Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of April 12, 2023

Rev. Tim Best

This week’s prayer is from in-person worship on Easter Sunday, April 9, 2023. 

Gracious and loving Lord,

We praise and glorify you as we celebrate your defeat of all the forces of sin and death. We join our hearts and voices together in singing hymns and in shouts of joy and celebration, singing and proclaiming “Christ our Lord is risen today”. We praise you because we are so aware of the power of death. Creation groans under the weight of all those powers and principalities that seek to undo, to destroy, and to steal our hope. In our lenten journey we have known and named such pain and loss. In the light of this Easter Day we find hope in the face of grief and loss. Fill us with an Easter hope that will stay with us through the year ahead.

Lord, with the confidence of resurrection,

We are not afraid!


You who breathed life into all creation, breathe upon creation new life today. We see in our midst symbols and signs of your sustaining grace. We see the trees turning green again, colors and hues give new beauty to the landscape that for many months has seemed bleak and dull. We praise you for the beauty of creation, the bounty of your resources, and our calling to care and tend for the earth. Where we have used our resources unwisely or with selfish intent, forgive us. When nature has caused damage to the homes and communities of others, move us to action. When we have abused and neglected that to which we are charged to care for and steward, by your mercy guide us to change. Let us discover in your resurrection the strength to work towards a creation in harmony with itself. May we strive to embrace and embody a creation that fully reflects your peaceable kingdom.

Lord, with the confidence of resurrection,

We are not afraid!

Lord Jesus Christ,

In your triumph over the cross you show yourself to be greater than all the powers of this world. Rulers and kings sought to destroy you through violence and death, and yet you overcame the violence of the cross and the darkness of the tomb. When we are lured by the powers of this world, remind us of your strength, your grace, and most of all your loving mercy. Our hearts are so often filled with division and anger towards the “other”. The other that votes differently than us, the other that lives differently than us, other that speaks and acts and prays differently than us. As Tennesseans our hearts are heavy. We need this Easter proclamation as much as ever. We pray for our leaders, those we voted for and those we did not. We pray for those who work to keep or families, our schools, our children and all in our communities, safe. When fear moves us to use our power in harmful ways, correct and guide us in your Spirit. May we trust not in our power, but in yours.

Lord, with the confidence of resurrection,

We are not afraid!

Lord of the living and the Dead,

We pray for those who we love but rest in you. Even as we celebrate the resurrection, comfort us when we mourn. Remind us that since Jesus Christ has been raised from the dead, so too, will all those whom you call forth on that great getting up morning, may we be raised to new life. As we long for that day, grant to each of us the assurance that living and dying, our life is in you. We are afraid to die, but help us that in the promise of your resurrection we would not be afraid to live boldly for you.

Lord, with the confidence of resurrection,

We are not afraid!

We pray for ….

  • Church member whose aunt died this past week; last relative in that generation. Thankful for love and precious memories
  • Church member whose friend died suddenly
  • Those who are adjusting to life after burying a loved one
  • Those who are in the hospital
  • A member’s granddaughter as she seeks God’s will about college/future decisions
  • Our sixth graders who are preparing to profess faith and receive vows of membership on April 23
  • Those who are waiting on results from heart caths, PET scans and other diagnostic procedures
  • A family who is moving out of state; may they find good connections
  • All educators at every level who are dealing with spring fever!

We continue to pray for …

  • A newborn (who came very early) in NICU; thankful for his strength and loving family!
  • A young father going through chemo

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for …

  • Expressions of kindness and love after death of a family member
  • Easter! 
  • A couple who is engaged; prayers as they plan for their future together!

And now, because we can be confident in the resurrection, we offer these prayers to you in the name of the one who taught us to pray, saying…

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of April 5, 2023

Rev. Catherine Nance

O God who calls forth all springtime flowers, thank you for the beauty of this day. Sunshine. A breeze. Pinks, whites, yellows, pale purples are smiling from bushes and gardens. We want to stay outside and bask the beauty of your creation. 

You have called all things good; and yet, you have given us the freedom to choose whether to live into your Goodness or not. So, while we are capable of admiring beauty we are also capable of thinking and doing things that do not reflect beauty. Today, is Wednesday. If we follow the gospel writer Mark’s timeline, it is today that a frustrated Judas colluded with religious leaders to betray Jesus. We step away from his shadow and insist we would never do anything horrendous. Not I, Lord! 

