Daily Prayers of the Church Street family

July 13, 2020

Pastor Jan


O Weaver of Goodness, on even murky days, you lace bright strands of blue and yellow within the hours to show us all is not lost. You embroider translucence here and there in the most shadowed moments to tell us we are loved. You choose greens and golds to remind us that you are nurturing our resilience. Your needlework is unsurpassed! May we hold this day tenderly, realizing your exquisite artistry is ever at work, weaving assurance, hope, and joy into our lives.

God of Love, hear our prayer.

O Love that Encircles us, we have accepted your call to discipleship and we honor your invitation to pray. Help us to follow that quiet pattern of prayer set for us by Jesus himself. The Spirit will help us in our weakness, for we rarely know how to express what is going on in our hearts. We keep returning to the same old sins, even though we had every intention of doing better. We are deeply troubled by the pain in our nation and in our world. We feel impotent in helping loved ones who bear such great burdens. Listen now, Good Lord, as we once again turn our struggles over to you  . . . And attend also to these friends in our Church Street family who call out to you this day:

  • Grateful for prayers: young son’s heart surgery on Friday was successful
  • Happy couple celebrate the blessing of their 36th wedding anniversary
  • Thankful for all on the front lines alleviating pain of virus patients
  • Gratitude for a mother’s wonderful example, died Saturday, age 100
  • One offers thanks for a rare visit with an old friend
  • Healing for a young man diagnosed with Covid-19
  • Prayers that virus tests for those recently exposed are negative
  • Prayers for a wife with a mass on brain, facing more tests today
  • Healing mercies & calm for a member with recent eye damage
  • Upholding daughter whose mother was placed on hospice on Friday
  • Pastors leading a graveside service today, that the family will be comforted
  • Healing: Close friend with leukemia that is not responsive to treatment
  • Healing prayers for a frightened nephew (nurse in KY) with Covid-19 & protection for other family members who await test results
  • Four families mourning the recent deaths of loved ones
  • Physician nephew in 11th day of isolation; his wife & 3 sons all well

God of Love, hear our prayer.

We are aware, O Wise One, that you are not impressed by fancy words or well-turned phrases. Perchance you even shiver when we offer another flowery stanza of praise. Still you bear with us, knowing that we do try to please you. And in truth, our words are of little consequence, for it is our earnest attention you desire. Humble our hearts, we pray, that we might always come to you as we are, without flourish or pretense, as we offer that perfect prayer that Jesus taught:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a prayer request?

Submit your request confidentially online, and our prayer team will be in prayer with and for you.

Join us for a midday devotion

Head to Facebook at noon today for a devotion with Rev. Tim Best!


Daily Prayers of the Church Street family

July 10, 2020

Pastor Jan


“Lord whose love through humble service bore the weight of human need,
Who upon the cross forsaken offered mercy’s perfect deed.”

We are truly humbled by your great love, O Lord! Its depth is beyond our imagining. What might love such as yours cost us, we ask, if we also cry out for things to change, for justice, for better lives for those who wither away in want and poverty? Give us courage, in spite of our fear, to take the risk of stepping out of our safe zone and speaking up for truth and equity.

“Still your children wander homeless, still the hungry cry for bread,
Still the captive long for freedom, still in grief we mourn our dead.”

We pray for all whose souls yearn for something better: for a place to call home, for the table filled with fresh food; for the imprisoned, especially those innocent ones whose lives are devoid of mercy; for those mourning dreams long dead and the good health that has eluded them; for loved ones whose days ended before a proper goodbye could be uttered. Give us hope enough to lift up the forlorn, time enough to sit with those who grieve, grace enough to share our bread.

“Called by worship to your service, forth in your dear name we go
To the child, the youth, the aged, love in living deed to show.”

