Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of March 19, 2025

Written by Rev. Tim Best

Gracious God, 

We are thankful for spring, for warmer temperatures and longer days. As flowers begin to grow and trees start to show signs of summer close at hand, we are mindful of the ways we too experience seasons in our own lives. May we find your love steadfast and trustworthy in all the moments of our lives. We join our hearts together at the close of this day in prayer and thanksgiving as we prepare for rest and the newness of tomorrow. 

We give thanks for all of the teachers and students that are on spring break this week. May this week be a time for each of them to find moments of rest and enjoyment with those they love. Watch over all those who are traveling and those engaging in lots of activities with friends and family. We pray for those students who long to return to school. We pray for parents and families who find breaks such as this challenging due to schedules, finances, and other issues. May you sustain and comfort all students and those who care for them whatever “spring break” might mean. 

May those who are sick and those facing death know your presence and have assurance of your steadfast love. Be with those who are making decisions about long term care for themselves or for loved ones. When individuals and families face difficult decisions, may you illumine their path with your holy wisdom. Sustain those who suffer and provide them comfort. May those who are hungry, those who do not know how they will pay their bills, and those struggling in any manner find in you and in your people steadfast advocates. May your church always seek to care for the people you have placed in its path. 

The world is full of needs and concerns. Wars and violence, poverty and disease, wickedness and manipulation. All of these forces are active within our world and within our community. Our spirits get worn down encountering them in the news and in our lives. Help us to see where you are at work in the world. Lift also the personal burdens we carry. Because we trust that you care for us we offer these concerns of our congregation to you now: 

We pray for…

  • A good friend who has been diagnosed with very aggressive breast cancer. We pray for a successful surgery and for healing.
  • A sister who is looking for a new car after hers was totaled! She needs hand controls.
  • A woman who is looking for a new job; prayers that God will make God’s presence known on this journey.
  • A member who is grieving the sudden death of her husband; prayers for her as she continues to heal from surgery.
  • A wife grieving the death of her husband yesterday.
  • A family member who is dealing with his third DUI and awaiting court. He has been to therapy three times. Prayers for all who suffer with addiction and feel out of control.
  • Those in our church family who are navigating elder care, medicare, rehab; options for those who find themselves with lots of decisions to make. Prayers of thanksgiving for those who have answers and can walk alongside.
  • Safe travels and good rest during KCS Spring Break.
  • A young wife and her two children after the unexpected death of her husband due to a heart attack; prayers for the other young adults who are supporting them.

We continue to pray for…

  • A father who had open heart surgery last week; prayers for continued healing!
  • A young man who had a stroke and has been in rehab for several months; prayers for patience, strength, and healing.
  • A mother and sister in the unexpected death of their beloved son and brother; prayers for the whole family and for his co-workers. 
  • A father undergoing lots of tests before heart concern can be addressed.
  • Those who are lonely and miss coming to church.
  • A sister whose bladder was removed due to cancer.
  • Friends and family going through difficult times.
  • Those who are receiving chemo and/or radiation treatments.
  • Family members who are trying to balance caregiving and work and family responsibilities.
  • Those who are impacted by homelessness.
  • So many who are dealing with Alzheimers and how best to care for family members. Praying for strength!

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for…

  • For a clear CT scan!
  • For the birth of a grandson.
  • For cancer treatments that are working!

We offer all these concerns and joys in the name of Jesus Christ, who taught us to pray, saying:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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