Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family
Week of October 21, 2021
Rev. Jan Buxton Wade
Blessed are you, God Over Us, for each autumn morning you bring us a breakfast tray brimming with glories. Green leaves, veined with bronze and gold, wave their quiet hellos, using blue heaven as a pristine backdrop. Fluffy- tailed squirrels scurry about, carrying crunchy brown treasures released by heavy oaks, while sweet apple fragrance fills the air. In this season you command our attention, Lord; from the crunch of twigs underfoot to the bracing breeze that stings the spine, you speak to us! Forgive us, we pray, when we squander your offerings – favors from your heart that tell us we are beloved. As the earth turns according to your divine will, turn our souls in your direction. May we be poised to discern your wooing from every stone and bit of stubble in the field.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
Blessed are you, God Beside Us, for your step is in tandem with ours. In these erratic times, however, we confess that we often feel insecure, ungrounded, and alone. We remember your Son was also clothed in humanity, and that he experienced those dark nights of the soul, enduring so much more than we. Yes, we believe, Lord, that the Resurrected Christ is our Hope and our Redeemer. Yes, we believe; yet we need you to shore up our belief. When our dreams fade, our bodies let us down, when our loved ones pass on, when friends forget us, when society is increasingly splintered, steady our steps, we pray. Guide us toward that place of peace within yourself. And there may we rest awhile until we are strong enough to walk along with you again, down that unwavering path of faith.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Blessed are you, God Around Us, for Jesus said he had flocks of which we are not aware. That truth alone reveals the immense breadth of your benevolence. It underscores the fact that neither this world, nor this universe, is the property of one nation or people, no matter how powerful. Might those flocks include those we pass every day, yet do not see? Do they live in communities which we are afraid to visit? Are they the throngs who exist behind bars, hemmed in by hopelessness? Could they be those who are yet to be born? You are the God of no boundaries, whose plan encircles all time and space and whose mercies are immutable. Our questions are many and answers elude us. Nevertheless, may we live secure in the knowledge that those whom you love we are also called to love and to serve. By your grace, might we grow in respect and friendship with all, until that day when all flocks shall be gathered with you in your all-encompassing community.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Receive now, we pray, these praises and petitions from our church family, for you are always ready to listen to your children. We sense your working among us and trust in your sustaining mercy.
- Gratitude for prayers: member has received a new job
- Praises for prayers – daughter with Covid now removed from ventilator
- Family thankful for support during a father’s death
- Thankful that husband with ALS has had a good week
- Family celebrates a new daughter-in-law
- Grateful that two family members are now vaccinated
- Cancer sufferer is thankful for her wise physicians
- Thanksgiving: grandson (17) dealing well with chemo
- Member thankful hip surgery will not be required
- Healing prayers for member who suffered injuries in a fall
- Prayers for young mother adjusting to new medications
- Courage & guidance for member beginning cancer treatment in Nov.
- Children of Grace School in Uganda, for guidance, opportunities
- Blessings for two young women in final weeks of pregnancy
- Healing prayers for two sons in treatment for addiction
- Healing prayers – father (92) suffering from Covid
- Friend whose mother died last week
- Easing of grief for 3 recently widowed
- Mother in treatment for thyroid cancer; father with leukemia
- God’s grace for three fathers suffering from Parkinson’s
- Prayers for daughter burying her father this week
- Healing for best friend: Aggressive cancer treatment
- Recovery for cousin on ventilator
Blessed are you, O God With Us, in this season of splendor, we witness nature taking on its own work of pruning and nourishing the earth. Still, it is a time to plant that which will burst forth when spring arrives. Along with the tulip bulb, may we bury thoughtfulness and kindness, that they might spread their roots far and wide underneath the raven earth. May we bury generosity, that it might permeate the soil along with the winter rain. And may we sow seeds of peace, that they would multiply, becoming extensions of your holy peace. And when warm winds blow again, may all flourish, bringing honor to the One who taught us to pray:
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
Weekly Prayer – November 10, 2021
Featured, prayer for todayWeekly Prayers for the Church Street Family
Week of November 10, 2021
Rev. Jan Buxton Wade
And what do you have that you did not receive?