Forgive us, Lord, when we neglect even the smallest gesture that might mean the world to another. Remind us to stop and make time for little ones, as did Jesus, who called the children blessed. Help us encourage our youth who struggle on so many fronts in our complex society, yet who accomplish so much, and who also long for a word of gratitude, of encouragement. We also seek your blessing upon each of these we now name, that your hand would be at work in their lives:

  • Celebration: daughter returns from China after a long work assignment
  • Thankful that a wife’s hysterectomy went smoothly today
  • Gratitude: hospital, health workers & first responders taking great risks to serve others
  • Grateful for prayers: a grandfather died peacefully last night
  • Easing of pain for member following extensive oral surgery
  • Successful heart surgery today for a young son (Blount Co Family Promise) at Vanderbilt; courage & safety for his family who travel with him
  • Prayers for a wife with a 2 cm mass on brain, awaiting more tests
  • Two members seeking relief from depression
  • Healing: Close friend with leukemia that is not responsive to treatment
  • Healing prayers for a frightened nephew (nurse in KY) with Covid-19 & protection for other family members who are currently being tested
  • Four families mourning the recent deaths of loved ones
  • Physician nephew in 9th day of isolation; his wife & 3 sons all well
  • Two families in custody proceedings, grace to uphold children involved

“Hope and health, good will and comfort, counsel, aid, and peace we give,
That your servants, Lord, in freedom, may your mercy know and live.”

Dearest Friend, fix our eyes upon the present moment, not upon the final outcome of our service. Piece by piece you will ultimately gather all our efforts and fold them into your own restoration. For now, we need only remember that when we love your created world with all its intricacies and mysteries, we are loving you. And when we are serving others, we are serving you.

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a prayer request?

Submit your request confidentially online, and our prayer team will be in prayer with and for you.


Daily Prayers of the Church Street family

July 9, 2020

Pastor Jan


O God of the Day, we come before you this morning in all our varied states. Some us come with peace, others with strife in their hearts. Some of us arrive with hope, others with desolation. Some of us carry a basket of dreams, others hold out empty hands. Still, whether buoyant or heavy-hearted, we enter, knowing that you will offer some nugget from your storehouse of wisdom to lead us through this day. And not only that, you will walk beside us every hour to come. Thanks be to God!

Most Holy Lord, hear our prayer.

O Guardian of the Weak, you rescued Israel from slavery and called her your own. By the frailty of your Son, you rescued humanity from slavery to sin and death. Throughout the eras you have continued to hear the cries of your people and have been faithful to rebuild  the ruins of our lives. We trust you now, O Steadfast One, to continue your work of renewal throughout our wounded world. Heal those places where slavery still exists; break the bonds of those who are held hostage to greed, discrimination, illness and poverty. Strengthen us to pry open the rusty locks of oppression, we pray, that we might then fling wide the gates of freedom for those who suffer everywhere. And as one unified people, we shall celebrate our God!

Most Holy Lord, hear our prayer.

And as we work in your name for a better world, we ask that you also remember these particular ones close to home, our Church Street friends who offer their petitions today:

  • One celebrates a negative Covid test & now emerges from isolation
  • Young woman healing following separation & impending divorce
  • One is grateful that his work has not suffered during the pandemic
  • Prayers appreciated, member is receiving relief from caregiving
  • Recovery of friend who had emergency heart stent
  • Physical and emotional healing within a family
  • Successful heart surgery for a young son (Blount County Family Promise) on Friday at Vanderbilt; courage & safety for his family who travel with him
  • An elderly father in failing health and a brother with post-surgery difficulty
  • 23-yr-old friend with Covid – isolating for 21 days – no family nearby
  • Protection from virus of all loved ones working in high risk positions
  • Two families in custody proceedings, grace to uphold children involved
  • Healing for a brother (no diagnosis yet) and a nephew with Covid-19
  • A peaceful end for a grandfather dying from covid19
  • For order & peace in our nation and for violence to end
  • A peaceful death for an aunt & for a cherished father-in-law

May our dream be as yours, Loving God: that one day peoples everywhere will be set free to live their lives creatively and vibrantly in your name.

Most Holy Lord, hear our prayer.

Faithful One, may our hearts be filled with gratitude these coming hours, as we absorb the soft rain of divine gifts you sprinkle throughout our days. From birdsong to quiet brook, from colored pebble to fragrant flower, from humming bee to gliding cloud, you bless us. We kneel in awe and humility, but also in confidence that nothing in all creation can separate us from your love through Christ Jesus our Lord, who taught us to pray:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a prayer request?

