Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of December 14, 2022

Rev. Catherine Nance

Oh, Lord! Time is running away from us! 

Six more days until school is out … 

Ten more days until Christmas Eve…. 

Seventeen more days until a new year begins! 

You have gifted us with morning and evening, O God, and yet we complain we do not have enough time. 

Forgive our frantic natures, Lord! Still our spirits so we might acknowledge your presence. How would you have us spend this time?  

We think of others and how they are marking time. 

We think of children who are counting down days in excitement. 

We think of parents who are remembering the anniversary of a death. 

Young adults anxiously awaiting a notification after a job interview. 

Older adults who find themselves alone. 

Oh God, sometimes our hearts cannot hold all of the compassion we feel! We turn to you in prayer and ask that the presence of your Holy Spirit be with those who are hurting. People we do not know, but we hear about them in a news update or we see them at the mall. May these connections we feel strengthen our ties to you. May we find peace and comfort in your Emmanuel – in knowing that your Spirit can and does reach out to others.  

We do not want to be frantic, O God. So, we will cling to the prayer, Give us this day our daily bread. Give us this day enough energy for today. Give us this day opportunities to make today a good day for someone else. Give us this day a sense of all the others who are praying about today. In focusing on today, Lord, may our spirits turn from the frantic feeling of time rushing away to the time being a precious gift for now. 

We stop for a moment and hold in our hearts the people we love, those who are sick and frightened, and those who are feeling hopeless. May they feel the presence of our prayers, just as we feel your presence with us. 

We feel a special bond to all who are praying with us now as we say the prayer your Son taught us …. 

Church family asks for prayers for….

  • A mother recovering from knee replacement surgery
  • A husband recently diagnosed with Kennedy’s Disease
  • A friend recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease
  • For other members in the church dealing with ‘test results’ and diagnoses; patience and discernment as they learn about new illnesses and protocols
  • Families not able to be together at Christmas
  • Teachers who are under so much pressure this time of year
  • A member recovering from surgery
  • Healing of heart and memories when family cannot travel or be together for the holiday
  • Safe travels and a wonderful visit for a church member seeing family in England – first time in three years!
  • A husband who has been laid off from job; searching for new work and hope!
  • A couple hoping for pregnancy
  • A little grandchild who has been so sick; prayers for healing
  • Comfort and strength in the midst of a sudden death of a dear friend. The family is already dealing with serious illness and treatments. 
  • A thorough and decisive conversation with primary care physician.
  • Guidance for a judge who is making decisions about where grandchildren can live; prayers for the mother who has been patiently waiting
  • An elementary-age daughter of a friend who had surgery on her finger this morning after a severe injury
  • A friend’s grandmother who had cancer surgery and is looking at a long recovery; prayers for the family as they deal with all that is ahead of them.
  • An aunt who is experiencing a lot of stress with family
  • A friend with stage three breast cancer who is having surgery this week
  • A relationship to be restored

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of December 7, 2022

Rev. Catherine Nance*

It came upon the midnight clear, that glorious song of old,  

from angels bending near the earth to touch their harps of gold:  

“Peace on the earth, good will to all, from heaven’s all gracious King.”  

The world in solemn stillness lay, to hear the angels sing. 

The night sky is rainy tonight – not exactly ‘the midnight clear,’ O God. But, you are God of all of the nights. The ones that are stormy, the ones that are clear; the sleepless ones and the late ones. O Lord, we do want to rest tonight. We want to hear angels sing and we want “peace on earth,” to be our last thoughts for this evening. However, O God who hears our sighing along with the angels singing, you know what is filling our minds with noise. Worry. Deadlines. Concerns about the world and heartache for those near and dear to us. In this time of prayer, O God, in this moment of choosing to pray, may we sit for a moment in solemn stillness …may we listen for your breath, your angels. We pray that those we love may feel your peace and stillness this very moment. 

Still through the cloven skies they come with peaceful wings unfurled, 

 and still their heavenly music floats o’er all the weary world;  

above its sad and lowly plains, they bend on hovering wing,  

and ever oe’r its Babel sounds the blessed angels sing. 