As the gentle breeze blows and the sunlight touches our face, we feel the whisper of your grace and know that we need forgiveness. We have followed our own ways – for good reasons, we think. We have pushed aside or shoved ahead – all for a just cause, we think. We have betrayed loved ones who have hurt us — they deserve it, we think.  We have forgotten the needs of the poor and the voiceless – their time will come, we think. We have not supported causes in our community – my voice won’t matter, we think. 

Our names do not bear the weight of “Judas Iscariot,” but you know our names. You know our bent to selfishness, greed, and self-centeredness. You have promised us that in knowing our names, you call us by name, you love us, and offer us a place in your heart. 

Forgive us O God, for our betrayal of your love when we have not loved others. On this Wednesday, when the disciples ask, “Is it I, Lord?” may we hear the Savior’s voice say, “I have called you friend.” 

Thank you for your forgiving love, your restoring grace, and your renewing spirit. In a reconciled posture, we now pray and bow before you. We offer prayers of gratitude for our Savior Jesus Christ and his obedience to you; his Self-giving love. 

In humble gratitude, we offer these prayers of concern for our community and our world. For Nashville and all the family at the Covenant Christian School, for refugees in Ukraine, for those devastated by tornadoes in Mississippi, Arkansas, Illinois and other places …. Hear our prayers, O Lord.  

And now, we thank you for the opportunity to join in prayer for those in our church family who have asked for prayer…. 

We pray for …

  • A member having a heart cath this week; pray for peace and calm about the procedure
  • A family who buried their mother this week after a long and loving life
  • A member whose sister died and funeral is this week
  • A church member who is grieving the death of his wife
  • A member having surgery on Thursday
  • A member whose mother is nearing the end of her life; prayers for peace from Lewy-Body Dementia
  • The many in our congregation who have family members waiting on test results; some for cancer, some for other diagnoses. Prayers for clarity from doctors.
  • School teachers and administrators who have to plan for threats and prepare students for emergencies
  • A precious little boy born prematurely and in distress; grateful for miracles in NICU and for a loving family who surrounds the mother, father, and child.
  • State legislators to represent us well and be reasonable about gun violence
  • Teenagers and young adults dealing with depression

We give thanks for …

  • The peaceful transition from life to death to eternal life; thinking of dear friends and family members who are in Eternal Light.
  • School resource officers
  • A glorious Palm Sunday! Thankful for all those who work with children and youth choirs!
  • Our Altar Guild

We continue to pray for …

  • A young father receiving chemotherapy and his family
  • Those who are in rehab
  • Those who continue to grieve.
  • Those looking for a job.

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Daily Lent Devotions from Church Street UMC

Tuesday, April 4, 2023 – Morning

By Verna McLain

Who He Is

Read: Psalm 139:9

“If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me and your right hand will hold me.”

Albert Schweitzer, physician, theologian and musician, worked in a mission hospital in Africa from 1913 until the end of his life in 1965. He touched the lives of many. In his writing entitled: The Quest of the Historical Jesus, he wrote: “He comes to us as One unknown, without a name, as of old, by the lakeside. He came to those men who knew him not. He speaks to us the same word: “Follow thou me!” And sets us to the tasks which He has to fulfill for our time. He commands. And to those who obey Him, whether they be wise or simple, He will reveal Himself in the toils, the conflicts, the sufferings which they shall pass through in His fellowship, and, as an ineffable mystery, they shall learn in their own experience “Who He Is.”

Several years ago, I visited the Holy Land with a Church Street group. We walked the “Way of the Cross” stopping at the spots where Jesus stopped as He was carrying his cross. The steps were steep in places and it was as though we were walking with Jesus carrying our own cares and burdens that were holding us down and making the way more difficult. I am reminded of an old hymn-“Must Jesus bear the cross alone and all the world go free? No there is a cross for everyone and there is a cross for me.’’ Jesus died on that cross that he was carrying and set us free to serve Him and others. But first, we must let go of all the things that keep us from walking with Jesus – fears, anxieties, anger, hate, jealousy. Bring them to the cross and leave them and then walk away with renewed faith and hope.

So what task is Jesus setting you to follow after you leave your burdens and cares at the cross? Is He calling you to serve others? Is He asking you to teach a Sunday School class or serve on a committee? Is he asking you to run for public office. As Schweitzer said in his search for Jesus, Jesus will reveal himself in the toils, the conflicts and the sufferings. Are you willing?

Jesus said: “I will never leave you or forsake you.” Do we believe that? So what is our next step in our Quest to learn WHO HE IS?


