Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of November 2, 2022

Rev. Tim Best

God of all the saints,  

In the midst of this week of remembering those holy people that have come before us, we give you thanks for those saints that have shaped our own lives. For parents and friends, grandparents and mentors, and for all those we have loved that have gone on from this life, we give you thanks. Where our hearts remain heavy, lift us up by your love and grace.  

Even as we remember the love and example of the saints and look with hope towards that day where all creation rejoices, we are mindful of the needs of our world today. Those whom we refer to now as saints are people who during their lives sought to be faithful to you despite the challenges of the world. Make your grace and presence known to those who suffer and those who feel far from you. 

In our observance of All Saint’s we proclaim that those who rest in you, rest in your peace. We pray for your peace to come near us now. As an election nears, we pray that the temptation to violence would be overwhelmed by your love. We pray for a peaceful transition of power in Brazil. We pray for peace in Ukraine. We long for the peace you promise to your saints to fill our world. Help all those who profess to be your disciples become peacemakers. We may not be able to end the war in Ukraine, or to solve political uncertainty abroad, but we can be peacemakers. When we disagree with one another, let the grace that binds us to you and to one another guide us to be forgiving, patient, and humble.  

When we look upon all the saints that you have set before us we see your love that stretches across all the sorts of people you have made. You have used the young and the old, the rich and the poor, the powerful and the powerless. Your Spirit works within folks of every nation. Your Word is known to peoples of every language. Break down the barriers that we set between each other and draw us into the community of saints from across all time and space. 

We pray for ….

  • Young man whose new job fell through; prayers for positive spirit as he continues to look for work in these difficult times. Praying that our trust is in God who is faithful. So many in the same situation!
  • A neighbor who had brain mass removed; prayers for patience as family waits on diagnosis. Prayers for healing and to feel God’s presence.
  • A recent widow offers prayers for her deceased husband’s brothers; one in hospice care and another dealing with Alzheimers. Prayers for adult children who are dealing with these stressful situations.
  • A father-in-law, age 97, who lives in Gaithersburg, had leg amputated last week.
  • Prayers for two members who are experiencing back pain … may relief be found!
  • A Sunday School class prays that our churches stay true to our conservative roots and that we will be a church that welcomes and loves all people.
  • The delegates to the Southeastern Jurisdictional Conference as new bishops are elected this week.
  • A precious juvenile who has struggled so much with accepting himself he is heading to incarceration; Lord, have mercy. Have mercy on the mother who has loved him so well. And continues to do so with all of her heart. Prayers of hope being offered …
  • A church member’s coworker committed suicide and leaves behind a wife and two young children. Prayers for their well-being as well as colleagues.
  • A church member who has MS and is dealing with poor living conditions; prayers for discernment about moving.
  • Second-graders in our church (each adult Sunday School class has been assigned a grade)
  • Prayers for ‘all the saints!’
  • Friends who are going through struggles …. Lord you know their need.
  • A mother who fell; recovering in rehab facility.

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for ….

  • A nineteen-year old grandson who was in a horrific car wreck but is healing at UT hospital. Thanking God that he was able to get out of the car; suffered broken bones which will heal. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
  • An 84-year old mother who celebrates her birthday this week. Prayers for good health and prayers of thanksgiving for a loving family!

Unite us in purpose and prayer as we join together in that prayer that Christ taught us, praying:  

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of October 26, 2022

Rev. Catherine Nance

Rev. Nance reminds us that our hymnal is full of prayers; mostly sung, some spoken! 

Mountains Are All Aglow (United Methodist Hymnal, 86) seems appropriate this week! 

Mountains are all aglow with autumn colors so bright; 

rivers are filled with water, giving life to our days. 

Golden fields wave their praise to God’s bountiful harvest; 

gratefully, skyward arising, hear our joyous songs of praise! 


Reaching far as earthly eyes can see, 

Reaching far as humble hands can toil, 

Every harvest is from our Lord; every blessing is from our God. 