We know that as the sky moves from dusk to evening to midnight to dawn, your Breath, your Spirit, your messengers, your angels continue to be with us. Even when we turn away from you – whether by sleep or by decisive actions, you continue to come to us. Tune our ears O Composer of Life, that we might hear your singing above any other noise: the scripts we play over and over in our heads telling us who we SHOULD be, the voices who are telling us we need MORE, the culture who tells us we are not relevant, and any other babble that seeks to gain our attention. Let us hear your voice as you bend towards us. 

And ye, beneath life’s crushing load, whose forms are bending low, 

 who toil along the climbing way with painful steps and slow, 

Look now! For glad and golden hours come swiftly on the wing.  

O rest beside the weary road, and hear the angels sing! 

When we listen to your messengers and to your heart, O God, we are prompted to look towards others. Our hearts are heavy but full of prayers for those who are toiling, whose lives are so difficult. Whether they are soldiers in a far off land, EMTs on local roads, teachers doing their very best, parents struggling to ‘make Christmas,’ leaders striving to do the right thing, caregivers who feel tied to a bedside, and so many more. We pray that in the morning they may awake with renewed hope; that they hear the angels sing! 

For lo! The days are hastening on, by prophet seen of old,  

when with the ever-circling years shall come the time foretold  

when peace shall over all the earth its ancient splendors fling,  

and the whole world send back the song which now the angels sing.  

Having spent time in prayer to you and with you, O God of the nighttime, may we feel the assurance of a solemn stillness. You are with us. We are not alone. You bend towards us and hear our prayers …. 

Church friends have asked for prayers for….

  • Help for teachers with difficult classes and workloads.
  • A brother just diagnosed with colon cancer; prayers for upcoming surgery
  • Members of other United Methodist churches who are dealing with disaffiliation process
  • Families going through transition; caregivers moving away and making decisions for other family members in chronic health situations
  • Members who have been diagnosed with Covid and flu; prayers for safety and recovery
  • A daughter and son-in-law hoping for pregnancy; for all those dealing with fertility concerns during this season especially.
  • Friends and family who are dealing with chronic health concerns; the caregivers
  • Those who are waiting on tests and follow up appointments
  • That insurance company will work with a family
  • A mother who is in hospital after a fall

Our church family offers prayers of thanksgiving for….

  • A son who has worked hard and is being recognized by his industry
  • Adult children who are content
  • A wonderful Advent Craft Fair. Thankful for all of the volunteers and the families who attended!
  • Clear report on blood tests
  • A daughter-in-law who has found a job!
  • A church member’s successful back surgery
  • Members who have been able to leave hospital and rehab and go back to assisted living facilities

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

*Tonight’s prayer inspired by Edmund H. Sears’ carol, It Came upon the Midnight Clear (1849)

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of November 30, 2022

Rev. Catherine Nance 

From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised. 

You have given us the gift of evening and daytime, O Lord; it is how we first measured time. 

Then we named the days and now we have given each day a title this season: 

Black Friday (which now lasts for weeks before Thanksgiving). Cyber Monday is when we shop online more than any other day of the year and then Giving Tuesday – sort of a repentance for the overindulging we’ve done.  

O Lord, we know that you are infinite and that you are Lord of our Life, but we feel a little more in control when we can mark time, name time, divide time into hours or minutes. We make plans for days and save the dates. We want to spend our time wisely, but also be productive, and also enjoy each moment. Oh! The expectations and burdens we place on ourselves! 

We do like a good plan! Our families and communities function better when we have our schedule and know what time events will start and end! But, remind us to pause, O God. In this season of Advent, you have called us to watch, to wait, to be prepared. As we ask, “what time is it?” may we pause to ask “how is God in this time?” When we ask ‘How much longer”, may you guide us to wonder how you are waiting with us. We do not wait well, Lord. You know this about us. 

So, our prayer this evening is for those who are waiting and wondering how much longer … 

How much longer before the doctor calls .. 

How much longer before that check shows up… 

How much longer before she says, “I’m sorry”…. 

How much longer before he is healed…. 

How much longer do we keep trying to get pregnant… 

How much longer do we have to live like this… 

How much longer before he comes home…? 

We offer prayers of thanksgiving, O God of the Nighttime and Daytime, that you are indeed with us in all time. You wait with us. You watch over us, and for us, and with us. Open our hearts and minds that we might notice you; may our spirits catch a glimpse of you as we wait. In this Advent season, we grapple with the circle – the wreath – the everlastingness of it all. Sometimes, we want straight lines and angles and turns and clear direction. Help us find solace and comfort in the circle. Love never ending. Your presence who has no ending or beginning. May that bring meaning to all of our time. 