Submit your request confidentially online, and our prayer team will be in prayer with and for you.

Join us for a midday devotion

Head to Facebook at noon today for a devotion with Rev. Catherine Clark Nance!


Daily Prayers of the Church Street family

July 8, 2020

Pastor Jan


You woo us, O God, Sleuth that you are. We would find it annoying if we did not know that you seek us because you care so deeply for us. Truly, the psalmist says that there is nowhere we might flee, but you are there already. Perchance underneath our façade, we want to be known as we really are, without our makeup. And the astonishing reality is that you seem to delight in us more earnestly when we remove our masks, share our doubts, our imperfections and failures freely. Such an impenetrable moving mystery you are. Ah, but such a friend!

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Summer rains refresh us, Lord, and we are grateful for them. But the clouded canopy overhead also carries unease. Our minds wander to times past when we were happier, when our closest companions were part of our everyday lives. Suddenly it seems that we have lost so many to death that few are left who understand us anymore. Gone are their impromptu calls just to see how we were faring, the small jokes we shared, their sensitivity to our own trials. We are on the edge of emptiness, and we often wonder why we ourselves are still here. Maybe our aloneness is to teach us how Jesus felt when his closest friends deserted him, just when he needed them most. Wash us with that summer rain, Lord, and give us courage to walk with assurance and resolve until our own time of departure comes.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

There have been rays of hope these past weeks, O Pillar of Strength, as we wait for the end of the pandemic. And we are thankful that some are able to return to work and enjoy more flexibility. The specter still haunts us, however, and we dare not let down our guard. Give us prudence, we pray, to shield our brothers and sisters who are most vulnerable to the virus, to adhere to guidelines set out by health officials, to demonstrate concern and compassion. You have seen us through other dark eras and you will see us through this time as well. We now remember these particular friends at Church Street who request our prayers of intercession. Attend to each, Good Lord, and walk with them as you work within each situation:

  • Grateful for the life and witness of a faithful member who died yesterday
  • Thanksgiving: cherished member’s latest cancer scans were all clear
  • Thankful for church staff and blessing of online worship & devotionals
  • Grateful for prayers: nephew and fiancé celebrate her recovery from cancer surgery, are awaiting treatment plans
  • Safety for 2 members hiking Mount Whitney in CA
  • Prayers for a brother having important kidney tests today
  • An elderly father in failing health and a brother with post-surgery difficulty
  • Good health for young couple; may their unborn baby grow to full term
  • 23-yr-old friend with Covid – isolating for 21 days – no family nearby
  • Protection from virus of all loved ones working in high-risk positions
  • Loved ones infected with Covid; safety for their family members
  • Two families in custody trials, grace to uphold children involved
  • Healing for a brother on high doses of antibiotics, no diagnosis yet
  • Healing prayers and courage for two undergoing chemotherapy
  • That peace descends upon our violent and fragmented nation
  • For God’s work in the lives of a weary caregiver and his ill wife
  • A peaceful death for an aunt (96) and for a cherished father-in-law
  • Prayers for a physician in Chattanooga, recovering from heart surgery
  • Healing mercies for a father with diabetes and his grieving son

In celebration and in suffering, may we continue to reach out to one another, as you, O Christ, reach out to hold us fast.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Abide in our hearts this day, we pray, for we need your nearness every hour:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a prayer request?

Submit your request confidentially online, and our prayer team will be in prayer with and for you.


