Monday, March 17

By: Elaine Eberhart

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Galatians 6:2


I cannot remember a Lent when the fragility of our world seemed so real. I scan the news for signs of hope, and on some days, I come up empty. I wish that I could stay in bed and pull the covers over my head, peeking out only to watch comforting old movies while eating Girl Scout cookies.

There is no shame in retreating. We all need to withdraw occasionally when we are facing difficult times. In those times, we have a family of faith to walk beside us and minister to us in our pain, just as we have walked with others. At a recent church meeting, I heard that caring is one of the hallmarks of Church Street, and as a newer member, I have seen that love in action beginning on the first Sunday I visited.

At any given moment this Lent, some of us will be desolate, needing someone to listen and to sing to us words of assurance to steady us. Some will be strong enough to answer God’s call to service as our church travels the Lenten journey with Jesus toward Jerusalem. And we likely will swap places over these 40 days, some retreating for rest and renewal as others are advancing in hope and love.



O Holy One, blessed be the ties that bind us to one another, ties that enable us to live with love and courage as disciples of Jesus. Amen

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