Daily Advent Devotions from Church Street UMC
Friday, December 24
By Barry Christmas, Congregational Care Committee
Behold the Lamb of God
Read Luke: 2:6-20; Micah 4:8 (NIV)
Where exactly in Bethlehem was the Christ child born, wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger? There was no room in the inn, and it is thought that the innkeeper most likely directed them to a cave where the animals were being lodged for the night. Where else might you find a manger, which is a feeding trough for animals? Let’s explore an interesting possibility …
After an arduous journey of about 70 miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem, Mary would have been very tired and uncomfortable. She would most likely be having twinges of labor pain by the time they reached their destination. Surely Joseph would have been looking for a quiet, private location for Mary to rest for the night, and possibly give birth. If such a place could be found, why resort to lodging in a crowded stable?
At this time, there existed a watchtower just outside of Bethlehem called Migdal Eder, known as the “Tower of the Flock.” Animals subject to be chosen by the temple priests for sacrifice were kept and tended in the fields surrounding this location, and if found spotless and without blemish (a strict requirement), were eventually taken to the temple in Jerusalem. The tower was a stone structure where the Levitical shepherds brought the ewes to deliver their lambs, and was well known for housing newborn lambs and protecting them from predators. Each newborn lamb was placed in a stone manger, inspected for any blemishes, and if found to be spotless, was wrapped in strips of swaddling cloth to keep the lamb clean and protect it from harm.
What could be a more fitting location for the birth and lodging of the “Lamb of God”? He who would one day become God’s perfect, without blemish, Sacrificial Lamb and shed his blood for the redemption of our sins? Even the announcement of his birth by the angel is already foreshadowing his sacrifice: “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you, ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.” And consider the words spoken by John the Baptist when he first beheld his cousin, Jesus: “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.”
The shepherds in the fields, tending their flocks that night, would have been very familiar with Migdal Eder, and quite possibly were the special Levitical shepherds to the unblemished lambs of the temple. After being visited by the angel who announced Jesus’ birth, they would have known exactly where to find the Tower of the Flock to behold the newborn Lamb of God, wrapped in swaddling cloth and lying in a manger.
Dear Heavenly Father, This Christmas we pray that we might have eyes to see your perfect Lamb and ears to hear “Good Tidings of Great Joy” upon His arrival. Amen.
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Behold the Lamb of God
advent, FeaturedDaily Advent Devotions from Church Street UMC
Friday, December 24
By Barry Christmas, Congregational Care Committee
Behold the Lamb of God
Read Luke: 2:6-20; Micah 4:8 (NIV)
Where exactly in Bethlehem was the Christ child born, wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger? There was no room in the inn, and it is thought that the innkeeper most likely directed them to a cave where the animals were being lodged for the night. Where else might you find a manger, which is a feeding trough for animals? Let’s explore an interesting possibility …
After an arduous journey of about 70 miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem, Mary would have been very tired and uncomfortable. She would most likely be having twinges of labor pain by the time they reached their destination. Surely Joseph would have been looking for a quiet, private location for Mary to rest for the night, and possibly give birth. If such a place could be found, why resort to lodging in a crowded stable?
At this time, there existed a watchtower just outside of Bethlehem called Migdal Eder, known as the “Tower of the Flock.” Animals subject to be chosen by the temple priests for sacrifice were kept and tended in the fields surrounding this location, and if found spotless and without blemish (a strict requirement), were eventually taken to the temple in Jerusalem. The tower was a stone structure where the Levitical shepherds brought the ewes to deliver their lambs, and was well known for housing newborn lambs and protecting them from predators. Each newborn lamb was placed in a stone manger, inspected for any blemishes, and if found to be spotless, was wrapped in strips of swaddling cloth to keep the lamb clean and protect it from harm.
What could be a more fitting location for the birth and lodging of the “Lamb of God”? He who would one day become God’s perfect, without blemish, Sacrificial Lamb and shed his blood for the redemption of our sins? Even the announcement of his birth by the angel is already foreshadowing his sacrifice: “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you, ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.” And consider the words spoken by John the Baptist when he first beheld his cousin, Jesus: “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.”
