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Quiet Your Soul …

Most of us are operating with a low-grade sense of anxiety always lurking in the background. Even if things are going great for you, they are different. And adjusting often causes us some stress.

Prayer for Today – August 26

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Prayers for the Church Street Family August 26, 2020 Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade   I am the door. If anyone enters by me he will be saved and will come in and go our freely and find pasture. John 10:9 O Keeper of the Keys, in the dampness of morning, […]

Prayer for Today – August 25

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Prayers for the Church Street Family August 25, 2020 Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade   O One Who Calls, we heard Jesus say, “Take up your cross and follow me.” These are not words we particularly want to hear, and we wonder just what our own particular cross might be. Could […]

Prayer for Today – August 24

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Prayers for the Church Street Family August 24, 2020 Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade   O Beauty of Holiness, we are a tense people, eagerly answering the world’s cry for productivity. But you stop us in our tracks with the startling beauty you have sown around us. Lead us to touch […]

Just Be Still …

It’s Tuesday – in my opinion, the most challenging day of the week.  There is nothing wrong with Tuesdays at all.  But they often leave me feeling overwhelmed.

Prayer for Today – August 20

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Prayers for the Church Street Family August 20, 2020 Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade   Heart of Heaven, you knew us and blessed us when we rested in our mother’s peaceful womb.  Through that soothing regularity of heartbeat, you were early teaching us the language of calm, preparing us for Jesus, […]

Prayer for Today – August 19

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Prayers for the Church Street Family August 19, 2020 Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade   Come down, O Love Divine, seek thou this soul of mine and visit it with thine own ardor glowing; O Comforter draw near, within my heart appear, and kindle it, thy holy flame bestowing. Creator of […]

Prayer for Today – August 18

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Prayers for the Church Street Family August 18, 2020 Rev. Jan Buxton Wade   Most of the time you seem so silent, Unknowable One. We sit beneath faint clouds in the sky and speak to you. Our prayers seem to echo out into the valley of nowhere. “Where are you?” we […]

Prayer for Today – August 17

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Prayers for the Church Street Family August 17, 2020   Gathering God, we remain the church united, even as we pray from different locations, for we are connected by something more wondrous than the technology we employ. Your Spirit rests over us, filling us with hope and vision even in an […]

Prayer for Today – August 13

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Daily Prayers of the Church Street family August 13, 2020 Pastor Jan   O Quiet Friend, we often feel that we fail at prayer, for our words are never adequate, our phrasing clumsy, and our descriptors fall short of what we want to say. Still, you meet us where we are, […]