Daily Prayers of the Church Street family

July 7, 2020

Pastor Jan


Life-Giving God, how privileged we are that you have given us life and breath, for just to walk upon your good earth is holy. You call each of us daily to gather under your tent of gratitude. May we assemble there this day with all the saints of the ages who sing of your goodness, for in that glad house we learn the power of a thankful heart.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We confess that sometimes we allow voices around us to swallow us up. Sometimes the noise within our own heads overpowers us. Sometimes the brokenness of the world paralyzes us. But sometimes is not all the time, for there are interludes when your mercy descends as a whisper and holds us as a mother’s soft embrace. Hold us close, Dearest Friend, until our souls are once again in harmony with yours. And hold especially these ones in your grasp today, your people of Church Street, who long for your touch:

  • Grateful for prayers: brother with infection is now home from hospital
  • Thankful for prayers: daughter arrived safely in Boston and starting new job
  • Gratitude: member is steadily recovering after intensive testing
  • Family thankful for a mountain vacation
  • Good health for young couple; may their unborn baby grow to full term
  • 23-yr-old friend with Covid – isolating for 21 days – no family nearby
  • Protection from virus of all loved ones working in high-risk positions
  • Loved ones infected with Covid; safety for their family members
  • Healing for a brother on high doses of antibiotics, no diagnosis yet
  • Healing prayers & grace for a friend undergoing chemotherapy
  • That peace descends upon our violent & fragmented nation
  • Prayers for wife recovering from injuries & strength for her husband
  • Please pray for a mother with Covid-19 & that her son’s test is negative
  • A peaceful death for an aunt (96) and for a cherished father-in-law
  • Healing & courage for 2 members recovering from longterm illnesses
  • Healing within a broken family
  • Prayers for a brother having important kidney tests tomorrow

Bear with us, O God, when we offer you so many laments and grievances. But the truth is we fear deeply what we cannot control. Isaiah’s people also lived in a time of confusion and apprehension; their days were also turbulent and their future unforeseeable. Yet you promised them that the desert surrounding them would burst with new life and would blossom abundantly, that singing would again be heard in the land, that weak hands and feeble knees would once again be made strong. To fearful hearts the prophet proclaimed: “Be strong and do not fear! Here is your God . . .  He will come and save you!” Write those words upon our hearts, O Divine One, lest we forget who holds our present and our future.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Gather up these scattered pieces of prayer, O Lord, and place them close by; and each time you glance their way, your heart will be moved to remember us:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a prayer request?

Submit your request confidentially online, and our prayer team will be in prayer with and for you.


Daily Prayers of the Church Street family

July 6, 2020

Pastor Jan


Holy Friend, we offer you this unique day. May gratitude be our companion, for you have tucked away treasures in the folds of each hour; we dare not miss these blessings you have so carefully wrapped: the embrace of the sun warming our bones, eyes to behold the faces of friends, the gift of music to lift our hearts heavenward, the sound of a loved one’s voice on the phone, the ability to read the printed page, aroma of welcome rain on dry fields, memories of wonders of bygone days, the honor of working and living in your name. May all our thanksgivings join with all those praises offered throughout the world!

Blessed be your name, O One Who Hears Us!

Loving Overseer, we pray for an understanding of what yet might be. We seek your reassurance, Lord, that your new work will become visible, even in our shortsightedness. In spite of the church’s honest efforts throughout the ages, injustice poverty, cruelty and hypocrisy are on the rise. Keep us from despairing, Gentle Savior, when our works and our prayers do not come to fruition according to our own timetables. Give us grace, we pray, to continue our work of faith, knowing that somehow, some way, you are already using our good intentions and our prayers to make a cosmic difference in our world.

Blessed be your name, O One Who Hears Us!

Preserver of Life, we lift up to your light all who find themselves in distress, illness, adversity this day. We pray for their deliverance from their afflictions and difficulties. Especially we remember those closest to our hearts . . .  Also these friends from our own church family:

  • Gratitude: a husband’s Covid-19 test was negative – prayers appreciated
  • Family felt greatly supported by hospital staff during mother’s last days
  • Gratitude offered for the life of a beloved mother & grandmother
  • Loving couple celebrating 39 years of marriage
  • Member is thankful her depression is lifting
  • Thanksgiving for unborn grandson; prayers that mother & father (in Chicago) remain healthy and that mother will carry her child to full term
  • Prayers for a member mourning the death of her mother on Saturday
  • Protection of all loved ones at high risk of contracting virus
  • Healing prayers and grace for a friend undergoing chemotherapy
  • Prayers for wife recovering from injuries and strength for her husband
  • A single mother in GA & a dear friend in TN in need of good jobs
  • Healing prayers for nephew (physician) with Covid, & safety his family
  • Please pray for a mother with Covid-19 & that her son’s test is negative
  • A peaceful death for an aunt (96) & for a cherished father-in-law
  • Healing mercies & courage for 2 members recovering from illness
  • Healing mercies for a broken family & ill father
  • Healing of a brother with heart ailment; young adult with rare malady
  • Prayers for a grieving couple whose newborn son died in May

