Daily Prayers of the Church Street family
April 4, 2020
Pastor Jan
Faithful Presence, we seek your Spirit this day. The prophet Isaiah once wrote: “O Lord, you have hidden your face from us.” But we know it is really the other way around. We have hidden ourselves in the darkness of our own making; we have placed our trust in the wrong things. We have depended upon our own resources and abilities to make things happen. The result has been our lonely walk through a cloudy void. In this time of rampant illness, however, we have learned it is walking in faith as community that is of prime importance. When one hurts, we all hurt. When one suffers, we all feel pain. When one succeeds, we all rejoice. Truly, your presence, for which we have waited, has been here all along, breathing ever near. Breathe on our community afresh this day, O Breath of Life, for we are one in your sight.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
And just so, as members on one body, we lift up our individual praises . . .
And also our private confessions . . .
Accept these, O Breath of New Life, and also receive these petitions from the hearts of our church members:
- Grateful that husband & wife, D.C. physicians, remain virus-free
- Gratitude for unexpected time to enjoy flowers & blossoms of spring
- Gratitude for all health professionals who set aside personal safety to help others – prayers for their strength, courage and peace
- Reassurance and strength for a physician son in NC who worries about contracting COVID-19 & infecting his wife and children
- Hope and help for family members and friends who have lost jobs
- Prayers for courage and strength as a family bids farewell to their young daughter at her graveside today
- Safety and strength for a longtime friend who is alone, ill and needy
- Reassurance for a member, anticipating tests for unknown illness
- Four faithful churchwomen presently undergoing cancer treatments
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
May your holy peace breathe in our hearts as we carry on amid our trials, we pray, and hear us now as we join our voices in community with all the saints:
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
Have a prayer request?
Submit your request confidentially online, and our prayer team will be in prayer with and for you.