Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family
Week of January 29, 2025
Written by Rev. Tim Best
Gracious and loving God,
In the midst of the busyness and strain of the day, we stop to pray. We trust that as we have offered quick prayers throughout the day that you have heard and known our hearts. Even the inner thoughts we have wrestled with today are known to you. May we be comforted that you know all that has weighed upon us today. You are aware of what has troubled our minds and burdened our hearts. Speak your peace into our lives and grant us stillness in this quiet moment.
As the day closes, we offer our prayers for those dear to each of us. We pray for families and friends. Where we are aware of the needs of those we love, may we see where your grace and mercy are at work to care for and nurture those in need. We acknowledge before you that we often do not see the needs, the suffering, the pain, of those closest to us. Yet, your love and grace overcome every barrier and you see the inner workings of every heart. May your mercy pour out upon all those in our lives and in our communities that we lift up to your care.
But may your mercy flow even further. May your mercy be so great in abundance and so overwhelming in it’s power that we would see it wash over our world like a great wave. Moved by your mercy we pray for our enemies. We pray for those that we disagree with, we pray for those who hate us, we pray for those who would harm us and those we love. In light of messages of hate spread through our neighborhoods and around our region, we pray for those motivated by hate. May those who speak hatred and fear be transformed by your love. We pray that we would each day be renewed by your love, and so better love all those around us.
We pray for our nation and for those in leadership. We pray that all who lead would be guided by your mercy. We pray for local leaders trying to serve and improve our communities. We pray for state officials charged with the direction of so many programs vital to the thriving of our state. We pray for congress and the president, that they may humbly seek to lead all peoples for the benefit of the whole nation.
We pray for those who suffer and those facing uncertainty. Comfort and care for those who are alone, those who are ill, and those in any sort of trouble. Give strength to caregivers and those who support. Make us to be a community that welcomes the lonely, feeds the hungry, and comforts the hurting. Mark us with your mercy and peace. Breathe your Holy Spirit into us this night as we prepare to rest. May we rise tomorrow ready to face any challenge and to name and celebrate every joy. May we find each day signs of your grace, and enable us to always sing your praises.
We pray for….
- A member in the death of her husband last night; prayers for peace
- A friend with blood clots
- Friends and family who are non-believers
- Institutes of higher ed who are going through reorganization
- Immigrants in our city who are feeling threatened
- Those who are receiving cancer treatments
- A husband who has pneumonia and his wife who is caring for him – and trying to stay well!
- Members and friends who are going through radiation, chemotherapy, and waiting ….
- A cousin’s family; daughter was killed in collision leaving two children, ages 6 & 9; one in critical condition.
Lord, in your mercy … hear our prayers
We offer prayers of thanksgiving for…
- A great weekend at REZ with the youth and all the youth of Holston Conference
- A successful heart procedure for a friend
- The birth of a new baby! Thankful for the love and support of family!
- Mother and child who were baptized Sunday.
We continue to pray for…..
- A mother in hospice care and son and spouse who are caring for her
- An aunt who is going through a very painful divorce; also prayers for her children.
- A dear friend who was a victim of the attack in New Orleans on New Year’s Eve. Prayers for friends who witnessed it. Prayers for all who are dealing with tragic loss from this horrific event.
- All those affected by fires in LosAngeles
- A daughter who is traveling to study abroad this semester.
- A member who asks for prayers for relief from pain so her body can begin to heal
- A friend who has been indigent – but inspiring – who has serious heart disease. Prayers that the doctors who are caring for him will help find the right drug combinations
We offer these prayers alongside the petitions and praises of your people from every nation as we join our hearts in praying the prayer that Christ are one and only Lord taught us to pray, saying…
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
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