Bind our hearts together as one holy community, O Lord, and may we cling together and support one another as we travel that highway that leads to your doorstep.

Blessed be your name, O One Who Hears Us!

Revitalize us this day for faithful service, O Lord, knowing you accept us fully and that you are always pleased to hear the prayer your Son taught his disciples:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a prayer request?

Submit your request confidentially online, and our prayer team will be in prayer with and for you.


Daily Prayers of the Church Street family

July 3, 2020

Pastor Jan


Tower of Strength, as we are on the cusp of our national holiday, we reflect upon those things that make a nation strong. Is it military might, a robust economy, vast territories stretching from shore to shore? Can we boast growing wealth, colossal skyscrapers, granite wonders pointed toward heaven? Scripture says we dare not make our boast in our might or in our riches. As the Holy One spoke clearly through his prophet:  “. . . Let the one who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth . . . “ May we heed these words and ever remember we do not praise our own accomplishments, for all we have attained has come through our God’s largesse.

In Christ alone we place our trust!

O Love Ever Merciful, even today as we celebrate the benefits of our life in this free nation, our sins seem too heavy to carry, and many of them we cannot undo. And by publicly naming our collective sins of greed, arrogance, indifference, we cannot sweep our private failings under the rug. Both have marred your name and thwarted our witness as disciples. These personal misdeeds we now name in the silence of our own hearts . . .   Set us free from the past we cannot change, but open to us that future where we might still take on the image of Jesus.  The apostle claims that anyone who is in Christ is a new creation; the old life is gone and a new life has begun. We believe and claim this good news!

In Christ alone we place our trust!

We acknowledge, O Lord, those who have sacrificed greatly and who continue to sacrifice that we may live in freedom in this country. We must not take their efforts for granted, for our freedom has come at a high price. May we use our liberty according to your will, that we might become a beacon of hope, not for just a few, but for all who walk our continent. Give hope also, we pray, to these believers in our Church Street family who call out this day:

  • Gratitude: a husband’s covid19 test was negative- prayers appreciated
  • Member grateful for 3 days away from her stressful hospital position
  • Thankful for America – a land of flaws, but also a country of hope and freedom
  • Grateful that a wrong has been forgiven
  • Brother in St. Thomas hospital with infection, for diagnosis and healing
  • Continued prayers and diagnosis, beloved wife recovering from injuries
  • Dear friend who has just entered hospice care and her loving family
  • For a good-paying position for a young single mother in Atlanta
  • Healing prayers for nephew (physician) with Covid, and safety for his family
  • A peaceful death for an aunt (96) & for a cherished father-in-law
  • Continued healing mercies for two members facing long recoveries at home
  • For God’s guidance and healing within a broken family and ill father
  • Prayers for a brother awaiting heart surgery, for comfort and peace
  • Healing mercies for a granddaughter with a rare intestinal condition
  • Solace for niece mourning the death of her aunt (brain bleed)
  • Protection from virus for a daughter & a son in Florida, working with the public

In Christ alone we place our trust!

We offer this day to you and to your Beloved Son, for the government rests upon his shoulders and thus we have named him Wonderful Counselor, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a prayer request?

Submit your request confidentially online, and our prayer team will be in prayer with and for you.