And if also you did receive it, why do you boast
as not having received it? (I Cor. 4:7)
Ah, the apostle has rightly spoken – for what have we acquired that did not come to us from Divine beneficence? What do we possess that was not provided by the hands and sacrifice of others? Forgive us, Lord, for our narrow thinking and for our failure to respond fully to your grace. We confess we have withheld that which is rightly yours, spending mainly to satisfy our own limited interests. We have withheld even ourselves, ignoring your continued offer of fullness of life through Christ. We know we can do better; by your grace, may it be so.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Enduring Cornerstone, remind us that we are the living stones which form your Church. We are bound together by your very self, who gave your all that we might live. Your gifts cascade so freely we are prone to forget they come with responsibility. Chip away our rough and selfish edges, we pray, that we might fit more tightly together, adding strength and shape to your holy edifice of benevolence. We would be known as believers with open hands and open lives, willing to sacrifice so that the nameless and forgotten ones are drawn into your fortress of love.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Nearest Friend, this week we pray for our friends and neighbors, near and far. Comfort and deliver especially all who are living with grave losses, those who live in the throes of poverty and need, others who are oppressed by violence, and those who flee war and devastation in their homelands. Guide us and all in power to work for the common good. As scripture has taught: those whom much is given, much is required.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
God of the Circling Years, your faithfulness spans generations, and your mercy never fails to astound us. In Jesus, you walked where we walk, shared the burdens of life, were touched by the same joys, temptations, and sorrows as we. We need hide nothing from you, for you are aware of our longings, our pain, our hopes, and our fears. Therefore, we turn again to you on bended knee, acknowledging you as our Source of all healing and wholeness.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Aware that you accept every prayer uttered in earnest, we lay before you these that come from the hearts of your people at Church Street. In your mercy, accept the praise of those who bring thanksgiving and touch the souls of those who are bruised and afflicted:
In addition to these, O Lord, we ask that you would gift us with wisdom and patience as we strive for that peace which passes all understanding. And now, as you are the God of All Good Gifts, release in us the spirit of new life – that life which is in full relationship with you and your Blessed Son who taught us to pray in this way:
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
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Weekly Prayer – November 3, 2021
Featured, prayer for todayWeekly Prayers for the Church Street Family
Week of November 3, 2021
Rev. Jan Buxton Wade
O Lord of Tender Mercies, we have only human words to utter when we turn to you; but the truth is that words fail, never fully capturing what is in our hearts. So listen closely to those longings that live beneath our words – those longings which even we ourselves cannot name. Bend low, we pray, and hear us as we open our hearts in the stillness of these moments: . . . . . . . . . . Comb through our desires, we pray, discarding what is unworthy, and enriching what shows promise. Our lives are not our own, Trusted Friend, so grant that our desires may come to reflect what you, in your goodness, wish for us.
God of Grace, hear our prayer.
O God Without Boundaries, forgive us for taking your abundance for granted, for presuming that your gifts are ours by right. Since you love all the same, how audacious of us to believe we deserve the first fruits. Truly there is enough for everyone: for every race and nationality; for every gender, class, and culture; for every religious group and political party. You have little knowledge of margins and perimeters, for your kingdom is bounded solely by compassion and love of humankind. In this season of harvest, loosen our grip on whatever has come to us through your largesse. Help us to learn what it really means to love our neighbor as ourselves.
God of Grace, hear our prayer.
O God of the Watchful Eye, you note every fallen sparrow and hear the cry of the loneliest creature; but sometimes we become discouraged when we survey the despair and pain that plague your people. So many are shadowed by tragedy and loss, by physical and emotional maladies, and we confess that we feel too weak to carry the burdens of so many others. Renew our resolve, Good Lord, and remind us that when we feel helpless, your Spirit is always sharing the load. You ask that we do solely what we can, and somehow, you will make our efforts sufficient.
God of Grace, hear our prayer.
Therefore, with hearts full of hope in your faithfulness, we offer these specific needs and thanksgivings on behalf of your people at Church Street:
Praise to you, Lord of All, for your sustenance arrives at the moment it is most needed, assuaging the cares that weigh upon us. Thank you for heeding our longings and accepting our prayers that are beyond words, for we offer them in the name of Jesus, your Trusted Son and our Redeemer who taught us to pray in this way:
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
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November Youth Update
YouthCome and join us!
A Thanksgiving Practice
November Dates
Advent Missions Night
This Sunday, we are hosting our annual Advent Missions Night during NightLife! Join us from 5:00-7:00 in the Youth Area as we wrap gifts for Wesley House kids & grannies, write notes to Church Street homebound members, and make care packages for the staff of the ER and PICU floors at Children’s Hospital.
We’re going to have a great time of fellowship and mission as we kick off the Christmas season focused on what matters most!
