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The Wonder of Hope

Daily Advent Devotions from Church Street UMC Monday, November 29 By Therese Zaltash The Wonder of Hope Read Romans 15:12-14 Advent is “The coming of Christ” and the period of preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas. This time of year invites us to step away from the chaotic times […]



Daily Advent Devotions from Church Street UMC Sunday, November 28 By Rev. Catherine Nance, Senior Pastor Wait Read Nehemiah 9:6-15 “You are the Lord, you alone; you have made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. To […]


Weekly Prayer – November 24

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family Week of November 24, 2021 Rev. Jan Buxton Wade Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness, come into his presence with singing. Know that the Lord is God. It is he that has made us and we are his; We […]


Weekly Prayer – November 17, 2021

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family* Week of November 17, 2021 Rev. Tim Best Most Caring God, as we approach the holiday of Thanksgiving, remind us that true thanksgiving is not a single day of the year, but an eternal season of gratitude, a lifestyle that we practice our entire lives. Fill our hearts […]


Weekly Prayer – November 10, 2021

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family Week of November 10, 2021 Rev. Jan Buxton Wade And what do you have that you did not receive?  And if also you did receive it, why do you boast  as not having received it?   (I Cor. 4:7) Ah, the apostle has rightly spoken – for what have we acquired that did not come to us from Divine […]


Weekly Prayer – November 3, 2021

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family Week of November 3, 2021 Rev. Jan Buxton Wade O Lord of Tender Mercies, we have only human words to utter when we turn to you; but the truth is that words fail, never fully capturing what is in our hearts.  So listen closely to those longings that […]


Weekly Prayer – October 27, 2021

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family Week of October 27, 2021 Rev. Jan Buxton Wade This week, O Lord, our hearts turn to you as we remember all those saints whom you have called and who have walked among us throughout the years.  We remember your disciples who spent their time in this realm […]


Weekly Prayer – October 21, 2021

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family Week of October 21, 2021 Rev. Jan Buxton Wade Blessed are you, God Over Us, for each autumn morning you bring us a breakfast tray brimming with glories. Green leaves, veined with bronze and gold, wave their quiet hellos, using blue heaven as a pristine backdrop. Fluffy- tailed […]

Weekly Prayer – October 13, 2021

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family Week of October 13, 2021 Submitted by Rev. Palmer Cantler* God of Sun and Moon, Star and Sky, your wonder is beyond our imagining. We thank you for the gift of this world we share, and for the common bonds that we share as your children. Bless us […]


Weekly Prayer – October 6, 2021

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family Week of October 6, 2021 Written by Rev. Jan Buxton Wade O Author of All Our Days, our lives seem so scattered in this modern era, and we are quick to attach our lives to strings that others pull.  Go here! they say; Do that! they advise;  Follow […]