Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of October 2, 2024

Written by Rev. Tim Best

This prayer was offered in worship on Sunday, September 29. 

We open our hearts in praise and prayer to you, God of heaven and earth.

You hear our prayers and tend to our needs. Hear us as we pray for our community and our neighbors. Over the last several days we have seen communities we know covered in the national news. Loved ones have been left without power. Roads and bridges have washed away while homes and businesses have flooded. We ask that you would guide us to support and care for our neighbors as they seek to rebuild and recover.

Hear us as we pray for those whose suffering has deepened over the last few days. We pray for those who were hospitalized and needing care, only to find themselves in danger in a hospital. We pray for those who have been lonely or afraid because they have been stuck by themselves, unable to call or travel. Make us mindful of all the ways that suffering is magnified in the midst of tragedy.

Watch over those who serve and lead. We pray for all who are working to restore power, those who are helping to keep others safe, and those already preparing to help people recover. We pray for all of our leaders. Help those who lead in all things and at all times. Guide them not just in emergencies, but in the before and the after.

See the needs of our world, gracious God. We are aware of the violence and warfare that continues in so many places. Make us be a people committed to your peace. Transform the hearts of those bent on violence, and remove from our hearts the bent towards anger and hatred. Even as we are so acutely aware of the suffering within our own community, help us to see the needs of all people, and give us courage to speak and act.

Almighty and everlasting God, hear us as we lift these concerns to you. See also our inner thoughts and feelings. See all those things that weigh upon our hearts, and see also our joys.

We pray….

  • All government officials and presidential candidates; may they stay focused on their responsibilities
  • “Third-world” countries, who are struggling with poverty and health; praying for the US to not lose our vision to care for them even when other world issues take precedence.
  • A member in hospital; prayers that antibiotics will do the work needed for his body to heal!

We continue to pray for….

  • For infants and children at ETCH …
  • For one who is experiencing depression
  • For a member who is now in hospice care
  • For a sister in Virginia who is recovering from ankle surgery but fighting infection. Thankful she seems to be responding well to the second round of antibiotics.
  • For a daughter who is very sick with Covid and pneumonia
  • For so many who are having respiratory issues, covid, pneumonia, etc.
  • For a husband and children grieving the sudden death of their wife/mother
  • Neighbors who are having legal trouble with housing
  • Couples who are wanting to start a family ..
  • All of the men and women in the military….
  • Those who are caring for family members who have dementia …
  • Members who have cancer and are going through the ups and downs of treatments.

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for….

  • For all the stories of compassion coming from the Helene! In midst of disaster, people share God’s love!

We join all our voices together in prayer as we offer together that prayer that our Lord, Jesus Christ, has taught us, saying…..

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of September 25, 2024

Written by Rev. Tim Best

Loving and gracious Father,

At the end of another long day we seek a moment with you. We remind ourselves in this still moment that you have been our sustainer throughout the day. You have sustained “me” but also have cared for “us”. Help us to see and name the ways you have cared for each of us individually. Give us eyes to see, as the daylight fades, how you have offered light and life to our families, to our church, and to all those that matter to us. We confess that often when we reach the end of a day, or find ourselves feeling stranded in the middle of a week, praise and thanksgiving is not our natural response. Transform our hearts that we might look for your grace in each new day.

In the midst of the suffering and pain of this week, may we lay our troubles into your care. We know that the heavy things we see in the world are real. We may try to dismiss or minimize saying to ourselves things like: “It will all be ok. That isn’t our problem. We can’t do anything to help those people over there.” Give us a holy imagination when we see the suffering of the world. Give us the strength and courage to name before you that often we are not sure if everything will be ok. As disciples of Jesus we know that missiles and rockets are problems we are called to care about. Hear our prayers for people that live in the shadow of violence and war. Breathe into our hearts that we might be committed to your peace in our lives, and make us always mindful to pray and serve those who suffer.

As fall begins and school grinds on, we continue to pray for all the students and educators of our community. We pray also for those who wish to learn, but find their learning disrupted and their dreams delayed. We pray for students who dread school each day, and for those who dread going home. Help our community to see the ways that we can testify to you grace and love with the many students and educators near our buildings.

We pray for leaders and candidates for office. We are stunned when we hear of officials who threaten others, harm their colleagues, and create fear. We ask for strength and courage for those leaders who faithfully serve and seek to better the lives of others. Be at work in our communal life, that our leaders may collaborate with one another. Help each of us to see the challenges that our communities face as problems that together, filled with your hope and charity for each other, we may overcome.