SLA Info
Weekly Prayer – October 27, 2021
Featured, prayer for todayWeekly Prayers for the Church Street Family
Week of October 27, 2021
Rev. Jan Buxton Wade
This week, O Lord, our hearts turn to you as we remember all those saints whom you have called and who have walked among us throughout the years. We remember your disciples who spent their time in this realm empowering the meek, encouraging the poor, and lifting up the forlorn. We recall how they honored the neglected, respected the desires of the disadvantaged, and valued the least and the lost. For their wisdom and witness, we praise you!
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
And still in this era, your saints walk alongside us: bringing peace where there is discord, sowing goodness where there is distrust, spreading hope where despair has taken root. In your own mystifying way, you call ordinary folk to carry out your ministry in extraordinary ways. We pray you would sustain your saints who are in ministry this very day, and particularly these blessed ones who have made such a difference in our individual lives: . . . . . . . . . . We know you as our Forever Guide, so empower us, that we also might shine as these who live in brightest faith even when tribulations descend.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Lord of the Dismayed, some days we are simply unable to take in all the pain that thrives in our world, communities, and in our own households. We confess that our own faith grows dim when we consider all the misfortunes that are holding your people hostage. Our own efforts seem so paltry, and we tire so easily. Draw close and make yourself known to those who are overwhelmed. Gaze upon those who are ill or frightened as they face a diagnosis, illness, surgery, poverty, or any sort of loss. And as our arms are too short to wrap around those whom you love, we pray you would embrace all those who believe they have been forgotten.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
As the apostle has written, we see through a glass darkly. We cannot comprehend your will and your ways; nor can we fathom the manner in which you are moving in our world. But, Good Lord, we do know you hear the cries of our hearts, that you will never leave us comfortless, and that one day we shall see clearly. Until that day, we believe your grace covers all, and that you are attending each one who prays in your name. Therefore, we bring these praises and pleas offered by members of the Church Street family:
Grant this day, and each day ahead, Beloved Presence, that we might make a quiet space in our hearts for you. Join us in those silent moments, reminding us that you are ready to wipe away our sins, offering us the privilege of making a fresh start with each dawn. Wrap us now in the peace of your Spirit as we offer this prayer in the name of Christ, our Savior:
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
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Weekly Prayer – October 21, 2021
Featured, prayer for todayWeekly Prayers for the Church Street Family
Week of October 21, 2021
Rev. Jan Buxton Wade
Blessed are you, God Over Us, for each autumn morning you bring us a breakfast tray brimming with glories. Green leaves, veined with bronze and gold, wave their quiet hellos, using blue heaven as a pristine backdrop. Fluffy- tailed squirrels scurry about, carrying crunchy brown treasures released by heavy oaks, while sweet apple fragrance fills the air. In this season you command our attention, Lord; from the crunch of twigs underfoot to the bracing breeze that stings the spine, you speak to us! Forgive us, we pray, when we squander your offerings – favors from your heart that tell us we are beloved. As the earth turns according to your divine will, turn our souls in your direction. May we be poised to discern your wooing from every stone and bit of stubble in the field.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
Blessed are you, God Beside Us, for your step is in tandem with ours. In these erratic times, however, we confess that we often feel insecure, ungrounded, and alone. We remember your Son was also clothed in humanity, and that he experienced those dark nights of the soul, enduring so much more than we. Yes, we believe, Lord, that the Resurrected Christ is our Hope and our Redeemer. Yes, we believe; yet we need you to shore up our belief. When our dreams fade, our bodies let us down, when our loved ones pass on, when friends forget us, when society is increasingly splintered, steady our steps, we pray. Guide us toward that place of peace within yourself. And there may we rest awhile until we are strong enough to walk along with you again, down that unwavering path of faith.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Blessed are you, God Around Us, for Jesus said he had flocks of which we are not aware. That truth alone reveals the immense breadth of your benevolence. It underscores the fact that neither this world, nor this universe, is the property of one nation or people, no matter how powerful. Might those flocks include those we pass every day, yet do not see? Do they live in communities which we are afraid to visit? Are they the throngs who exist behind bars, hemmed in by hopelessness? Could they be those who are yet to be born? You are the God of no boundaries, whose plan encircles all time and space and whose mercies are immutable. Our questions are many and answers elude us. Nevertheless, may we live secure in the knowledge that those whom you love we are also called to love and to serve. By your grace, might we grow in respect and friendship with all, until that day when all flocks shall be gathered with you in your all-encompassing community.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Receive now, we pray, these praises and petitions from our church family, for you are always ready to listen to your children. We sense your working among us and trust in your sustaining mercy.
