Our final NightLife of this year is this coming Sunday night, May 22! Join us for dinner and fellowship in the Youth Area!
Parents: please consider helping us with our Sunday breakfasts and dinners. We have lots of open dates this semester! Thanks for helping us serve your students well!


Basically, we’re having back to back parties to share in fellowship and celebrate what a special year this has been.

This Sunday night, we’re having breakfast for dinners and a pj party!

May 15 – Game Night (Jeopardy lead by seniors & pj party!)

May 22 – End of the Year Party (regular NightLife time)

Senior Spotlights

One of our favorite things about the spring semester each year is celebrating our graduating seniors.  And this year, we have a special Senior Spotlight series on our blog.  Our seniors answered interview questions earlier this spring and it has been so much fun learning their answers! Check back in each week to get to know our seniors better and help to cheer them on as they wrap up high school and prepare for their next steps!

Head to the Youth Blog to read all the full interviews! Or click on the image above to learn more about that specific student.

Summer Registration – Earlybird Registration Due

It’s hard to believe that summer is just around the corner. Below, you can find our registration for this summer’s event. Mark your calendars with these dates and join us for a great summer full of fellowship and service!
This Sunday, May 15 is the deadline for our early bird pricing.
Click on our Summer newsletter to learn more about each event.
Head to the link to register and mark your calendar!
Parents: please consider helping us with our Sunday breakfasts.  Thanks for helping us serve your students well!

One of our favorite things about the spring semester each year is celebrating our graduating seniors.  And this year, we have a special Senior Spotlight series on our blog.  Our seniors answered interview questions earlier this spring and it has been so much fun learning their answers! Check back in each week to get to know our seniors better and help to cheer them on as they wrap up high school and prepare for their next steps!

Meet Anastasia Lamar!

What high school are you graduating from?
Alcoa High school
What are your plans for next year?
Maryville College
What is your favorite bible verse?
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34
If you could choose one meal to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Mac and Cheese
If you could give some advice to your younger self, what would it be?
Be sure to buy face masks and stock in zoom! And enjoy the little moments while they last because soon you’ll be remembering how fast time goes by.
What are your top 3 favorite movies?
Ten Things I Hate About You
Knives Out
The Breakfast Club
What is your favorite Church Street memory?
Our sixth grade choir tour trip when I thought my friends and I were unstoppable and that the high schoolers and college students were the coolest people I could ever hang out with!
What are you most excited about going into the next season of your life?
I am excited to make new friends and being my nursing career!
One of our favorite things about the spring semester each year is celebrating our graduating seniors.  And this year, we have a special Senior Spotlight series on our blog.  Our seniors answered interview questions earlier this spring and it has been so much fun learning their answers! Check back in each week to get to know our seniors better and help to cheer them on as they wrap up high school and prepare for their next steps!

Meet Olivia Roberts!

What high school are you graduating from?
West High School
What are your plans for next year?
Attending ETSU with a major in fine arts
What is your favorite bible verse?
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12
If you could choose one meal to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?
My moms pork loin and Brussel sprouts
If you could give some advice to your younger self, what would it be?
Don’t be afraid to be bold.
What are your top 3 favorite movies?
-Fantastic Mr. Fox
-French Dispatch
-The Breakfast Club
What is your favorite Church Street memory?
Sitting in Jenny’s office with the other members of youth band laughing and bonding each week
What are you most excited about going into the next season of your life?
I am excited experience things in life for myself rather than others.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of May 4, 2022

Rev. Jan Buxton Wade

From the grain of the field and from the fruit of the vine you continue to feed us, O Sustainer.  Having received the bread of life and the cup of grace in our community this past Sunday, you addressed our brokenness and have given us strength to go out in your world and feed others who do not know of your mercy.  Without your divine energy regularly implanted within us, we could not venture to reach out to those who are difficult to love, to speak a word of kindness to those who question our motives and may even hold us in contempt.  And though we often fumble, we believe you know of our deep desire to do for others what you have done for us.  Continue to feed us your mysteries, we pray, that the outpouring of your love through Christ will be made manifest in our lives.