As the day closes and we prepare for the night ahead, help us to rest in the embrace of your mercy and care. See the needs buried within our hearts. We lift up those who are sick, those who have had surgeries or procedures this week, and those facing longterm illness. We seek your care for those who grieve and ask your protection for those who suffer. It is in full confidence of your unending love that we share together the concerns of our Church Street family:

We pray…. 

  • For an infant born on September 15 who is in the NICU at Children’s Hospital; Prayers for all of the family…
  • For an eleven-year old in PICU at Children’s after an accident.
  • For a family attending the funeral of a great-aunt. May they experience God’s gift of Eternal life and Love as they celebrate her life.
  • For one who is experiencing depression
  • For a member who is now in hospice care
  • For an indigent friend who is having serious health/heart issues. In spite of his financial and mental state, he continues to inspire us with his gratitude.
  • For a member who has moved to another state and is having difficult time recovering from pneumonia
  • For one who is having surgery early Wednesday morning; prayers for whole surgical team
  • For one who is recovering from emergency surgery
  • For a sister in Virginia who is recovering from ankle surgery but fighting infection. Thankful she seems to be responding well to the second round of antibiotics.
  • For a daughter who is very sick with Covid and pneumonia
  • For so many who are having respiratory issues, covid, pneumonia, etc.
  • For a husband and children grieving the sudden death of their wife/mother

We continue to pray for….

  • A friend who is going through a divorce
  • Neighbors who are having legal trouble with housing
  • Those whose grief is overwhelming
  • Couples who are wanting to start a family 
  • All of the men and women in the military
  • Those who are caring for family members who have dementia 
  • Members who have cancer and are going through the ups and downs of treatments

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for….

  • One of our houseless neighbors who teaches us about faith and gratitude
  • For friends who keep us centered; for a good visit with a colleague
  • For finally getting into rehab!

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of September 18, 2024

Written by Rev. Catherine Nance

O God, we desperately need a word of peace! We need to feel your peace! 

Exploding pagers? What in the world are people thinking?  

Bomb threats at elementary schools? What is happening?  

A second assassination attempt on our former president? Lord, have mercy! 

O God who stilled the waters, we boldly and fervently pray for stillness. For calm. For sanity. For peace. We boldly pray for healing of hearts and minds that seem to be so bent towards violence and destruction. 

With so much hate and violence happening in the world it is difficult not to get swept into it. We do not want to fall prey to violent language ourselves; we do not want to hate those who are carrying out violence. Calm us down, Lord! Do not allow us to feed any hateful fires or repeat ugly language.  

Thank you for hearing our frustration and our fear. We are sorry for beginning with anguish and not thanksgiving, but that is where our minds are. You know that, O God who knows our every thought and sees our tender, breaking, and fearful hearts.  

We pause to give thanks for the ways we have connected with others today …. 

We pause to give thanks for the hint of cooler weather …. 

We give you thanks for texts from friends and unexpected phone calls…. 

We thank you for feeling your love and power as we look towards the mountains ….. 

Thank you for offering us glimpses of goodness, grace, and love throughout our days. 

Having taken time to say, “Thank you,” we now have strength of spirit to pray for individuals and communities who are hurting. Instead of stopping at anguish, we pray through with concern and empathy for those who have been targeted, those who are afraid, those who have been injured, and those who feel alone. We imagine other places in our world and country and know that your presence is there in others who provide help and rescue and water and bandages and safety. 

We cannot go to faraway places, but we can provide help and safety and comfort here. We do not want to spread anguish, only peace. We do not want to spread hate, only love. May our efforts where we are right now – in our homes, in our community, in our church – be pleasing to you, Lord of all Life. 

We think of church members and friends who have asked for prayer and offered prayers of thanksgiving. Thank you for this opportunity that collects us all in one heart and one mind as we pray for one another ….. 

We pray for…

  • A daughter who is battling a chronic illness while planning her wedding
  • A friend who is going through a divorce
  • Neighbors who are having legal trouble with housing
  • Those whose grief is overwhelming
  • All of the people who live in Springfield, Ohio
  • A husband/father who had mass removed and is thankful for successful surgery

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for….