Praise for the harvest, thanks to our God.  

God of creation, we imagine you with a paintbrush, touching up the colors this week. Had we noticed the dark reds earlier? When did our neighbor’s tree turn bright yellow? We are grateful for bursts of color that surprise us, take our breath away, and cause us to stop and bask in your glory. Open our eyes, widen our scope, and awaken our sight to how you are working in our world. Thank you, O God, for the beauty of the earth.  

In the morning we saw the beautiful colors and then, last night, the strong wind gave an extra push to the leaves who were waiting perhaps another week before dropping to the ground. Swirling leaves are beautiful. (We pray for safety as people drive on slick leaves; Lord, may we not be in such a hurry!) We thank you for your Spirit that will sometime gently blow and encourage us to let go; you know the time when we need a more Spirited shaking to let loose of things we dearly cling to. 

Sun and rain by the Lord’s design shall come at proper time.  

Working hard, God has given us reasons for deep gratitude.  

As we think back over the day, make us mindful – or heartful – of the reasons for deep gratitude. Perhaps we took them for granted earlier, but now at the end of the day, your paintbrush touches up our day, recalling the pleasant things, the good things. A kiss goodbye from partner or spouse heading off to work, sticky hands of children (why do we serve syrup before school?), the glorious sky, finding a lost coin, a kindness from a stranger, the just right cup of coffee, the text from an adult child, a shared meal with colleagues …. God has given us reasons for deep gratitude. 

Praise the Lord as we’re planting God’s word deep in each heart. 

God has sent sunshine and the rain so the seedlings may grow. 

Desert lands which seem barren, flowers still might bloom; 

trusting in God’s promises, our thanks to God we will show! 

Before we close our eyes for the evening, our hearts turn to those we love and those around the world who are hurting; there are so many who are sick. We are grateful for technology that reveals a more accurate diagnosis when our body or mind is hurting, but with the technology comes the burden – and gift – of options and more tests and treatments and visits to the clinic. We know that our earthly bodies will not last forever! Just as the leaves change and drop, our bodies go through changes. Some because of illness and most because of aging. Our spirits ache for those who are hurting, O God. And our spirits ache for those who care for the hurting. Where desert lands seems barren, may we trust in your promises that your life-giving spirit is always present.  

Trusting in God’s promises, our thanks to God we will show! 

We pray for ….

  • Families dealing with mental health issues
  • Families dealing with chronic disease
  • Husband and wife making decisions about next steps in their long journey with dementia and how children can help
  • A church member in hospital recovering from an infection
  • Continued healing for church member recently released from hospital
  • Continued prayers for one who is in great pain; may rehab bring renewed strength and healing
  • A member who is awaiting news from a retina specialist
  • Healing of heart when feelings have been hurt and relationships bruised

We continue to pray for …. 

  • One who was in car wreck; prayers for strengthening of body
  • A loved one dealing with addiction
  • A church member experiencing back pain
  • Caregivers; prayers particularly for a sister who lives out of town and is dealing with care of in-laws.

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for ….

  • Friends who help out when I need a ride to doctor
  • A grandchild who was born healthy
  • All the ‘ladies in the office’ who do so much for us!

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of October 19, 2022

Rev. Catherine Nance

When we do not know how to pray as we ought, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words … (Romans 8:26) 

O God, you know that oftentimes when we bow our heads and close our eyes, we have difficulty coming up with words. We think of your Holy Spirit sighing on our behalf, but we hear an exasperated sigh. A sign of weariness or disappointment is what we imagine. Is that not just like us, O Loving Spirit, to assume you are already displeased with our prayers before we begin. 

Why do we judge ourselves so harshly? Forgive us! The verse is couched in other verses saying that nothing can separate us from your Love! O God may we start over. When we do not know how to pray or when we do not have the words or even know what we want to say, may be hear the gentle sigh of your Spirit praying for us.  