The shepherds in the fields, tending their flocks that night, would have been very familiar with Migdal Eder, and quite possibly were the special Levitical shepherds to the unblemished lambs of the temple. After being visited by the angel who announced Jesus’ birth, they would have known exactly where to find the Tower of the Flock to behold the newborn Lamb of God, wrapped in swaddling cloth and lying in a manger.
Dear Heavenly Father, This Christmas we pray that we might have eyes to see your perfect Lamb and ears to hear “Good Tidings of Great Joy” upon His arrival. Amen.
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Musical Traditions of Christmas
advent, FeaturedDaily Advent Devotions from Church Street UMC
Thursday, December 23
By Nancy Christmas
Musical Traditions of Christmas
Read Psalm 150:1,3-4
“Praise the Lord! Praise Him with the trumpet and with lute and harp. Praise Him with the tambourines and processional. Praise Him with stringed instruments and horns. Hallelujah!”
One of the highlights of Christmas growing up was going with my family to visit relatives in middle TN. We had a favorite tradition of gathering around the piano after eating our meal and singing Christmas carols. I was really impressed with how well our voices blended so harmoniously. Having our family’s antique upright piano at home sparked my interest to take piano lessons at an early age and continue throughout high school.
A few years ago, my piano became unplayable and could not be repaired. I located a skilled and creative woodworker who repurposed it for me by making multiple music boxes from the piano’s beautiful wood. In addition, he used the ivory and ebony keys from the keyboard to decorate the boxes. Six boxes were designed and five were given to my family members (nieces, nephews and my brother) for Christmas 2019. The legacy of our family piano lives on.
And speaking of music, I always look forward to the many wonderful performances each Sunday, during the holidays and throughout the year. These musical moments provided by the choirs, our organist, UT music students, pianists, the handbells, our harpist, and other invited guests who possess unique musical talents, are truly a source of enjoyment and inspiration.
On Christmas Eve, as we gather together to anticipate the arrival of Baby Jesus, may our hearts be filled with joy, love and peace as we light a candle and listen to our beautiful music at Church Street. May these melodies remain in our hearts as we celebrate His birth on Christmas Day and the love He shares with us every day of the year.
Dear Lord, Let us all be joyous as we celebrate the birth of Jesus at Christmas with the warmth of a candle, the praises we sing and the many gifts of love. May we always hold near to our hearts the true meaning of this special day. For this Christmas, and each Christmas that follows, shall we be endowed with the divine spirit and love of Jesus Christ. Amen.
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Weekly Prayer – December 22, 2021
Featured, prayer for todayWeekly Prayers for the Church Street Family
Week of December 22, 2021
Rev. Jan Buxton Wade
Let all mortal flesh keep silence, and with fear and trembling stand;
ponder nothing earthly-minded, for with blessing in his hand
Christ our God, to earth descending, comes our homage to demand.
(from Liturgy of St. James)
O God of Wonder, we scurry about, scouring the aisles for gifts that please family and friends, too often overlooking the wondrous basket of blessings you have already set before us. You have given us life itself, the opportunity to live, learn and share in the marvels of your creation. You offer us our beloved church community which nourishes us with thoughtfulness and challenges us to become more faithful disciples. When we draw back, fearing we aren’t good enough, you nudge us to use our talents for your worthy purposes. When our pride swells, you turn our hearts again to the life of the One Most Humble. When we grumble about our setbacks, you point us toward the healing way. We make mistake after mistake, yet you hand us a cup overflowing with grace. How dare we desire anything more this season, Beloved Benefactor, for you are the essence of all things holy and good!
Silent One, may our souls join with the shepherds who wait patiently in the fields as night closes in. How deftly does the extraordinary cloak itself in typical garb; and if we do not quiet ourselves, we may miss both the messenger and the message. Perhaps we will be stunned by wonders spanning the sky. Maybe we will hear angelic voices singing of newborn love. Or maybe the sign will be only a whisper of assurance that penetrates the heart. In whatever manner it comes, may we be prepared to follow until we discover for ourselves the wonder we know to be true. It is this Truth in which all our hopes and dreams are met.
