Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of July 10, 2024

Written by Steve Richardson

God in heaven and in our midst:  Time seems to melt away as quickly as a cone of ice cream on these hot summer days. During moments of reflection such as now, help us to place priority on our pauses to pray and experience your loving presence. 

Day by day, dear God, guide us. Comfort us. Forgive us. Lift us. Teach us. Transform us. Inspire us. Enable us to be lamps for others’ paths. Empower us to be peacemakers. Day by day. 

Thank you for sustaining Church Street United Methodist as a community of grace in action. This is a dynamic church this summer. This very week, our youth are serving friends in need in Knoxville neighborhoods, where they are literally and spiritually Making a Difference through MAD in the City. Shield them from harm, and enrich lives as they carry out Kingdom work. Day by day. 

And thank you, gracious God, for the ways that members of groups in our congregation do the important work of caregiving: Stephen Ministers, the Parish Health Ministries team, the leaders of the Caregiver Support Group, our Congregational Care committee members, and our clergy. Of course, there are many other individuals, too, providing care to loved ones. Caregivers’ time and responsibilities can be tiresome, toil-filled and relentless. Yet they continually devote their days to ensuring their loved ones are safe, comfortable and content. We pray, God, that you lift and refresh caregivers’ spirits. In many ways, the rest of us, too, can be sources of practical aid, respite and support for them. Please teach us how. Day by day. 

Sacred Creator, weather conditions these days impact all of us in our part of the world. Whatever the explanation or cause of these, enlighten our mortal minds to discover ways to not only cope, but also to bring about a more idyllic balance throughout all the Earth. In the meantime, keep us mindful of your expectation that we must care for one another; so lead us on paths of help and aid for afflicted neighbors in need of assistance in times of extreme weather. Day by day. 

For our nation and for our country’s government leaders at all levels – – federal, state, county and city – – infuse guiding principles of justice, mutual respect and societal wellbeing for decisions they make. Defuse influences of self-serving interests and lust for personal power. Unite hearts to the goal to “secure the Blessings of Liberty” for all.  Day by day. 

Merciful God, also hear these needs and prayers of others in our congregation. Surround each person represented here with your loving embrace and comfort… 

We pray for …

  • A couple who is going through their first embryo transfer today. Praying for a successful procedure and for patience and hope as they wait for the outcome in a few weeks. Prayers of thanksgiving for all in the medical field who are working with so many to make the dream of having a baby come true.
  • A son-in-law who leaves for his appointment at the Bush Leadership Institute at Texas A&M on Thursday. His wife & their 3 children will stay at their home in TN for the next year. We are praying for his safe travel and for each family member as they adjust to not having their husband & father around every day.
  • A husband who will be having hip replacement. Prayers for good recovery and that he can be relieved of his pain.. Surgery will be in Nashville.
  • A son to find employment.
  • A smooth transition for a grandfather who is moving into assisted living.
  • For all young adults who find themselves struggling between college and employment.
  • A member who is recuperating at home after surgery on hand; prayers for strength as she ‘takes it easy!’
  • A mother who meets with doctor this week about surgery for a broken ankle. Praying for a good outcome and for the needed follow up care.
  • A daughter-in-law who is experiencing extreme morning sickness; prayers for a healthy pregnancy.
  • A family who is grieving the death of a very special grandfather.

We continue to pray for ….

  • A dear friend whose breast cancer has returned after being cancer free for twenty-eight years. May her faith give her peace and assurance as she makes decisions about treatments and next steps.
  • A son and his mother who have just moved to the area. Prayers for healing and relief from suffering for her. She is in hospital with bladder cancer fighting septic infection.
  • A man who wants to find meaningful work in landscaping and who wants to be free from the label of ‘disabled’ when he is in fact able to work.
  • Adult children who find themselves making decisions for parents about health and welfare.
  • A young couple who is wanting to start a family ..
  • All of the men and women in the military
  • A member who is receiving chemo
  • A nephew who is battling colon and pancreatic cancer. Prayers also for his mother who has bladder cancer.

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for ….

  • A son who has a new place to live.
  • Our youth who are serving this week at MAD (Making a Difference in the City)
  • Children who are learning so much at Children’s Choir Camp this week!

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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