Prayers for the Church Street Family

January 19, 2021

Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord;

and the people whom he has chosen as his own.

Psalm 33:12

Good and Holy God, we come to you in prayer with our souls wide open, seeking your mercy and your grace. You have blessed us greatly and have dealt with us kindly all our days.  Words fail us as we bow in gratitude for our families, our friends and neighbors, and all who care for us, for our church, for the privilege of worshiping you freely, and for the miracles of our very lives. As the deepening shadows blanket our corner of the universe, we reflect upon the personal gifts you made possible this day just past  . . . . . . . . . .   May our prayers of thanksgiving join with all those hearts beating with praise for your goodness. Though we are undeserving, you have chosen us as your own!

All-Knowing One, our country now stands on the threshold of a new era. Tomorrow the inauguration of our recently elected President will bring celebration, hope, and excitement for millions. But on the other hand, there will be multitudes who remain anxious, saddened, angry, and fearful of the future. May your spirit of cooperation and respect color this sacred ceremony and permeate the heart of each participant and attendee. May your holy protection cover all, melting hearts of stone and holding back the hand of violence. We cannot predict what twists and turns may be ahead for us; but as we are all bound together through the enduring love of Christ, we lean upon his wisdom and grace to help us build a future that mirrors that love.

Faithful Guardian, we lift up our new President, who will pledge to protect and defend the rights of all citizens, especially the weak and most vulnerable among us. Concomitantly, may we pledge to rise above our private politics to seek the larger vision of your will for our nation most blessed. And confident that you accept every prayer offered in earnest, we make these intercessions on behalf of your people of Church Street:

  • Thanksgiving: Mother released from hospital today
  • One celebrating birth of a healthy nephew on Sunday
  • Member thankful for upcoming visit with her aging parents
  • Grateful for prayers: Granddaughter recovered from virus
  • Gratitude: Two friends recovered from the virus
  • Thankful for husband’s release from hospital following surgery
  • That equanimity will reign throughout the Inauguration
  • Protection and holy guidance for our incoming President and Cabinet
  • Prayers for employer with asthma and Covid
  • Speedy distribution of the virus vaccines
  • Two young mothers in need of employment
  • A cousin suffering from a major stroke
  • Healing for brother hospitalized (Covid)
  • Strength and courage one facing chemo
  • Help for a sister overwhelmed with caregiving
  • Upholding one: Chemo treatment tomorrow
  • That trial meds may bring comfort to a member
  • Recovery for husband with Covid
  • Comfort and direction for all who mourn

Our prayers must often seem as babblings to you, Loving Lord; our trite words may even break apart and scatter upon the floor.  But still, we know you want to take our hand in friendship and listen when we call. So gather us in, we pray, and we shall lie down in peace and take our rest, remembering the words of the Abiding One who said: “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.”

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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