As you were delivered on that sacred eve, so you came to deliver us from ourselves and from whatever threatens to separate us from your glory. We recognize the dark parts of our world engulfed in apathy, bitterness, pain, and loss. O Christ, open our souls to receive the good news of your very self, we pray, and bring us into the wonder of your living presence. And knowing the light of your mercy, we lift up those who are in need this night, particularly . . . . . . . . . . ; and we also pray you would touch each of these friends at Church Street who look to you as their Savior:
You have come anew to every time and every age, Holy One, so we abide in confidence of your arrival to renew your covenant with us. “Do not fear, only believe,” said the Teacher, reassuring a troubled father. May those words echo within us this winter of uncertainty, as we plant our trust once again in the Son of the Most High, who taught us to pray in this way:
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
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The Virgin Mary, First Disciple
advent, FeaturedDaily Advent Devotions from Church Street UMC
Wednesday, December 22
By Jane Gulley
The Virgin Mary, First Disciple
Read Luke 1:26-2:56
Many of us spend a lot of time on screens, especially since the onset of the pandemic. In the internet’s “attention economy” we are exposed to thousands of advertisements. We interact online with caution, afraid of being scammed, verbally abused, or otherwise digitally harmed.
In this context, can you imagine seeing a pop-up ad and responding with this? “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38).
That’s what Mary did. The Angel Gabriel popped up in her life and said, “Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you: blessed are you among women!” (Luke 1:28). The next verse says, “But when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and considered what manner of greeting this was.” In other words, Mary was tempted to close the browser and report Gabriel as a phishing scam. Instead, the Galilean girl listened. She believed Gabriel’s message that she had “found favor with God” and would bear a son, Jesus. And she wholeheartedly committed to her task. She became a disciple.
We Protestants do not emphasize Mary’s story as much as our Catholic and Orthodox friends. But in her role as an exemplary mother, Mary has much to teach us. She was obedient to God’s will, and even happy about it. She trusted that God’s plan would come to fruition through her and other people. (Joseph receives his own angelic encouragement in Matthew, Chapter 1). She demonstrated remarkable grit, giving birth in a barn and traveling to Egypt shortly afterward. She was joyful about her role: “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.”
And most of all, Mary stayed with her Son all the way to the end of his earthly life, when other friends ran away. What a mom. As we cope with lives of uncertainty, let us see Mary as a model for responding to the unexpected in tremendous ways.
Lord, help me to recognize the “pop up messages” that are opportunities to answer your call upon my life. Help me to trust in others and to see God’s plan in the ordinary days. And give me strength to meet today’s challenges, today.
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Old Stories, New Eyes
advent, FeaturedDaily Advent Devotions from Church Street UMC
Tuesday, December 21
By Laura Still
Old Stories, New Eyes
Read Luke 2:8-20, 40
Sometimes there are stories in the Bible that are almost too familiar. When we hear these verses read, we know them so well it’s hard not to think, “Oh, yeah, I know how this goes,” and let our brain go on automatic. The Christmas story in Luke could be one of these, because we read it in full or in part several times during Advent every year. It’s sad, but the story of the coming of the Christ Child can become something we don’t listen to very closely. We let the wonder of it fade.
I discovered a way to prevent this from happening to me about 30 years ago, when I volunteered to become part of the most important ministry at Church Street: Children’s Ministry. Readers may or may not agree with my assessment, but I challenge anyone to come up with a ministry that is more important to the future — and I don’t mean just the future of our church, but the whole church, even the planet itself. Some of the kids I first taught now have kids of their own, and are in leadership positions here at Church Street and the world outside. Being a small part of their upbringing is an honor and a responsibility I don’t take lightly. But as always, God has given me rewards beyond my imagining in return.
There is no way to become blasé about any part of the great story of God’s gift of his Son when you tell it to a new set of kids every year, looking at it through the eyes of shepherds, the Wise Men, or angels. The awe and wonder in the faces of children when they kneel at the manger, follow the star across the desert, or sing with the angels, cures any tendency to stop paying attention. When you are sharing any story of Jesus with a child who might be hearing or understanding it for the first time, the possibility of miraculous grace is very real.
