Monday, March 24

By: David Lineberger

Yet even now, declares the LORD, return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; and rend your hearts and not your garments. Joel 2:12-13

Strictly speaking, fasting refers to abstaining from food for a period of time, usually one day from sunrise to sunset. Christians have expanded this concept to include giving up things other than food, something that gives you pleasure and therefore something you will miss, to help you focus on God. It has been said that “anytime we share what we have, or what we have been blessed with by God, we are truly fasting.”

As a diabetic 80-year-old, my life pretty much defines giving up many things I enjoy! Strict dietary requirements exclude most all the sweeter foods I would love to eat. My physical condition and age eliminate many of the hobbies and activities I used to enjoy. As a result, however, I am free to concentrate on those spiritual things which help me focus on God and His abundant blessings. I have time to read, and this now includes reading the New Testament translated directly from the Aramaic language spoken by Jesus Christ. New insights are enjoyed almost daily. I have time to research the best use of our donations to local and national charities. I can shop for items needed by our church’s mission projects and local schools. I have time to spend with those who need a helping hand or just a listening ear. In all of these, the blessings of God are made more evident and more meaningful to me. Spiritual fasting is a tangible way to deny ourselves and to declare before God that we know it’s all about Him, and not about us. Sharing blessings is appreciating anew our blessings and recounting anew how very many we have been given by our gracious God.

Spiritual fasting is waking up each day with thanks to God for yet another day to share His love and another day to experience His blessings. Thanks be to God!


Dear God, who gives us so much, help us to intentionally focus on our blessings and make it our mission in life to share these with all who are in need. Give us the will and desire to be a blessing to those who cross our path. Amen.

Thursday, March 20

By: Kristen Struyk

Then Hezekiah commanded them to offer the burnt offering on the altar. And when the burnt offering began, the song of the Lord began also, with the trumpets and with the instruments of David king of Israel.

2 Chronicles 29:27

“It is when this surrender of our lives to God is made, and not until then, that the song begins in our hearts. . .and as the burdens grow heavier, the need for self-denial grows greater, the song becomes louder and richer in its melody.” J.R. Miller, When the Song Begins © 1905

I prefer obvious and immediate miracles. The excessive and automatic kind. But there is another kind that requires all we have to give. Lent is a good time to reflect not only on the miracle of resurrection after death but also on the miracle of life-giving surrender on this side of eternity.

My struggle with surrender started when I was 14 years old. I had ankle surgery after a sports injury and developed a disorder called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). The high intensity of the pain along with its constant chronic nature has made every moment of the last 16 years a fight for joy, and focus, and function. When I was a new high school student, I began to see prayer as submitting my thoughts in pencil–as rough drafts–to God for editing. At one point, I remember praying: “I can’t live like this.” Then, I remember this thought coming back to me marked instead with the words, “You don’t know how to live like this.” God continues to show me how, whenever I am willing to learn. This is when God’s song first began in my life.

In a similar spirit of learning, I think of the famous story of the composer Stravinsky trying to find a violinist who could play a challenging piece he had written. After rehearsal, the best violinist said he had tried but the passage was just too difficult to play. To his surprise, Stravinsky said, “I understand that. What I am after is the sound of someone trying to play it.”

When we are up against the “too difficult” – the incurable illness, the unanswered prayer, or the unacceptable loss – our whole-hearted, imperfect attempts to follow God are always met with God’s forgiving ear and God’s sustaining grasp. We can be thankful, now and always, to serve a God who is as down-to-earth as He is holy. May each of us walk worthy of our calling to love God and each other, and may we sound like someone trying to play the song God has written for us.



Gracious God, when we don’t know how to move forward, we offer you our obedience and we ask for grace to trust You more. When the pressure of perfection keeps us from living wholeheartedly, remind us that you hear our hearts and redeem all our efforts. Give us the courage to give you our full attention and let Your song begin in each of our hearts today. Amen.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of March 19, 2025

Written by Rev. Tim Best

Gracious God, 

We are thankful for spring, for warmer temperatures and longer days. As flowers begin to grow and trees start to show signs of summer close at hand, we are mindful of the ways we too experience seasons in our own lives. May we find your love steadfast and trustworthy in all the moments of our lives. We join our hearts together at the close of this day in prayer and thanksgiving as we prepare for rest and the newness of tomorrow. 

We give thanks for all of the teachers and students that are on spring break this week. May this week be a time for each of them to find moments of rest and enjoyment with those they love. Watch over all those who are traveling and those engaging in lots of activities with friends and family. We pray for those students who long to return to school. We pray for parents and families who find breaks such as this challenging due to schedules, finances, and other issues. May you sustain and comfort all students and those who care for them whatever “spring break” might mean. 

May those who are sick and those facing death know your presence and have assurance of your steadfast love. Be with those who are making decisions about long term care for themselves or for loved ones. When individuals and families face difficult decisions, may you illumine their path with your holy wisdom. Sustain those who suffer and provide them comfort. May those who are hungry, those who do not know how they will pay their bills, and those struggling in any manner find in you and in your people steadfast advocates. May your church always seek to care for the people you have placed in its path. 

