One of our favorite things about the spring semester each year is celebrating our graduating seniors.  Welcome to the Senior Spotlight series for the graduating class of 2024!  Our seniors answered interview questions earlier this semester and it has been so much fun learning their answers! Check back in each week to get to know our seniors better and help to cheer them on as they wrap up high school and prepare for their next steps.
Meet Ainsley Lamar!
What high school are you graduating from?
Alcoa High School
What are your plans for next year?
Attend college for film production/arts management
What is your favorite bible verse?
Esther 4:14
If you could choose one meal to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?
fettuccine Alfredo with a Caesar salad
If you could give some advice to your younger self, what would it be?
There is no way to make everyone happy, so there is no reason you should spend your own happiness to try
What are your top 3 favorite movies?
La La Land, 101 Dalmatians, and Mamma Mia here we go again!
What is your top book recommendation?
Little Women
What is your favorite Church Street memory?
My favorite Church Street Memory is the mega sleepover we had at MAD last year with all my seniors and friends together in the sunday school classroom.
What are you most excited about going into the next season of your life?
I am excited to meet new people and work towards my own passions/goals!