Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of April 20, 2022

Rev. Jan Buxton Wade

Hail thee Festival Day! It was just before dawn when the glow of the Easter moon pulled our eyes upward — the first to disclose that darkness was fleeing – the first to whisper that new life was coming into the world.  Praises that we did not miss the dawn of your day of triumph, Faithful Lord! Praises that you appeared to us in the faces of so many blessed ones around us! Praises that your light penetrated our marred exteriors and pierced our souls!  “Shine on,” you seemed to say, “that this holy light will pour out forever through you!”Ah, such is the love that cleanses and refines, that erases the sins of yesterday and points toward tomorrow, that ever offers a new beginning!

Yes, O God, our hearts became wings on Easter as your splendor lifted us to hope of heaven! Yet we know many who continue to bear the wounds of Good Friday and remain locked in the dark tomb of pain: the ill of mind and body, the forgotten, the poor and the lonely, the dispirited and victims of terror.  We remember those times when you resurrected the dead parts within ourselves and offered us another way of living; and so we pray for those who are searching for a glimmer of relief, especially these we name in our hearts before you: . . . . . . . . . . Give them also, Father of Mercy, a new way of living, and remember, as well, these members of our church family who bring earnest prayers this day: 

  • Thanksgiving for a first grandchild, expected in a few weeks
  • Grateful for our church musicians and music directors
  • Gratitude for young persons who will be confirmed on Sunday
  • Couple is celebrating a major employment promotion
  • Gratitude that a family member has agreed to help with caregiving
  • Family thankful that daughter is home after many months in rehab
  • Thanksgiving: work of the Holy Spirit throughout a memorial service
  • A father celebrates his daughter’s graduation from college
  • Ukrainians suffering grave losses; for an end to the violence
  • Lift up member having hip surgery on Thursday, April 21
  • Prayers for husband with Parkinson’s – increasing difficulties
  • A father with Parkinson’s and his family; for a workable treatment plan
  • Please pray for two families, both awaiting home closings
  • Healing for a professional singer with a voice malady 
  • Remember a brother at Vanderbilt this week, bladder cancer
  • Continued prayers for member continuing to struggle with pneumonia 
  • Solace for nieces grieving their mother’s untimely death 
  • Please pray for a member with debilitating eye disease
  • Healing of one’s severe depression and anxiety
  • Correct diagnosis for mother with heart condition
  • Healing young granddaughter having seizures
  • Dear sister recovering from massive strokes, for improvement
  • Young man seeking work in college athletics
  • New treatment plan for one at Vanderbilt for consultation
  • Please pray for one having a 2nd employment interview on April 25
  • An uncle in hospice care & his family standing by
  • Peace for two overwhelmed with responsibilities
  • Healing of cousin in ICU, that his kidneys and heart may heal
  • Prayers for anxious couple awaiting news of pregnancy
  • Young wife with cancer, that recent treatment may help her recover
  • An ill mother-in-law and concerned family, for recovery 
  • Safe travel for member returning from NYC; safety for member in Ireland
  • Healing for a nephew in radiation treatment
  • Relative in treatment for ovarian cancer; longtime friend with cancer
  • Prayers for a mother beginning proton therapy for a malignancy
  • Adult son suffering a shoulder injury

It is true, O Sacred One, that we remain unsure of ourselves, too often afraid to stretch out our hand to clasp your own. Make firm our trust, we pray, so that we may become true Easter people, willingly releasing everything that hinders our walk with you, even our very lives.  Remind us, in whatever way you will, that what has been lost, you will reclaim; what has been harmed, you will remake; and all that is unwell, you will restore. These prayers we lift up the name of the Resurrected One, whose love was and is too deep for words: 

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of April 12, 2022

Rev. Jan Buxton Wade

Lord, we watched as you sat astride that lowly donkey, painting a scene that echoed your self-effacing mission on this earth. We may have strewn our jackets down to soften your stony ride; we may have waved our palm branches as enthusiastically as the others; we may even have shouted your name when you passed by. All well and good; yet we confess that our steps became slow as we approached the city gates, and the truth is, many of us still hover near those outer walls. We are fearful to follow too closely, for so much is asked of us. Parades are one thing, but what if there is death on the other side? You will just have to hold us up, Holy Jesus, for our spirits shrivel when we face the specter of pain and uncertainty.

Bless us, Lord, with your courage.