Daily Prayers of the Church Street family

July 2, 2020

Pastor Jan


This is one of those days, Lord, when in spite of summer warmth, there is a chill in the air and even in our hearts. Why these seasons of the spirit come we do not know, but when they do, we prefer sitting in emptiness rather than turning to the warmth of your words and your caring ways. Rekindle the embers of our hearts, O Flame of Goodness, that in the hours ahead, we may remember our commitment doesn’t depend upon how we happen to feel at any given moment. You will use whatever cold offerings we bring to create a spark of home somewhere. Ignite that hope in us again too, we pray.

God of Goodness, hear our prayer.

We know you bear the pain of your people, but there are so many burdens to be borne.  Anger and violence have permeated our streets and neighborhoods. Lawlessness increases where peace once reigned. Halls of governments are filled with rancor and distrust. We are held hostage by a virulent disease for which no cure has been discovered, and so many of your people fade away behind barriers of protection, forgetting who they are. We believe you have answers to our dilemma, O God, but we pray you would not tarry too long, for we seem to be sinking under the weight of our pain.

God of Goodness, hear our prayer.

O Master of Surprise, through the ages you have brought restoration when all seemed hopeless. You have always presented yourself in unexpected ways to your confused and hurting people. Give us patience and courage, we pray, to endure our present trials, knowing you have not forgotten us. And also remember these praises and pleas that are offered by members of your Church Street family:

  • Gratitude: wife is thankful for unexpected financial assistance
  • Thankful a member has been released from hospital & is now home
  • Family so very grateful a brother is no longer on a ventilator
  • A niece received a government check to help sustain her business
  • Thankful for all members and families on the front lines of medical care and public safety
  • Prayers that a member’s Covid-19 test is negative
  • Healing prayers for nephew (physician) with Covid and safety for his family
  • Member who suffered a terrible fall 9 days ago, for restoration & comfort
  • Prayer for peaceful death for an aunt (96) suffering with cancer
  • Patience and healing for one facing long recovery from leg surgery
  • Guidance and hope to restore an ill father & to uphold a grieving son
  • Prayers for a brother who may undergo a pacemaker procedure this week
  • Healing mercies for a granddaughter diagnosed w/ rare intestinal condition
  • Hospital worker needs relief from great stress due to the pandemic
  • Continued prayers for safety: a daughter & a son working in Florida
  • Healing mercies for a member now in a rehab unit

In your tender compassion, watch over our family of faith, that we may become more and more aware of your surprising grace.

God of Goodness, hear our prayer.

O Fount of Wisdom, you spoke your words through the prophets and through Jesus himself, telling us we were indeed our brothers’ keeper – to speak in love and kindness to the stranger, to comfort the fallen, to feed the poor, to offer hope to the bereft. How wise you are in your teaching, for you knew that when we serve the other, our own worries subside. Astonishing is the manner in which you are transforming us!

God of Goodness, hear our prayer.

Wrap up these petitions, Faithful One, and carry them in your basket of peace; and we will rest easy, knowing peace will come in good time, and that all shall be well:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a prayer request?

Submit your request confidentially online, and our prayer team will be in prayer with and for you.

Join us for a midday devotion!

Head to our Facebook page at noon to hear from new Sr. Associate Pastor Tim Best and Rev. Palmer Cantler.


Daily Prayers of the Church Street family

July 1, 2020

Pastor Jan


O Song of Welcome, the psalmist urges us to come into your presence with singing, making a joyful noise throughout the land! Thus we enter the gates of this new day, lifting high our thankful praise for all the ways you have cared for us . . . How can we but glorify you, whose mercy and truth are everlasting? Oh, sing in our hearts, Lord, throughout this day!

Sacred One, hear our prayer.

O God With Us, could we ever enumerate the times you remained close beside us during our life’s journeys? We reflect now, bringing to mind those special instances when we felt your presence most keenly . . . Your mercy has been our rock of refuge when loss, doubt, depression, illness, even despair entered our lives. It was your power working within us that held us firm.

Sacred One, hear our prayer.