May we imagine the peaceful sigh of a parent holding a child who has finally gone to sleep; the child finally giving in to rest and trusting the arms that hold him. 

May we imagine the sigh of an artist who takes a step back from her work to get a better look and sees beauty yet to be revealed; a sigh of possibilities and hope. 

O God, could we imagine the sigh of a student who lays the pencil down in relief; he knew all the answers!  

Can we hear the sigh of a grandmother who has just finished canning all those beans; wiping her brow and untying her apron? Her sign is one of fulfillment and satisfaction knowing that her family has delicious food for the winter ahead. 

O Breath of God, as we close our eyes to pray our own prayer, may we feel your presence in an encouraging way. May we know that we do not have to have the words, but that your Spirit moves in and out and around and through, connecting us to You, pleased that we are longing to be with you. May that enough as we bow our heads, close our eyes, and breathe …. 

Breathe on me Breath of God; fill me with life anew… 

Breathe on me Breath of God; fill me with life anew… 

We offer these petitions on behalf of our church family ….. 

We pray for ….

  • A member to find new job opportunities …. 
  • Parents of adult children who are dealing with mental health illness
  • Greater understanding and less stigma surrounding mental illness.
  • Church member injured in bicycle accident; prayers for smooth healing of body and spirit!
  • Folks who are interviewing for jobs and those who are doing the interviewing
  • The people of Ukraine
  • A sister who is moving from an assisted living facility to skilled care …
  • Spouses and adult children making decisions about long-term care and short term solutions in health situations
  • Those who are dealing with various forms of dementia and grappling with reality of diagnosis
  • A family burying their father and husband this afternoon
  • Friends and family who have the flu; may we all be safe and well!
  • Friends who need encouragement and strength in difficult situations
  • A mother who is in rehab for PT and now has Covid

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for ….

  • New members who have joined our church
  • Birth of a new granddaughter
  • Physical Therapy that is helping a member regain strength and ability
  • Flu vaccinations and boosters that are available
  • A young couple engaged to be married
  • A member who has gone home from many months of hospitalizations and rehab; so thankful to be home to see beautiful fall colors out or her own window!

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Flu Season Ahead Image

The COVID Community Tracker will no longer appear in The Messenger since transmission levels continue to remain low. But, remain diligent with hand washing, staying home when ill, and social distancing from others that appear unwell because . . .

Flu is Here!

The first “Flu View” from the CDC already shows high levels of influenza in Tennessee. Now is the time to get a vaccination if you haven’t already. Remember it takes about 2 weeks to develop adequate antibody levels for protection, so don’t delay!

Age                        Recommendation

6 mos.-6 yrs.:      1 or 2 doses based on whether child has had flu vaccine in past

≥ 7-49 yrs.:          1 dose of any influenza vaccine

≥ 50-64 yrs.:       1 dose of any injectable influenza vaccine

≥ 65 yrs.:              1 injection of high dose influenza vaccine

The flu vaccine administered as a nasal spray (Flumist®) is NOT recommended in people < 2 or ≥ 50 years of age or anyone with a condition that compromises the immune system. Flumist® is a weakened version of the live virus.

Pneumonia can develop along with or subsequent to a viral infection. Particularly at risk are those ≥ 65 years of age, as well as people of any age with compromised immune system, or other conditions that increase risk. If you fall into one of these categories make sure you are also up to date on the pneumonia vaccine. There is a new version so recommendations have been updated to include it.

Recommendations for Pneumonia Vaccine

  • Age ≥ 65 and no previous pneumococcal vaccine: One dose of the new PCV20
  • If PCV20 vaccine not available: One dose of PCV15 followed by one dose of PPSV23 at least 1 year later.
  • Age ≤ 64 and special situations to warrant vaccination: discuss with your healthcare provider.
  • If you have already received a dose of PCV13 and/or PPSV23 discuss with your healthcare provider to decide whether you might need a new version.

Additional information can be found at www.cdc.gov/vaccines, including precautions/contraindications for each and complete schedules for all adult and childhood vaccinations.