Your journey, Most Humble One, is surely meant to be our journey, despite our reticence. The Father doesn’t desire our company on Sundays only; he wants all that we are at all times. In coming days we will again be mystified by sacred scriptures – those passages that make us ask ourselves if we are true disciples, or if we are merely followers who hang out at a distance, waiting for another celebration. Our wills are weak and our knees wobbly; yet as you have never failed to accompany us in our trials, may we join that faithful band walking with you on your course most grievous.

Bless us, Lord, with your strength.

We admit our failings freely, Gracious One, especially . . . . . . . . . . Wash us clean, we pray, as you so tenderly washed the feet of your disciples that long ago night. And show us how to draw close and wash the feet of those who suffer everywhere – the confused and the grieving; the imprisoned and their captors; the infirm and their caregivers; all who are caught up in humanitarian crises in Yemen, Ukraine, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, S. Sudan and Somalia. You know too well that human pain can cut too deep for words, so pierce us with a burning warmth that we might reach out to all hurting souls and even to our enemies.

Bless us, Lord, with your love.

And receive, we pray, both the needs and the praises offered by your people in our own church community:

  • Gratitude: an infant granddaughter needs no surgery
  • Prayers appreciated: friend in hospice care died peacefully with no pain
  • Grateful for prayers: member’s foot surgery went smoothly
  • One offers praise for healing of family relationships
  • Thanksgiving for a mother’s 96th birthday
  • Prayers appreciated: pain from kidney stone has ceased
  • Family joyfully look forward to a son’s wedding
  • Thanksgiving for one recovered from Covid
  • Gratitude for our music leaders & all devoted choir members
  • Member recovering in NHC, for improvement in Parkinson’s
  • Solace for 3 nieces grieving their mother’s untimely death
  • Prayers please for a mother in rehab
  • Beloved mother with a heart condition, for correct diagnosis
  • Grandmother in comfort care and strength for caregiving daughter
  • Please pray for a home to sell in short order
  • For Russia to end violence and upholding the poor people of Ukraine
  • Continued strength for a mother in cancer treatment
  • Please pray for an employment interview on April 13
  • Improved health for a brother with congestive heart failure
  • Calming anxiety of a member overwhelmed with responsibilities
  • Direction for an aunt who lost her home & business in the recent fires
  • Prayers for anxious couple awaiting news of pregnancy
  • Comfort for cherished husband/father & his grieving family
  • Young wife with cancer, that recent treatment may help her recover
  • An uncle in hospice care – prayers for family
  • Husband’s continued healing from pneumonia
  • An ill mother-in-law and concerned family, for recovery
  • Safe travel to and from NYC
  • 5 friends who are dealing with grave challenges
  • Healing for a nephew in radiation treatment
  • For employment doors to open for a young professional
  • Relative in treatment for ovarian cancer
  • For our 6th graders – discerning & preparing for confirmation
  • Longtime friend with advanced cancer & wisdom for physicians

Yes, Good Lord, we are too much absorbed in the trivial, half-blind to the crucial callings of our neighbors and our world. Please don’t stop nudging us, don’t cease rousing us when we become too comfortable. And as we revisit the shock and sorrow of your own suffering on the cross, may we recommit ourselves to the solemn promises we have made in your name.

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of April 5, 2022

Rev. Jan Buxton Wade

God of Every Season, we count these 40 days of Lent as a gift, realizing that you speak to us throughout each day, as creation sings its song of newness. How can we fail to note the hidden messages you have planted in our blessed surroundings? How can we fail to hear your whispers in the wind, in the bird call, in the river’s roar, in the spring rains?  Even the events and encounters of our days are filled with wonder.  And when challenges arise, you help us meet them with the grace of Christ, for within our troubles we discover anew your astonishing favor. 

God of All Faithfulness, you bless us.

Merciful Father, examine our souls, we pray, for we recall those instances when we raced to be first in line, when had to have the last word, when we grabbed more than we needed, when we flashed our banners of superiority, when we took you for granted, O Lord. We now cringe as we remember and name our private sins of commission and omission . . . . . . . . . . . Hold your lamp of truth high to reveal our misdeeds, especially those that have been embedded in the darkest crevices of our hearts for so long that we hardly notice them.  Then cleanse us with your fiery love, that we might burn as beacons for others who also seek to follow Jesus. 