Jesus, walk with me in my trials, in my troubles, in my sorrows and in my Joys. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of March 29, 2023

Rev. Tim Best

This prayer was originally offered on Sunday, March 26 by Rev. Tim Best after we read scripture from Ezekiel 37:1-14 … the valley of dry bones. Rev. Best has added to this prayer since Monday morning, following the deaths in Nashville. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Almighty God, King of the Universe

We give you thanks for your mission and ministry in our midst. We praise you for your grace that seeks us out and works within us and within our communities. You do notice when our bones feel dried out, our lives feel parched, and the forces of the world crush and overwhelm us. In the midst of tragedy and violence, we feel crushed and overwhelmed. Jesus came amongst us to make your love known by healing the sick, giving sight to the blind, and freeing us all from the powers of sin and death. Thank you for transforming us by your great mercy and inviting us into your kingdom now and in the age to come. 

We are invited into your kingdom, we are invited to share in a living vision of dry bones being given new life. Breathe new life into us, that as our hearts are wrenched open by the senselessness of violence we might participate in your mission of new life and new creation. Though the world tempts us to wring our hands and accept that some things just “are”, we trust in the promise that in Jesus all things truly are possible. Let us live out your mission of peace boldly in our world, in our community, and in our relationships with one another. 

We do pray for those who are sick, those who suffer in body or mind, and those who are hungry. We pray for those who mourn, those filled with anger, for those filled with fear. We pray for friends who await for test results. We pray for families anxious about having enough. We pray for those who are lonely and long friendship and love. O God, our hearts ache for the communities in Mississippi which have been reduced to rubble. We know that your love, your Spirit, can breathe comfort and hope into the people of Rolling Fork and other towns.

Many of us joined together in service this past weekend. We packed boxes, put cleaning kits together, and offered ourselves in other ways as part of our “mission weekend.” It is good for us to gather together to serve and to work towards goals to help in our community and our world. But, we pray that you would shape our hearts so that when we hear the word “mission” we would think of the word “love.” Let our works be always done in love and with the purpose of making your love known. In your Spirit all things we do and all we say can participate in your mission of love in our world. Ezekiel had a vision of you giving new life in the face of death. Help us to share in that vision with our words and our deeds.

Just as Jesus acted for the good of the people he encountered, guide us to pray and work together to act for the good of our neighbors. Often our actions do not alleviate the suffering of our neighbors, and more than we care to admit likely contribute to it. 

Give us a vision of your kingdom, that we may live boldly as those who believe that the world will be set right, and that even the places of dry bones will know new life in Christ Jesus. 

We pray for …

  • Members who are in hospice care; may they know God’s peace and comfort. Prayers for family members who keep vigil.
  • An elderly family friend who is declining
  • A member’s brother and sister-in-law who are about to become parents!
  • Clarity in difficult situations
  • Prayers from a Sunday School class to strengthen members and deepen their discipleship
  • All of the people in Mississippi who are devastated by tornado
  • Direction for our state and federal leaders to make sensible changes to gun laws. 
  • All of the students, faculty, and families at Covenant Christian School in Nashville TN
  • The family of the shooter 
  • Seniors who are making decisions about future
  • A member who is hospitalized; praying her body can fight infection

We give thanks for …

  • A brother who is hiking the Appalachian Trail and taking a break at his 500-mile mark here with family.
  • Caring nurses in the ICU at hospital
  • Church leaders who offer words of encouragement and testimony
  • Police officers and EMTs

We continue to pray for …

  • A member receiving chemotherapy and his family
  • Those who are in rehab
  • Our nation
  • Peace and an end to conflict in Ukraine
  • A friend’s three-year old who is in ETCH; prayers for strength for parents

May we be shaped by his mission to us that we may live out that prayer that he taught us, as we pray it together, saying:  

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of March 22, 2023

Rev. Catherine Nance

God who made the rain and sunshine, we give you thanks for both! We have mumbled a bit about cold air in March because it does not align with our understanding of Spring! You are the creator of seasons. We are the creators of calendars! You are the author of time. We are the makers of demarcations.

Spring takes its time as it sheds winter’s gray and cold. We do not change overnight – you know that! Why do we expect a full-blown spring on the day after the equinox? Forgive us, O God, when we do not marvel at your creation and the majesty of planets and orbits and the phases of the moon. Forgive us, O God, when we do not offer thanks for umbrellas, windshield wipers, raincoats, dry socks, and heaters. “Thank you, God, for umbrellas,” sounds like a children’s prayer to us. May we be like children, Father God. May we take delight, Mother God, in the gifts of each day.

