Prayers for the Church Street Family

March 31, 2021

Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade

Under soggy skies we make our way homeward, thankful that a dry dwelling is waiting to welcome us in the evening hours. Shapeless clouds have lingered low throughout the day, providing none of the inspiration of the yellow sun.  Within the dullness, however, we have sensed your working on our behalf, Forever Friend, particularly in these instances: . . . . . . . . . .  And as you have been cleansing and revitalizing the earth with your spring droplets, you have been widening impassable avenues and opening doors shut tight. Praise be to you!

Suffering Servant, these final days of Lent are hardest for us, for as we draw closer to your suffering, we realize we need more Lenten time to conquer our own weakness. We still lack the courage to stand up to the naysayers; we fear our own rejection by the crowds; and, deep down, we know that we too are capable of deserting you in your final hours. In the end, though, we remember you did not forsake your fickle friends, but strengthened them and turned them into faithful disciples. By the immensity of your grace, transform us also into strong and useful vessels, we pray, pouring out courage and fortitude to all timorous ones, that together we might boldly proclaim you to the world as Redeemer and Savior.

As Mary stood weeping beside the empty tomb, you know all those whose tears still flow today.  Touch those everywhere, we pray, who are too traumatized to even utter your name. Steady those who are shaken by natural disasters and those whose dreams are shattered. You are in the business of making all things new, so implant your assurance in each hurting soul, we pray, that this Easter Season may be a time of rebirth for all. Have mercy, O Christ, upon all who are in need of your presence, especially your children at Church Street UMC:

  • Prayers appreciated: Hip replacement was successful
  • One grateful for visit with out-of-town daughter
  • Gratitude for a new housing arrangement
  • Family thankful for vaccine made possible by church
  • Thankful that initial visits with specialists in Nashville were promising
  • For a miracle to heal a painful leg ailment
  • Proper diagnosis for intestinal malady
  • Solace for families who mourn
  • Healing of violence in our communities
  • Healing for one suffering with fractured shoulder
  • Member in treatment for lymphoma
  • Courage and strength for friend with intestinal cancer
  • Guidance for one involved in a new course of study
  • Young family broken by alcoholism
  • Continued prayers for healing after eye surgery
  • Courage for one transitioning to new home
  • Continued healing for an alcoholic
  • Dear friend having medical tests

May your holy rest encompass us this night, and all whom we love, Dear Lord, for we turn over to you all our cares and anxieties. And somewhere in the shadowed hours, remind us that we still belong to you, no matter what we may have done or failed to do. In that assurance, we shall sleep soundly, praying as Christ himself taught us:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Prayers for the Church Street Family

March 30, 2021

Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade

Here in the shadowed silence, our thoughts turn to you, Blessed Lord.  Another day of grandeur you have provided out of your own benevolence.  There were moments when we were speechless when we beheld the spring glory.   And even if we passed by the marvels of the daylight, Brother Moon, round as a saucer, has kept watch from his chosen corner these first evenings of Holy Week. We praise you for your visible presence, Unfailing Friend, though we long to be those who live by faith alone and not by sight.

Anointed One, in your final days in this realm, we member how Mary stole soundlessly into the home of Simon, and how, out of her deep love for you, she poured the costly ointment upon your feet at suppertime. Hers was an extravagant gesture of risk, yet she boldly demonstrated where her devotion lay.  Her courageous actions are a template for the cost of discipleship. As we move through these sacred days, may we be bold enough to ask ourselves if we would give up our most precious possessions, our status, our independence and control to follow our Savior.  We pray that our private meditations this hallowed week might lead us to answer with candor and humility, and that our communal worship services might be counted as fragrant offerings to you.