God of All Faithfulness, you bless us.

Holy Protector, we shudder at the destruction and danger in our world, much of which we ourselves have caused; we cannot fathom the pain of those who live in the midst of war and turmoil, exposed to dread and fear, smothered by evil and atrocities.  May your wisdom flow through your people, that we might learn to live in your will and in harmony with all people upon this extraordinary planet you have given us. And though you know them already, we lift up to you our personal needs of this day . . . . . . . . . . ; and also these needs and thanksgivings that rest in the hearts of your people at Church Street:  

  • Thankful for prayers: Adult friend passed her driving test
  • Gratitude: Prayers appreciated – brother released from hospital
  • Gratitude: Mother released from hospital, returned to her residence
  • Thanksgiving: Brother-in-law in frail health survived surgery on Friday
  • Family celebrates an infant daughter’s baptism on Sunday
  • Parents offer gratitude for infant son’s release from NICU after 107 days & for all who have been helping & praying for the family
  • One sends gratitude for a successful eye procedure last Thursday
  • Prayers appreciated: Husband’s April 1 surgery was successful
  • Prayers for solace & peace for family: Mother died suddenly after a fall
  • For God’s presence with a lonely woman in hospice care
  • Beloved mother with a heart condition, for correct diagnosis
  • Improved health for a brother with congestive heart failure 
  • Lift prayers for member having foot surgery on Thursday & her surgeon
  • Calming anxiety of a member overwhelmed with responsibilities
  • Prayers for an aunt who lost her home & business in the recent fires
  • Healing of a co-worker suffering from Covid, protection for her husband
  • Prayers for husband/father in trauma care & his family at his side
  • Continued prayers for a nephew in deep grief
  • Dear friend recovering from blood transplant
  • Prayers for a daughter suffering with kidney stones
  • Healing for a young nephew with cancerous growth on vocal cord 
  • For employment doors to open for a young professional
  • Mercy for suffering people of Ukraine – for an end to the violence
  • Relative in treatment for ovarian cancer
  • For our 6th graders who are discerning & preparing for confirmation
  • Longtime friend with advanced cancer & wisdom for physicians

O God of All Faithfulness, we have threaded our way through this Lenten season, realizing we have not progressed in our spiritual renewal as much as we had hoped. Still, we know you are pleased with our efforts and are always holding us in your hands. Therefore, we take our rest in you, asking that you accept all our prayers offered in the name of your Son, who took that most lonely walk on our behalf, and who taught us to pray:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of March 29, 2022

Rev. Jan Buxton Wade

O Love, how deep, how broad, how high!  Ah, Lord, we cannot fathom the love that willingly cloaked itself in human form and entered fully into mortal life, accepting all our frailties. Yet by your coming, you affirmed the value of every life; and by your suffering, you proclaimed that death is not the story’s end.  We trust in your redemption, knowing the lives lost in this brutal raging war are not lost forever. Instead, they press us to open our eyes to the hate and vengeance that thrive in our world.  And they have now joined in your eternal refrain that speaks to our world’s crucial need for love.  May we become still enough to listen to those voices, now in your keeping, and also take up their song of love for Christ’s sake. 

O Love, how deep, how broad, how high! We come to you with our individual interior worries: for those who are ill or unemployed; those who are lonely, facing grave danger or death; those who mourn; those who live in fear, confusion, discord, or danger. Especially we lift up those souls in sorrow who are known to us: . . . . . . . . . . We are aware, Lord, that our own behaviors often contribute to the pain in our lives and in the lives of others.  Such admissions make us uncomfortable, but hear us as we confess our hurtful and thoughtless ways . . . . . . . . . . . Show us, we pray, how to move toward the healing you offer.

O Love, how deep, how broad, how high!  When we were absorbed in other things in recent times, still you drew near, opening doors and setting things right. We reflect upon those days just passed, remembering your presence and mercy, particularly in . . . . . . . . . . For all the ways you enter our lives so silently and steadily, we are grateful.  And in the conviction that your holy power makes all things new, we offer these prayers of praise and mercy on behalf of our Church Street family: 