So, as we come to the close of this day, before we check the weather for tomorrow, we thank you for the gift of right now. A time to pause and give thanks, to marvel at the small but cheerful glimmers of hope, love, and grace we have experienced: Homemade cookies, an unexpected but encouraging text message, seeing a co-worker from years past, laughing along with the radio host this morning, speaking with a child who wanted to share, looking forward to hot tea before bed.

O God who made the moon and ordered the seasons so that they do not startle us but remind us that we, too, weave and grace and saunter and stall our way through our own seasons! Bless all of our days … whether the weather is pleasing to us or not! May our response to you and our delight in your love for us be pleasing to you!

As we give thanks to you, we also remember our loved ones who have asked for prayers. We think of strangers we met today who seemed to want connection. We offer prayers for them and trust your Holy Spirit to connect. We want to rest well tonight so we will set aside the things that are worrying us and the things we do not have control over. Thank you for creating us in a way that we can care about things … and, also, set things aside. What a gracious God you are!

We offer prayers alongside our church family…

We pray for…

  • A friend’s three-year old who is in ETCH; prayers for strength for parents
  • People who do so much for others who are in need themselves; thankful for their joy-filled spirit
  • A member’s dear friend who is like a sister to her; she is experiencing so much pain from cancer. We pray that she can be released from hospital and can spend her last days at home with her precious family.
  • A church member who is in assisted living while recovering from a fall
  • A church member hospitalized with pneumonia and cardiac concerns; prayers for infection to be eradicated
  • A church member in hospice care in her last days; prayers of thanksgiving for a loving and devoted family.
  • Parents who are dealing with so many things…

We give thanks for… 

  • Members who have been able to return to church after hospitalization
  • A baby girl and her parents, grandparents, aunt, and all who love her!
  • A renewed spirit after vacation.
  • A good report from doctor after follow up visit
  • A dear mother celebrating her 90th birthday!

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for… 

  • Couples who are wanting to have children and have not yet been physically able; prayers for discernment
  • A member receiving chemotherapy and his family
  • Those who are in rehab
  • Our nation
  • Peace and an end to conflict in Ukraine

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Daily Lent Devotions from Church Street UMC

Sunday, March 19, 2023 — Evening

By Sophia Thompson


Read: Hebrews 2:18

“Since he himself has gone through suffering and testing, he is able to help us when we are being tested.”

During Lent, we are asked to reflect on Jesus’ suffering. Our resolutions are intended to point us to our need for a savior and how Jesus shared in our temptations and suffering. Often, our world can feel overwhelming. There is hardship and loss that is difficult to comprehend. We often struggle to reconcile our suffering with the belief in a good Lord, who is full of mercy and love for his people. Although we ultimately believe in a good plan, we are unsure of where feelings of grief work into this.

However, during Lent we are offered a space to reflect on the suffering of Jesus, to be reminded that there is space for our suffering as Jesus stands beside us. We remember that there is perfect understanding in Jesus as he endured suffering and temptation for our sake. Most of all we are reminded that this ends in hope and glory. At the end of Lent we are met with the news of Easter. We are reminded that even though the darkness in our world cannot be denied, there is a light and a hope that have already overcome it.


Heavenly Father, we give you thanks for this time of reflection. We pray that as we walk through this season of lent we will be reminded that you are a kind companion that stands with us through all. Most of all, we pray that we will be reminded of the hope and glory that are to come. Amen.

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Daily Lent Devotions from Church Street UMC

Sunday, March 19, 2023 — Morning

By Bill Terry

Come Unto Him All Ye Who Labor

Read: Matthew 11:28-30

I tend to judge music by one highly-scientific criterion: does it give me chill bumps? Right at the top of my list is the duo near the end of Part 1 of Handel’s Messiah. “Come unto him all ye that labor, and he will give you rest.” I recommend finding a recording on YouTube or your favorite music streaming service. Sit comfortably in a quiet room and allow the music to pour over you. The melody is very calming and the verses reassuring, both of which are greatly needed in our world.


Dear Lord, we thank you for the message of tranquility that this music provides. May it guide us through our busy lives with great comfort.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of March 15, 2023

Steve Richardson, Lay Leader

God in heaven and in our midst, thank you for these moments to turn our thoughts to you and pray. 

In just a few days, our season crosses the threshold from winter to spring. Like so many events in your realm, God, the change will happen quietly, without fanfare or sudden surges. In the silence of space, our peculiarly-tilted planet will proceed along its path around the sun. Daylight hours will continue to lengthen. And your diverse creation around us will re-awaken to newness of another cycle of life. Inspire and help us to be entrusted caretakers of your bountiful earth, seas and sky. 