We pray in the name of the one who has come, who is with us now, and who will come again. 

We pray for ….

  •  A member’s co-worker just diagnosed with bone cancer.
  • A Holston Conference pastor and wife whose 20-month old son died after a tragic accident. The funeral service will be at our church; prayers for Pastor Tim as he leads.
  • Those who are grieving … so many losses this past year
  • A daughter who is making choices for her mother about assisted living, follow-up rehab, etc. Such a maze to work through!
  • Church members who are dealing with physical health issues; may they feel close to God’s energizing spirit!
  • A colleague waiting on medical tests and a clear diagnosis
  • The families behind each of those Beacon of Hope “angel tree” names. Praying for happy memories for each of the families and that they feel hopeful in the coming year!
  • Church members who have Covid; thankful for mild cases. Hoping for all to stay well!
  • A member’s friend who is having surgery this week
  • A son who works out of state who is having problems with back
  • A sister who is dealing with after effects of cancer treatments
  • A father who has Covid
  • A family situation … primary caretakers are moving away. Prayers for good decisions to be made about family members who need attention.

We continue to pray for ….

  • A niece in Los Angeles looking for a job
  • Two church members who are under hospice care; giving thanks for faith in God. Thankful for supportive families.
  • Those who are caregivers and those who are making difficult decisions
  • Those who are in rehabilitation after a fall and/or surgery
  • Those who are weary with chronic illnesses and those whose bodies are ‘wearing out.’
  • A member who is dealing with depression. We pray for so many who deal with depression – who want to be at church and with family, but just cannot make that happen.

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for ….

  • Healthy pre-natal check ups
  • The miracle of life through organ donation; we think especially of the lives of children who have renewed hope after the death of a 20-month old.
  • Emergency personnel – firefighters, police officers, EMTs, who respond when we call!

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of November 23, 2022

Rev. Catherine Nance

It is the evening before ….. 

The evening before “Thanksgiving Day.” 

O God who knows us and loves us and understands what is in our hearts – even when we feel our hearts are a jumbled mess…. Hear our prayers. 

Where to start? 

We know we are to pray for the world and to pray for those who are hungry. And we do. We have given offerings for thanksgiving baskets (did I send in that $70.00, Lord?) and we helped fill boxes and bags (what was the name of that new person? She seemed shy but glad to help. Lord, help me remember her name. I hope she’ll come back to church). 

Lord, we pray for those who are hungry. We pray that all of the places who are serving meals tomorrow will have plenty and everyone who is looking for a place finds one. Thank you God for those churches and community centers who are serving turkey and dressing tomorrow. We pray that those who sit around the tables will feel blessed. Thank you for those who have signed up to help; they are angels on earth! (What day did they need help at the Soup Kitchen next month? I was going to call. Help me remember to call, O Lord!) For those who are eating in a hospital room or ICU waiting room … dear Lord, I cannot bear to think of them. Lord, have mercy. May they feel some sense of community on a lonely day.   

We give thanks for our families who will be gathering and pray for safe travels for all who are on the road. Lord, please help everyone use good judgment and be safe. (Is it possible to bless an interstate, Lord? Please watch over my loved ones on I-40. Why do people drive so fast? Dear God, please remind me to stop and get gas when I go to Kroger early in the morning) 

Be with all of us as we gather. Help us to focus on gratitude and not get into conversations about things that do not matter. Oh Lord, you have given us plenty to eat this day. (Dear God, please remind us that we do not need to talk about the difference between being a vegetarian and a vegan!) Help us welcome everyone at your table. 

Oh Lord, as we make preparations, we are mindful of the people who will not be here tomorrow. The family member who chooses not to come, the one who could not afford to travel, the one who is in rehab, the one who just started a new job …. May we not judge their reasons but remember to call later. We pray that those who are not ‘with us’ will find somewhere meaningful to be. (Or, that they find meaning this day. Oh God, my heart breaks when I think how things will be different this year. Is there something I could have done differently? How do I help? Help me know how to reach out.) 