  • Thankful for prayers: a blood transplant completed & friend recovering 
  • Help appreciated: dispute with a neighbor successfully addressed
  • Thanksgiving for life & peaceful death of a treasured friend
  • Prayers appreciated: a member’s knee surgery successful 
  • Thankful for prayers: mother’s cancer scans were most promising 
  • Member grateful for healing from desert fever
  • Celebration of young son’s baptism on Sunday
  • Praises for a wonderful Day of Missions on Saturday
  • Four offer thanks for safe & rejuvenating spring vacations with families
  • Member grateful for help of Parish Health Team
  • Prayers answered: hospitalized member much improved
  • Member offers thanks for good care & thoughtful friends, now home from hospital
  • Gratitude: a member’s successful cataract surgery last week
  • Prayers that an indigent mother may pass her driving test on Thursday
  • Family & friends mourning death of cherished wife/mother
  • For God’s presence with a lonely woman in hospice care, that she has no pain and that grace surrounds her when death comes
  • Prayers for member in pain with foot injury, for guidance in treatment
  • Remember in prayer a member in fragile health & pain, for wisdom in making decisions
  • Family of cherished member whose funeral is Saturday, April 2 
  • Continued prayers for a mother recovering from a stroke
  • Restoration of relationships within a family 
  • A nephew continuing to grieve the death of his wife
  • Lift up grieving family – husband whose wife died at age 60 & their adult children
  • Healing for a young nephew with cancerous growth on vocal cord
  • Please pray for a pregnant cousin & safe delivery of her child 
  • For doors to open for a young professional
  • Mercy for suffering people of Ukraine – for an end to the violence
  • Prayers that a sister-in-law is able to carry her baby to term
  • Daughter seeks prayer for guidance in caring for her infirm mother 
  • Healing of a longtime friend, wisdom for her physicians
  • Sustaining three beloved women in cancer treatment
  • Thankful for prayers – friend with pneumonia now recovered

O Love, how deep, how broad, how high!  How you have honored us by planting in our hearts the deep desire to know you and to please you, a desire to be better people.  We admit our faith is not the full faith for which we aim, but in your grace, continue to guide us by your steady hand.  We would be yours, Lord, wholly and completely, vessels of love poured out for the healing of the world.  In the name of Jesus, Love Incarnate, we make our prayer:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of March 22, 2022

Rev. Jan Buxton Wade

O God of the Watchful Eye, scripture says no sparrow falls without your notice, and in our amazement, we feel the depth of your concern for all in your earthly family. We sense your grace and glory embedded in the natural world around us, realizing all love begins and ends in you. May the seeds of concern you have scattered so profusely take root in our souls, that we might also learn how to love without condition or gain, but for the pure joy of emulating you.
Lord in your mercy, receive our prayer.
Savior of Limitless Love, we embarked upon our Lenten journey, chronicling our flaws, determined to repent and choose a new route. By your grace, we have progressed; but we confess that we have often stumbled in our aims and have already broken our vows to you and to ourselves, particularly in . . . . . . . . . . Still, we ask that you erase our blunders, and watch over us now, as we sparrows pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and wing onward toward Jerusalem, where you wait in hope for our arrival.
Lord in your mercy, receive our prayer.
There was once a time when we could claim we knew little of the afflictions of the world, but in our technological age, that time is no longer. The misery of the world is immense and is portrayed vividly. The pain of one is your pain and it is ours, O Lord. We, therefore, lift up all involved in the Ukrainian war, especially the innocents and the brave ones serving the injured, bereaved, and homeless; the ill in China who suffer from a new form of the Covid virus; for the victims of crimes here in our own country; for all your people in Eritrea, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan who are imprisoned because their faith or opinions differ from the powerful. Our efforts to rectify often seem so flimsy, yet we pray we might remain hearts who care amid the chaos.
Lord in your mercy, receive our prayer.
As we believe you are the One Whose Concern Never Ceases, we ask that you also receive these expressions of gratitude and the pleas for support from your people at Church Street:
  • Thankful for prayers: a blood transplant was completed on Friday
  • Praises for visit with infant grandson in CA
  • Thankful for father with dementia – still a blessing to all
  • Thanksgiving for a job promotion for one of our young members
  • Gratitude and hope for the possibility of career advancement
  • Prayers appreciated: mother recovering from stroke, now at home
  • Gratitude for the love of a mother & for the gentle end to her earthly life
  • Celebrations for a colleague’s beautiful wedding on March 20
  • Grateful that two members were released from the hospital
  • Family thankful that an offer on new home was accepted
  • Member offers praise: no sign of cancer on recent scans
  • Lift up the family & friends mourning death of cherished wife/mother
  • Prayers that surgery for a member will not be required
  • Lift up a member having knee surgery on March 24
  • Mercy for suffering people of Ukraine – the displaced, the bereaved, the frightened, the wounded, and all in harm’s way
  • Prayers for a solution to dispute with neighbor
  • Wisdom for world leaders in ending destruction in Eastern Europe
  • Prayers for a mother to carry her baby to term
  • A member asks for prayer for her cataract surgery today
  • Prayers for a family whose daughter died of an overdose last week
  • Answers and healing for a mother undergoing GI tests this week
  • Prayers of healing for two families grieving the sudden losses of their children
  • Wisdom in dealing w/ widowed mother, depressed & confused
  • Comfort for member who lost his sister-in-law on March 18
  • Healing of a longtime friend, wisdom for her physicians
  • Hope for two young couples deeply desiring children
  • Sustaining two beloved women in cancer treatment
  • Cherished mother who is enduring harsh chemotherapy
  • Beloved brother recovering in the hospital from infection
  • Prayers for a position opening for young man
  • Courage, strength for mother having extensive cancer scans
By your mercy, O Empowering One, you have forged a road, you have led us to this very day, and you are guiding us home to your kingdom. May our gratitude be as deep as your love for your children who bow to offer this prayer of Jesus:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of March 15, 2022