  • For our new Director of Communications, Kelsey, and her husband, Chris!
  • For our new Director of Music, Josh, and his wife, Lacey!
  • Good report from heart catherization
  • For the ability to travel to a grandchild’s birthday party

We continue to pray for….

  • Couples who are wanting to start a family 
  • All of the men and women in the military
  • Those who are caring for family members who have dementia
  • Members who have cancer and are going through the ups and downs of treatments. 
  • An 89-year old grandfather who had heart attack is now in hospital
  • An elderly mother recovering from dental surgery and now preparing for heart surgery

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of September 11, 2024

Written by Steve Richardson

God in heaven and in our midst, during these moments of prayer and reflection, open our minds and hearts to your strengthening wisdom and guidance.    

23 years. A full generation ago. Yet memories of the images and our emotions of this September 11th day are as vivid now as they were in 2001. The impacts of those attacks against our innocent citizens still ripple through portions of our daily living even now. Thank you for helping us heal from the grief of loss and vulnerability. Strengthen us as we continue to persevere in the Kingdom work of loving one another, serving one another, showing mercy and justice for one another, and walking humbly with you, our God. If we hope to move forward, those are things we must do. 

Additionally, Merciful God, as we reflect on troubling events of recent days, help us all accept the realization that senseless violence is an act of sin, not a fact of life. Free us from our complacency and stubbornness so we will take sensible and reasonable steps within our social system to curb such evils.  

Fill us with the comfort of your Holy Spirit when we grieve; when we hurt; when we feel lonely; when we are sad; when stress is stifling; when we are confronted by uncertainty; when we are left out; when we are oppressed; when dreams of better days are dashed; when our mental and physical capacities diminish. Ways of the world – – physical and societal – – are often beyond our control. You know this, Lord.  During such times, when circumstances place us on unfamiliar and often unwanted paths, remind us that you, our Good Shepherd, are there to lead us to living more abundantly. 

Thank you for your love that will not let us go. Thank you for hope that flows into us to fill feelings of emptiness and doubt. Thank you for faith that lifts and inspires. Thank you for your wisdom that shines light amid life’s darker moments. Thank you for anchors of prayer, scripture and trustworthy relationships for times we flounder in currents of turmoil and restlessness. 

With gratitude and anticipation, we welcome Kelsey Gillenwaters to Church Street’s staff as Communications Director. And in several days, we’ll welcome Josh Phelps as our Music Director. Opportunities will surely arise from their talents, service and witness. Help us to graciously embrace and support their commitments to Church Street and your calling. 

And now, God of Peace, hear these needs and prayers of others in our congregation. Surround all represented here with your loving presence and comfort… 

We pray for…

  • Friends and family members going through difficult times
  • A couple going through divorce
  • One who is waiting on medical tests results
  • Those with COVID
  • Guidance for daughters who are figuring out next steps for mother after her surgery
  • An 89-year old grandfather who had heart attack is now in hospital
  • An elderly mother recovering from dental surgery and now preparing for heart surgery
  • A family who is grieving the death of an aunt; sustaining prayers of comfort after so many deaths in family the past two years.

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for….

  • For our new Director of Communications, Kelsey, and her family as they transition to new job!
  • Cooler temperatures (for a few days!)
  • Good report from heart catherization

We continue to pray for….

  • Couples who are wanting to start a family.
  • All of the men and women in the military.
  • Those who are caring for family members who have dementia.
  • Members who have cancer and are going through the ups and downs of treatments. 

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of September 4, 2024

Written by Rev. Catherine Nance

Tonight’s prayer is copied from The Methodist Book of Daily Prayer. This devotional book begins with Morning Prayer of Petition and then an Evening Prayer of Gratitude. There are reflections each day, but throughout the week, the same petition and gratitude is used. 

 Here is an evening prayer of gratitude I will share with you. Allow yourself some pause for your own prayer between each petition …….  

Loving God, you are always at work for my well-being, not harm. Help me to trust that your commandments are for my good. Prick my consciousness so that I may see: 

  • The people to whom you are calling me to be more attentive, 
  • The areas of my personal life that I too often neglect, 
  • Your nudges and promptings that I am ignoring or neglecting, 
  • The joy and rest that you are offering to me. 

Shape in me a spirit of obedience to you and help me to remember that your precepts are perfect. Amen. 

And now we offer these prayers on behalf of our church family and community……. 

We pray for….