We remember those who have died; we talk about the empty seat O God. Help us imagine loved ones at your heavenly banquet. May memories sustain us; may we not be overcome with guilt and grief but focus on this day and giving thanks for possibilities of memories for those who are here. (Lord, I am crying now; please don’t let me cry tomorrow; I do not want anyone to know how sad I am.) 

God who cares about everyone, I can hardly think about eating when I think of mamas and daddies not having their children with them this year. Those young men in Virginia, the students in Idaho, those innocent folks in Colorado Springs. (Lord, I cannot remember the other cities; but you know O Lord. I feel so guilty that I cannot call each tragedy to mind. But I pray for those mamas and daddies.) 

O Lord, it is the night before Thanksgiving Day and we hope for a beautiful and glorious day. You have heard our prayers and our rambling. Forgive us, O Lord, for our distracted thoughts. But, you know our hearts and know that what often distracts is what we need to say aloud to you. For all of your good gifts, O God, we give you thanks. For hearing ALL of our prayers and jumbled mess, and loving us still, we are most grateful. 

We pray for ….

  • A granddaughter who had knee surgery this past week in Wisconsin; prayers for healing and good rehab. Thankful for a good report from doctor!
  • A family in the death of their brother; prayers for comfort as funeral is planned for next week
  • A child in ICU at Children’s Hospital with severe head trauma; things do not look hopeful. We pray for God’s spirit to be present to all of the family in the way each needs.
  • People who suffer from extreme anxiety and other mental health issues. We pray for understanding and no judgment. Prayers for family members who are doing their best to support loved ones. 
  • Families and friends affected by hate crime and violence in Colorado Springs. We pray for LGBTQ persons and that we would welcome and include them. 
  • A niece in Los Angeles looking for a job
  • A woman who stopped by the church yesterday to ask for prayer before heading to her new job across the street. Prayers that God will calm her anxiety and help her focus on tasks at hand.
  • Families of victims killed in the shooting in Chesapeake, VA. Lord, have mercy …

We continue to pray for ….

  • Two church members who are under hospice care; giving thanks for faith in God. Thankful for supportive families
  • Those who are caregivers and those who are making difficult decisions.
  • Those who are in rehabilitation after a fall and/or surgery
  • Those who are weary with chronic illnesses and those whose bodies are ‘wearing out.’
  • A member who is dealing with depression. We pray for so many who deal with depression – who want to be at church and with family, but just cannot make that happen.

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for ….

  • A mazing volunteers this past Sunday with the Thanksgiving blitz
  • A family reunion; first time together since 2019!
  • Chemotherapy that is having positive effects
  • RETIREMENT!! Looking forward to what God has in store with new freedom of schedule. Thankful for loving co-workers who will be missed.
  • Scans that show improvement

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of November 16, 2022

Rev. Catherine Nance

We begin with thanksgiving God! So thankful for rain! Yes, the early November days were beautiful and we enjoyed being outside, but we know your earth and your animals and your plants need the rain. We need the rain! 

May the thirsty ground soak up its goodness and may we, who have thirsty souls, soak up the goodness of your reign! May we feel you nourishing our spirits with your presence just as the rain enriches the earth. 

We do care for this globe and the cosmos, O God, and we offer our confessions when we have said there is nothing we can do to ensure that our earth heals. We say that our little bit of pollution does not amount to much and we do not want to take responsibility. We pray for governments and businesses who are in position to make changes. We pray that we as individuals have the courage to demand change and then to conserve in our own lives. We pray for ourselves, our grandchildren, the butterflies and the bees, and all of your creatures. Help us care for each other. We pray for people around the world whose communities are being destroyed by flooding and other effects of climate change. 

It is mid-week, O God, and the sounds of worship are growing dim from last Sunday. Sharpen our ears to hear the refrains from hymns and anthems. It is indeed Love that welcomed us; it is through humble service that we show we are neighbor to one another. We thank you for the words of Rev. Tillman who caused us to wonder if our neighbors know we are your followers. Let us take a deep breath and recall the spirit of unity but also conviction on Sunday. May it lead us to this Sunday where we will be renewed once more. We want our living to reflect the words we speak and sing on Sunday. 

Our hearts skipped and we listened anxiously as we heard news of a rocket in Poland. Lord, have mercy. We pray for the families in Ukraine, Poland, and Russia. We are bold to pray for the violence to stop. May greed and pride not rule the day, but a desire for the wellbeing of all.  

