
Children's Worship

06jun11:00 am12:00 pmChildren's Worship11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Event Details

Children’s Worship is a special time for our youngest congregation members during both services (8:30 & 11am). Children age 4 through 2nd grade will start with their families in worship and be dismissed to Children’s Worship following Children’s Moments.

  • Adults and children are required to wear a mask and social distance. Hand sanitizer will be readily available. We will collect the best contact phone number for parents/guardians who are attending worship.
  • Children’s Worship will meet in Parish Hall to appropriately social distance. Floor stickers will show kids where they can sit and stand.
  • Snacks will not provided.
  • During activity time, children will have their own pencil box with supplies needed. Any paper, coloring sheet or other materials will be handed to children by a volunteer. Each pencil box will be sanitized between weeks and only one child will use it each Sunday.
  • Songs will not be sung, but will be spoken while doing motions.


(Sunday) 11:00 am - 12:00 pm


312, Children's Worship Room

Health Guidelines for this Event

Masks Required
Physical Distance Maintained
Event Area Sanitized
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