For many children, youth and their families in our community, this has been a week of “spring break.” We pray that their opportunities of added time together with loved ones, other family members and friends will be meaningful, uplifting and spiritually enriching. We pray, too, for their safety as well as physical and mental wellbeing. 

Even though your grace and love abound around us, we are so easily distracted by brokenness we see — and sometimes experience — daily.  Disparities can be overwhelming: health concerns, broken relationships, grief, social injustices, financial uncertainties, loneliness, natural disasters, ecological disruptions, abuse, war, oppression, violence (just to name a few). Despite the challenges that may kindle discouragement, remind us of your promise that you will steadfastly continue to be with us. May your ultimate will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Further, give us the courage, confidence and wisdom to do things that enable your will being done – even when we might feel such actions are inadequate and wonder instead, “Will it really make a difference?” 

We pray with gratitude for our clergy and church staff, whose daily commitments to service for your church provide a safe, welcoming, sacred space and community for worship, mission, learning and spiritual growth.   

During our journey through this Lenten season, help us sense and share your unconditional love. Move us to respond with grace to others, just as you do for us.  And humbly we ask you, God, to receive and respond to these important prayer requests from congregation members and neighbors: 

We pray for…

  • A couple whose precious dog died last week; Buster was a special gift to help bring comfort and hope after a tragic loss of a child.
  • A church member receiving treatment for herniated disc; prayers for relief from pain!
  • A couple who is wanting to have a baby and cannot physically; prayers for direction and answers and options and joy!
  • Friends and family of a man who died after suffering a massive stroke.
  • Members of a Sunday School class pray for one another to have increased wisdom and thinking as they study the Bible.
  • A daughter who has struggled with pneumonia and other complications after hospitalization; prayers that new meds and treatment will bring healing
  • A couple who just got married last week.
  • Friends and family who are dealing with so many stressors
  • Our mission outreach in Willow, Alaska
  • Those with COVID; may they all be mild cases and not infect others!

We continue to pray for… 

  • Those waiting; so many waiting on hearing back from doctors, labs, and appointment desks! Lord, in your mercy, we pray for our healthcare system!
  • A church member who is still struggling to feel better after surgery
  • Senior high youth as they make decisions about ‘next year.’
  • A couple with a high-risk pregnancy
  • Those who are looking for a job that will bring meaning

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for… 

  • The ability to travel to see family during Spring Break! 
  • A successful job search – finally! Praise the Lord for a member’s niece and her finding the right job!
  • A grandbaby!

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of March 8, 2023

Rev. Catherine Nance

O God who created the world, how beautiful is your creation! 

How good it has been lately to look up at the night sky! 

The full moon last night was so bright! We know the cycle will begin again …. Less light, more shadows, then the reflection and then brightness again. Thank you for the reassuring rhythm of the night sky.  

Venus and Jupiter have twinkled so brightly! The clear skies at night have given us a glimpse of your glory! When things ‘down here’ do not make sense, we look up! 

We thank you O God, for the gift of creation. When we feel the world is closing in on us, we simply look up at the cosmos. We look around at the spring colors! We notice the chirping of birds and pay attention to the outline of the mountains. 

How blessed we are to live in such a beautiful part of the world.  

We join our prayer with the hymn writer… 

This is my Father’s world: he shines in all that’s fair; in the rustling grass I hear him pass; he speaks to me everywhere. 

This is my Father’s world: why should my heart be sad? The Lord is King; let the heavens ring! God reigns; let the earth be glad! 

Thank you, O merciful God, for this time of prayer. A pause in the day to give thanks, to praise your majesty and to offer prayers of thanksgiving and petitions. We offer the concerns of our church family …. 