We are so blessed, Gracious God, to be a part of this church family and to be able to participate in the ministries here. We pray that our participation will make a difference in the lives of others. You are the head of the Church, holding all things together. Thank you, Welcoming Christ, for holding us all together. 

We offer our prayer in the name of Christ and pray with one voice the words he taught us… 

We pray for ….

  • A friend who is hospitalized fighting infection; very frightening experience as it caused hallucinations! Thankful for good care at hospital.
  • An older member who is no longer able to read; causes feeling of isolation and frustration. Thankful for supportive community where she lives.
  • A sister who is dealing with infection after cancer treatments.
  • The right person who needs a job to fill a part-time position and the supervisor responsible for hiring.
  • Two church members who are under hospice care; giving thanks for faith in God.
  • A beloved  mother and grandmother hospitalized for pneumonia
  • Those in Poland affected by violence
  • Peace and patience as a member and his sister move into assisted living
  • A sister who is making an adjustment to a new living situation
  • A dear friend, husband, father, and church member who is feeling so sick and so tired; may the medical community find some relief for his inability to eat.
  • All of the caregivers who are offering 24-hour love and support for their family members
  • Parents who are already dealing with the “I wants” of the holiday season
  • Families who are worried about the expenses of travel over Thanksgiving
  • Students at U-Va as they mourn the deaths and injury of classmates; prayers for the young man responsible. O Lord, all of their families!
  • Students at University of Idaho in wake of shooting this week
  • Our world, God’s world; praying for leaders  who are attending the world summit on climate change … COP27
  • For all the people who will be receiving Thanksgiving boxes and for all who are hungry
  • A man seeking new direction with job opportunities

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for ….

  • Successful heart procedures for two of our members; thankful for skilled doctors and supportive families and friends.
  • Our youth and leaders who had a wonderful SLA retreat last weekend
  • The rain!
  • A church member who is back home from Nashville hospital
  • Beacon of Hope volunteers and all the donations

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of November 9, 2022

Offering a “Prayer at the Close of the Day,” written by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.  

(copied from UMC Hymnal 689) 

O Lord my God, I thank thee that thou hast brought this day to its close. I think thee that thou dost give rest to body and soul. Thy hand has been over me guarding me and preserving me. 

Forgive my feeble faith and all the wrong I have done this day, and help me to forgive all who have wronged me. 

Grant that I may sleep in peace beneath thy care, and defend me from the temptations of darkness. Into thy hands I commend my loved ones, I commend this household, I commend my body and soul. 

O God, thy holy name be praised. Amen. 

We pray for ….

  • A church member who is hospitalized in Nashville; prayers for his parents and brother.
  • A church member with MS who is hoping to move into more suitable housing
  • A long-time church member who went into skilled rehab this week to help fight an infection.
  • A church member and faithful volunteer who experienced health concerns over the weekend; prayers for stability and good health.
  • Prayers that the Lord will lead each of us to do the Lord’s divine purpose.
  • A parent who is concerned about children’s relationship.
  • Friends who are grieving and going through difficult times
  • Those who are looking at  ‘next steps’ in career, education, life … praying for discernment

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for ….

  • All Saints worship and celebration! A wonderful day to begin the month of gratitude!
  • A healthy grandbaby
  • Successful eye surgery

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of November 2, 2022

Rev. Tim Best

God of all the saints,  

In the midst of this week of remembering those holy people that have come before us, we give you thanks for those saints that have shaped our own lives. For parents and friends, grandparents and mentors, and for all those we have loved that have gone on from this life, we give you thanks. Where our hearts remain heavy, lift us up by your love and grace.  

Even as we remember the love and example of the saints and look with hope towards that day where all creation rejoices, we are mindful of the needs of our world today. Those whom we refer to now as saints are people who during their lives sought to be faithful to you despite the challenges of the world. Make your grace and presence known to those who suffer and those who feel far from you. 

In our observance of All Saint’s we proclaim that those who rest in you, rest in your peace. We pray for your peace to come near us now. As an election nears, we pray that the temptation to violence would be overwhelmed by your love. We pray for a peaceful transition of power in Brazil. We pray for peace in Ukraine. We long for the peace you promise to your saints to fill our world. Help all those who profess to be your disciples become peacemakers. We may not be able to end the war in Ukraine, or to solve political uncertainty abroad, but we can be peacemakers. When we disagree with one another, let the grace that binds us to you and to one another guide us to be forgiving, patient, and humble.  

