
This is a repeating event


09may8:30 am11:00 amNursery8:30 am - 11:00 am Church Street, E-116

Event Details

The nursery will be available during both services (8:30 & 11am) and volunteers with children may drop-off their children starting 30 minutes prior to service start. Families attending may drop-off starting 15 minutes prior to service start.

  • Parents/guardians are encouraged to register here to help us predict the number of children joining us each week. We encourage one parent/guardian to drop-off and pick-up nursery age children, and we will collect the best contact phone number for parents/guardians who are attending worship.
  • Adults and children aged 3 and up are required to wear a mask, and any nursery worker or volunteer will have their temperature checked upon arrival. If a worker, volunteer or child is experiencing any sick symptoms, we recommend staying home.
  • CDC guidelines will be followed for changing diapers and cleaning any accidents that a child may have. Hand sanitizer will be readily available, and hand washing will be encouraged.
  • Rooms will be disinfected between each service, and workers, volunteers and children will remain in the same room during that service.
  • All soft toys will be removed from the rooms prior to reopening, and toys will be placed in a disinfection container after playtime for cleaning at the conclusion of both services. Two and three year olds will play on the playground as weather permits.
  • The church will not provide a snack, but pre-packaged snacks from home are allowed.


(Sunday) 8:30 am - 11:00 am



Church Street, E-116

Health Guidelines for this Event

Masks Required
Physical Distance Maintained
Event Area Sanitized
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