Submitted by: Vicky Shelton, D.Ph.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of October 12, 2022

Rev. Catherine Nance

Fall Break! Praise God for Fall Break!  

O God of refreshment, you have heard that prayer from teachers, parents, students, and grandparents. Even those who are not in school sense the need for time away. 

We pray blessings on families who are able to travel. We pray for their safety. 

We pray blessings on families who could not get away because of finances or job responsibilities of parents. Dear God, may children know the joy of ‘staying home’ and getting to snack and stay up a little later. Simple pleasures; restore the goodness of simplicity to our lives! 

We pray for school administrators who may be off this week but who are already thinking about standardized testing that comes in the spring and needs for next fall. Student teachers who are trying to get assignments done and portfolios completed.  

O God of new beginnings and fresh starts, may all those returning from Fall Break feel a sense of renewal. 

This weekend is a big deal, O God! Media and all of the commotion and excitement of a football rivalry. Some are even praying, “Dear God, let us win!” We trust you are an impartial fan, God of all tribes, teams, and people! In the midst of all this fun and in the midst of all the hype, we do pause to pray for sanity and safety. We pray for young men who want to play and do not get the chance. We pray for the families of all coaches – children and spouses – who know the pressure and the lack of privacy and hear the jeers and cheers. We pray for members of marching bands who work as hard as the athletes do. It may seem silly to pray about an upcoming football game, dear God, but we do pray for all the people coming to town. Prayers for safe travels. Prayers for good judgement. Prayers to know that these young men on the field – whether wearing orange or crimson – are sons of parents who work hard and are proud. Bless us all! 

Dear God, who stirs up in us the volunteer spirit, we want to say thank you for volunteers in our church. Greeters, ushers, choir members, teachers; folks who come early to plug in coffee pot and to make sure Sunday School is ready. We pray for churches everywhere this weekend, that it will be a good day of worship and fellowship in your Holy Spirit. 

As our eyes move from our own church and our own city to the rest of your world, we pray desperately for the madness in Ukraine to stop. We are bold to pray for your intervention, O God! We know that you desire peace in your world. We hurt for soldiers of any uniform who are tired, hungry, and longing for home. May each of us be a beacon of light and peace wherever we are this weekend. 

We offer the following petitions on behalf of our members …. 

We pray for ….

  • Church member whose father died; so thankful all of his children were able to be with him as he peacefully slipped into Eternal Light and Love.
  • A member who was in a minor car accident and is dealing with the pain and healing of a broken sternum. May she feel God’s presence.
  • A member who has been hospitalized and is waiting to go to rehab.
  • A member who fell and shattered hip; prayers for encouragement and wellbeing as she prepares to go to rehab.
  • A church member’s husband will have another scan soon; prayers that it will show he is still in remission! 
  • A young man whose wife just died is now in the hospital with heart issues. Prayers that he can feel God’s strength and healing presence even amidst such grief.
  • A member’s nephew who serves in the Coast Guard and was involved in an accident while repelling from a helicopter. Thankful for successful knee surgery! Prayers for continued healing and strength in the three-month rehab.
  • A Sunday School teacher who seeks God’s wisdom each week in how to share and what God wants her to teach.
  • A member’s husband in the death of his father … prayers for peace.

We continue to pray for ….

  • Member whose beloved dog died in cabin fire; everything destroyed. Prayers for emotional healing during such grief.
  • Members who continue to move through grief after deaths of spouses, parents, children, and, friends….
  • Brother of a member whose livestock and barn were destroyed in a fire in Illinois.

We give thanks for …..

  • A member who was released from rehab and has returned to her home!
  • Successful surgeries in the past weeks and continued healing!
  • A beloved husband, father, and grandfather who is celebrating ten years of being cancer free!
  • Rest! Fall break was so needed for this family! Thank you God for change of scenery!
  • Blessing of the Animals! Thankful for the special love and grace that our pets show us!

