Daily Prayers of the Church Street family

April 29, 2020

Pastor Jan


O God, Just and Merciful, your Son affirmed the great value of every human life, and he worked to break down the barriers that separate us. Our minds, though, are forever categorizing our brothers and sisters:  those who believe as we believe and those whose beliefs are outside the box; those who are financially successful and those who barely exist from paycheck to paycheck; those who are well-read and well-educated and those who exhibit only mediocre schooling; the well-scrubbed and the great unwashed. As long as these patterns of discrimination exist within us, they will consistently collide with the love of Christ. Unbind us from this stiff rope of typecasting, we pray, lest we miss the kingdom’s goal.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.    

As you treasure each of us, O Loving Parent, we submit our gratitude for all the mercies you have laid at our doorstep: the adaptability of children, business owners who seek to protect their customers, our country where we are free to speak out, government monies helping the unemployed, ingenuity of those searching for ways to help the isolated and hungry, medical teams and first responders. And above all, when we are forgotten by others, we have a Savior who remembers and calls us by name. Your gifts abound, and we humbly thank you.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.    

There remain, however, those concerns that leave us anxious and interrupt our sleep. As you instructed, we bring these to you . . .

Hear us, we pray, and also receive these prayers earnestly extended by members of our church family:

  • Thankful that recent scans reflected no lesions on a sister’s lungs
  • Gratitude: daughter and son-in-law, front-line Nashville physicians, remain healthy
  • Gratitude: a very ill friend on ventilator is now recuperating in a rehab center
  • Thanksgiving for a mother released from the hospital yesterday
  • Please pray for a friend undergoing rectal cancer surgery today, that all goes well
  • Prayers for strength to help a loved one forgive himself for past mistakes
  • A relative in Florida, recipient of double lung transplant, just returned to ICU
  • Courage and support for a mother confronting a circumstance that is dangerous to the health of her children
  • Guidance and grace for new mother facing a potentially tragic family situation
  • Easing of stress for business owners and for financial recovery to arrive soon
  • Healing of a mother rushed to the hospital last night, peace for her adult children
  • A husband who has a flare-up of Crohn’s disease, for easing of pain and healing
  • Pray for all to find rest, to practice patience and wisdom, and to extend grace to others during this challenging time
  • Wisdom and guidance for all decision-makers planning to open healthcare facilities
  • Pray for a mother nearing death and for her daughter who stands by

As a Loving Mother and Father, and through your infinite goodness, we know you will continue to care for us.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.    

Lord of the Resurrection, your promise of hope lives on in our hearts and was made manifest in your Son, Jesus Christ. As he promised, in your own appointed time we shall gather with all the saints around that bountiful table of peace. Until then, deal kindly with your servants who pray:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.


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