Daily Prayers of the Church Street family
June 8, 2020
Pastor Jan
We understand you, O Compassionate Being, as one who knows our struggles and who travels with us, lest we fall upon the rocky thoroughfares of life. Yes, you are our Gentle Confidant and Friend, but we are perhaps too quick to overlook your power and dominion over all that is created. For your voice thunders over the mightiest waters and your speech is majestic – strong enough to break the great cedars of Lebanon, the Psalmist tells us. Your voice alone can shake the desert and twist the gigantic oaks. Forgive us, Lord, for our small vision, for our whittling you down to the size that fits our own needs.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
You told Moses and the Israelites thereafter: “I Am Who I Am; I Will Be Who I Will Be.” You are not one whom we might coax and manipulate, nor one whom we can ever fully understand. But we have heard of your deeds, we have been recipients of your mercy, and we have been saved by your grace. These miracles alone are all we need to know. Our faith itself depends not on our understanding of your unfathomable essence, but by our depending upon your enduring benevolence.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
O One Who Journeys With Us, you have brought us through a week of harsh conflicts as a community and as a nation. Our hearts ache as we witness papered-over struggles of the past once again breaking open the veneer of parity. Forgive our complicity in these ongoing divisions, we pray; share your wisdom, that our faith may help forge a new road that points toward that new future you plan for us.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
There are other personal concerns that crowd our waking moments, O God, so we open our souls to you, knowing you are just a whisper away:
- Gratitude: a father is recovering from his injuries after a fall and may be able to return to his residence soon
- Thankful for prayers: mother is walking following hip surgery and is now home
- A member is grateful for an inner ear diagnosis & her return to health
- Thankful that cancer surgery went well and family is being a great help
- Gratitude: a pregnant niece is healed of Covid-19 & will have her baby soon
- Please pray for fiance’s safety in National Guard as he helps keep order in D.C.
- A dear friend entering home hospice care – for grace and peace
- For healing grace to surround one who continues to recover from surgery
- That our nation may turn to God for solutions to our nation’s unrest
- For our church to follow the UMC’s directive to support our Christian sisters and brothers working to eradicate racism, violence, and injustice
- A dear friend who continues to struggle with cancer, for his family who assist
- Healing for one suffering immense back pain
- Proper diagnosis for a brother who suffers great urologic pain
- Strength for one seeking to reduce her A1C level & combat depression
O Untamable One, though you are mightier than the fiercest storm, your Son taught us that you are always ready to hear from your children; so we humbly offer these prayers this day, and even our unspoken ones, in the name of Christ, who is above all, yet in all:
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
Have a prayer request?
Submit your request confidentially online, and our prayer team will be in prayer with and for you.
Join us for a midday devotion
Head over to our YouTube channel at noon today for a short devotion to start your week!