Gracious Lord, as you touched so many with your grace during your final days of your earthly walk, we ask that you would ease the hearts of those who suffer this day, and particularly accept the gratitude and the concerns and offered by members of our church family:

  • Family offer thanks for church support in bereavement
  • Thankful for prayers: Eye is healing
  • One expresses gratitude for a faithful friend
  • One celebrates promising medical report
  • Gratitude: God’s guidance in a career move
  • For a miracle to heal a painful leg ailment
  • Prayers for member having hip replacement surgery Wednesday
  • Solace for families who mourn
  • For community to work together to end violence among our vulnerable youth
  • Healing for one suffering with fractured shoulder
  • God’s healing: Young couple’s miscarriage
  • Courage and strength for friend with intestinal cancer
  • Gratitude: Son’s Covid test was negative
  • Guidance for one moving into a new course of study
  • Young family broken by alcoholism
  • Continued prayers for healing after eye surgery
  • Continued healing for an alcoholic
  • Dear friend having medical tests in Murfreesboro
  • Sustaining family of ill 6-year-old

As we close our day, we thank you, Most Holy God, for gathering us into a beloved community, for in your wisdom, you knew we would need one another as we traveled this long Lenten journey. Cast your warm moonlight over us as we rest this night, anointing us with its creamy glow. We would be made whole for Christ’s sake, and we offer these prayers in his name, praying as he taught us:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Prayers for the Church Street Family

March 29, 2021

Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade

Evening Presence, you slip in so quietly we sometimes miss your deepening footprints across the sky. Indeed, it is difficult to bid farewell to a day of sunshine and glory, so reflective of your own essence, O Holy One. Scripture tells us that one day whispers its secrets to the next, and perhaps those secrets are carried by the night breezes over the mountain of darkness, and into the hands of the awaiting patient dawn. Constant One, your message of grace goes out through all the earth and you come to us again and again.  May we become wise enough to watch and to wait.

At eventide this Holy Monday, we set aside the buzzing of the world and turn our thoughts to you, O Christ, remembering the lonely journey you chose to take out of your immense love for all people.  The cheering of the palm-waving crowd had already stilled by the time you took those first steps through Jerusalem’s gates. We marvel at the depth of your courage and your compassion.  And soon enough we stragglers would learn the truth you carried inside yourself: that weakness and vulnerability form the solid base for spiritual strength.

Day to day and night to night you bring us mercy and hope, Loving Lord. Even today, when our vanities got in the way, you penetrated them to touch our souls.  Especially we remember these particular graces you made possible. . . . . . . . . .

Scatter away all those false expectations we have of you, that we might open ourselves to whatever you have to teach us.  Through heartbreak and remorse, through calamity and even death, rich lessons are to be learned; and it is you, Invigorating God, who waits to breathe new life into us.  Breathe upon all these souls, we pray, who find themselves at a crossroads.  Breathe upon all who place their praises at your feet:

  • Thankful for prayers: Sister-in-law with double mastectomy will not be required to undergo radiation or chemotherapy
  • Prayers appreciated: Lymphoma treatment will not be invasive
  • Family thankful for safe weekend travel
  • Gratitude: Latest scans show no spread of cancer
  • Thankful for prayers: Knee repair is healing well
  • Thanksgiving for church’s remarkable music ministry
  • Grace and healing for member having prostate surgery
  • Comfort for family mourning death of beloved uncle
  • God’s healing: Young couple’s miscarriage
  • Courage and strength for friend with intestinal cancer
  • Son awaiting Covid test results
  • Healing for family of toddler who drowned a few days ago
  • Young family broken by alcoholism
  • Continued prayers for one following serious eye surgery
  • Continued strength for son fighting alcoholism
  • Dear friend having medical tests in Murfreesboro
  • Sustaining family of ill 6-year-old
  • Husband facing third hip replacement

As we take our rest, Blessed Cup of Mercy, bathe us with forgiveness and pour out peaceful rest upon us. The coming days of your passion will be heavy, but your showers of mercy will restore our strength. And when morning comes, we will seek you early and serve you in the name of our Savior, who taught us to pray:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Prayers for the Church Street Family

March 25, 2021

Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade

Windblown and wavering, we have made it through this rain-drenched day. Thanks be to you, Nurturing God, who sends both sun and showers that the earth itself might be reborn! Even amid the dark clouds you are exhaling newness and grace. We praise you for befriending us and for calling us homeward in the dimming light.