We trust in you, Framer of the Universe, and believe you hear the smallest creature that calls your name. As you count even the sparrow as worthy of your grace, receive these concerns and joys which are carried to your door by your people at Church Street:

  • Gratitude: husband’s (cancer survivor) tests showed no sign of cancer cells
  • Thankful for prayers for young couple traveling to California; they remain safe and will reach their destination in a few days
  • Couple celebrate a husband’s retirement today
  • Thankful for all front-line healthcare workers who serve the public
  • Many thanksgivings for our choir members and music directors
  • Healing prayers for nephew (physician) with Covid, and safety for his family
  • Member who suffered a terrible fall 9 days ago, for restoration and comfort
  • Prayer for peaceful death for an aunt (96) suffering with cancer
  • Guidance to support Catherine and Tim, our two incoming pastors
  • Patience and healing for one facing long recovery from leg surgery
  • Guidance and hope to restore an ill father and to uphold a grieving son
  • Healing mercies for a granddaughter diagnosed with rare intestinal condition
  • Members dealing with work-related stress due to pandemic
  • Safety and smooth transition for daughter and family moving to North Carolina
  • Safety for a daughter, front-line health worker in Florida
  • Adult son now working in Florida, that he does not succumb to the virus
  • A husband anticipating a layoff from his job, for his worried family

As you sustain us, Lord, through all our challenges, may we learn more of your grace at the core of our being.

Sacred One, hear our prayer.

Canticle of Hope, continue to chant your lyrics of renewal in the background of our days, that, taking up your song, our own strains of praise might reach those who do not yet know of the recreating love of Jesus, the One who taught us to pray:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a prayer request?

Submit your request confidentially online, and our prayer team will be in prayer with and for you.


Daily Prayers of the Church Street family

June 30, 2020

Pastor Jan


You search us out day by day, Good Shepherd, desiring to know us more fully, to help us understand our own fears and longings, to show us how we might make decisions that are life-affirming. We praise you for wanting the best for us, O Lord. Work your wonders in our souls today, until our hearts beat in steady rhythm with yours.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

O God of the Apostles and Prophets, your cries for justice rang out through your messengers who walked the ancient roads of oppression. It wasn’t their own words they uttered, for you so eloquently spoke through them. May your words of mercy, equity, and peace flow through us as well, that we may call out freely in support of the needy, the neglected, the overwrought, the outcast. But not our words alone, we pray, for our deeds underscore the depth of your love for the maltreated.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Patient One, these months of the pandemic have brought us to our knees. Roadblocks have appeared just when we thought we were on the edge of release. Our hopes are dashed when outbreaks of the insidious illness flare up in unexpected places. This is truly a frightening era; yet keep reminding us that your blessings are still arriving. We have witnessed miracles of your healing presence in the births of healthy babies and lives restored to health; you have shown us new avenues of worship and have quickened our passion for justice. Yes, O Lord, you are teaching us patience as you continue to touch us with newness. And as we trust in your providence to sustain us, we lift again today both the gladness and the hopes of our Church Street family:

  • Family celebrating a mother’s final chemo treatment today
  • Father (91), pleased that his birthday was remembered by many friends
  • Daughters thankful for the life of their cherished mother who died Sat.
  • Gratitude: more than 40 participated in UMW’s Just Mercy discussion Sunday; prayers that participants will continue to work for racial justice
  • Cancer patient thankful for relief from long-term nausea malady
  • Prayer for peaceful death for an aunt (96) suffering with cancer
  • Patience and healing for one facing long recovery from leg surgery
  • For God to offer hope and wisdom to an ill father and grieving son
  • Healing mercies for a granddaughter diagnosed with a rare intestinal condition
  • Strength for a young wife battling an autoimmune illnesses
  • Safety & smooth transition for daughter and family moving to North Carolina
  • Restoration of member’s health following several surgeries
  • Blessings upon young daughter moving to Boston Tuesday to take a new job
  • Safety for a daughter, front-line health worker for Florida Department of Health
  • Adult son now working in FLA, that he does not succumb to the virus
  • A husband anticipating a lay-off from his job, for his worried family

Living Lord, we remain a blessed people, for you have heard our prayers, are giving us release, and are always working for wholeness on our behalf. May we never take you for granted, O Holy One, for we know the grace you shower upon us in this realm is but a foretaste of that grace so evident in your home above:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.


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