  • A granddaughter for upcoming surgery on her leg at Vanderbilt
  • For good results of upcoming heart test on my husband
  • For peace and comfort for my sister with severe lung disease
  • The community of Apalachee High School in Georgia where there was a shooting this afternoon. Deaths, injuries, and a 14-year old in custody. Lord, have mercy on our children!
  • For a recent grad who will be deployed soon. Prayers of protection over the children.
  • A friend whose fifty-year old daughter is hospitalized because of liver failure; she is not a candidate for a transplant. Praying for a miracle!
  • A member who is grieving the death of a dear friend
  • For all who are traveling
  • Friends and family who have COVID
  • For peace and closure as a granddaughter travels to grandfather’s funeral
  • Friend who is struggling with situation at job.
  • A son who has been so attentive to his mother and now grieving her death; may she rest in eternal peace and may he be comforted.
  • For a member dealing with rheumatoid arthritis and consulting a pulmonologist

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for….

  • A son who found a job that allows him to do what he was trained to do!
  • For new communications director at church who begins next week!

We continue to pray for….

  • A sister who just gave birth to a healthy baby girl. However, the mom has been diagnosed with a very rare blood disease. Prayers of thanksgiving for a precious and healthy niece, but also prayers of healing for a beloved sister. Prayers for the new father as he cares for both!
  • Those who are grieving the death of fifty-one year old son after a battle with cancer. Prayers for his mother as she continues to deal with her own health problems. 
  • A member who is consulting with pulmonologist after chest x-ray showed a spot. Prayers for clear diagnosis and a healing path forward.
  • A young couple beginning fertility procedures to start their family.
  • Couples who are wanting to start a family.
  • All of the men and women in the military.
  • Those who are caring for family members who have dementia.
  • Members who have cancer and are going through the ups and downs of treatments. 

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of August 28, 2024

Written by Rev. Tim Best

God of gracious and merciful strength,  

In our weakness and need, we come to you in prayer. We are often overwhelmed in our daily tasks and challenges. The repeating rhythms of everyday life can leave us drained and boxed in. Breathe life into us as we face those things that grind down our joy and disconnect us from ourselves, from each other, and from you. Help us discover a new rhythm of life, anchored in your care and renewed by your rest.  

Lord, in your mercy… 

We pray for our world, the nations, and all those who lead or seek power. We pray for peace to arrive in those places torn apart by violence and war. Help all your disciples to place our trust. In your spiritual strength, and the armor of our faith, rather than the weapons of war and hatred. We pray for civilians caught in the midst of fighting, whether in Russia, Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, and all the other places that know unrest. Humble the leaders of the world that they would submit to your authority and abandon any designs that run counter to your desires for the flourishing of all creation.  

Lord, in your mercy…

As our election season heats up in our own nation and community, help us to be witnesses to your authority and patience. Make us kind towards those with whom we disagree. Let us all hold our own ideals with conviction and integrity, but help us to measure and judge them with the direction of the Holy Spirit. We pray for all those who seek to hold and exercise power. Preserve and guide them, transform their hearts, and shape their actions for the good of all persons.  

Lord, in your mercy… 

As summer begins to wane we look forward to changing weather and all the joys contained in fall schedules. May we care for creation in all seasons that the earth may produce bountifully, and show forth the beauty of your handiwork. Help us to use all resources wisely, with concern for others and with commitment to the wellbeing of all that you have made. Help us find solutions to all problems, both economical and ecological, in ways that give dignity and security.  

Lord, in your mercy… 

In the midst of suffering, our own and that of others, help us to stand firm. Hear the cries of those in need and the suffering. Comfort those who mourn, and reassure us in the hope of the resurrection and final victory over sin and death. As those saints who came before us endured their trials, may we likewise place our full and final hope in your kingdom. We look with joyous expectation when all the powers of this age are undone by your conquering love.  

Lord, in your mercy… 

We pray for …

  • A mother who had minor surgery yesterday; prayers for all who care for her
  • A friend whose fifty-year old daughter is hospitalized because of liver failure; she is not a candidate for a transplant. Praying for a miracle!
  • A member who is grieving the death of a dear friend
  • A family who has a member in hospice care.
  • A friend who has cancer.
  • Friends and family members who are going through difficult times with health issues.
  • A former high school principal recently diagnosed with lung cancer. Friends and family will learn more about his treatment options this week. Prayers for staff who worked with him and revered him as a friend as well as a leader.  
  • A sister who just gave birth to a healthy baby girl. However, the mom has been diagnosed with a very rare blood disease. Prayers of thanksgiving for a precious and healthy niece, but also prayers of healing for a beloved sister. Prayers for the new father as he cares for both!
  • Those who are grieving the death of fifty-one year old son after a battle with cancer. Prayers for his mother as she continues to deal with her own health problems. 
  • Friends and family who have COVID.
  • A husband who had sinus surgery.
  • A mom who is traveling out of the country
  • Friend who is struggling with situation at job

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for ….

