Daily Lent Devotions from Church Street UMC

Thursday, March 11

By Ann Reego, April 18, 2019

Lunch with Jesus

Read: Matthew 25:40

Traditionally, Lent is a period of self-reflection and personal accountability. I see it, also, as a time to celebrate Jesus’ life and teachings. We hear sermons about answering His call, as the disciples did, and are challenged to look for ways to improve and enhance our own discipleship.

I have seen homeless and disenfranchised people walking our streets and standing at interstate exits asking for rides or money and have reacted in various ways. How can they live like that? Why don’t they shave or take a bath? Are they so emotionally disabled that they just dropped out of society? They make me so sad. Why? What? THEY.

This year I answered a call in the Messenger to work in the CSUMC Soup Kitchen. I found answers to my questions, although it’s not the answers that I expected.

#1—THEY are guests at our church every Thursday for lunch, and are welcomed at any time for   services on Sunday.

#2—THEY all have a face, a name and a story…just like me.

#3—THEY see life differently than I do – and that’s OK.

#4—THEY find joy in many experiences and are able to express their joy in life itself.

#5—THEY have the same needs as I do.

#6—THEY are not staying homeless just to get a free meal on Thursday.

#7—THEY are a real and present part of our society, and overlooking them or judging them will not make them go away.

Jesus did not qualify who received his love, his blessing, or his help. He offered his message freely to whoever was willing to accept it. Every Thursday morning, Church Street UMC does that, too!

I have made new friends. I have comforted someone who was feeling low. I have laughed and shared joy with people I would never have met. I have smiled more than I can ever remember.

And I get to have lunch with Jesus every Thursday! 


Holy God, we are challenged to open our hearts and minds to everyone we meet. We pray to accept this challenge, for in doing so, we will see Christ. Amen.

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