Daily Prayers of the Church Street family

April 17, 2020

Pastor Jan


We offer gratitude, Loving Lord, that you have called each of us to be part of your circle of life. And as such, you have counted one and all as your very own, and have excluded no one. How deep and mysterious is your affection for us. On this day, give us reminders that you are that great spiral of love in which we live and move and have our being.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.    

O Channel of Grace, even as you direct your love toward us, we confess that we sometimes feel frightened and abandoned; we admit we have placed our faith in ourselves and in the advice of others. We beg your forgiveness for our lack of trust in your promise that you would guide us always. Receive also the private regrets that we now whisper in these moments . . .

Wash away our doubt, we pray, and replace it with a river of quiet confidence.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.    

Within our recent challenges, Renewing God, grant that we might cast our eyes upon the blessings we have received, rather than upon what we may have lost. Our purses may be slim, but the extra time we’ve spent with our families is beyond price. Travel schedules are slashed, but we’ve discovered the feast of spring colors at our own doorstep. Dining out is not possible, but we realize we have more than ample fare at home. We cannot worship collectively, but we can come together in creative ways, reminding us that we are one body, one family.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.    

And as family, we lift up the joys and concerns of our brothers and sisters in Christ, knowing you hear all who turn to you:

  • Gratitude that a friend has completed his chemo treatments; continued prayers for his healing & upcoming scans next week
  • Gratitude for Easter worship; it was glorious
  • Praises: friends who have returned to work following COVID-19 illness
  • Pray for a family bearing great stress during this economic downturn
  • Ongoing prayers for healthcare workers, all who provide public services and keep stores stocked and open – for their gallant contribution to our community
  • A beloved mother nearing death; strength for her daughter at her side
  • Easing of pain for a cancer victim who suffers daily
  • All in our church who have lost their jobs or whose hours are reduced
  • Three families grieving the deaths of cherished pets in the past 2 weeks
  • College seniors and grad students as they finish their coursework online

Hear us, heal us, and hold us close.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer. 

These prayers and petitions we lay at your feet this day, for Christ’s sake, as it was he who long ago taught us to pray in this way:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.


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