Prayers for the Church Street Family

October 21, 2020

Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade


O Approachable One, we remember how Jesus told stories of everyday living.  He spoke of money, taxes, greed, forgiveness, loving, sharing, sadness and lostness.  As those hungry souls who listened intently so long ago, so may we open our hearts to those timeless simple stories that never grow stale and never fail to prick our souls.  In the everydayness of our own lives, may we see your showers of grace and your gifts of renewal.
And as we look and listen, we are discovering little by little just what Jesus asks of us.  He calls us to live the life that he lived, and it is not easy.  Give us courage, we pray, to say “yes” to that One Who Calls today, tomorrow and each day that we are given.  We know it is a struggle to keep our pledge of faithfulness; but when we err, shake us up, turn us around, and point us toward that narrow path, the path of love that leads to Christ.
We feel you ever so near, O Healing One, and we believe you alone are sustaining us in this disturbing era.  Deliver us, we pray, especially in the evening hours when the lights grow dim, that we might remain hopeful witnesses to your enduring love.  You have been our Rock in all times past, so we cling to you, knowing we will not be swept away by any disease, national upheaval, or personal tragedy.  Thank you, Lord, for being our Healer; and as you invited us to do so, we lay our concerns and thanksgivings before you, knowing that you are already moving to bring about a new thing:
  • Gratitude: Promising news received regarding a medical exam
  • Thankful for prayers: 2 families with Covid-19 are much improved
  • Thanksgiving for unexpected contact with an old friend
  • Prayers for faithful member recovering from heart surgery on Tuesday
  • Courage & wisdom for grandfather raising his 2 teenage grandchildren
  • Husband dealing with depression & his overburdened wife
  • Sustaining prayers for mother in hospice care, comfort for her family
  • Healing prayers: Shrinking of tumor for one in therapy
  • Easing of tensions & resurgence of faith throughout our nation
  • Prayers for mother with debilitating illness, wisdom for physicians who are planning surgery and treatment
  • Healing for a young father recovering from oral surgery
  • Lift up cherished husband hospitalized with serious illness
  • Healing for an aunt who suffered fractures in a recent fall
  • A broken family, for wisdom and grace to sustain one most wounded
  • Continued prayers for two members recovering from painful falls
  • Upholding beloved husband in hospice care & strength for his wife
  • Friend with cancer, caregiver for sibling with cancer & an elderly mother
  • God’s peace for elderly friend trying to recover from the virus
Loving One, we thank you for receiving these prayers of our hearts.  In whatever way you think best, attend to our pleas.  Out of the depth of your mercy, you sent your Son to seek and to save; So pour out your courage upon us, that we might serve you more faithfully by sharing your saving goodness with others.  And at the last, may you find us still breathing those all-sufficient words taught us by Jesus himself:

Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

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