When we look upon all the saints that you have set before us we see your love that stretches across all the sorts of people you have made. You have used the young and the old, the rich and the poor, the powerful and the powerless. Your Spirit works within folks of every nation. Your Word is known to peoples of every language. Break down the barriers that we set between each other and draw us into the community of saints from across all time and space. 

We pray for ….

  • Young man whose new job fell through; prayers for positive spirit as he continues to look for work in these difficult times. Praying that our trust is in God who is faithful. So many in the same situation!
  • A neighbor who had brain mass removed; prayers for patience as family waits on diagnosis. Prayers for healing and to feel God’s presence.
  • A recent widow offers prayers for her deceased husband’s brothers; one in hospice care and another dealing with Alzheimers. Prayers for adult children who are dealing with these stressful situations.
  • A father-in-law, age 97, who lives in Gaithersburg, had leg amputated last week.
  • Prayers for two members who are experiencing back pain … may relief be found!
  • A Sunday School class prays that our churches stay true to our conservative roots and that we will be a church that welcomes and loves all people.
  • The delegates to the Southeastern Jurisdictional Conference as new bishops are elected this week.
  • A precious juvenile who has struggled so much with accepting himself he is heading to incarceration; Lord, have mercy. Have mercy on the mother who has loved him so well. And continues to do so with all of her heart. Prayers of hope being offered …
  • A church member’s coworker committed suicide and leaves behind a wife and two young children. Prayers for their well-being as well as colleagues.
  • A church member who has MS and is dealing with poor living conditions; prayers for discernment about moving.
  • Second-graders in our church (each adult Sunday School class has been assigned a grade)
  • Prayers for ‘all the saints!’
  • Friends who are going through struggles …. Lord you know their need.
  • A mother who fell; recovering in rehab facility.

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for ….

  • A nineteen-year old grandson who was in a horrific car wreck but is healing at UT hospital. Thanking God that he was able to get out of the car; suffered broken bones which will heal. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
  • An 84-year old mother who celebrates her birthday this week. Prayers for good health and prayers of thanksgiving for a loving family!

Unite us in purpose and prayer as we join together in that prayer that Christ taught us, praying:  

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of October 26, 2022

Rev. Catherine Nance

Rev. Nance reminds us that our hymnal is full of prayers; mostly sung, some spoken! 

Mountains Are All Aglow (United Methodist Hymnal, 86) seems appropriate this week! 

Mountains are all aglow with autumn colors so bright; 

rivers are filled with water, giving life to our days. 

Golden fields wave their praise to God’s bountiful harvest; 

gratefully, skyward arising, hear our joyous songs of praise! 


Reaching far as earthly eyes can see, 

Reaching far as humble hands can toil, 

Every harvest is from our Lord; every blessing is from our God. 

Praise for the harvest, thanks to our God.  

God of creation, we imagine you with a paintbrush, touching up the colors this week. Had we noticed the dark reds earlier? When did our neighbor’s tree turn bright yellow? We are grateful for bursts of color that surprise us, take our breath away, and cause us to stop and bask in your glory. Open our eyes, widen our scope, and awaken our sight to how you are working in our world. Thank you, O God, for the beauty of the earth.  

In the morning we saw the beautiful colors and then, last night, the strong wind gave an extra push to the leaves who were waiting perhaps another week before dropping to the ground. Swirling leaves are beautiful. (We pray for safety as people drive on slick leaves; Lord, may we not be in such a hurry!) We thank you for your Spirit that will sometime gently blow and encourage us to let go; you know the time when we need a more Spirited shaking to let loose of things we dearly cling to. 

Sun and rain by the Lord’s design shall come at proper time.  

Working hard, God has given us reasons for deep gratitude.  

As we think back over the day, make us mindful – or heartful – of the reasons for deep gratitude. Perhaps we took them for granted earlier, but now at the end of the day, your paintbrush touches up our day, recalling the pleasant things, the good things. A kiss goodbye from partner or spouse heading off to work, sticky hands of children (why do we serve syrup before school?), the glorious sky, finding a lost coin, a kindness from a stranger, the just right cup of coffee, the text from an adult child, a shared meal with colleagues …. God has given us reasons for deep gratitude. 