Enduring One, hear our prayer.

As each day of this week unfolds, we ask that your mercy would accompany us, for you know how swiftly we can make that wrong turn called discouragement. There are those detours that haunt us daily: our worries about family members and friends, the news of bloodshed and atrocities across the world, reports of famine and needless deaths of the innocents, the deep divide within our nation’s leadership, the growing number of drug addictions, and the multitudes suffering natural disasters.  We often feel our efforts are so paltry in the face of these complex situations; but save us from despair, we pray, for your love can permeate every circumstance and every heart.  Place your hands upon our hearts as we move through each tomorrow we are given, that we will always trust in your promise to watch over our going out and our coming in from this time forth and forevermore.

Enduring One, hear our prayer.

And we confess that most tenacious temptation – our desire to please ourselves.   Still that voice within us — that voice that mimics the noise of the marketplace, whispering that we need more and more of the world’s goods. You have filled us to overflowing and have blessed us in ways we do not merit. So let us be content with what we have and give praise to the Giver of all good gifts!

Enduring One, hear our prayer.

And because you are the Author of our Faith, whose only Son endured all things for our sake, we are bold to turn to you with our joys and with our burdens.  

  • Thankful an ill brother-in-law is home from rehab
  • Member is grateful for her new solid employment position
  • Family celebrates the baptism of their young daughter
  • Gratitude for good report following evaluation at Vanderbilt
  • A brother’s surgery went well on Monday at Vanderbilt
  • Thanksgiving for presentation by our Youth & Children’s Choirs
  • Member thankful for recent eye treatment
  • Family celebrates the birth of healthy baby boy
  • Family grateful for an opportunity to live abroad next year
  • Family grateful for prayers: home purchase is final
  • Thanksgiving for the Christian witness of two members who will be buried this week
  • Couple celebrating their wedding anniversary this week
  • Thanksgiving an arm infection has almost completely healed
  • Prayers for an end to the horror & violence in Ukraine
  • Three member families who are grieving deaths this week
  • Courage for 4 church members with Parkinson’s 
  • Lift up our high school seniors & their families this season
  • Prayers that a pathology report is clear
  • Prayers for couple seeking financial security
  • Please pray for 5 persons on the heart of a member
  • Singer with a voice malady, healing of illness & depression 
  • Prayers for a young son whose father died of an overdose  
  • Continued prayers: friend injured in accident, remains in ICU
  • Healing for two women with untreatable eye disease 
  • Correct diagnosis for mother with heart condition
  • Cancer patient exposed to Covid, pray that she is not infected
  • Young man seeking work in college athletics
  • Ease of pain for son awaiting shoulder surgery 
  • An uncle & grandmother in hospice care & their families
  • An ill mother-in-law & concerned family, for recovery 
  • A grandson with a difficult home life
  • Prayers for all taking part in a wedding on Saturday 

We thank you, Enduring One, for knitting us together as the body of Christ and for accepting our prayers that are offered in the name of your Son. May your Spirit continue its sustaining flow within us and through us until we reach those gates above, where we shall joyfully serve together with Jesus himself.

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a Prayer Request?

One of our favorite things about the spring semester each year is celebrating our graduating seniors.  And this year, we have a special Senior Spotlight series on our blog.  Our seniors answered interview questions earlier this spring and it has been so much fun learning their answers! Check back in each week to get to know our seniors better and help to cheer them on as they wrap up high school and prepare for their next steps!

Meet Jack Lynch!

What high school are you graduating from?
West High School
What are your plans for next year?
I will be attending Millikin University in Decatur, IL and majoring in Music with an emphasis in Voice.
What is your favorite bible verse?
2 Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is all that you need.”
If you could choose one meal to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?
If you could give some advice to your younger self, what would it be?
Always try your best each day because you will achieve something!
What are your top 3 favorite movies?
—Toy Story (1,2,3, or 4) —Tommy Boy —Marley and Me
What is your favorite Church Street memory?
When I started going to children’s choir rehearsals, I used to not like loud noises. However, my mom kept me going in order for me to reach my potential of where I am today in my vocal music career.
What are you most excited about going into the next season of your life?
I’m excited to go out into the world of making new relationships with various people of Christ, such as professors, new students, and mentors, while exceeding in my career.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of April 27, 2022

Rev. Catherine Nance*

Breathe on me, Breath of God, fill me with life anew,

That I may love what thou dost love, and do what thou wouldst do. 