Blessed are you, O God With Us, in this season of splendor, we witness nature taking on its own work of pruning and nourishing the earth. Still, it is a time to plant that which will burst forth when spring arrives. Along with the tulip bulb, may we bury thoughtfulness and kindness, that they might spread their roots far and wide underneath the raven earth. May we bury generosity, that it might permeate the soil along with the winter rain. And may we sow seeds of peace, that they would multiply, becoming extensions of your holy peace. And when warm winds blow again, may all flourish, bringing honor to the One who taught us to pray:
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
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Weekly Prayer – October 13, 2021
UncategorizedWeekly Prayers for the Church Street Family
Week of October 13, 2021
Submitted by Rev. Palmer Cantler*
God of Sun and Moon, Star and Sky, your wonder is beyond our imagining. We thank you for the gift of this world we share, and for the common bonds that we share as your children.
Bless us God, as we seek to find a way toward the peace you invite us to share. Guide us God as we walk that delicate line between being faithful to our own relationship with you, and yet remain understanding of those whose path is vastly different from our own. Remind us often that being faithful does not require that we close ourselves off from the faith of others. Open our hearts, minds and spirits to people of every faith and culture. May the Mystery of your ways be the bridge that draws all of your people together in prayer for peace in our time.
We pray for those who are in special need of your grace and healing today. For those who live in fear of violence; for refugees everywhere; for political prisoners and for those who imprison them; God, we ask for peace. For those who are grieving, or hungry, or in despair; for the lonely, and all who are ill or suffering, for any who struggle with addiction, and for all who live with chronic illness.
We lift up to your holy light these prayers of both praise and need, knowing that you hear every prayer uttered with faith and trust:
God, we trust in your power to be present with the suffering. We trust in your Spirit’s power to bring comfort, faith and strength where it is needed. We pray, bring your radical, scandalous peace into our midst, and touch us all with your love, for we ask it in the name of the One who calls us ever forward, Jesus Christ our Lord, praying together:
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
*Source: Life in Liturgy (lifeinliturgy.wordpress.com)
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Weekly Prayer – October 6, 2021
Featured, prayer for todayWeekly Prayers for the Church Street Family
Week of October 6, 2021
Written by Rev. Jan Buxton Wade
O Author of All Our Days, our lives seem so scattered in this modern era, and we are quick to attach our lives to strings that others pull. Go here! they say; Do that! they advise; Follow me! they urge. And we confess that we frequently allow ourselves to be caught up in efforts that do not enrich our souls. Teach us, we pray, to listen more closely to the calling you so tenderly place in each of our hearts, to attend to your faint voice that whispers your will for us each day. By your grace, help us live up to our commitment to Christ, and to realign our calendars, that we would find joy in the slackened pace, in your gift of the moment. As the apostle has said, What does it matter if we gain the world, if our hearts are not beating with the love of our Lord?
In the liturgical year, the Church now finds itself in Ordinary Time, set apart from the high holy days. What better time to consider the mundane, the repetitive tasks of daily living – dusting and laundering, cooking and straightening, scouring and sweeping? In your great wisdom, O God of Harmony, you knew that if we performed these routine, ordinary chores, we might then become better stewards of our lives. For in ordering our households, companionship, creativity, learning and laughter, conversation and enjoyment might then have room to flourish. We remember our Savior who taught that every service performed with love, no matter how humble, will not be forgotten. Give us an openness of spirit, we pray, to once again discover both the joy and the importance of simple things.
God of Healing and Wholeness, we face the brokenness of our bodies, our spirits, and our relationships; and we confess that we do falter in our faith in this time of dread, disease, and dissension. Yes, some of our misfortunes we have brought upon ourselves; forgive our blindness, we pray. Still other adversities stalk us through no fault of our own, and in our humanness, we search for explanations, when there are no explanations to be found. As we are made in your image, O Divine One, you understand our pain and our perplexities; so come sit with us and linger awhile as we try to fashion a plan to move forward in faith. Dispel our doubts, we pray, as we lift up the broken parts of ourselves to your healing.
And hear also these praises and petitions that are offered by your people at Church Street. We know you as our refuge and strength in time of trouble; yet you have asked us not to give in to fear. May it be so:
We thank you, O Redeemer, for the gift of your unfathomable love. Grant that your loving power would sustain us as we work to re-order our lives in the days to come. May we eschew the strong tugs of the world that lead to emptiness; but may embrace only those purposes which bring honor to you and to your Son, who taught us to pray:
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
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October Youth Update
YouthCome and join us!