Praise the Lord as we’re planting God’s word deep in each heart. 

God has sent sunshine and the rain so the seedlings may grow. 

Desert lands which seem barren, flowers still might bloom; 

trusting in God’s promises, our thanks to God we will show! 

Before we close our eyes for the evening, our hearts turn to those we love and those around the world who are hurting; there are so many who are sick. We are grateful for technology that reveals a more accurate diagnosis when our body or mind is hurting, but with the technology comes the burden – and gift – of options and more tests and treatments and visits to the clinic. We know that our earthly bodies will not last forever! Just as the leaves change and drop, our bodies go through changes. Some because of illness and most because of aging. Our spirits ache for those who are hurting, O God. And our spirits ache for those who care for the hurting. Where desert lands seems barren, may we trust in your promises that your life-giving spirit is always present.  

Trusting in God’s promises, our thanks to God we will show! 

We pray for ….

  • Families dealing with mental health issues
  • Families dealing with chronic disease
  • Husband and wife making decisions about next steps in their long journey with dementia and how children can help
  • A church member in hospital recovering from an infection
  • Continued healing for church member recently released from hospital
  • Continued prayers for one who is in great pain; may rehab bring renewed strength and healing
  • A member who is awaiting news from a retina specialist
  • Healing of heart when feelings have been hurt and relationships bruised

We continue to pray for …. 

  • One who was in car wreck; prayers for strengthening of body
  • A loved one dealing with addiction
  • A church member experiencing back pain
  • Caregivers; prayers particularly for a sister who lives out of town and is dealing with care of in-laws.

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for ….

  • Friends who help out when I need a ride to doctor
  • A grandchild who was born healthy
  • All the ‘ladies in the office’ who do so much for us!

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of October 19, 2022

Rev. Catherine Nance

When we do not know how to pray as we ought, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words … (Romans 8:26) 

O God, you know that oftentimes when we bow our heads and close our eyes, we have difficulty coming up with words. We think of your Holy Spirit sighing on our behalf, but we hear an exasperated sigh. A sign of weariness or disappointment is what we imagine. Is that not just like us, O Loving Spirit, to assume you are already displeased with our prayers before we begin. 

Why do we judge ourselves so harshly? Forgive us! The verse is couched in other verses saying that nothing can separate us from your Love! O God may we start over. When we do not know how to pray or when we do not have the words or even know what we want to say, may be hear the gentle sigh of your Spirit praying for us.  

May we imagine the peaceful sigh of a parent holding a child who has finally gone to sleep; the child finally giving in to rest and trusting the arms that hold him. 

May we imagine the sigh of an artist who takes a step back from her work to get a better look and sees beauty yet to be revealed; a sigh of possibilities and hope. 

O God, could we imagine the sigh of a student who lays the pencil down in relief; he knew all the answers!  

Can we hear the sigh of a grandmother who has just finished canning all those beans; wiping her brow and untying her apron? Her sign is one of fulfillment and satisfaction knowing that her family has delicious food for the winter ahead. 

O Breath of God, as we close our eyes to pray our own prayer, may we feel your presence in an encouraging way. May we know that we do not have to have the words, but that your Spirit moves in and out and around and through, connecting us to You, pleased that we are longing to be with you. May that enough as we bow our heads, close our eyes, and breathe …. 

Breathe on me Breath of God; fill me with life anew… 

Breathe on me Breath of God; fill me with life anew… 

We offer these petitions on behalf of our church family ….. 

We pray for ….

  • A member to find new job opportunities …. 
  • Parents of adult children who are dealing with mental health illness
  • Greater understanding and less stigma surrounding mental illness.
  • Church member injured in bicycle accident; prayers for smooth healing of body and spirit!
  • Folks who are interviewing for jobs and those who are doing the interviewing
  • The people of Ukraine
  • A sister who is moving from an assisted living facility to skilled care …
  • Spouses and adult children making decisions about long-term care and short term solutions in health situations
  • Those who are dealing with various forms of dementia and grappling with reality of diagnosis
  • A family burying their father and husband this afternoon
  • Friends and family who have the flu; may we all be safe and well!
  • Friends who need encouragement and strength in difficult situations
  • A mother who is in rehab for PT and now has Covid

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for ….