Breathe on me, Breath of God. Breathe on us, Breath of God. Life-giving God, we are thankful for the image in our scriptures of Jesus breathing on the disciples and offering peace. We remember your breathing over the waters and bringing forth creation; breathing into humanity as you formed us in your image. O God we pray that as we inhale, we would take in your grace and love and all that is good. We desire to feel your presence in our very beings; at our core; in our hearts. Breathe on us the transforming breath of Jesus; the transformative breath… We pray for a calmness when we are facing tense situations and difficult conversations. Breathe on us.

We pray for peace in our world; breathe on our leaders and those around the world who make decisions based on maps and land and power, not on the hearts and wellbeing of people. Breathe on them; fill them with life anew. We pray for a steadiness of heart as Christians as we make decisions.  We pray for an abundance of your Spirit as we read your scriptures and seek guidance for our living. Breathe on us.

We pray for your church, O God. Breathe on your church – for ministers and laity everywhere who strive to build up the body of Christ and your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. We especially pray for those young ones who were confirmed on Sunday in our congregation as they seek to walk in the way of Christ. And bless, we pray, each one who has recently come forward to be baptized and to become a new members of our congregation. Guide them to find here nurture in faith, true fellowship, and a place of joyful service. Breathe on us; fill us with life anew.

Spirit of Life, as you hav delivered healing and revived hope to so many, we bring our prayers of praise this day.  And may your divine energy move within us and through us, Holy Lord, that we may become conduits of holy healing to these others who wait for your breath of renewal:

  • Gratitude for prayers: member recovers from successful hip surgery
  • Thanksgiving that a niece’s home has sold
  • Couple celebrates 40 years of marriage
  • Daughter thankful for her mother’s successful surgery
  • Prayers appreciated: no sign of cancer cells following transplant
  • Prayers of gratitude: a daughter’s home has sold
  • Widow feels blessed in a new home closer to family
  • One expresses gratitude for support of congregation
  • Gratitude: 2 families steadily recovering from Covid infections
  • Parents thankful for a son’s renewed effort to combat drug use
  • Ovarian cancer surgery completed with good results – grateful for prayers
  • One grateful for a restorative short vacation with friend
  • Thanksgiving that a friend’s cancer cells have been contained
  • Prayers for an end to the horror & violence in Ukraine
  • Prayers for husband with Parkinson’s – increasing difficulties
  • A father with Parkinson’s & his family; for a workable treatment plan
  • Easing of stress: family awaiting a home closing
  • Prayers for proper diagnosis- member returns to Vanderbilt Thursday
  • Professional singer with a voice malady, for healing & direction
  • Proper treatment for a brother with cancer near bladder 
  • Elderly neighbor injured in car accident, now on ventilator 
  • Hospitalized mother & wisdom for family making decisions  
  • Please pray for healing: two women with untreatable eye disease 
  • Correct diagnosis for mother with heart condition
  • Healing young granddaughter having seizures
  • Young man seeking work in college athletics
  • Son with shoulder injury, comfort as he awaits surgery
  • An uncle in hospice care & peace for his family standing by
  • Prayers that a young son recently exposed does not contract Covid
  • Prayers for anxious couple awaiting news of pregnancy
  • An ill mother-in-law & concerned family, for recovery 
  • Healing for nephew in cancer treatment  

Inhaling and exhaling is such a simple act, an involuntary act; yet without it we would die. As we breathe in, O God, may we remember that we are raised in new life with Christ. May we live into that life.

Breathe on us breath of God; fill us with life anew.

That we would love what thou wouldst love; and do what thou wouldst do.

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a Prayer Request?