  • Such a positive Church Council meeting Tuesday night. Giving thanks for inspiring devotion, good and faithful work by volunteers, and our committed staff. Thankful for the good financial health as well as spiritual health of our church.
  • A good follow up from a mammogram; no tumor!
  • A son who found a job that allows him to do what he was trained to do!
  • A niece who received liver transplant and is recovering well after going through a frightening time in ICU
  • A clear – NO CANCER – pathology report! Prayers for healing and strength after surgery!

We continue to pray for ….

  • A member who is consulting with pulmonologist after chest x-ray showed a spot. Prayers for clear diagnosis and a healing path forward.
  • A young couple beginning fertility procedures to start their family.
  • Grandchildren who are hurting because of divorce of parents. May the extended family be a source of healing and comfort. 
  • Couples who are wanting to start a family ..
  • All of the men and women in the military…
  • Those who are caring for family members who have dementia …
  • Members who have cancer and are going through the ups and downs of treatments. 

We join together with all the saints as we lift up that prayer that your Son Jesus Christ has taught us, praying: 

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of August 21, 2024

Written by Rev. Catherine Nance

What a difference the cool air made this morning, O God! 

The cool breezes last evening were such a gift!  

O God of changing seasons, we know that there will be hotter days ahead, but what a lift to our spirits “fifty-eight degrees” brought! We stood still for a moment and closed our eyes and said, “Aaaahhhhh.” Please hear the pleasant sighs as “Thank you, God!”  

Our brain knows that you do not sit at a weather desk in heaven and change the weather on a whim. We have watched meteorologists long enough to know about patterns, waves, heat indices, and currents. But we are thankful for cool breezes that catch us off guard and come to us as a joyful surprise. A simple reminder that you are the creator of the universe. It was you who set the moon in place to converse with the oceans. It was you who stirred up winds to carry seeds and life across the life. Forgive us when we forget that this earth, the whole cosmos is yours. What a gift it is! 

Lord, we want to carry that cool breeze with us throughout the day. Open our spirits and eyes to be aware of your surprises. Remind us of your goodness and sovereignty when we find ourselves pausing for a moment and saying, “Aaaahhhhh” in relief and joy. We want to be a people who lives out of gratitude. We offer to you a promise to remember to say, “Thank you, God,” when our instinct is to say Ahhh…. 

……. when a stranger exchanges warm greetings as we wait for the pedestrian signal to give us permission to walk 

….. when the goldfinch stays a little longer on the telephone wire and seems to wink at us. 

….. when a child at the store makes faces at us and giggles 

….. when the human-interest story on the news causes us to tear up and truly feel connected 

….. when we catch ourselves singing along with the music at the store and another person in the aisle says, “I love Karen Carpenter.” 

O God of little things and surprises, we are listing big items in our prayer concerns. Prayers for healing, for jobs, for reconciliation, for world peace. Sometimes, we offer these prayers and sit back and wait. Forgive us O Lord, for thinking that is how you work. As we wait for outcomes, may we see your work in the process. Make our spirits active in receiving cool breezes and smiles from strangers. May we know these are ways we can feel your presence and feel the gratitude we have for all of your good gifts. We pray that as we practice gratitude, you give us strength for the big things. That even in the big things, we see your mighty power at work in subtle ways.  

Now Lord, we offer these prayers of concern and prayers of thanksgiving on behalf of our church community …. 

We pray for…

  • A member who is having surgery early tomorrow morning to repair broken vertebrae.
  • A member who is having an ultrasound tomorrow morning after mammogram reading this week found a spot.
  • Good health for everyone as COVID cases pop back up!
  • A niece who had a liver transplant on Tuesday at Vanderbilt; prayers for healing and good recovery.
  • A daughter-in-law who is in an intense one-year nurse practitioner program while also working full time. Prayers for strength and stamina.
  • 93-year old who has been moved to rehab facility after bout with COVID
  • A friend whose father died this summer; and then, her mother died unexpectedly this past weekend. This was weekend of moving daughter to campus! Pray for strength in all of the grieving.
  • For a family who has member in hospice care.
  • Family grieving from a recent death of husband/father.
  • A friend who has cancer.
  • Friends and family members who are going through difficult times with health issues.
  • A new resident to Knoxville who is looking for the right medical care for her chronic pain.
  • Newborn nephew who is having surgery this week at Vanderbilt.