Rev. Jan Buxton Wade

Searching God, we praise you for always seeking those who are stumbling by the wayside, knowing full well that, most often, we are the very ones who have misread the road signs pointing homeward.  Thank you for retracing your steps, for pushing your way through the brambles to find us and catch us before we perished among the briars. 

O Wounded One, because we have been lost and broken ourselves, you implant compassion within our bones, giving us the boldness to become advocates for the voiceless and the powerless, for the weary and heartbroken, for the suffering and the lost.  We recall those words you uttered so long ago, the ones that still play on in our hearts: “Those to whom much is given, much is required.” Grant that we might link arms more tightly with the poor and the underserved in our community, opening the same doors for them that, in your mercy, have been opened for us.

Shelter us beneath your wings these somber days, we pray, especially when our endurance grows thin and our knees become weak.  And there, in that safe haven, may our strength be replenished and our vision made keen. Then, we will never lose sight of the One who knows us, who loves us, who believes in us.  And assured of that love that never fails, we lift up these situations most recently expressed by those closest to us – members of our own church family:

  • Praises for prayers and God’s grace: Healthy grandson born March 11
  • Thanksgiving for faithful leadership of our Covid Task Force
  • Gratitude for courage that sustained a family during memorial gathering
  • Family appreciates prayers: Adult son healing from major heart surgery
  • Grateful for nations bound together to suppress evil at work in Ukraine
  • Three families offer thanks for safe and memorable vacations with children
  • Clergy thankful for all who assisted bereaved family during a funeral
  • Thanksgiving for an answered prayer at workplace
  • Mercy for suffering people of Ukraine – the displaced, the bereaved, the frightened, the wounded, and all in harm’s way
  • Wisdom for world leaders in ending destruction in Eastern Europe
  • Prayers that a sister may be strong enough to carry her baby to full term
  • Easing a mother’s anxiety as she faces death and her daughter/caregiver 
  • Continued prayers for healing for a hospitalized member
  • Healing for a longtime friend, wisdom for her physicians
  • Prayers for success a work team’s mission on March 18
  • Wisdom and integrity for leaders of our nation
  • Planting of hope for two young couples deeply desiring children
  • Continued prayers for families mourning the deaths of loved ones
  • Cherished mother who is enduring harsh chemotherapy
  • Pray for a dear friend whose long-term partner has abandoned him
  • Healing prayers for special cousin who is very ill with cancer
  • Prayers that ill friend will have a blood transplant on Friday
  • Beloved cousin in treatment for ovarian cancer 
  • A professional man asks for prayers this week
  • Prayers for successful job interview for young professional 
  • Hope for young friend with metastatic cancer

Our Way, Our Truth, and Our Life, receive these most earnest prayers, and also those unspoken ones we carry within our hearts, for we place our trust always in your unfailing love:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of March 8, 2022

Rev. Jan Buxton Wade

O God of Lengthening Days, we have traveled our own ways for so long that we fear we might not find that singular trail that leads to your redemption. Call out to us once again, we pray, that we might catch sight of you across the way; then we shall move with haste to trace your steps. And on that road of penitence, we will not fail to notice the tracks of your own tears, for you indeed weep at our waywardness. And your tears surely fall more freely during this season, for your beautiful earth is split apart by terror and tribulation. Guide all those besieged by the evil powers of this world, and lift up the fallen through your holy love.  Only you, True God from True God, can bring hope out of hopelessness. 

Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy.

We struggle to shape our lifestyle to yours, O River of Holiness, but you are gentle and merciful as we waver time and time again.  You pour your gifts of grace and mercy upon us even before we ask; still we whisper our most recent failings in these moments . . . . . . . . . . Wash us anew in your spring rains, reminding us that your baptismal mark is ever upon us.  Rinse away the discord and unease that live within us and around us, and receive these spoken prayers of your people at Church Street who wait for your cleansing touch:  

  • Gratitude: Husband with GI issues much improved
  • Celebrating formation of a new Sunday School Class
  • Thankful for prayers – Grandson’s emotional problems are eased 
  • Prayers appreciated – Daughter with shingles much improved
  • Gratitude for the work of the United Methodist Women
  • Thanksgiving that the Covid trend is turning downward
  • Mercy for suffering people of Ukraine – The displaced, the bereaved, the frightened, the wounded, and all in harm’s way
  • Easing of a mother’s anxiety as she faces death
  • Hope for a young couple deeply desiring children
  • For family tensions to dissipate during a memorial service this weekend
  • Family, friends, and coworkers of teacher (28) who died suddenly March 7                       
  • Pray for a dear friend whose long-term partner has abandoned him
  • Prayers for current Stephen Ministry Leaders and all in training
  • Pray for special cousin who is too ill to have his liver transplant
  • Courage for daughter and safe delivery of her first child March 11
  • Prayers that a plasma transplant will go forward in the coming week
  • Church family mourning the loss of two beloved members
  • Beloved cousin in treatment for ovarian cancer 
  • A young professional searching for a position in athletics  
  • Hope and healing for young friend with metastatic cancer
  • Prayers for young grandson at risk

You are the God of endless lovingkindness; therefore, we ask you would link  our prayers with the prayers of all around the globe who turn to you in hope:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of March 1, 2022

Rev. Jan Buxton Wade

Christ whose glory fills the skies, your mercies pierce the darkest morn and the most dreary night. As Jesus was transfigured on the mount, you transfigure everything you touch. Most Holy One, you remain our light upon the unknown path and shall keep us steady as we embark upon our own Lenten journey of inner transformation. And as we travel, help us unveil those secret sins we have hidden so long from view; may we discard them as worthless ashes along the way, especially these that weigh heaviest within us. . . . . . . . .  

Have you not planted seeds of hope and second chances within the most barren landscapes?  Just so, sharpen our inner eyes, we pray, that we might discover these sparks of wonder as we move forward, highlighting all that is worthy of revival.  All praises to you, for you are the Grace that breathes so quietly and steadily within the soil, far beneath the clamor of the world.

And believing you are that Radiant Friend who listens to the deepest sighs of our souls, and knowing you never leave us alone, we name all those things that tug upon our hearts this week:

  • Thanksgiving for Children’s Sunday and praise for our children and youth of our church and for their leaders
  • Grandparents celebrate recent visit with young granddaughter in Pennsylvania
  • Gratitude for prayers: Adult son recovering well from foot surgery
  • Members thankful for ministry of parish health team
  • Family overjoyed with recent birth of healthy son/grandson 
  • Friend offers gratitude for a smooth move and a house closing
  • Member celebrating first steps for reconciliation of relationship
  • Family grateful for safe travel to visit newborn grandson in California
  • Solace for friends and family of member who will be buried on Friday
  • Prayers for the people under siege in Ukraine, peace to prevail
  • Lift up all children trying to understand the horrors of war
  • Healing of daughter suffering from painful shingles
  • Prayers for cousin’s successful liver transplant March 8
  • Continued prayers for all ill with Covid
  • Healing prayers for bereaved family whose uncle died suddenly
  • Courage & calm for a young, anxious pregnant wife
  • All loved ones in assisted living situations their caregivers
  • Family grieving son’s sudden death; grace as they plan services
  • Prayers for healing: Member with severe anemia and GI problems
  • Guidance for family struggling to care for infirm adult sister
  • Direction & courage for friend divorcing, for his children
  • Beloved cousin in treatment for ovarian cancer
  • School counselors working with children grieving the sudden death of classmate
  • Prayers for wisdom in regard to a home purchase 
  • A young professional searching for a position in athletics  
  • Hope and healing for young friend with metastatic cancer
  • Prayers for an 8-year-old’s emotional healing  

