Welcome to Youth Ministry
at Church Street!
Youth Ministry at CSUMC loves, serves, and fosters the spiritual development of our youth, their families, their friends, our volunteers, and our community in order that they may grow as disciples of Jesus Christ in fellowship with one another.
Why Youth Ministry?
In an age of being over-scheduled, adding one more event to the calendar can seem exhausting. However, Youth Group is not one more thing. Choosing to be involved with Youth Ministry helps students pursue a life with Christ while building meaningful relationships with peers, older and younger youth, and wonderful adult volunteers.
Through our educational ministries, weekend retreats, mission work, mid-week small group activities, and community building events, middle and high schoolers learn about the Gospel in a safe environment. We have the distinct opportunity to work in tandem with worship on Sunday mornings, music ministries, and other events in the life of Church Street UMC. This encourages us to be a part of the body of Christ in action.
The students who are part of this program are truly remarkable, and we firmly believe there is a place for every student within these walls. We hope that you will prayerfully consider getting plugged in to our Youth Department!
Join us!
There are many opportunities for our youth to connect with the Holy Spirit, with each other, with our church and within our community. Read below for more about how our youth connect throughout the year.
NightLife is the cornerstone of CSUMC’s youth ministry. This weekly gathering consists of a snack supper ($5), fun & fellowship, worship, group study sessions, and small group discussions and study. NightLife creates a space for students to grow deeper in their faith through consistent fellowship and intentional study of God’s Word.
We understand that coming to NightLife can be a little intimidating the very first time. But we hope that it is something that will be a special part of your faith journey if you decide to give it a try. We have a special NightLife challenge we give to all students when they are new to Youth Ministry. Give it 4 weeks in a row before you make your decision. This will give you a good idea of how NightLife really works during the school year.
“I love NightLife because it’s the youth’s kind of “mini” church. We have worship with the youth band, and also a lesson. Definitely a great way to start off your week before school!” – Erin Johnson
An important aspect of Educational Ministry for Church Street Youth is our Sunday School time on Sunday mornings. It allows us to meet together as a whole group each week. Using a specific curriculum rotation, Sunday School provides a holistic Christian education throughout a student’s time in Youth Ministry. Each group is lead by a team of volunteer teachers who work together to minister to our youth for an entire school year. Sunday School meets each week between worship services. We begin with fellowship and a brief assembly time starting at 9:40. We split up for classes from 10:00-10:40. Other than 6th graders (who are in Confirmation), grade levels are paired for Sunday School: 7th & 8th grade, 9th & 10th grade, 11th & 12th grade. This is a great way for students to become engaged with the other youth in their age group!
Confirmation class meets during the school year and prepares students for Confirmation in the Methodist Church. This class teaches students about the history of our Christian heritage as well as the specific beliefs of our denomination. Confirmation is an opportunity for students to begin claiming their faith as their own and is an important part of spiritual growth.
The Wesley House and our own youth group are growing, and so, this ministry is growing, too. This long standing ministry has experienced significant growth over the last couple of years. Please consider supporting this ministry with your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. We want to continue this partnership with Wesley House for many years to come and we need your help to make that dream a reality!
This group is for all youth and meets on Tuesday afternoons at the Wesley House. We provide one-on-one tutoring and homework help for students in the after-school program at Wesley House. Tutoring occurs after school each week during the school year.
Making a Difference (MAD) in the City is Church Street Youth’s annual local mission project held each summer with the Wesley House Community Center. In the mornings, we work with the students on their academics, play with them, and provide them with a great lunch. In the afternoons, we take them on exciting field trips. In the evenings, we have activities of our own and spend the night at church. This week is a wonderful opportunity to be in fellowship with one another while serving The Lord together!
Each summer, the Church Street Youth work together in mission to support local families or projects that better their community. Hands-on building, repair work, and clean up build community and build up the community in which we live.
Whether it is disaster relief in the United States or internationally, we believe it is important to go. We have the resources to make a resounding impact in struggling communities around the world. With our team of highly skilled volunteers, we provide students with the tools and training to complete significant home repair projects. Our students tangibly share the love of Jesus with those whom they come in contact.
Resurrection is an awesome annual event of worship and spiritual growth for youth and youth mentors. Each year over 12,000 people come together in Pigeon Forge, TN, to celebrate the God of The Resurrection. Through inspirational words and music led by nationally-known speakers and musicians, young people encounter the Lord in new and deeper ways. For many, Resurrection is an opportunity for conversion, decision, and revival. For others, it becomes a moment of realization that their faith needs to grow deeper and more serious.
Spiritual Life Advance (affectionately known as SLA) is our annual fall retreat for youth ministry. Each November, we escape from our hectic and busy fall schedules and travel to a local camp. This retreat allows us to pause in the midst of our crazy lives to learn, reflect, pray, worship, and study together. SLA is a favorite event of many of our students. It is always a special and sacred time. We unplug and take a step away from our everyday lives to be still.
Sessions: SLA is a study retreat, and the weekend has four major sessions. The sessions are Friday night, Saturday morning, Saturday night, and Sunday morning. Each session consists of worship led by the youth band, a study session taught by a pastor, and small group discussion. We also have free time and a special worship service on Saturday night. Usually, we squeeze in a talent show or dance party, too! SLA is an extraordinary weekend, where fun and fellowship come together in a unique way. We celebrate the truths of the Gospel while challenging ourselves and one another to grow in the love of Jesus. And having time around a campfire is always good.
High School Prayer Breakfast: This event is for all high schoolers. We will meet at Chick-fil-a near West Town Mall at 7:15. For students who live further away from this location who are interested in meeting, we have several adults who are committed to helping you get to and from our prayer breakfast in time for school! We can also plan meetings at other locations.
Youth Band: This is a group for all ages and any type of musical Wednesday evenings, the group rehearses contemporary with our own twist in the Youth Area . On Sunday evenings band leads the rest of the youth group in worship before NightLife begins.
Community building events are “extras” and cover a wide range of activities. These include our small groups, holiday activities, special worship nights. trips to sporting events or the movies, and other occasional aspects of our ministry. These events are designed to cultivate fellowship and foster relationships within our youth group. Some of those activities include:
Small Groups | Thanksgiving Baskets
Advent Missions Night | Christmas Party
Monthly Hang Time | Youth Band Worship Night
Basketball Teams | Lenten Worship Service
Senior Banquet | End of Year Party