Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of August 15, 2021

Written by Rev. Jan Buxton Wade

O God, we call your Son the Prince of Peace, and yet we make war among ourselves, too often in your name. Forgive us, we pray.  Our hearts are torn when the see the anguished faces of those who have lost everything, as they flee in search of safety, of peace.  Dark frightened eyes peer out from veils, as if begging us not to forget them. Lord, have mercy. Shelter under your wings the weak and unprotected in Afghanistan; diffuse the evil retaliation that lives within the souls of the oppressors now in control. Lord, have mercy. And we pray your covering of security would rest upon the people of Haiti who have borne more destruction and upheaval than the human mind can comprehend or heart contain. Lord, have mercy. Supply sufficient wisdom, we pray, that prudent solutions may be reached in ministering to the refugees crossing our southern borders. May our hands join yours in the bold work of restoration and healing.  

Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy.

Candle of Compassion, shine your light upon all who are distressed by illness – either their own, or the sickness of loved ones.  Ease their burdens, we pray, and give strength to those who care for the infirm.  Particularly, we ask that you would bless the hands of all healthcare workers who labor to assist those afflicted with the Covid virus.  We thank you for instilling medical professionals with courage and a sense of mission to ease the suffering around them.  Give us wisdom, as people of God, to do all we can to shield from illness our brothers and sisters in your beloved community. And in whatever opportunity presents itself, may we keep your candle of hope burning brightly for those who are unwell or depleted. 

Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy.

This week we remember how you have remained our Constant Hope, our strength and shield, and have brought goodness our way. We therefore name the private praises for the favors you have shown us in recent times . . . . . . . . . Glory be to you, the One who always offers hope.  And with our personal gratitude, we also name the singular ways in which you have lightened the burdens of others in our church family:


  • Thankful for prayers, back pain is easing
  • Youth Choir that makes our hearts glad
  • Family grateful for church support during bereavement
  • Family celebrating birth of healthy baby girl on the 13th
  • God’s good work in the lives of a broken family
  • Rainfall upon our thirsty earth
  • Financial assistance received by one ill & in need
  • Gratitude for healthcare workers going the second mile
  • Thanksgiving: 2 family members received 1st vaccine
  • Two members recovering well from Covid
  • Educators giving of themselves for our children
  • Gratitude for young ones who model for us the love of learning

When we are wounded, we know your own heart bleeds for us.  So direct your gaze, we pray, upon each of these ones who name their own sorrows and challenges:


  • Safety for nephew, military duty in Afghanistan
  • Grandson facing paralysis from a diving accident
  • Hospitalized mother in great distress from Covid
  • Cousin in critical lung distress, Covid complications
  • Prayers for bereaved family, death of a father  
  • Family newly diagnosed with Covid, in isolation
  • Continued prayers, member with ALS
  • Mother with cancer, that new treatment may help
  • Easing of worries for husband’s upcoming surgery
  • Safety for caregiver traveling 2 weeks with infirm friend
  • Courage for friend with ALS symptoms 
  • Elderly mother recovering from surgery
  • Safety for brother, military duty in Africa
  • Family of another Knoxville youth killed by violence
  • Increased virus vaccinations within our population
  • Friend mourning brother who died unexpectedly (age 39)
  • Help for a mother, caregiver for ill adult son
  • Brother with Alzheimer’s, caused by agent orange

Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy.

Our feet are unsteady these days, Lord, with all that is happening in our world; and we confess we often waver in our commitments. Still, in your grace, we believe you accept even our smallest efforts and are already forming them into something wondrous and meaningful. We need not know all the intricacies of the Kingdom of Heaven, for we only pray that, in some mysterious way, we are on the right road to that holy province:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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