I am blessed to have this opportunity, and I want more members of the church to have it. The Children’s ministry needs more participation by volunteers of all ages, whether they have children in the program or not. Even volunteering for one Sunday a month would be appreciated, and could be an unexpected channel of grace that recharges the soul.
Dear God, open my heart to the awe and wonder of your love, and help me find new eyes to see the old stories, hear the words with new understanding, and share them with all the world. In Christ’s name, Amen.
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When Things Don’t Turn Out as Planned
UncategorizedDaily Advent Devotions from Church Street UMC
Monday, December 20
By Ann Reego
When Things Don’t Turn Out as Planned
Read Matthew 2:13-15a
“Now after they had left, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, ‘Get up, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you; for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him.’ Then Joseph got up, took the child and his mother by night, and went to Egypt, and remained there until the death of Herod.”
I am looking forward to Christmas so much this year! Jim and I haven’t seen our Tampa daughter, son-in-love and two grandchildren since Christmas of 2019. It’s a long story, but the root of all the evil is Covid. And to make it even better, my Knoxville daughter, son-in-love and the four girls will be in Tampa with us. It’s the first time all of us have been in the same house since June of 2018. I can’t wait. It will be truly the best most blessed time in two long years.
Not being with my Tampa family has been hard and frustrating for all of us. Watching Emily and Evan grow up on Zoom has broken my heart. I confess, I have whined A LOT! So, picture Joseph when he had this dream with an angel telling him to take Mary and the baby and flee to Egypt. He had dealings with angels about this baby before, so I guess it wasn’t too hard to believe. I wonder how Mary felt, when Joseph told her about his dream and his plan? I’m sure she had plans to take Jesus back to Nazareth and show him off to her family. But again, she had listened to an angel once before, so off they went to avoid Herod’s wrath and the killing of all male children under two.
Are you waiting for me to tie this all together? Well, here goes. Mary and Jospeh listened to the angels and saved their lives and the life of their child. And by doing so, they blessed us beyond words.
Jim and I listened to the words of the CDC and Dr. Fauci and have been without seeing part of our family for two years. We are still alive and healthy, and grateful for science, and also for a church who protects and cares for us in all ways.
Mary and Joseph must have looked forward to going home, but they spent 3 years in Egypt waiting for Herod to die. It’s only been 2 years for us, so I guess we are lucky!
Glorious and Loving God, thank you for protecting us and telling us how to remain safe from harm. Thank you for the leaders of Church Street UMC who prioritize our health and safety. Thank you for the birth of your Son, and in His name we pray. Amen.
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Remembrance and Reminder
advent, FeaturedDaily Advent Devotions from Church Street UMC
Sunday, December 19
By Palmer Cantler, Associate Pastor
Remembrance and Reminder
Read Exodus 12:2(NRSV)
“This month shall mark for you the beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year for you.”
Brent and I have a tradition around Christmas ornaments. Each year, we add a couple of new ornaments to our collection to document events of the past year. For 2019, we added an ornament decorated with a wedding cake to celebrate our wedding in September of that year. In 2020, our new ornaments commemorated adopting Waffles the dog, buying a home, and Brent’s first trip to the beach I grew up visiting. For 2021, we have already bought our new ornaments. This year, we will be adding a small church (in honor of my Ordination), an airplane (because Brent started traveling for work), and an NFL football (to mark Brent serving on the NFL Contact Tracing Team). As we decorate our family tree at the beginning of Advent each year, I love looking back on these new ornaments. They hold special memories of the life that Brent and I are making together.
This verse from Exodus begins God’s instructions to Aaron and Moses about how they must observe the Passover. In these instructions, God tells the Israelites how they will be saved in the present and that they must remember this moment in the future. Each year, the Passover is a remembrance and a reminder.
Advent serves as a time of remembrance and reminder during this first month of the Christian year. In our worship, we remember God’s involvement in creation since the beginning and that Christ came to fulfill God’s promises. This time also serves as a reminder that Christ came to bring reconciliation with our Creator. During this time, we both look back on all that God has done, and what God is and will continue to do in our lives.
Sustaining God, may this season of Advent call us to a time of greater remembrance of your continued presence in this world. Let us not get stuck in remembrance, but be inspired to look ahead for the ways the Spirit is calling us to bring the grace of your son, Jesus Christ, to others. Amen.
