firefighters & EMTs involved in dangerous work in the West
  • Comfort for 2 families burying beloved parents in coming days
  • Prayers for family who mourn the death of a 62-year-old aunt
  • Daughters & families in WA, a son & family in CA – need improved air quality – raging fires are making breathing a struggle
  • Close friend hospitalized, healing from gunshot wound
  • NICU baby, prayers that his heart may begin to function properly
  • A cousin undergoing heart surgery, for successful results
  • Prayers for all with medical concerns & those awaiting test results
  • Lifting of anxiety & depression for 2 members who live alone
  • Healing of beloved husband in ICU
  • Precious child & parents involved in custody hearings
  • Family in Nashville: one suffers from virus, others await test results
  • Friend having rectal surgery this week, for success & healing
  • Mother near death, comfort for family members waiting nearby
  • Loved ones in the path of the hurricane & tropical storms

Lord of Life, hear our prayer.

How blessed we are that you are our Loving Parent, who encourages us to stay the course even when the we cannot know what lies ahead. The fact that you believe in us is encouragement sufficient to steady us as we travel in the name of Jesus, and to pray as he taught us:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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