As people dependent upon your transformative power, we ask that you remold us, even as we praise your name and offer our prayers and petitions in the name of Christ, the True and Only Light who taught us these words:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of February 23, 2022

Rev. Jan Buxton Wade

Scripture tells us your spark of divinity resides within each of us. And whatever  essence this spark is, we confess, such a notion of innate holiness unnerves us. Therefore, we have lacquered it over by our own illusions and self-interests.  We wear our masks of acceptability, hoping we will fit in with the culture. We scramble to acquire the newest baubles on the market, reach for the fleeting, and attend to the voices of promoters who promise lives of ease and tranquility.  Help us remove these barriers we have erected through the years that keep us from seeing ourselves as we really are, for we are children searching for the easy way.  Surely your prayers and ours are the same: That we might work, trusting in your mercy, to expunge each layer of falseness within us, till one day we stand before you as our unvarnished selves, with all are fallacies cast aside, with all our divine possibilities shining in brightness.

Hope of the World, hear our prayer.

A wise one once attested that “in the end, nature is enough.” How true it is that you speak to us, Holy One, through the language of the universe, in the dialect of love that is understood by every race and tribe.  The earth itself is your sacramental gift to humankind, and when we ignore it or mar it, it devalues your offering and pierces your heart.  Silence, we pray, all that muffles your daily call to your people throughout the world.  May we recognize your magnificence in the frame of the smallest leaf, in the glorious potential of the smallest seed, in the wind that calls forth the seasons.  Then may we bend the knee in homage to the One whose breath plants life wherever it passes and whose stillness is sufficient to saturate every soul.

Hope of the World, hear our prayer.

The present perils of the world weigh heavy upon us, O Lord. The thunder of tanks and vibrations of jets disclose the violence already at hand.  We pray for all the vulnerable ones in Eastern Europe whose lives and livelihoods are in jeopardy because of the menace of war.  May your word of peace ring out, we pray, to shatter the sword and quell the drug-related cruelty rampant in the Philippines, in Yemen, Brazil, Venezuela, and Mexico. We lift up those affected by the deadly mudslides in Brazil, and all in developing countries where Covid rates remain high. Stand beside those persecuted ones everywhere because of their ethnicity, gender, or social class. Behind our posturing and claims of self-sufficiency, we are a frail people, dependent upon one another and upon your enduring mercy.  Strengthen our resolve, Good Lord, for whatever lies ahead.

Hope of the World, hear our prayer.

May our prayers mingle with all those offered for the suffering in every place; and we add these concerns and thanksgivings that are offered by our friends, your beloved ones, at Church Street UMC: 

  • Gratitude for new church members, that they may find a place of joyful service among us
  • Grateful for prayers: Two arrived safely to new home in Texas
  • Appreciation for prayers: Father in hospice is having good days
  • Thanksgiving for the blessing of our music ministry
  • Offering thanks for Stephen Ministry and blessings of all now in training
  • Thanksgiving for safe and meaningful Confirmation Retreat
  • Member thankful for steady healing following spinal surgery
  • Family celebrates birth of healthy first grandson Feb 20 in Colorado
  • Gratitude for a dear friend’s 98th birthday last week
  • Member sends gratitude for prayers – vastly improved from Covid
  • Prayers for cousin’s successful liver transplant March 8
  • Continued prayers for all testing positive for Covid
  • Healing prayers for bereaved family whose uncle died suddenly and whose wife remains ill 
  • Courage and strength for young pregnant mother
  • Strengthening of a Sunday School Class
  • Courage, healing for adult son with diabetes, as he faces amputations
  • Prayers for healing clergy person suffering from congestive heart failure
  • Upholding family of young serviceman who died suddenly last week
  • Prayers for all members adjusting to residing in assisted living
  • Guidance for family struggling with caring for infirm sister
  • Direction and courage for friend divorcing
  • Beloved cousin in treatment for ovarian cancer
  • School counselors working with children grieving the sudden death of a young classmate
  • Continued prayers for two families – wives caring for ill husbands
  • Comfort for all church families grieving losses
  • Prayers for healing for one suffering severe eye damage
  • For an open door of opportunity for a young man’s work  
  • Hope and healing for young friend with metastatic cancer
  • Prayers for an 8-year-old’s emotional healing  
  • God’s healing presence with sister following massive stroke