You have made us our brother’s keeper and our sister’s also; therefore, we pray you would touch with your mercy all who have experienced extreme pain in recent days: the Asian families whose loved ones met their deaths at the hand of a bigot; the slain teenagers in our city whose murders have left their families and friends in despair; the stunned relatives of the slain victims in Colorado; and all the repressed and brutalized ones across the globe.  Give us wisdom and courage, we pray, that we might help break this chain of misery. And as we remember all who are bound in the grip of evil, we also remember these in our church family who express their own wounds and their own thanksgivings:

  • Prayers appreciated: Cherished mother died peacefully yesterday at 104
  • Family of four celebrates vaccination help from church
  • Thanksgiving for work of our Stephen Ministers
  • Praises: Family of three are steadily improving from Covid
  • Prayers for loving family carrying a heavy burden
  • Comfort for member in hospice care and his family
  • Prayers that a son’s upcoming Covid test will be negative
  • For a son to seek help for his alcoholism
  • God’s work in reconciling a broken relationship
  • Prayers for alcoholic son in first week of detox
  • Upholding church families in mourning
  • Healing for two who are suffer with lymphoma
  • Proper diagnosis of ill first-grader
  • Peace for one facing prostate surgery
  • Grace and peace for husband facing third hip replacement
  • Healing for dear friend, relief from depression
  • Prayers for healing from eye surgery

Soon eager hands will be trimming palm branches, and crowds will swell to hail the coming of God’s own Son.  In homage to this Humble One, even cloaks and olive branches will be spread along his path to the city gates. Grant that we would be there also, Lord, waving our palms in hope; but rather than spreading cloaks at the roadside, let us prostrate ourselves, contrite in spirit, praying for courage to travel with Jesus each of his final days. It will be a bitter trek, yet this leg of the journey is the straightest route to discovering for ourselves the cost of discipleship.

Gather our prayers in the stillness, Holy One, as we prepare to rest under your umbrella of protection. And as we sleep, we ask that we might we empty ourselves of everything that keeps us from following you. Then, arising with freer souls, we will meet you at the edge of tomorrow, palm branch at the ready, to begin our travels afresh.

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Prayers for the Church Street Family

March 24, 2021

Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade

Caring Comrade, as the steady moon stands watch and evening floats in upon our harried world, you bid us come home to you. You stand at the door in welcome, inviting us to pull up a chair and rest with you for a while. There are few others with whom we can share so freely, few who would understand the concerns that bear down upon us, and few who could grasp the dreams that live in our hearts. With gratitude, let us take that seat beside you and disclose those personal aspects that would interest only our Dearest Friend. . . . . . . . . . .  Of all the things for which we hunger, only the food of your presence truly satisfies.

Faithful Spirit, send your peace upon all who are plagued by illness or trauma this eve. Envelope those who are heartbroken, lonely, confused or despondent, and move as the night wind through their lives, leaving sparks of hope in your wake. As Jesus promised your ever-present comfort, surround these friends of Church Street who voice their own concerns; and also receive the acknowledgements from those whom you are already sustaining:

  • Prayers appreciated: Eye surgery went smoothly
  • Gratitude: Knee is healing well following surgery
  • One thankful for a longtime faithful friend
  • Couple celebrate vaccinations secured by church
  • Thanksgiving for our pre-school ministry
  • Thankful that one continues to improve following heart surgery
  • Comfort for two members in hospice care & their families
  • God’s work in reconciling a broken relationship
  • Prayers for alcoholic son who entered rehab today
  • Family mourning death of cherished mother
  • Healing for two who are suffer with lymphoma
  • Guidance and comfort for family of ill first-grader
  • Peace for one facing prostate surgery
  • Grace and peace for husband facing third hip replacement
  • Healing for dear friend, relief from depression
  • Prayers for healing of vision
  • Comfort for one recovering from knee malady

Heart of Forgiveness, we began this forty-day venture of challenge and introspection sincerely aiming to get it right this time. Some days it worked out that way, thanks to your patient guidance. But truthfully, we wasted precious moments nursing our pride and keeping score.  Write your pardon over our mistakes, we pray, and grant that we might walk honorably and faithfully these last miles to the Holy City to pay homage to our Savior.