We pray for…

  • Good health for all as a family awaits arrival of first grandchild
  • Those recovering from surgeries; thankful for good friends and family
  • A member’s father who is dealing with mobility issues in addition to dementia; prayers for the daughter’s health
  • An elderly in-law who has stage 4 cancer and is in a lot of pain; prayers for him and all of the extended family.
  • A co-worker who had heart catheterization and a stent put in this morning; may she feel a renewed energy and hope!
  • Medical students who are waiting to hear where they will serve their residencies
  • Children who are having to go through medical tests; prayers for parents.
  • Those attending grief group; give solace as they share their stories

We continue to pray for… 

  • A friend who is in rehab after a stroke; prayers for the boyfriend and family who are with him.
  • Those who are waiting on medical tests to give answer
  • Families who are feeling economic strain
  • Caregivers
  • A church member recovering from surgery

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for… 

  • Safe travels for family who came to visit!
  • A special nurse at ETCH
  • A niece who received good news about a job!
  • Clear scans
  • Friends in my Sunday School class who have responded so lovingly

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of March 1, 2023

Rev. Catherine Nance

O God who shaped us from the dust, it is hard to believe that Ash Wednesday was a week ago. We had good intentions. We have good intentions. Forgive us for not following through or not truly paying attention to the intentions we set! We make the focus on ourselves instead of simply being with you. May this time of prayer tonight be a time of quiet… 

Pause for a few seconds before reading ahead …. 

Thank you for letting us start over, Gracious God! We are so grateful for your love! We look back over our day and remember the times we felt a sense of your presence, or experienced the graciousness of a stranger, or enjoyed conversation with a friend …. 

Take time to remember moments from today …. 

As we give thanks for your goodness today, we thank you specifically for sunshine and the bursts of yellow we see in yards and along greenways. The flowers are reminders of your creative powers and your abiding grace. It has been good to see people out walking and enjoying being outside today. 

Take time to think of those who may be homebound or are not able to get outside….. 

We thank you for all of the folks who gathered today for the Downtown Noonday Lenten Worship service. How wonderful it was to be at First Baptist with friends from other churches who call downtown Knoxville ‘home.’ May we be a powerful force of positivity and unity in a community that often seems divided. Let us use this time as an opportunity to pray for our downtown neighbors – those who work here, those who live here, those who go to school …. 

Take a moment to imagine the streets surrounding our church …. Main Street with the government buildings … Henley with new condos and new hotels for tourists …. Cumberland with all of those students … across the bridge to Chapman Highway and the new growth that is happening .. 

O God of all people, we do not want to be just a building on a corner but a place where ministry is inspired and all are welcome. May our neighbors and all who pass by know that we are praying for them. Open our eyes that we see opportunities to be neighbors. 

Take a moment to imagine what evening looks like at the corner of Henley and Main … lights from inside buildings and lights on the streets 

As nighttime comes, we pray for those who do not have a place to sleep indoors. We pray for those who are working third shift at hospitals and police stations. We pray for the safety and health of our downtown. 

Thank you, O God who knows all of the people who drive and walk past our church each day, thank you for this opportunity of prayer for us to pray for your children near this corner. 

Now, we offer prayers for our church family …. 

We pray for…

  • A six year old boy who has been hospitalized in Kentucky;  low platelets and sores on his body. Current treatment has raised the platelet count. He is home with restrictions. Prayers for doctors as they determine what is wrong.
  • A member’s 13-year old nephew struggling with auto-immune issues and low platelets. Prayers for him and for doctors at ETCH who are searching for answers.
  • A church member’s mother community affected by tornado and storms in Oklahoma. Prayers for safety.
  • Family, friends, co-workers of an individual who committed suicide last week. May God’s Spirit be with each of them. Praying for peace of mind and spirit in the midst of great grief.
  • Church members who are walking alongside their aging parents through life transitions; prayers for clarity and peace
  • A couple whose marriage is breaking apart.
  • A church member’s brother-in-law died Sunday; prayers for family as they remember him and give thanks for his life this weekend.
  • For church members and family members who are living in assisted living centers and are experiencing loneliness. 
  • Prayers for continued healing for a church member who had heart surgery yesterday morning; thankful for supportive family and friends!
  • Successful surgery for a church member tomorrow. Prayers of thanksgiving for a helpful Sunday School class.
  • A dear family friend is fighting stage 4 cancer. Please pray for strength for her and her family as she suffers with the complications of chemo, radiation, and the disease itself.
  • A brother-in-law who has liver problems and in declining health; not a candidate for a transplant. Prayers for healing and encouragement.
  • A family member having a defibrillator put in; prayers for restored health
  • A couple preparing to move to Illinois. Prayers for strength and clarity as they prepare house to sell. Thankful for the opportunities that await them.

We continue to pray for… 

  • Those in rehab
  • Those undergoing cancer treatments
  • Those who have Covid
  • Family members and friends going through difficult times
  • Strained family relationships to be healed
  • Those waiting on diagnostic tests

We continue to pray for…

  • Monthly caregiver support group that meets at our church. Prayers for wisdom and strength for leaders, volunteers, and caregivers.

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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