The Tie that Binds Banner

Each day this week, we will be sending an email with important information about the church’s budget, stories from church members about their ties here, what giving looks like here, and other information that shows us ‘The Tie that Binds” … to God and to our church family.

Today, hear from two long-time Church Street members — Verna McLain and Susan Dominick — who share more in the video below about how the music program at Church Street has formed a musical and spiritual foundation for them and deepened their connections to their church home.

Music Program by the Numbers:

  • Adult Choir: 55 members
  • Youth Choir: 52 members
  • Children’s Choirs: 30 members
  • Handbell Choir: 10 members
  • Scholarship Singers: 6 students

Master Arts Series Upcoming Events:

  • Dec. 9: Holiday Dinner and Concert
  • Dec. 11: Youth and Children’s Choirs in Worship
  • Dec. 18: Parish Adult Choir and TN Brass Quintet in Worship

More about these and the 2023 events at






Our Worship Services offer traditional worship and are planned carefully with our music program to give a full and connected experience each Sunday. In this ‘post-lockdown’ world, Church Street has continually seen in-person worship numbers rise and continued to see online worship numbers stabilize at an average of between 100-125 unique viewers per week. (All attendance metrics are noted each week in the Messenger.). Other worship highlights this year have included:

  • Disability Awareness Sunday, pictured above, and the consecration of the new accessible chancel lift
  • The Rev. Brian Tillman, pictured above, preaching at both in-person services on November 13
  • 39 adults joined the church, plus 13 confirmands in April – a total of 52 new members!
  • What a joy to celebrate more than 10 baptisms

Every Sunday is a special Sunday to be in worship together! Other ‘Special Sundays’ celebrated in the life of our church this year included United Women in Faith Sunday, Children’s Sunday, Missions Weekend, Confirmation Sunday, Stephen Ministry Sundays, World Communion Sunday, Missions Weekend, Senior Sunday (pictured above), Promotion Sunday, Hymn Festival and All Saints’ Sunday.

This week, you should be receiving a letter and a commitment card in the mail for your 2023 pledge – please return it on Sunday, November 20 during worship. If you prefer to make your commitment online, you may do so securely by visiting If you would like to discuss your pledge, please contact Kate Spencer, Church Administrator, at or 865-521-0268.