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Sunday Schedule
Worship – 8:30AM & 11:00AM
Sunday school – 9:45-10:45AM
NightLife – 5:00-7:00PM ($5 dinner)

SLA Info

Our Fall Retreat, Spiritual Life Advance (SLA), is less than 2 weeks away!  We are traveling to Locust Springs Christian Camp in Greeneville, TN on November 11-13.

Be on the lookout for an email later this week with everything you need to know including a general schedule, packing list, and information to help you prepare for the weekend!

For now, use the playlist below to listen to songs we’ll use for worship on the weekend to help prepare you for the days ahead!

SLA 2022 Playlist

High School Prayer Breakfast

This year, we are going to rotate locations of our High School Prayer Breakfast. Hopefully, this will allow more students to participate! We will begin after Labor Day. The first two dates & locations are:

  • November 1, Panera Fountain City, 7:20 AM
  • November 8, Chick-fil-A West Hills, 7:15 AM

If you are interested in a prayer breakfast near your neighborhood, let Jenny know!

Football Parking Fundraiser

For each of Tennessee’s home football games, we have the incredible opportunity to park cars on our campus and raise money for our Youth Department and Youth Choir. Each weekend, we tithe (give 10%) of our earnings to a Parking Lot Maintenance fund, and the remaining is divided evenly between the two groups. We need a lot more help for the Alabama game on October 15!

It requires a significant amount of volunteer support to make this fundraiser work, and we ask all families to volunteer for at least two shifts during the season. Please use the link below to sign up and learn more.

Football Parking Sign-Up

Parent Sign-Ups

Survey: Parents, please use the survey below share with us some helpful information at the start of the year. This survey includes contact info, volunteer sign-ups, and a place to share with us anything that would be helpful in serving your family at the start of the year.

Parent Survey

Annual Release Form: Each year, we ask every student to complete an Annual Release Form. This acts as our medical and liability form for all of our events. Please complete this form for every student in your family!

Annual Release Form

Meal Sign-Ups: Each Sunday, we serve our students breakfast and lunch. We ask families to volunteer to help make these meals happen! The sign-ups are below. If every family signs up for one breakfast and one dinner each, we will have nearly every week covered!

Breakfast Sign-Up

Dinner Sign-Up

Have you viewed our page on Church Street’s website? Check it out!


Brian Tillman poster CSUMC

Rev. Brian Tillman was Church Street UMC’s coach and mentor last year during the Racial Reconciling Cohort with the Western North Carolina Conference. The six-month journey of learning and reflecting inspired our church’s cohort (ten members and Rev. Catherine Nance) to continue the conversation. One of the group’s dreams was to invite Rev. Tillman to our church home.

On November 13, Church Street is thrilled to welcome Rev. Tillman to our worship services and to teach us more about the work of racial reconciliation. He is the Director of Inclusion and Advocacy for the North Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church.

He will be leading a workshop on Sunday afternoon for all who are interested titled “The 6 R’s of Racial Reconciliation: resistance, recognition, repentance, repair, reconstruction, and restored relationship.”

This workshop is free, but we ask that you please register below to give us a headcount for resources and food/beverage.

  • Learn more about Rev. Tillman’s work, linked here
  • To register for the workshop on November 13 at 4 pm, click here

On November 13, Rev. Tillman will be preaching at both the 8:30 and 11:00 worship services in the nave. The workshop begins at 4:00 and will last approximately 2 hours. Room assignment TBD.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of October 5, 2022

Rev. Catherine Nance

We pray for our church this evening, Gracious God. 

It is busy in this church building today, O God. As it was yesterday. And the day before. 

Of course, we were here on Sunday singing praises and offering prayers; learning lessons and sharing fellowship. We shared the Body and Blood of Christ at Your Table and felt the communion of the saints around the world and throughout eternity. 

It is our prayer that what happens here on Sunday reverberates with us throughout the week. The nourishment we received at the Table strengthens our spirits to receive and share your grace. May our behavior, thoughts, and words reflect that we have been with the Lord. We thank you, God, for Sundays! 

