
Music at church street

Worship the Lord with gladness;

come before him with joyful songs.

Psalm 100:2

If you have a “song in your heart,” enjoy the fellowship of other musicians, and want to share your love of Christ through music, we have a place for you in our program. We endeavor to use music to generate excitement, beauty, and inspiration in the services of worship. Choir membership is open (no auditions needed) throughout the year.

The Organ

Aeolian-Skinner Pipe Organ

Church Street’s Aeolian-Skinner pipe organ was originally installed in 1966. Since that time it has been significantly expanded by Randall Dyer & Associates, so that it now has 82 ranks of pipes, almost double the original size. The Dyer additions include a moveable four-manual console, a new solo division of pipes, and a nine-rank antiphonal section in the rear balcony. The antiphonal section has its own two-manual console and can be played from either console, front or back. The organ at Church Street was refurbished in 2013 and once again includes French horn pipes as it did in the 1960s. More information about the organ can be found on the Randall Dyer & Associates website.


For more information about Church Street’s Music or the Master Arts Series, please contact our music office during business hours at 865-524-3048.

Master Arts Series

Each year, Church Street offers a series of presentations by a diverse collection of musical storytellers.

Church street choirs

Church Street has a place for anyone who wants to lift up their voice or other instrument for the glory of God.

Our choirs rehearse August through May.

Adult & Youth Opportunities

Parish Adult Choir

Worship service choir for Sunday 11 a.m. worship

Rehearsal: Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. (choir room, room 306)
Director: Josh Phelps
An open membership (no auditions) of dedicated individuals from all walks of life who share a love for singing.

Parish Youth Choir

Worship Service choir for Sunday 8:30 a.m. worship

Ages: For youth in grades 6–12
Rehearsal: Sundays from 4 to 5:15 p.m. (choir room, room 306)
Director: Josh Phelps
Events: Annual events include the Youth Choir Tour held the last week of May or first week of June, and Youth Choir Camp held the last weekend of August.

Children’s Opportunities

Chorister Choir

Ages: For children in grades 3, 4 and 5
Rehearsal: Sundays, Dinner served at 5 pm, rehearsal until 6:30 p.m. (choir room, room 306)
Interim Director: Erin Johnson
Schedule: The Chorister Choir participates in worship monthly.
Vocal training and musical skills are primary goals for this choir.

Primary Choir

Ages: For children in grades 1 and 2
Rehearsal: Sundays, Dinner served at 5 pm, rehearsal until 6:30 p.m. (room 304)
Interim Director: Erin Johnson
Music fundamentals are emphasized through games, singing and related activities.

Kinder Choir

Ages: For children, PreK-4 and Kindergarten
Rehearsal: Sundays from 9:45 am-10:15 am, Children’s Hallway
Interim Director: Erin Johnson and Church Street’s Scholarship Singers
Schedule: Short 6- to 7-week sessions in the fall & spring.