Hope of the World, we believe you have accepted all our prayers that are offered in earnest, and ask that your holy presence would surround and sustain us throughout life’s journey; for we walk day by day with Jesus, who taught us to pray:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of February 16, 2022

Rev. Jan Buxton Wade

Awaken us, we pray, to your Spirit-filled blessings that encircle the quiet earth. In our quest to “do” we forget you have called us to “be.” We confess we walk about with eyes closed to your splendors, but you display them for us anew every day: from the dew-crusted grass to the robin nibbling berries on a holly, from the faint rustle of the evergreen to the blue-white peaks in the distance, from the evening shadows across the lawn to the familiar face that welcomes us home. Deserving of so little, you place riches on our doorsteps. Open not only our eyes, but our souls as well, to your grace overflowing.

Lord of All, we thank you!

We praise you, Architect of Faith, for our church, and for all who have gone out from this place to serve you throughout the world through the decades. Week to week you call your willing workers from within our congregation to serve their fellow human beings in this community. We marvel at their tenacity and dedication as they go out to share food and clothing, to tend to the sick, to provide emotional support for school children, to welcome the stranger to the table, to advocate for just and equal opportunity for all. These followers teach us that your work is not finished, Lord, and that there are many ways in which each of us may use our personal gifts to carry your banner of hope.

Lord of All, we praise you!

God of Healing, here in your presence, we cannot ask for assistance for ourselves without offering praise for your divine work as we have wrestled with the Corona virus and its variants. It is you who pointed the way to healing, who emboldened professionals to serve despite the risks, who stood beside each grieving soul touched by this devastating illness. You have brought us this far, Firmest Friend, and you will never leave us comfortless.

Lord of All, we honor you!

In all humility, we now pray you would be mindful of the needs of those who are closest to our hearts: . . . . . . . . . . ; and also of those special circumstances of our brothers and sisters in Christ here at Church Street:

  • Praises for those who are being called to join our church on Sunday
  • Thankful for friend’s miraculous healing from Covid
  • Daughter grateful for father’s recent health improvement
  • Thankful: Member improves daily following surgery
  • Member grateful for prayers for her wedding
  • Thanksgiving: All in one assisted living are negative for Covid
  • Prayers for those who have tested positive for Covid; prayers for relief from frustrations of rearranging family routines
  • One grateful for support during a family bereavement
  • Mother thankful that daughter does not need surgery
  • Prayers for a good position for a young professional
  • Prayers for proper caregivers to be found for infirm sister
  • Prayers for young friend in hospice care & her grieving husband, their friends and family
  • Prayers for elementary students grieving the death of a classmate and for the educators who comfort them
  • Guidance for care of sister who suffered massive stroke
  • Prayers for daughter beginning proton therapy
  • Family friend with cancer, for a route to healing
  • Continued prayers for infirm uncle
  • For an open door to healing within a broken family
  • Comfort for families of church families in mourning
  • Son thankful for successful heart procedure for his father
  • Prayer for a co-worker who has many family responsibilities and has tested positive for Covid
  • Prayers for adult children who are moving and settling into new jobs.
  • For a daughter-in-law who died from Covid and for her husband who is also suffering.
  • For a niece whose husband died after a fall.
  • Prayers for those beginning Stephen Ministry training
  • Thankful that one who had suffered for so long is now in God’s Eternal Love and Light
  • For a father who is near death
  • Prayers for a friend struggling with divorce amidst a change in job location; prayers for the children
  • Prayers for a cousin undergoing complicated liver surgery
  • Prayers for a daughter undergoing IVF procedures and for the grandparents who are so hopeful
  • Prayers for a beloved wife and mother in hospital
  • Prayers for healing after serious eye injury and extensive surgery
  • Prayers for a long-time employment who has lung damage from Covid
  • Thankful for a mother who is going home after a long rehabilitation; prayers for continued strength

We offer this prayer and the prayers that remain unspoken in our hearts in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and hear us now as we pray the prayer he taught:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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