We thank you for the clerical that happens on Monday. Counting offering, reading through friendship pads. Noting names of visitors and rejoicing at names of members we have not seen in a while. Checking the hospital board for who has gone home and noting names of members’ loved ones who have died. God of details, you know how important this work is. In each offering envelope sealed, in each name written, and in each phone call received, there is a story and a disciple. Thank you for the tasks that remind us. 

God who has called some to ‘church work,’ we thank you for staff and volunteers who gather on Tuesday to touch base, look ahead, celebrate, evaluate, and encourage. May each one know your presence in a very real way as they do their work of making your presence known to others. We thank you for the laity who come on weeknights to attend meetings and provide leadership and enthusiasm for the mission and ministry of this church. Thank you for their commitment of time and service. 

God who sang out the first words, thank you for choir members who come tonight to tune their hearts and voices together. May the anthems sung mirror their devotion to the music of the Holy Spirit. O God, who gave us the ability to hum a melody, may the music we sing here echo in our lives throughout the week. Recording worship for those who cannot attend happened today. May the effort be pleasing to you and may those who watch know they are connected here.  

And, there is tomorrow … Soup Kitchen and other gatherings. 

This is a busy place, O God! May all of our movement and conversation and interactions in this place be pleasing to you! Amidst the activity, may we know that it is holy work and not just busyness! For those who are here only on Sundays, may their lives be made more meaningful because of worship. We do not desire busy lives, Precious Redeemer, but meaningful lives steeped in your grace and love. 

We pray for …

  • The friends and family of a young woman who died of cancer this past week. Thankful she was surrounded by so much love and support.
  • Church members who have been hospitalized recently. Prayers of thanksgiving for successful surgeries and treatments.
  • Church member who had a heart attack last month is beginning cardio rehab. Prayers that he will regain strength and energy. 
  • For mother of a member who had cancer surgery today; prayers for family as they make decisions about care.
  • For members who are grieving 
  • A member who has lost so much in a fire this past week; his beloved dog, a family cabin, all the treasures. May he be restored to health and hope.
  • A brother in Illinois, whose farm had a horrible barn fire. Prayers for the family as they suffer this great lost of property and livestock.
  • A member who is in the hospital anxious to begin physical therapy; prayers that he walk ‘steady on his feet’ again!
  • A 16-year old classmate who is in Children’s Hospital suffering from Crohn’s Disease; may the doctors help her manage pain and symptoms.
  • A baby at Vanderbilt undergoing surgery
  • A family whose husband and father died suddenly; prayers of thanksgiving for opportunity give organs so others might have life.

We give thanks for …

  • The A. Orin Bishop Lecture event and Dr. Kate Bowler
  • Beautiful weather!
  • Good medical care and doctors who genuinely have a sense of calling

We continue to pray for ….

  • Those with chronic illness.
  • Those who are grieving whether loss occurred last month or years ago; be with us in our grief.
  • The people of Ukraine and Russia
  • Clean up and rebuilding efforts from Hurricane Ian

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Kate Bowler

On Sunday, October 2, Church Street UMC was thrilled to welcome Dr. Kate Bowler to the nave for a presentation about “Deconstructing our Cultural and Spiritual Scripts”.

About the Bishop Lecture Series

Kate Bowler and Dr. Asa and Skippy Bishop

Kate Bowler and Dr. Asa and Skippy Bishop. The Bishop Lecture Series has provided funds to bring authors like Dr. Bowler to Church Street for spiritual growth.

The event was made possible thanks to Church Street’s Bishop Lecture Series. Dr. Asa Bishop created an endowment in memory of his father A. Orin Bishop, called the Bishop Lecture Series, and over the years, the series has underwritten more than 20 lectures and extended the legacy of the Bishop Family and their passion for biblical and spiritual enrichment into the future.

