Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of January 15, 2025

Written by Rev. Catherine Nance*

*Today, Church Street United Methodist Church was honored to host the MLK Interfaith Prayer Service. It was so inspiring to hear from a variety of community religious leaders speak of Dr. King’s inspiration. For tonight’s prayer, we offer a few excerpts from prayers that Rev. Dr. King prayed during his life …. 

Eternal God, out of whose mind this great cosmic universe, we bless you. Help us to seek that which is high, noble and good. Help us in the moment of difficult decision. Help us to work with renewed vigor for a warless world, a better distribution of wealth, and a brother/sisterhood that transcends race or color.


God, give us strength of body to keep walking for freedom. God, give us strength to remain nonviolent, even though we may face death.


God, grant that we wage the struggle with dignity and discipline. May all who suffer oppression in this world reject the self-defeating method of retaliatory violence and choose the method that seeks to redeem.


God, remove all bitterness from my heart and give me the strength and courage to face any disaster that comes my way.


God, we thank you for the inspiration of Jesus. Grant that we will love you with all our hearts, souls, and minds, and love our neighbors as we love ourselves, even our enemy neighbors. And we ask you, God, in these days of emotional tension, when the problems of the world are gigantic in extent and chaotic in detail, to be with us in our going out and our coming in, in our rising up and in our lying down, in our moments of joy and in our moments of sorrow, until the day when there shall be no sunset and no dawn.


We thank you for your church, founded upon your Word, that challenges us to do more than sing and pray, but go out and work as though the very answer to our prayers depended on us and not upon you. Help us to realize that humanity was created to shine like the stars and live on through all eternity. Keep us, we pray, in perfect peace. Help us to walk together, pray together, sing together, and live together until that day when all God’s children — Black, White, Red, Brown and Yellow — will rejoice in one common band of humanity in the reign of our Lord and of our God, we pray. Amen.

We join praying with people around the world the prayer that Jesus taught us:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

We pray for….

  • One who has been in pain since knee replacement surgery; trying different therapies. Prayers that PT and meds will help without causing damage to other conditions.
  • The safety of cattle in Newport; Needmore area. A pack of wild dogs is attacking livestock. Farmers are in danger as well as they care for their animals. Pray for safety of animals and humans. Prayers for county officials to come up with a good way to ensure safety for all.
  • One whose mother is in Cardiac ICU; thankful she is making good progress
  • A son and spouse who are caregivers for elderly mother and her ongoing medical needs; prayers for patience and peace. Pray that doctor can find ways to ease pain.
  • All church members who are in hospital right now.
  • An aunt who is going through a very painful divorce; also prayers for her children.
  • A dear friend who was a victim of the attack in New Orleans on New Year’s Eve. Prayers for friends who witnessed it. Prayers for all who are dealing with tragic loss from this horrific event.
  • All those affected by fires in LosAngeles; so many friends and family of CSUMC members.
  • A father who has been in hospital; hoping to go home before weekend. Thankful for family connections.A preemie grandson; doing well in NICU. Will need skull surgery soon.

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for…

  • A truly inspiring interfaith prayer service this afternoon hosted by CSUMC and planned by the MLK Commemorative Commission. Wonderful seeing Christians of different traditions, Muslim, Jewish, Baha’i, and other faiths coming together to pray.
  • Our search committees for organist and director of youth who continue to do good work in discernment.
  • Eyesight improving since heart surgery

We continue to pray for….

  • All families who are dealing with cancer diagnosis and the unknown; waiting for more testing and seeing which treatment options are offered.
  • All who are caring for a loved one – especially a spouse – with dementia
  • Those who are in hospice care; their caretakers and families, also
  • Those who are receiving treatments for cancer.

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