Daily Advent Devotions from Church Street UMC

Friday, December 25, Evening

By Suzanne Matheny

Epiphany… The Story is Out!

Read Matthew 2:11

“They entered the house and saw the child … they bowed down and worshiped him.” (NLT)

Christmas Day had passed. The Magi were on their way; and the six-year-old director was quietly re-imagining this seasonal drama with an odd cast of characters grossly disproportionate in size: a miniature nativity set and three mismatched, much bigger Magi figurines, two of whom were twins by virtue of a discounted ragtag end-of-season sale. Be assured, the conditions and looks of the actors were no problem in her casting, (“In theatre, you have to be ready for anything” – Willem Dafoe). The climactic scene was the Magi bearing gifts for the baby Jesus. Staged on the table was the odd assortment of Magi, lying prostrate before the tiny baby Jesus. When asked about this scene, the director simply said, “they are worshiping Jesus.” 

So much to learn from this young director… In her creation, she demonstrated the incarnation of God’s glory in human form for all, notwithstanding our differences in appearance, size, nature, ethnicity, culture, financial status or any other ascribed label. We disparate humans live together in a world darkened by our prejudices, oppression and injustices. Yet, “the story is out!” Jesus the Christ, Light of the World, has come to dispel the darkness.


God of the stars, as we seek to serve where you have placed us, may our service be the star lighting the way to Jesus Christ and love for all. Amen.

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