Fall Fest
SLA Registration
Football Parking
Weekly Prayer – September 29, 2021
Featured, prayer for todayWeekly Prayers for the Church Street Family
Week of September 29, 2021
Written by Rev. Jan Buxton Wade
Most Holy Lord, you are that sure foundation on which we stand. Amid the apprehension and unpredictability of this present era, our lives would crumble if you had not planted us securely upon your rock that never fails. Your scriptures and hymns, inspired by your Spirit, speak the words our hearts long to hear. We stand grateful for loved ones who have buoyed us when our souls were ragged, for our church family which offers a place of belonging. We believers are so often separated by distance due to the deadly virus, but we are not separated from our firm faith in your saving love, our commitment to your church, and our trust in each other.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
The words you first spoke through your prophet Isaiah, “Fear not, for I am with you…” have reverberated through the ages, through many voices, giving us strength to carry on. Save us, we pray, from the hatred that blinds us and the fear that leaves us cringing and dismayed. We confess that we have been quick to judge, quick to criticize, quick to retaliate. By your omnipotent hand, make us brave enough to confront the forces of prejudice and anger within ourselves, then turn our warring chants into a doxology of hope. And in witnessing our assurance, may others absorb your holy peace and hope.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Our lives are replete with personal stories of your saving deliverance, yet we know we are fragile mortals who require your healing and renewal. We cannot know the outcome of our prayers, but we trust that when we turn everything over to you, O Bedrock of our Faith, your grace shall be sufficient. So many across our globe are mired in misfortune and are awaiting your redemption. Comfort and carry all the afflicted in their hour of sorrow, we pray, and also attend to these concerns and joys that are uppermost in the hearts of your people of Church Street:
Knowing that you have heard and accepted our prayers, our souls take their rest in you, All-Faithful One. Steel us through your grace, that we may remain faithful to the end. And by your mercy, grant that we might grow in the resolve to serve only that once-rejected Cornerstone, our Savior, Christ Jesus, who taught us to pray:
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
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Weekly Prayer – September 22, 2021
Featured, prayer for todayWeekly Prayers for the Church Street Family
Week of September 22, 2021
Written by Rev. Jan Buxton Wade
With a rich red hue encircling yesterday’s date, the calendar announced the beginning of autumn. Oh yes, Good Lord, we have received those gentle hints you have sent our way: the shortening of days, the cool air of the misty morn, and raindrops that quench the thirst of the overworked soil. As your good earth prepares to rest in peace, help us to set aside those dried-up mistakes and tensions that infected us throughout the summer months. Sweep away those careless words and unhealthy deeds that marred our long strand of warmer days; may they wither away, useless as they are, to be counted as debris for your compost. But by your mercy, we pray, store up any seeds of hope or kindness we may have sown along the way, that in some small manner, you may find them worthy of your harvest of grace.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
All praise to you, God of the Golden Leaf, for you have honored us with life itself! The gleanings from the field bespeak the abundance we have been given – far more than we could ever ask or imagine! You know our every need and hasten to provide what is lacking in our lives. And because of your outpouring, we are reminded of our own poverty, knowing that every gift comes from your generous heart. Even in our most unsettling days, you come with your blessed presence, strewing gifts upon our path. Hear us now as we whisper our gratitude for these particular mercies you have brought to fruition in our individual lives: . . . . . . . . . . As long as we have breath, may we sing our praise to our Life-giving Friend.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Compassionate One, too frequently we forget that you have gathered us together as one human family. And though we are spread far and wide across the planet, you long for us to work for the good of all our brothers and sisters. We may not know each by name, but their eyes of want follow us at every turn. Empty hands reach out to us for food; shrunken bodies tell the story of deprivation and disease; orphans search for parents amid the debris of war; drug-dazed victims stagger along our streets, bereft of hope. We pray for these in this hour, Lord; yet know that thousands already are working at your behest to alleviate the immeasurable pain in our world. Upon these selfless ones, whose names we do not know, may your blessings rest.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
It is the old prophet Isaiah who reminds us that the bruised reed you will not break, but will strengthen and sustain. We have experienced your strength indeed, O Lord, in our own times of trial. And as you have upheld us, we count you as our constant counsel, who hears our cries, who knows our angst, and who answers us through the silent movement of the Spirit. Move among us, Lord, and especially among your people of Church Street who offer these heartfelt prayers:
Bind us together, we pray, for we are your children at every season, and grant peace to those who are closest to our hearts. May your grace and generosity shine in our deeds, that others may marvel at the God we serve. And may your words of kindness and forgiveness echo in our own voices, always pointing to love eternal, as realized in the life of our Savior, who taught us to pray:
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
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