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Weekly Lenten Prayer – March 1, 2022

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family Week of March 1, 2022 Rev. Jan Buxton Wade Christ whose glory fills the skies, your mercies pierce the darkest morn and the most dreary night. As Jesus was transfigured on the mount, you transfigure everything you touch. Most Holy One, you remain our light upon the unknown […]


Weekly Prayer – February 23, 2022

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family Week of February 23, 2022 Rev. Jan Buxton Wade Scripture tells us your spark of divinity resides within each of us. And whatever  essence this spark is, we confess, such a notion of innate holiness unnerves us. Therefore, we have lacquered it over by our own illusions and […]


Weekly Prayer – February 16, 2022

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family Week of February 16, 2022 Rev. Jan Buxton Wade Awaken us, we pray, to your Spirit-filled blessings that encircle the quiet earth. In our quest to “do” we forget you have called us to “be.” We confess we walk about with eyes closed to your splendors, but you […]


Weekly Prayer – February 2, 2022

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family Week of February 2, 2022 Rev. Pat Clendenen Loving and gracious God, in the quietness of these moments, speak to our hearts. We come to your house each week to offer our praise and thanksgiving with our words, our songs, our acts of commitment, and affirmations of faith. […]


Weekly Prayer – January 26, 2022

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family Week of January 26, 2022 Rev. Catherine Nance Loving and gracious God – we come today in praise and thanksgiving for you – the creator all good things. We remember that when you spoke the earth into being, you declared it good. As we stand on your earth […]


Weekly Prayer – January 19, 2022

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family Week of January 19, 2022 Rev. Tim Best Gracious Lord, this week we remember the life and legacy of your servant, Rev. Dr. King, praying that your Spirit would continue to teach us the ways of peace. When we encounter hate; grant us the gift of love. Help […]


Weekly Prayer – January 12, 2022

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family Week of January 12, 2022 Rev. Jan Buxton Wade Welcoming One, we can imagine you now in our mind’s eye, with your arms outstretched, bidding us draw close.  You must know quite well how  overwhelmed and vulnerable we feel.  The pandemic continues to unfold around the globe and […]


Weekly Prayer – January 5, 2022

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family Week of January 5, 2022 Rev. Jan Buxton Wade Holy God, with the bells of New Year’s Eve still ringing in our ears, we come to you in all humility; for how can we celebrate the turning of the calendar without praising you for the divine grace that […]


Weekly Prayer – December 29, 2021

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family Week of December 29, 2021 Rev. Jan Buxton Wade Holy Lord, we come to you at the midpoint of this week, still in awe of the beauty and sacredness of Christmas Eve.  What joy to raise our voices in prayer and praise of your coming among us in […]


The Star Was Bright

Daily Advent Devotions from Church Street UMC Saturday, December 25, Evening By Sarah Elliott The Star Was Bright Read Matthew 2:10 “When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.” Growing up, my mother taught me to appreciate the stars. Some of my favorite constellations are the big dipper, the little dipper, and […]