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A Prayer for the Seven Final Days of Advent
advent, FeaturedDaily Advent Devotions from Church Street UMC
Saturday, December 18
By Dwight R. Wade
A Prayer for the Seven Final Days of Advent
Read Matthew 1:22-23
“All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: ‘The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Emmanuel’ (meaning, God with us).”
On December 1, 2019, Church Street observed the first Sunday of Advent, and the congregation looked forward to remembering the Christmas tradition, Christ’s birth in Bethlehem. Our opening hymn in worship was the beloved “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.” On November 29, 2020, the congregation saw virtual worship only.
Early Christians used Advent to remember the release of the captive Jews from Babylon. In the week before Advent, Benedictine monks fast and focus on the names attributed to Jesus in this hymn during the week leading up to Christmas. They celebrate Advent with penitence and fasting. We remember this when we sing the ancient hymn “O Come, O Come Emmanuel.” During the week before Christmas, Benedictine monks use the beginning of each verse to prepare their hearts and minds for the day of Jesus’ birth. They employ a different title for each daily meditation: O Wisdom, O God, O (stem) Root of Jesse, O David, O Dayspring, O King of the Gentiles, O Emmanuel (God with us.)
I wonder if our own understanding and trust would be strengthened if, during this pandemic, we pondered the many facets of our Savior, like the Benedictine monks. And I wonder if fasting and penitence might not clear our heads and our hearts, making us more open to the everlasting hope that lies in Jesus. But, let us not fear, for Emmanuel is “our God with us.”
Holy Father, during this time of prolonged trials, we again focus on your presence each day this week. We remember your Wisdom, your undying care for your children, our human heritage through Jesse, David, the beginning of each day, the God of all people, the God who is WITH US. Amen, and Amen.
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advent, FeaturedDaily Advent Devotions from Church Street UMC
Friday, December 17
By Judy Vest
Read John 1:1,10 and 14 (CEB)
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God; The light was in the world, and the world came into being through the light, but the world didn’t recognize the light; The Word became flesh and made his home among us. We have seen his glory, glory like that of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth.”
Before anything else existed, there was Christ, with God.
Although He made the world, the world didn’t recognize Him when He came.
And Christ became a human being, lived here on earth among us, and was full of loving forgiveness and truth. And some of us have seen His glory — the glory of the only Son of the Heavenly Father.
Once a year as Advent approaches, there is hope of good tidings of great joy with peace on earth; and understanding, kindness and acceptance of others that may not be quite like ourselves, but children of God nonetheless.
As we kneel and pray, giving thanks for all our abundant blessings, we should remember that our Savior, Jesus the Christ-child born in a manger, has always been with God and will always be there for us.
God sent his Son to live among the people of the world, all of them, regardless of gender, station in life or any of the other lifestyles we view as wrong because it differs from what we call normal.
Lord, please give us an understanding and loving heart for one another, always. Keep us mindful that we only pass through this world for a short time. You have been and always will be with God. Amen.
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An UnMerry Christmas
advent, FeaturedDaily Advent Devotions from Church Street UMC
Thursday, December 16
In Honor of Our Stephen Ministers
An UnMerry Christmas
Read Philippians 4:4
“The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ.”
Advent and Christmas are upon us — usually a time of excitement and celebration! But what if you aren’t feeling that way this year? The pandemic has affected all our lives. You may have lost a loved one; you may have had Covid yourself. Almost certainly, you have been separated from the people you love most. This year many of us are lonely and wondering how we can celebrate.
Even in December, everyone is vulnerable to all kinds of ordinary losses, and now we have added the danger and loneliness of Covid. These situations and feelings can’t help but spill over into the holidays. It’s unavoidable. For many people, this may be a sad Christmas. If you’re feeling blue instead of festive this year, what can you do?
Whatever you are going through, always remember that Advent and Christmas reminds us of God’s love. Rest in that love, and trust the Lord to carry you through.
Dear Lord, Please draw near, and calm the hurt and sorrow I am feeling. Please envelop me with your love and peace that is beyond all understanding. Thank you for the miracle of Christmas and help me to embrace its meaning during this difficult time. Amen.
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