Falling in Every Direction: Gravity and Grace Women's Retreat
11oct9:30 am2:30 pmFalling in Every Direction: Gravity and Grace Women's Retreat9:30 am - 2:30 pm

Event Details
Somewhere around mid-life, gravity sets in. That mountain we’ve worked so hard to climb begins to crumble. We thought that we would have reached the summit by now, or
Event Details
Somewhere around mid-life, gravity sets in. That mountain we’ve worked so hard to climb begins to crumble. We thought that we would have reached the summit by now, or at least an overlook on the way, where we would have a clearer view of the horizon, an assurance that we had risen above early-adult mix of over-confidence and confusion. We’ve learned how to perform pretty well. We’ve invested ourselves with achievement, acquisition of relationships and possessions and activities. We’ve been busy, and we have photos and resumés to prove it. We’re also tired, bored sometimes, despairing over our aches and pains or the loss of friends and loved ones who sheltered us earlier in our lives. We keep bumping into our limitations and our same-old mistakes. We wonder just where the next leg of our journey will take us. Where is God in this? Before, behind, above, beneath, within, without us. Tugging at us like gravity, teaching us how to fall into the freedom of grace.
You’re invited to attend a Day Apart on Friday, 10/11, 9:30-2:30 at CSUMC, where Rev. Claire Keene will lead us in exploring the spiritual gifts of living “over the hill.” Cost is $30 for materials and lunch. Space is limited. For reservations or more information contact Rev. Jan Wade by 10/7 at jbwade@churchstreetumc.org.
Scholarships are available.
(Friday) 9:30 am - 2:30 pm
I Want to...
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1303, Knoxville, TN 37901
Physical Address: 900 Henley at Main, Knoxville, TN 37902
Office: 865-524-3048
Church Street aerial photo by Aaron Blake.
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All are welcome at Church Street! We believe every person is of sacred worth and created in God’s image. We welcome and celebrate the gifts God has given to all persons without regard to race, color, national origin, ethnicity, age, gender, disability, status, economic condition, sexual orientation, gender identity, or religious affiliation. We respect diversity of opinion and expressions of Christian faith. We believe God loves everyone unconditionally! As God loves us, so let us love and serve in the name of Christ.
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