Church Street UMC

Designated and Restricted Accounts

In addition to the accounts below, we have Agency funds in which the church holds monies for different Sunday School Classes and UMW Circles.


Accessibility Fund

Building Fund

Church History Fund

Memorial Fund

Master Arts

Ministers’ Discretionary Fund

Youth Choir Fund

Youth Projects Fund

Altar Guild Special Fund

Beacon of Hope


Camp Scholarships

Chancel Enhancement

Children’s  Ministry

Children’s Bible Fund

Church Street Reconcilers

Conversation on Race


Library Fund

Memorial Gardens Fund

Playground Fund

Preschool Enrichment Fund

Preschool Scholarship Fund

Preschool Projects Fund

Soup Kitchen Fund

Spiritual Enrichment Fund

The Sterchi Lodge Fund



Youth Mission Trips

Youth Scholarships

Capstone Endowment Fund

Ann Marie Tugwell Scholarship Fund

Service Circle

Holston Home for Children