We continue to pray for….

  • A son and a daughter-in-law who are both looking for meaningful work.
  • A member who is consulting with pulmonologist after chest x-ray showed a spot. Prayers for clear diagnosis and a healing path forward.
  • A young couple beginning fertility procedures to start their family.
  • Those who have cancer.
  • Grandchildren who are hurting because of divorce of parents. May the extended family be a source of healing and comfort. 
  • Couples who are wanting to start a family.
  • All of the men and women in the military.
  • Those who are caring for family members who have dementia.
  • Members who have cancer and are going through the ups and downs of treatments. 
  • All those whose grief is compounded by suicide; may they know the assurance that loved ones are in God’s eternal peace and love.
  • Our Staff-Parish Relations Committee as they see the right people for positions here. We are so thankful for their wisdom and good work.

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for….

  • A clear – NO CANCER – pathology report! Prayers for healing and strength after surgery!
  • Third graders who received Bibles this past Sunday!

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of August 14, 2024

Written by Steve Richardson

God in heaven and in our midst, we bring these prayers to you not only as a congregation, but individually as well. Humbly, we seek your acceptance and response. 

Summer’s sun now sets a bit sooner than it did several weeks ago. Still, its warmth and radiance continue to offer us occasions to experience the wonders and splendors of your natural world. Your creation’s changing seasons, in so many ways, are blessings, with each one ushering new opportunities and new perspectives. 

And speaking of changes, Lord, this has been a summer of many changes at Church Street. Thank you for the guidance from our clergy and for the added efforts and time dedicated by church staff as they help us all adapt. Thank you, too, for congregation members in roles of leadership who move us forward through their gifts of time and talents. Like the seasons, may these changes in the life of our church become blessings, with each one of these also ushering new opportunities and new perspectives. 

You granted each of us freewill. What courage that must have taken to do that, knowing there will be times we choose to turn away from you! Too many times, choices we make turn out to be failures. What never fails us, though, is your love and acceptance. Forgive us for choices and decisions that separate us from you and that disrupt the building of your kingdom. Gracious God, for your mercy, we are grateful. 

Compassionate Comforter, you surely know the pain and toils of grief, of brokenness, of health problems, of insecurity, of fear, of injustice, of disrespect, of loneliness, of negligence, of violent conflict between your people, of hatred, of prejudice, of economic uncertainties, and of the many, many other tribulations we encounter in our Earthly existence. Honestly, God, such circumstances sometimes lead us to question your presence and grace.  In moments of doubt, sustain our faith. Through prayer, through scripture, through the kindness of others, and through support by your church community, refresh our tired spirits with your everlasting love and promises of hope. 

Thank you for memories that bring smiles and joy. Thank you for anticipation of things to come that bring hopefulness. Thank you for moments such as these now that bring us in closer relationship with you. 

Merciful God, hear these needs and prayers of others in our congregation. Surround each person represented here with your loving embrace and comfort… 

We pray for …

  • A 10-year old granddaughter who is having surgery for broken arm doing what she loves – gymnastics! Prayers for medical team and all the family.
  • A member who had prayer last week; prayers for patience and she regains strength and healing.
  • A young man involved in an automobile accident.
  • A member who is consulting with pulmonologist after chest x-ray showed a spot. Prayers for clear diagnosis and a healing path forward.
  • A young couple beginning fertility procedures to start their family.
  • Those who have cancer.
  • A friend who has COVID.
  • A son and a daughter-in-law who are both looking for meaningful work.
  • Friends and family members who are going through struggles and have asked for prayers.
  • A great-aunt who is ill.
  • A friend going through a divorce.
  • A friend who is looking for a job. 
  • Families who are struggling with emotional pain as well as physical; especially those dealing with the ravages of addiction.
  • Ninety-three year old aunt who is in hospital with complications from COVID. 

We continue to pray for ….