*Inspired by Hymn Breathe on Me, Breath of God by Edwin Hatch, 1878

One of our favorite things about the spring semester each year is celebrating our graduating seniors.  And this year, we have a special Senior Spotlight series on our blog.  Our seniors answered interview questions earlier this spring and it has been so much fun learning their answers! Check back in each week to get to know our seniors better and help to cheer them on as they wrap up high school and prepare for their next steps!

Meet Kathryn Atkins!

What high school are you graduating from?
Webb School of Knoxville
What are your plans for next year?
Auburn University
What is your favorite bible verse?
In all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will make straight your paths.
Proverbs 3:6
If you could choose one meal to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?
my family’s thanksgiving meal or toad in the holes
If you could give some advice to your younger self, what would it be?
Get involved because the best way to learn is to take advantage of every opportunity that is given to you
What are your top 3 favorite movies?
Can’t Buy Me Love, Harry Potter, the Little Mermaid
What is your favorite Church Street memory?
All of the retreats and choir tours that have shown and taught me so much while I grew closer with all my friends
What are you most excited about going into the next season of your life?
Expanding my community and meeting new people while focusing in on my education

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of April 20, 2022

Rev. Jan Buxton Wade

Hail thee Festival Day! It was just before dawn when the glow of the Easter moon pulled our eyes upward — the first to disclose that darkness was fleeing – the first to whisper that new life was coming into the world.  Praises that we did not miss the dawn of your day of triumph, Faithful Lord! Praises that you appeared to us in the faces of so many blessed ones around us! Praises that your light penetrated our marred exteriors and pierced our souls!  “Shine on,” you seemed to say, “that this holy light will pour out forever through you!”Ah, such is the love that cleanses and refines, that erases the sins of yesterday and points toward tomorrow, that ever offers a new beginning!

Yes, O God, our hearts became wings on Easter as your splendor lifted us to hope of heaven! Yet we know many who continue to bear the wounds of Good Friday and remain locked in the dark tomb of pain: the ill of mind and body, the forgotten, the poor and the lonely, the dispirited and victims of terror.  We remember those times when you resurrected the dead parts within ourselves and offered us another way of living; and so we pray for those who are searching for a glimmer of relief, especially these we name in our hearts before you: . . . . . . . . . . Give them also, Father of Mercy, a new way of living, and remember, as well, these members of our church family who bring earnest prayers this day: 

  • Thanksgiving for a first grandchild, expected in a few weeks
  • Grateful for our church musicians and music directors
  • Gratitude for young persons who will be confirmed on Sunday
  • Couple is celebrating a major employment promotion
  • Gratitude that a family member has agreed to help with caregiving
  • Family thankful that daughter is home after many months in rehab
  • Thanksgiving: work of the Holy Spirit throughout a memorial service
  • A father celebrates his daughter’s graduation from college
  • Ukrainians suffering grave losses; for an end to the violence
  • Lift up member having hip surgery on Thursday, April 21
  • Prayers for husband with Parkinson’s – increasing difficulties
  • A father with Parkinson’s and his family; for a workable treatment plan
  • Please pray for two families, both awaiting home closings
  • Healing for a professional singer with a voice malady 
  • Remember a brother at Vanderbilt this week, bladder cancer
  • Continued prayers for member continuing to struggle with pneumonia 
  • Solace for nieces grieving their mother’s untimely death 
  • Please pray for a member with debilitating eye disease
  • Healing of one’s severe depression and anxiety
  • Correct diagnosis for mother with heart condition
  • Healing young granddaughter having seizures
  • Dear sister recovering from massive strokes, for improvement
  • Young man seeking work in college athletics
  • New treatment plan for one at Vanderbilt for consultation
  • Please pray for one having a 2nd employment interview on April 25
  • An uncle in hospice care & his family standing by
  • Peace for two overwhelmed with responsibilities
  • Healing of cousin in ICU, that his kidneys and heart may heal
  • Prayers for anxious couple awaiting news of pregnancy
  • Young wife with cancer, that recent treatment may help her recover
  • An ill mother-in-law and concerned family, for recovery 
  • Safe travel for member returning from NYC; safety for member in Ireland
  • Healing for a nephew in radiation treatment
  • Relative in treatment for ovarian cancer; longtime friend with cancer
  • Prayers for a mother beginning proton therapy for a malignancy
  • Adult son suffering a shoulder injury

