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Prayer for Today – October 14

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Prayers for the Church Street Family October 14, 2020 Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade   O God Most Holy, as we glimpse your morning brightness through the colored branches, we are filled with a deep longing to remain enfolded in your holy presence this day. Without reservation, the bracing breeze reminds […]

Prayer for Today – October 13

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Prayers for the Church Street Family October 13, 2020 Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade   O Great Physician, once a leper came to Jesus and said: I wish to be made clean.” Today we come before you with that same prayer in our hearts, for we carry many burdens and require […]

Prayer for Today – October 12

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Prayers for the Church Street Family October 12, 2020 Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade   O One of Many Names, you have called us to be members of your blessed community. With our different origins and backgrounds, with our varying skin tones and physical appearance, with our mixed languages and dialects, […]

Prayer for Today – October 8

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Prayers for the Church Street Family October 8, 2020 Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade   For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. (Isaiah 55:8) God of Grand Imagination, how intricately you have created our universe! All things are aligned so perfectly, such […]

Prayer for Today – October 7

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Prayers for the Church Street Family October 7, 2020 Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade   O Master of Life, the ground beneath us seems to be shifting these days and we strive to regain our footing. Just when we think everything is under control, we feel ourselves slipping again, inch by […]

Prayer for Today – October 6

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Prayers for the Church Street Family October 6, 2020 Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade   O Beauty of Holiness, we are a tense people, eagerly answering the world’s cry for productivity. But you stop us in our tracks with the startling beauty you have sown around us. Lead us to look […]

Prayer for Today – October 5

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Prayers for the Church Street Family October 5, 2020 Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade   O Morning Star, you speak to us through the fading leaves that float across the window pane, scuttling down to the cool earth, joining a thousand others. They collect much as our days, crumpled and lifeless, […]

Prayer for Today – October 1

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Prayers for the Church Street Family October 1, 2020 Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade   Truest Friend, you are always true to us, but we are ever having to say we are sorry. You have been faithful to us, but we confess we have been unfaithful to ourselves and to one […]

Prayer for Today – September 30

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Prayers for the Church Street Family September 30, 2020 Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade   Under leaden skies the rain patters lightly on the cedars, as softly as a cat moves into a room, licking away its residue of summer dust. The summer has brought its wonders but also fiery protests […]

Prayer for Today – September 29

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Prayers for the Church Street Family September 29, 2020 Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade   O God, we often search for you behind the clouds, beyond the bounds of the conventional, but what if you are right here, alive and well in the most obvious? Have we been so busy peering […]