  • Grandchildren who are hurting because of divorce of parents. May the extended family be a source of healing and comfort. 
  • Couples who are wanting to start a family. 
  • All of the men and women in the military.
  • Those who are caring for family members who have dementia.
  • Members who have cancer and are going through the ups and downs of treatments. 
  • All those whose grief is compounded by suicide; may they know the assurance that loved ones are in God’s eternal peace and love.
  • Our Staff-Parish Relations Committee as they see the right people for positions here. We are so thankful for their wisdom and good work.

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for ….

  • A  dear friend who after 28 years discovered another breast cancer, had a double mastectomy and the pathology report has come back that the surrounding tissue and the lymph nodes are free of cancer.  She still needs an oncologist’s decision, but it appears that she will not need chemo or radiation. Praise God! 
  • The beauty of the Olympics! It was so refreshing to see people pulling for each other and athletes from competing countries encouraging one another. Prayers that we could keep that spirit forever!

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of August 7, 2024

Written by Rev. Catherine Nance

We begin our prayers with O God … but you have heard us exclaim “Oh, God!” or OMG earlier today! 

“Oh, my Lord, it is so hot,” we have exclaimed as we get into our cars and roll the windows down and turn on the AC. Forgive us for cursing about the heat, O God who created sun and moon in perfect balance. Forgive us for doing things as individuals, industries, and countries, that have made our earth, your earth, hotter. Make us mindful of our responsibilities to care for your earth and the air and atmosphere all around it.  

As most of pray this prayer in air conditioning, we think of others. It is an act of repentance to turn from ourselves for a moment and to pray for others … 

We pray for those who make their living outdoors … in this heat. We pray for construction workers, landscapers, farmers, dog walkers, those fighting wildfires, groundskeepers, camp counselors, police officers on motorcycles, soldiers on maneuvers, major league baseball players, and for the lady who sits in the ticket booth at UT Hospital parking garage. We rely on some of these folks for our food and for our entertainment, some for tending to our children, and some for making our lawns look nice. Others provide safety. Gracious God, for those who work outside, we pray for their safety; we pray they have access to clean and cool water, and that they have relief at the end of their shift or day or inning. 

You have heard us pray (or exclaim), “Dear Lord! Where did the summer go?” Tomorrow is the first day of school for Knox County students. Other school systems have already started and some will be starting next week. 

“Where did the summer go, O God?” 

Why do we have such a distortion of time when you have set our planet in predictable motion? Each day is twenty -four hours. You have timed it perfectly, O God, that we have eight hours to sleep, eight hours to work and learn, eight hours to …. All the other things.   

We ask for forgiveness for taking the passing of the hours so personally and offer prayers on behalf of others. We pray for those who are anxious about school starting tomorrow. We pray for those who have had a hard summer because of lack of routine and lack of resources and food that school provides. We pray for those who have been reunited with families and friends on trips this summer and have vowed to keep in touch more intentionally. We pray for those whose days seem to go on forever with no interruption of friend or purpose. We pray for those who feel rushed through the day with no time for themselves. We pray for parents who will be filled with grief as school buses drive by. Give these – and all of us – a sense of your perfect time. 

Today is Wednesday, the middle of the week. Some are asking, where did the week go? Or even, where did the day go? We measure the speed of time by how productive we are. Or how much fun we’re having. Time flies … or time drags…  

It is so subjective. So, we pause in the early evening in the middle of the week, and offer a prayer to you. To offer ourselves humbly, we will attempt to think of others and how they have measured time today. For grandparents who know this is the ‘last day’ they will see grandchildren for a while, for teachers who are praying for students who will be entering their room tomorrow morning, for those who began the day in surgery waiting and for those who will end the day in the Emergency Department, for those who stand in front of an open refrigerator full of fruits, vegetables, and good leftovers and for those who have unplugged the refrigerator because it is empty and it is too expensive to run. 

When we turn to you and utter, Dear God, may we be humbled and also comforted that there are others all around in countless other situations who are also saying Oh my God, Dear God, Good Lord … and you graciously hear us all.   

Thank you for hearing our prayers – even when they are simply honest utterances. In vocalizing our feelings, may your holy spirit transform it into sacred conversation with you. 

We pray for those in our church family who have asked for prayers for …. 

