Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of June 19, 2024

Written by Leah Brown, Duke Divinity School Summer Intern

Merciful God, You are the source of all things good and lovely in this world. You make Your presence known even in small joys like nature, laughter, community, and art. Teach us to recognize You in both the grand and the mundane and let it be evidence of the hope we have in Your mercy and love.

Lord, in a world where injustice and suffering is so common, let us be active participants in the coming of Your Kingdom here on earth. Let us be agents of change where change is needed and agents of grace where grace is needed. Guide us to live in this world according to the final restoration that is to come, as reflections of both Your justice and mercy. Bring Your peace and reconciliation to the brokenness of the world, and when our lived reality of suffering seems to compete with the reality of Your Word, remind us of Your almighty power against which evil cannot stand.

Lord, in Your mercy… hear our prayer.

We pray for Your holy Church. Across all homes, buildings, traditions, and denominations, bring us into communion with one another in acknowledgement of our oneness in Christ. Let our diversity enrich the Church’s work in the world, and let our discipleship be molded to reflect Christ Jesus. Let the Church’s witness to the world be one of grace, humility, and peace, offering an alternative to the brash division found in our world’s ruler, nations, and people.

Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayer.

Loving God, restore strained relationships between friends, family members, and communities. Bring an end to violence and resentment, and soften our hearts to see Your holy Image in every new and familiar face we encounter and even in nameless or faceless persons we only hear about in news or media. Give us the humility to love like You love and be peacemakers in the midst of conflict.

Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayer.

We pray for ….

  • A woman who is distraught over recent incidents involving police and relationships; may there be restoration.
  • Friends, a husband and wife, who are both having health concerns.
  • A family who is traveling to Alaska together; prayers for safety and prayers of thanksgiving for family!
  • A friend who is recovering from esophageal surgery after cancer treatments; thankful that he is able to swallow! 
  • Adult children who find themselves making decisions for parents about health and welfare.
  • A sister whose cancer has returned.
  • A colleague who was diagnosed with cancer in several parts of his body.
  • A mother who is dealing with health issues; thankful for support from church family.
  • Peace in the world.
  • People who must be outside in the heat … those who work outside, houseless neighbors, and others.
  • Young adults struggling to find work and places to live; the world seems to be against them!
  • A young couple getting married this weekend.
  • A longtime church member who died this morning. May her children and grandchildren be comforted by the assurance of Eternal Light and Love.
  • One who had surgery this morning; prayers that the pathology report shows no cancer.
  • A friend’s daughter who is trying to expand her family after several miscarriages.

We continue to pray for …

  • One who has been in hospital and is recuperating at home.
  • A relative who needs a kidney transplant.
  • Friends and family who are having struggles.
  • A friend who is indigent but has found friendship and hope.
  • A couple who is waiting to hear about IVF procedures and results.
  • Family members who continue to deal with cancer … all the tests and new treatments and waiting and follow up appointments. May they feel God’s healing presence in the midst of it!

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for ….

  • The birth of a healthy baby girl!
  • Good news from last medical check up.

Comfort the lonely and the lost. Console those who mourn and grieve. Strengthen our faith and give us hope in Your triumphant love as we join together and boldly pray the prayer that Christ taught us, saying:

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.