In-Person Services

In-person services take place at 900 Henley Street, Knoxville, TN 37902 in the nave (sanctuary). Enter at either the Church’s Welcome Center (convention center side) or the front doors facing Henley Street. All parking lots are open and available. Visitor parking is in the Magnolia Lot.

Palm Sunday
April 2, 8:30 & 11 am
Featuring Parish Youth and Children’s Choirs and Palm Procession

Stations of the Cross Viewing
April 3-4, 9 am – 4 pm (Parish Hall)
Please enter through the church office and then proceed to Parish Hall

Maundy Thursday
April 6, 7 pm
Holy Communion

Good Friday
April 7, 12 pm Noon

Easter Sunday
April 9
7 am Sunrise Service in the courtyard
8:30 & 11 am in the nave
Featuring Parish Adult Choir and TN Brass Quintet
Continental Breakfast will be provided in Parish Hall before the 8:30 am service

Online Services

Online services take place on our YouTube channel:

Palm Sunday
April 2, 11 am Premiere
Featuring Parish Youth and Children’s Choirs

Stations of the Cross
View online any time 

Maundy Thursday
April 6, 7 pm Premiere

Good Friday
April 7, 7 pm Premiere

Easter Sunday: April 9, 11 am Premiere
Featuring Parish Adult Choir and TN Brass Quintet