Depending upon your forgiveness, O Lord, we take our rest tonight. May your angels of mercy guard us, and those whom we love, for you have assured us that you are only a heartbeat away. Receive all our prayers, as we offer them in the name of Christ, who taught us to pray in this way:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Prayers for the Church Street Family

March 23, 2021

Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade

Ah the blessed half-light is slipping in! We praise you, Eternal One, for another day full of your glories! Even if we only spied a small portion your splendor, it was sufficient to fill our hearts with wonder and astonishment. The days are lengthening, and in their progression, might you also be calling us to lengthen our stride as we make our way to Jerusalem?

Jesus, Man of Sorrows, we confess that we have wounded your heart by our own failings:

Too often we have turned a deaf ear to those who cry out to us.

Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy.


We hunger for personal recognition and spar with our testy egos.

Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy.

We have held back more of our financial resources and have not shared as you commanded.

Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy.


We have recited the mantra of peace but have eschewed responsibility of actively working for equality and justice.

Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy.


As you are opening the buds in springtime, open our eyes to the truth of our lives.  And open our hearts to receive your forgiveness and mercy.  We would be honest with ourselves and, for your love’s sake, we would be honest with you.

Receive now, we pray, these prayers that come from the souls of your people at Church Street. We bring them in the conviction that love and renewal are woven together in that great healer himself, Jesus the Christ:

  • Couple offers thanks for a new home
  • Member family thankful for new granddaughter
  • Couple celebrating birth of healthy baby boy yesterday
  • Member thankful for her final dose of chemo
  • Families celebrate open visitation at assisted living facilities
  • Gratitude for our extraordinary music program
  • Three offer gratitude for church’s help in obtaining vaccine
  • Thankful for prayers: Husband healed from double knee replacement
  • Comfort: Friend placed in hospice care yesterday
  • Prayers for member: emergency eye surgery Wednesday
  • Family surrounding mother in hospice care
  • Comfort for grieving family at Middlebrook UMC
  • Family mourning death of cherished mother
  • Correct treatment for one with lymphoma
  • Diagnosis of a 6-year-old’s seizures
  • Healing for dear friend, relief from depression
  • Comfort for one recovering from knee malady
  • Prayers for those grappling with addiction

As the earth now rests from its labors, spread your tranquility over us, and all whom we cherish. Thread your grace through our souls this night, Holy Lord, that it may color all we think, say, and do tomorrow. In Christ’s name we make our prayer:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Prayers for the Church Street Family

March 22, 2021

Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade

Song of the Late Hours, you bid us set aside the tools of our trade and enter the holy space at dusk.  As the sun heads for its bedroom, we turn our ears to your melody that plays in the distance, for it promises to open the door of truth. . . . . . . . . . .

Ever Present One, often during the daytime we can keep our pain at bay. After all, we are well-practiced in movement and busy-ness, and there are myriads of projects that can hold our attention. At day’s end, however, we come home to ourselves, the real ”us” that we generally hold at bay. Meet us here, Lord, for some of us are facing grave challenges.  Some of us are losing hope, some of us feel like giving up. Meet us here in our alone-ness, showing us in some way that your hand is upon our shoulders, instilling us with a strength that is beyond ourselves . . . . . . . . . .  And in that strength, may we remember that even birds with broken wings can learn to fly again.

Lord, you have forgiven far more than we will ever acknowledge, and you have wiped clean that slate of our misdeeds of old. And though we have earnestly tried to keep to your paved covenant road of Lent, we again confess that we have frequently found ourselves detained in the potholes of our own making.  Bend close, that we might even now reveal our most recent blunders . . . . . . . . . . We see you just ahead, Jesus, gesturing for us to pull ourselves out of the ruts, to dust off the clinging debris, and to re-join our fellow travelers who keep to more level ground. Steady our steps, we pray, for we do not wish to disappoint you when you meet your own hour of need.