It is true, O Sacred One, that we remain unsure of ourselves, too often afraid to stretch out our hand to clasp your own. Make firm our trust, we pray, so that we may become true Easter people, willingly releasing everything that hinders our walk with you, even our very lives.  Remind us, in whatever way you will, that what has been lost, you will reclaim; what has been harmed, you will remake; and all that is unwell, you will restore. These prayers we lift up the name of the Resurrected One, whose love was and is too deep for words: 

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a Prayer Request?

Daily Lent Devotions from Church Street UMC

Monday, April 18 – Afterword

By Nancy and Barry Christmas, On Behalf of the Congregational Care Committee

Let Your Light Shine

Read: Matthew 5:14-16

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

One morning in January we awoke to a beautiful blanket of snow, pristine white and shimmering in the bright, reflective sunlight. Overnight the world around us had been transformed from barren and sterile to the breathtaking panorama of a winter wonderland. There was wet snow clinging to all the trees, rooftops and fences, and windblown onto the sides of houses and light poles, with tiny crystals of snow glistening and twinkling. It brought to mind Jesus’ ability to take our broken and lifeless spirit and transform it into the radiant beauty of his love, that we might reflect that love onto all others around us.

For so many months we have traveled in the wasteland of a pandemic with all the sickness and death that has accompanied it. We are tired of our personal journey through the wilderness. Many people are weary, discouraged, frightened, and despondent. It’s so encouraging to receive a sign from above that there is hope for our future and there are better days coming. He alone has the power to transform our world.

He tells us in Matthew, we who believe in Him are the light of this world and we should not hide that light, but let it shine forth. We are to reflect His love in our actions toward others, so they will see that He can and will transform their lives, too. May we each search our hearts and ask Jesus how we can be His light in this world and His beacon of hope for those who have lost all hope.


Dear Jesus, show me how and where I can serve as your light in this world, to be your messenger of hope and renewed life. Amen.

Have a Prayer Request?

Submit your prayer request confidentially by clicking here.

Daily Lent Devotions from Church Street UMC

Sunday, April 17, Evening – Easter Sunday

By Rev. Jan Buxton Wade, Minister of Spiritual Enrichment

Spirit of the Sycamore

Read: Ephesians 4:20-24 ESV

“You learned Christ … and were taught in him, as the truth is in Jesus, to put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life… and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.”

Once, on a day hike with my husband and brother-in-law in the Smokies, we decided to test ourselves in identifying the various trees we encountered along the way. I did fairly well in the task we set for ourselves that afternoon, but I actually was no match for my two companions who grew up in the mountains and who hike every chance they get. Instantly, however, I recognized the one beautiful giant sycamore on the trail because of its peeling bark, discarded and strewn upon the forest floor.

I recalled my college botany professor describing the sycamore as the most tenacious grower in the Southeast. As its branches ascend to the heavens, the increasing tension on the bark causes the outer layer to simply split apart. It was the beautiful underneath layer that held my attention that day, for it revealed a mosaic of mottled white, tan and gray, resembling an old medieval map. I could trace some of the “roads” with my finger, but most of its paths were indistinct, crisscrossed, and seemed to lead nowhere. Its intricacy held such mystery that I lingered too long and was almost left behind!

Moving on across the ridge, I began to think of the maps of our own lives – we don’t always know if we are headed in the right direction; our paths are indistinct and sometimes we feel we are going nowhere. But we are called to grow in trust, depending on grace to get us through. Maybe that grand sycamore reigns on the mountainside even now. With mounds of bark cast aside, it calls to us: “Begin afresh! Begin afresh!”


 Designer of the Blessed Earth, how grateful we are that your message of renewal is written in so many ways throughout your holy creation. Give us eyes and ears and hearts to find you this very day. Amen.

Have a Prayer Request?

Submit your prayer request confidentially by clicking here.