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Prayer for Today – May 13

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Daily Prayers of the Church Street family May 13, 2020 Pastor Jan   O Endless Good, we remain grateful for your enduring love that neither fades nor falters. For if ever we needed your constancy, we need it in this interval of troubles. We recall Jesus’ words to those fragile souls […]

Prayer for Today – May 12

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Daily Prayers of the Church Street family May 12, 2020 Pastor Jan   O Timeless One, in an era when it is unfashionable to speak of our faith, may we unapologetically share with others what your grace has meant to us. We often wonder how it is that so many exist […]

Prayer for Today – May 11

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Daily Prayers of the Church Street family May 11, 2020 Pastor Jan   YOU BLESS US   For the life beat of our hearts For your word that faith imparts O Lord, you bless us.   For the beauty of the call From the Savior of us all O Lord, you […]

Prayer for Today – May 10

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Daily Prayers of the Church Street family May 10, 2020 Pastor Jan   Mothering God, we are each created in the womb of your love and you have nurtured us to this day. Many were raised in loving households, as you intended, though others of us spent our early lives in […]

Prayer for Today – May 9

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Daily Prayers of the Church Street family May 9, 2020 Pastor Jan   We confess, Listening Lord, that we are happy existing within the spiritual walls we have constructed around ourselves. We are content with our own culture, our politics, our narrow views. None of these do we want to see […]

Prayer for Today – May 8

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Daily Prayers of the Church Street family May 8, 2020 Pastor Jan   O Fortress of Hope, throughout these unanticipated weeks of fear and unease, we have bid farewell to so many things: to normalcy in the home and workplace, the regularity of salary, freedom of movement, the human touch, and […]

Prayer for Today – May 7

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Daily Prayers of the Church Street family May 7, 2020 Pastor Jan   Someone once said that our God is older than eternity, yet younger than our next breath. He remains unknowable, but he knows us each by name. Such a nature is beyond our comprehension, even though we have been […]

Prayer for Today – May 6

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Daily Prayers of the Church Street family May 6, 2020 Pastor Jan   O Divine Guest, come dine with us today. We need not set a place for you, however, as you are already dwelling in each receptive soul. From your seat of honor, you  show us how to remain appreciative […]

Prayer for Today – May 5

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Daily Prayers of the Church Street family May 5, 2020 Pastor Jan   Eternal One, our joy lies in knowing that you send us signs of your love in a multitude of ways. Today, sharpen our senses, we pray, that we might feel your silent presence pervading every step we take. […]


Prayer for Today – May 4

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Daily Prayers of the Church Street family May 4, 2020 Pastor Jan   As our Welcoming Christ opens his arms to us from our altar, we know your arms also remain outstretched to us, Faithful One – ready to receive us, to embrace us, and to offer your unfailing love and […]