So immense is your flow of grace that our thanksgivings can never enumerate the favors you send our way; but we extend our honor to you, O Breath of Benevolence, for the ways you have lifted our spirits in recent days . . . . . . . . . . . And receive also the praises from members of our own church family, as well as our pleas for holy assistance:

  • Gratitude: Teenage grandchild home from hospital
  • Prayers appreciated: Healthy grandchild born Saturday
  • Thankful: Mother in Texas released from hospital
  • Four send thanks for church’s help in acquiring virus vaccinations
  • Member grateful for generous financial gift
  • Clarity of vision for one in deliberation
  • Wife celebrates visitation with ill husband in rehab
  • Comfort for hospitalized member
  • Family surrounding mother in hospice care
  • Family mourning death of cherished mother
  • Husband with MS, relief for breathing issues
  • Correct diagnosis and treatment for one with lymphoma
  • Proper diagnosis of a 6-year-old’s seizures
  • Progress of elderly mother recovering in rehab
  • Comfort for one recovering from knee malady
  • Member healing from heart surgery
  • Prayers for those grappling with addiction
  • Healing grace for three in cancer treatment

Settle us down for the night as we leave all our insecurities in your capable hands, Gentle Savior, for we know that even in the precariousness of our world, your love and wisdom are sufficient. Soothe us now, and all whom we love, with your penetrating peace; and may we slumber in the divine assurance of Christ who said: “Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age”:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Prayers for the Church Street Family

March 18, 2021

Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade

We gaze upward, O God, as did all the ancient ones, pondering your movement and mystery. The heavens have preached a silent sermon of benevolence all day and the night winds are whispering grace. There is glory in the intricate weaving of the undulating clouds and power in the galaxies beyond our imagination. No words can capture your essence, Mighty Creator; we can only stare in astonishment and kneel in awe.

Accept our praise this evening, Mysterious One, for all the ways in which you have blessed us in these hours just passed:  . . . . . . . . . .  We must confess we have put ourselves first again, so we come seeking pardon for the ways we have erred and fallen short of our best intentions: . . . . . . . . . . Even after all this time, Blessed Redeemer, we still have trouble identifying our own stumbling blocks.  In your mercy, remove all those inner barriers that hold us back from becoming the disciples you desire for your kingdom. And though we may have blithely passed them by today, we pray tomorrow will bring us other chances to become Jesus for those disillusioned ones you send our way.

Beloved Parent, we wonder how you attend to so many children calling your name. Maybe it’s not for us to know, but whenever we cry out, we feel you recognize our individual voices. Accept the gratitude from your children at Church Street who have been touched by your readiness to draw close. Soothe the brows of the hurting ones this night with your hand of healing, we pray, and bend low as we again share the secret longings of our own hearts:

  • Gratitude: 7th grandson expected next week
  • Five express thanks for church’s help in securing vaccine
  • Prayers appreciated: One’s depression is easing
  • Thanksgiving for a grandson’s visit
  • Celebration of two recently ordained clergy
  • Thankful for final chemo treatment yesterday
  • Family grateful infant’s heart in normal function
  • Comfort for hospitalized member
  • Prayers for safe birth of grandchild
  • Husband with MS, relief for breathing issues
  • Comfort an peace for member awaiting treatment plan
  • Proper diagnosis of a 6-year-old’s seizures
  • Rest and recovery for two following oral surgery
  • Member healing from heart surgery
  • Adult son in need of rehab for addiction
  • Comfort for beloved mother in hospice care
  • Reduced side effects for three having chemo this week

In returning and rest, Lord, may we know the security of our salvation. Hold us this night, and all whom we love, in your peaceful womb of grace, where we hear only the reassuring heartbeat of your Loving Son, who taught us to pray:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Prayers for the Church Street Family

March 17, 2021

Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade

Daylight lengthens and trails of today’s clouds have not yet yielded to dusk.  Their filmy luster forms a fine pillow for the crusty mountain tops. Settle us down, too, Lord, as we set aside our daily tasks; and let us keep company with the soothing silence and your love that never fades. There were times this day when our energy waned, when we doubted ourselves, and when our fears almost got the best of us, especially when . . . . . . . . . . And then somehow, not of our own volition, our fears melted and situations turned in our favor.  Again, it was your intervening grace that moved before us, gently unraveling all the testy obstacles that bound us.  We now bow in reverent silence, offering our praise. . . . . . . . .

