Daily Lent Devotions from Church Street UMC

Sunday, March 28, Evening

By Verna Mclain, April 8, 1979

Were You In The Crowd?

Read Luke 19:28-38

As Jesus rode into Jerusalem, the eyes of all were fixed upon him. The crowds sang his praises but as we come close up to the people, who do we see?

We see the Believers. The ones who haven’t always understood him but who have followed him in faith. Some of these believers will deny their faith in him before the end of the week.

We see those recently healed by Jesus. They are rejoicing that they can now see and hear and walk and run. He has made them whole.

We see the Doubters. Those who still question this humble man riding on a donkey. They want to believe – they want meaning to their lives but is it worth the risk?

We see the Pharisees – those men of the world who can always be found in church every time the door opens but yet who have no open heart to those who are not like them – who don’t dress like them or talk like them.

We see the Outcasts – those people of society that no one cares for – no one even notices. And yet Jesus always noticed – He always stopped to talk to these kind – to show them the direction in life to take.

We see the Children – they sing, they laugh, they carry palm branches and happy hearts. They are willing to follow this Jesus because he has given them a place of importance in the world.

We see the Women – those loyal followers of Jesus – Mary, Martha, and others who stay with him to the end. The ones to whom he first appears after the Resurrection. Many of these women had no place in the world before Jesus gave them status.


And who are the others – You – Me – But which one are we?

The Doubters – the Believers – The Outcasts.

Do we live our lives in the shadow of Jesus who rode into Jerusalem

that Palm Sunday long ago? Can we move from doubter to believer this week?

Jesus might ride into Knoxville today but would we see him or would we be too

busy with our own problems and cares?

Would we even recognize him if he signed the visitors card in our church?


Dear God, open our eyes to see your truth, open our hearts to receive your love and open our hearts so that we can loudly proclaim, Hosanna! Amen.

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