On Sunday, October 2, Church Street UMC was thrilled to welcome Dr. Kate Bowler to the nave for a presentation about “Deconstructing our Cultural and Spiritual Scripts”.
About the Bishop Lecture Series

Kate Bowler and Dr. Asa and Skippy Bishop. The Bishop Lecture Series has provided funds to bring authors like Dr. Bowler to Church Street for spiritual growth.
The event was made possible thanks to Church Street’s Bishop Lecture Series. Dr. Asa Bishop created an endowment in memory of his father A. Orin Bishop, called the Bishop Lecture Series, and over the years, the series has underwritten more than 20 lectures and extended the legacy of the Bishop Family and their passion for biblical and spiritual enrichment into the future.
About Kate Bowler
Kate Bowler is a three time New York Times Bestselling author, and she is a professor of history at Duke Divinity School. Her academic research has focused on the history and culture of American Christianity, exploring the phenomenon of the Prosperity Gospel, the idea that God will show favor to some of us for our faith and bless us.
She is known for her popular memoirs Everything Happens for a Reason (and other lies I’ve loved) and No Cure for Being Human (and other truths I need to hear), her book of devotions Good Enough, and her podcast EVERYTHING HAPPENS, where she has interviewed everyone from authors Barbara Brown Taylor, Anne Lamott, and Richard Rohr to the Archbishop of Cantebury and Reverend Will Willimon, to actors Stanley Tucci, Matthew McConaughey, and Alan Alda – among many others. She has nearly 150,000 instagram followers where she shares hope and humanness about what she has called “our chronic lives”.