Steadfast Friend, you called us to be your disciples and we pledged to follow wherever you chose to lead us.  In our joyful acceptance, we thought we could easily leave our doubts and insecurities, our prejudices and pride, our bitterness and grudges behind us. Little did we know they would be cropping up to mock us at every corner. Self-denial and humility, it appears, have joined forces to become a lifetime struggle. You assure us that you are in the struggle with us, Lord, and that you are pleased with the small progress we have made in learning to live as Jesus.  Maybe, when our steps are completely unreliable, you won’t even mind carrying us the rest of the way to the kingdom.

We do rejoice that your patience never grows thin and that we might ever express our daily cares to you, no matter how massive or inconsequential they may seem. You, O Merciful One, are always ready to receive our petitions and handle them with reverence; so we lay our gratitude at your feet and also our personal pleas, that you might mold them to bring glory to your name:

  • Gratitude: Willing volunteers to assist in worship
  • Prayers appreciated: Youngster with head injury has returned to school
  • Thanksgiving: Sister in rehab is progressing
  • Two at-risk persons grateful for church’s help in procuring vaccine
  • Couple celebrate the birth of baby girl yesterday
  • Grateful for prayers: A new home will soon be possible
  • Member celebrates the end of long-term chemo
  • Comfort for an uncle in very diminished health
  • Prayers for safe birth of grandchild
  • Husband with MS, relief for breathing issues
  • Solace for family in husband’s untimely death
  • Grace for friend awaiting treatment plan
  • Proper diagnosis of a 6-year-old’s seizures
  • Guidance and support for friend divorcing
  • Rest and recovery for one following throat surgery
  • One recovering from tongue malignancy
  • Member healing from heart surgery
  • Three having chemo this week, for reduced side effects

We lie down as privileged people, Silent Keeper, for you have forgiven us and have received our earnest prayers. Blanket us, we pray, and all whom we love, with your stole of reconciliation, that even our dreams are in accord with your own.

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Prayers for the Church Street Family

March 16, 2021

Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade

Cloud of Promise, thank you for the promise of evening showers that soften the parched earth, moistening roots and dry seeds with your life-giving water. We confess that there are times when our souls are as dry as the hard-packed soil in last year’s garden and times when we find our dreams have turned to dust. We long to be as vibrant as we once were, but life has a way of beating us down, narrowing our options. As you formed streams in the desert for the people of old, meet us here in the shriveled valleys of our lives.  Sweep up the grit of our disappointments and dashed hopes; and whatever shows possibility, sprinkle with your water of renewal, that it might thrive again.

Forgive us when we seek the easier way, when we ask for lighter loads, for we know Jesus himself walked the road of great despair. For those situations which cannot be altered, O Empowering One, help us to bear them with grace and patience, as did he, knowing pain is part of life’s journey. For certain, we are an anxious people, desiring quick fixes and instant results; so help us find value in our waiting. And in time, perhaps even when we are looking the other way, we will find ourselves immersed in your ocean of mercy.

Meanwhile, we recognize the ways you are already upholding your people, and especially offer our prayers of thanksgiving for the personal ways you touched this day with your goodness: . . . . . . . . . . And these prayers from our church family we also lift up to your keeping:

  • Gratitude: Heart patient continues to improve
  • Thanksgiving for visit with beloved friend
  • Hospice patient thankful for vaccine
  • One thankful to be home following lengthy hospital stay
  • Gratitude: Husband bearing cancer treatment well
  • Prayers for safe birth of grandchild
  • Upholding families whose children fell victim to gun violence
  • Prayers for a husband’s MS symptoms to meet with relief
  • Comfort for all who mourn this day
  • Grace for one awaiting treatment plan
  • Comfort and proper diagnosis of a 6-year-old’s seizures
  • Healing: Young sister with ongoing cancer concerns
  • Two recovering from broken relationships
  • Guidance and support for friend divorcing
  • Rest and recovery for one following throat surgery
  • Easing pain for one recovering from tongue malignancy
  • Continued prayers for one healing from heart surgery
  • Young adult having his fourth round of chemo this week

We leave these prayers of our hearts with you, O Lord of the Night, certain that you count them as sacred offerings. And knowing that you will be tending each with compassion, we will sleep in peace and gratitude. Watch over us, and all who are closest to our hearts, we pray, that we may be as refreshed as the psalmist whom you led to still waters:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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