
UWF General Meeting

11feb11:00 am1:00 pmUWF General Meeting11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Event Details

We are excited to invite you to the Tuesday, February 11 General Meeting of Church Street United Women in Faith (UWF)!

You may know that we have several UWF Book Reviews each year which follow our General Meetings and lunch; however, several of us found The Book Woman’s Daughter to be so inspiring that we wanted to share it with those who attend our upcoming General Meeting. It is written by Kim Michele Richardson, and although it is historical fiction, it was inspired by the very real “blue people” of Kentucky and the fierce Packhorse Librarians who used the power of literacy and the hunger for books, particularly in rural areas, to help overcome fear during the Great Depression.

Delivering this book review will be our own Verna McLain who many of you know is a longtime Church Streeter and UWF member as well as a voracious reader and an excellent speaker. She will make this book come alive for us by offering a glimpse into the lives of women who serve as excellent examples of the overarching purpose of United Women in Faith–improving the lives of women, children and youth.

The Bookwoman’s Daughter is just one of the many books on the UWF Reading Program list. Much thought and input from women all over the world goes into the compilation of this annual list on which you will find books that will inform and enrich your lives. This particular book is classified under the “Education for Mission” section of the UWF Reading Program.

Following the book review, we will enjoy a delicious lunch featuring chicken tenders, vegetables, salad and assorted desserts. Lunch reservations are necessary. Please call the church office at 865-524-3048 by Friday, February 7 to register for lunch. Lunch will be $15. You may pay online, drop a check by the office, or pay in person on the day of our meeting!

For more information, please email Susan Dominick, UWF Vice President and Program Resources Coordinator at susanlynnedominick@gmail.com.


(Tuesday) 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

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