About Kate Bowler

Kate Bowler is a three time New York Times Bestselling author, and she is a professor of history at Duke Divinity School. Her academic research has focused on the history and culture of American Christianity, exploring the phenomenon of the Prosperity Gospel, the idea that God will show favor to some of us for our faith and bless us.

She is known for her popular memoirs Everything Happens for a Reason (and other lies I’ve loved) and No Cure for Being Human (and other truths I need to hear), her book of devotions Good Enough, and her podcast EVERYTHING HAPPENS, where she has interviewed everyone from authors Barbara Brown Taylor, Anne Lamott, and Richard Rohr to the Archbishop of Cantebury and Reverend Will Willimon, to actors Stanley Tucci, Matthew McConaughey, and Alan Alda – among many others. She has nearly 150,000 instagram followers where she shares hope and humanness about what she has called “our chronic lives”.

Kate Bowler at CSUMCKate Bowler full naveKate BOwler Catherine Nance Q and AKate Bowler BlessingKate Bowler reads blessing

Kate Bowler and Tom HoodKate Bowler greets Rev. Tim Best and family

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of September 28, 2022

Rev. Catherine Nance

Gracious God, 

On this Wednesday evening, our hearts and minds are with all who have been and will be in the path of Hurricane Ian. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.  

Often, when we hear world news, we have to look on a map or perhaps we dismiss the news since we cannot picture where it is. (Forgive us Lord!) But, we all know where Tampa is. We know Jacksonville. We have been to Orlando. We have relatives and loved ones along the path. We have friends who are scheduled to travel and we worry. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. 

In the midst of news about landfall and surges, we hear the phrases explaining how climate change plays a role and then, how we have played a role in climate change. Forgive us Lord, in our shrugging, our denying, our simply hoping for things to be better. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. 

We see people on the news who, yesterday, were political candidates. Today, they area governors and other officials in charge of emergency maneuvers. Bless these leaders Lord. May all work together to promote safety and clarity of information. Thank you for the employees who show up each day at National Weather Service and provide information for us. We are grateful to for science and technology that informs and supports their work. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. 

O God, these weather-related terms apply to our own lives as well. Some of us are expecting a ‘landfall’ – some impending crisis – a diagnosis, a conversation, layoff. Others of us have no idea of what is ahead but will experience the ‘surge’ and the ‘impact.’ Dear God, your Holy Spirit connects us to each other. May we be mindful of how our decisions, our words, changes in our lives, do not affect us alone. But there are ripples and consequences and aftershocks. May we be kind to one another and understanding of those who find themselves caught in a deluge they did not know was coming. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers. 

Along with all of the people of Cuba who are without power, the people of Florida, and all those in the path, we pray for these concerns shared by our church family: 

We pray for …

  • A dear friend who has undergone so much cancer treatment and now has pneumonia and other complications. Prayers for her family as they hear and grapple with prognosis from doctors about the weakness of her body. Prayers that she feels the love and prayers all around her.
  • Those who are traveling out of town for work
  • For a coworker whose cancer has returned. Prayers for her three sons; one teenager and two young adults. This single mom needs the assurance that ‘her boys’ will be fine.
  • Clarity from medical tests results and that a healing plan will be made clear
  • A man who has had heart attack; prayers for good rehabilitation
  • A family whose mother is in hospice care; not expected to live many more days. Grateful for Eternal Light and Life!
  • Those who have been recently hospitalized and are doing well at home.

We give thanks for …

  • The scriptures which give guidance about how to live; especially First Corinthians 13
  • God’s wisdom and purpose in our lives
  • Third graders who received Bibles and that Ms. Katryn was able to hand them out in person!
  • New members joining and two baptisms this past week!
  • The opportunity to hear Kate Bowler. Thank you to the A. Orin Bishop Lecture endowment!

We continue to pray for ….

  • A Sunday School class member who has to travel to Africa several times this month for work
  • Families making decisions for loved ones
  • A woman recently diagnosed with cancer

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.