We pray for …

  • A member who had surgery Tuesday morning; prayers for healing now that she is home.
  • All teachers and students! Prayers for a safe and productive and fulfilling year at school!
  • Administrators and principals who are juggling school needs, attendance numbers, and personnel; making sure all needs are met.
  • A young couple beginning fertility procedures to start their family.
  • A family member who is fighting for his life in the hospital; prayers for healing and peace.
  • Those who have cancer.
  • A friend who has COVID.
  • Friends and family members who are going through struggles and have asked for prayers.
  • An aunt who is ill.
  • A friend going through a divorce.
  • A couple going through divorce; prayers for peace as both are struggling.
  • A friend who is looking for a job …
  • Knox County Schools teachers
  • Friends in Texas, 100 years old, who are moving into assisted living; prayers for smooth transition.
  • An eleven-year old to be able to play sports; he wants to be on a team. Prayers that an opportunity will be provided.
  • Families who are struggling with emotional pain as well as physical. 
  • Woman who is being discharged from rehab; prayers for good help and good decisions! Prayers of thanksgiving for church friends who help.
  • Our Parish Youth Choir and their leaders this weekend while they are on retreat.
  • Ninety-three year old aunt who is in hospital with complications from COVID
  • College freshmen!

We continue to pray for ….

  • Grandchildren who are hurting because of divorce of parents. May the extended family be a source of healing and comfort. 
  • Couples who are wanting to start a family. 
  • All of the men and women in the military.
  • Those who are caring for family members who have dementia.
  • Members who have cancer and are going through the ups and downs of treatments. 
  • All those whose grief is compounded by suicide; may they know the assurance that loved ones are in God’s eternal peace and love.

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for ….

  • For a sister who is responding well to cancer treatments.
  • The beautiful music last Sunday! Prayers for our interim directors and guest organists.
  • For the birth of a healthy grandbaby!
  • Amazing co-workers who have pulled together.

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of July 31, 2024

Written by Leah Brown, Duke Divinity School Intern

Gentle and comforting Lord, 

You are the sustainer of your people and the breath of your Church. You have led your people from the beginnings of the world, and we continue to see you leading even us today. We thank you for your steadfast direction and guidance as we navigate life’s challenges and uncertainties as members of the Body of Christ seeking to do your will. Receive our praise and hear our prayers as you usher us into deeper discipleship. 

We worship you for your incomprehensible love for humanity. Rather than abandoning us when creation was corrupted by sin, you maintained that you have called us very good and reconciled us back to yourself through the death and resurrection of your Son Jesus. Help us to receive this love as an identifying mark that reminds us of the One who goes before, behind, and beside us. Let our church community be a tangible representation of this gentle yet powerful love as your Holy Spirit flows through us and into the world. 

Lord, be a shelter of comfort and peace for those who face difficult or even hostile situations. Be a presence of hope for those who encounter pain or grief. Reconcile relationships that have been strained. Teach us to trust in the promises of the Gospel that proclaim a coming end to suffering and the return of shalom. As we wait for Christ’s return, help us to live faithfully in the already-not-yet establishment of the Kingdom as agents of the perfect peace that is to come. 

Convict us of the ways we oppose your will and hinder others from experiencing your grace and love. Let your Holy Spirit lead us in the way of your tender mercy and grace as we bear witness to the Gospel’s transformative work in our lives and in our community. As we continue to be drawn in by your faithfulness and love for us, we lift up these concerns to be held in your care: 

We pray for …

  • One who is taking bar exam; may she feel God’s peace. May she be filled with confidence in all of her preparation.
  • One who is having surgery in the morning.
  • A ninety-three year old grandmother who fell and shattered her arm. Prayers for healing as she recovers in hospital. Prayers for family as they care for her.
  • A sister who is dealing with cancer and also her son who is nearing end of his earthly  life.
  • A member who has been diagnosed with pancreatitis.
  • Grandchildren who are hurting because of divorce of parents. May the extended family be a source of healing and comfort. 
  • Teachers who are preparing classrooms (and themselves!) for new students.
  • Students who are anxious about the start of a new school year.
  • An elderly member who is near the end of her life; may she find the peace she has longed for.
  • Parents who are looking for daycare options.
  • All those whose grief is compounded by suicide; may they know the assurance that loved ones are in God’s eternal peace and love.

We continue to pray for ….

  • Couples who are wanting to start a family.
  • All of the men and women in the military.
  • Those who are caring for family members who have dementia.
  • Members who have cancer and are going through the ups and downs of treatments. 

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for ….

  • For a sister who is responding well to cancer treatments.
  • The beautiful music last Sunday! Prayers for our interim directors and guest organists.

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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