Daily Prayers of the Church Street family

April 28, 2020

Pastor Jan


O Love Ever Near, we rejoice that you have brought us to a new day – another chance to experience your grace. Open our senses that we may detect your grace in even the smallest things: faithfulness of the postman, dedication of the grocery workers, the roof that protects us, aroma of dinner on the stove, the unexpected text from a long-ago acquaintance, the dew upon the peonies, the wren that sings despite the rain. All are rare treasures – undeserved and often overlooked. Refresh us through all that we see, hear, taste, smell and feel this day.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.    

O God, Source of All Insight, forgive our shallow understanding of your love for us and the joy you experience when we call your name. Our vaporous concepts cannot contain all that you truly are. Surely it is enough, however, that we know you as Blessed Friend, for a true friend is what we need in this perplexing season in which we now live.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.    

If not for you, Holy Companion, to whom could we turn? Stay beside us and through your grace, we will step forward with heightened assurance, knowing you will catch us if we fall. Help each of us who offer prayers today, and especially those who offer specific requests. May we all feel the presence of our forever Friend:

  • Gratitude for the life of a great Christian lady – for her faith & lifelong service
  • Gratitude for my grandson’s 13th birthday yesterday
  • Thank you for praying: A friend expects full recovery from COVID-19
  • Thankful for clergy and staff working hard to lead and support our members
  • A relative in Florida, recipient of double lung transplant, just returned to ICU
  • Courage and support for a mother confronting a circumstance that is dangerous to the health of her children
  • Guidance and grace for new mother facing a potentially tragic family situation
  • Prayers for a mother recovering from surgery
  • Please pray for confidence and easing of stress of small business owners and that financial recovery will come soon
  • A dear friend facing surgery tomorrow for rectal cancer and her surgeon
  • Pray for all to find rest, to practice patience and wisdom, and to extend grace to others during this challenging time
  • Wisdom for all decision-makers as they plan to open healthcare facilities – for judicious planning and guidance in keeping staffs, clients, and workers safe
  • Presence of the Holy Spirit for a beloved family member approaching death

These prayers, along with all our unspoken ones, we place in your hands and heart.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.    

O Steadfast One, we remember the good news that Jesus brought and we are confident that our trust and his mercy will see us through. It is in his blessed name we do pray:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.


Have a prayer request?

Submit your request confidentially online, and our prayer team will be in prayer with and for you.