  • New members who have joined our church
  • Birth of a new granddaughter
  • Physical Therapy that is helping a member regain strength and ability
  • Flu vaccinations and boosters that are available
  • A young couple engaged to be married
  • A member who has gone home from many months of hospitalizations and rehab; so thankful to be home to see beautiful fall colors out or her own window!

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of October 12, 2022

Rev. Catherine Nance

Fall Break! Praise God for Fall Break!  

O God of refreshment, you have heard that prayer from teachers, parents, students, and grandparents. Even those who are not in school sense the need for time away. 

We pray blessings on families who are able to travel. We pray for their safety. 

We pray blessings on families who could not get away because of finances or job responsibilities of parents. Dear God, may children know the joy of ‘staying home’ and getting to snack and stay up a little later. Simple pleasures; restore the goodness of simplicity to our lives! 

We pray for school administrators who may be off this week but who are already thinking about standardized testing that comes in the spring and needs for next fall. Student teachers who are trying to get assignments done and portfolios completed.  

O God of new beginnings and fresh starts, may all those returning from Fall Break feel a sense of renewal. 

This weekend is a big deal, O God! Media and all of the commotion and excitement of a football rivalry. Some are even praying, “Dear God, let us win!” We trust you are an impartial fan, God of all tribes, teams, and people! In the midst of all this fun and in the midst of all the hype, we do pause to pray for sanity and safety. We pray for young men who want to play and do not get the chance. We pray for the families of all coaches – children and spouses – who know the pressure and the lack of privacy and hear the jeers and cheers. We pray for members of marching bands who work as hard as the athletes do. It may seem silly to pray about an upcoming football game, dear God, but we do pray for all the people coming to town. Prayers for safe travels. Prayers for good judgement. Prayers to know that these young men on the field – whether wearing orange or crimson – are sons of parents who work hard and are proud. Bless us all! 

Dear God, who stirs up in us the volunteer spirit, we want to say thank you for volunteers in our church. Greeters, ushers, choir members, teachers; folks who come early to plug in coffee pot and to make sure Sunday School is ready. We pray for churches everywhere this weekend, that it will be a good day of worship and fellowship in your Holy Spirit. 

As our eyes move from our own church and our own city to the rest of your world, we pray desperately for the madness in Ukraine to stop. We are bold to pray for your intervention, O God! We know that you desire peace in your world. We hurt for soldiers of any uniform who are tired, hungry, and longing for home. May each of us be a beacon of light and peace wherever we are this weekend. 

We offer the following petitions on behalf of our members …. 

We pray for ….

  • Church member whose father died; so thankful all of his children were able to be with him as he peacefully slipped into Eternal Light and Love.
  • A member who was in a minor car accident and is dealing with the pain and healing of a broken sternum. May she feel God’s presence.
  • A member who has been hospitalized and is waiting to go to rehab.
  • A member who fell and shattered hip; prayers for encouragement and wellbeing as she prepares to go to rehab.
  • A church member’s husband will have another scan soon; prayers that it will show he is still in remission! 
  • A young man whose wife just died is now in the hospital with heart issues. Prayers that he can feel God’s strength and healing presence even amidst such grief.
  • A member’s nephew who serves in the Coast Guard and was involved in an accident while repelling from a helicopter. Thankful for successful knee surgery! Prayers for continued healing and strength in the three-month rehab.
  • A Sunday School teacher who seeks God’s wisdom each week in how to share and what God wants her to teach.
  • A member’s husband in the death of his father … prayers for peace.

We continue to pray for ….

  • Member whose beloved dog died in cabin fire; everything destroyed. Prayers for emotional healing during such grief.
  • Members who continue to move through grief after deaths of spouses, parents, children, and, friends….
  • Brother of a member whose livestock and barn were destroyed in a fire in Illinois.

We give thanks for …..

  • A member who was released from rehab and has returned to her home!
  • Successful surgeries in the past weeks and continued healing!
  • A beloved husband, father, and grandfather who is celebrating ten years of being cancer free!
  • Rest! Fall break was so needed for this family! Thank you God for change of scenery!
  • Blessing of the Animals! Thankful for the special love and grace that our pets show us!

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.