The world is full of needs and concerns. Wars and violence, poverty and disease, wickedness and manipulation. All of these forces are active within our world and within our community. Our spirits get worn down encountering them in the news and in our lives. Help us to see where you are at work in the world. Lift also the personal burdens we carry. Because we trust that you care for us we offer these concerns of our congregation to you now: 

We pray for…

  • A good friend who has been diagnosed with very aggressive breast cancer. We pray for a successful surgery and for healing.
  • A sister who is looking for a new car after hers was totaled! She needs hand controls.
  • A woman who is looking for a new job; prayers that God will make God’s presence known on this journey.
  • A member who is grieving the sudden death of her husband; prayers for her as she continues to heal from surgery.
  • A wife grieving the death of her husband yesterday.
  • A family member who is dealing with his third DUI and awaiting court. He has been to therapy three times. Prayers for all who suffer with addiction and feel out of control.
  • Those in our church family who are navigating elder care, medicare, rehab; options for those who find themselves with lots of decisions to make. Prayers of thanksgiving for those who have answers and can walk alongside.
  • Safe travels and good rest during KCS Spring Break.
  • A young wife and her two children after the unexpected death of her husband due to a heart attack; prayers for the other young adults who are supporting them.

We continue to pray for…

  • A father who had open heart surgery last week; prayers for continued healing!
  • A young man who had a stroke and has been in rehab for several months; prayers for patience, strength, and healing.
  • A mother and sister in the unexpected death of their beloved son and brother; prayers for the whole family and for his co-workers. 
  • A father undergoing lots of tests before heart concern can be addressed.
  • Those who are lonely and miss coming to church.
  • A sister whose bladder was removed due to cancer.
  • Friends and family going through difficult times.
  • Those who are receiving chemo and/or radiation treatments.
  • Family members who are trying to balance caregiving and work and family responsibilities.
  • Those who are impacted by homelessness.
  • So many who are dealing with Alzheimers and how best to care for family members. Praying for strength!

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for…

  • For a clear CT scan!
  • For the birth of a grandson.
  • For cancer treatments that are working!

We offer all these concerns and joys in the name of Jesus Christ, who taught us to pray, saying:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a Prayer Request?

Submit your prayer request confidentially by clicking here.

Monday, March 17

By: Elaine Eberhart

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Galatians 6:2


I cannot remember a Lent when the fragility of our world seemed so real. I scan the news for signs of hope, and on some days, I come up empty. I wish that I could stay in bed and pull the covers over my head, peeking out only to watch comforting old movies while eating Girl Scout cookies.

There is no shame in retreating. We all need to withdraw occasionally when we are facing difficult times. In those times, we have a family of faith to walk beside us and minister to us in our pain, just as we have walked with others. At a recent church meeting, I heard that caring is one of the hallmarks of Church Street, and as a newer member, I have seen that love in action beginning on the first Sunday I visited.

At any given moment this Lent, some of us will be desolate, needing someone to listen and to sing to us words of assurance to steady us. Some will be strong enough to answer God’s call to service as our church travels the Lenten journey with Jesus toward Jerusalem. And we likely will swap places over these 40 days, some retreating for rest and renewal as others are advancing in hope and love.



O Holy One, blessed be the ties that bind us to one another, ties that enable us to live with love and courage as disciples of Jesus. Amen

Thursday, March 13

By: Laura Still

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people in need. Practice hospitality.

Romans 12:9-13


I’ve never been a fan of winter, and it’s a family joke that my hands and feet turn into icicles in November and don’t thaw out till May. As I’ve gotten older the problem has gotten worse, and I can’t stay warm even with layers of clothing and cups of hot tea. The chill has settled into my bones, and this year has menaced my soul. I’ve had to limit my exposure to the news, as every day some new crisis or disaster pops up to make me feel the world is spiraling closer to the edge of the abyss, and there’s nothing I can do.

The apostle Paul would disagree with that last statement, for the time he lived in wasn’t exactly a garden party. In other parts of his letter, he speaks of the woes of the people of Israel, and his anguish over their troubles. Despite the evil times, he doesn’t instruct the believers to sit and weep. Instead, they are to be active in sharing the love of Christ, to show their hope in eternity by helping those in need and taking care of others. He even tells them to offer food and drink to their enemies if they are hungry or thirsty. “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” (Romans12:21)

Paul is sure that in the end, love is the fulfillment of God’s promise, and those who continue to perform acts of love in the name of Christ are working to establish God’s kingdom on Earth. It is not easy to continue in times like these, but we don’t get to choose when we live out our time. We can only choose what we do with the time we have. Paul points out that love starts inside us and comes out to the world in service to others.

In this season of Lent, instead of giving up, perhaps we should start giving ourselves, our hands and feet, our minds and bodies, in some new way to serve God and share his love. If Paul is right, this will lead to our salvation, whatever time we live in.



Dear Lord, let me find the work that you would have me accomplish, and be joyful in serving your kingdom to the end of my days. In Christ name, Amen.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of March 12, 2025

Written by Steve Richardson

God in heaven and in our midst: We live in your world that you created and are still creating; who has come in Jesus, the Word made flesh to reconcile and make new; and who works in us and others by your Holy Spirit.

You call us to be the church to celebrate your presence, to love and serve others, to seek justice and resist evil, to proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen, our judge and our hope.

In life, in death, in life beyond death, you are with us. You do not leave us alone.

Thank you, Lord, for never letting go of us. Thank you for consoling dejected states of mind. Thank you for shining light amid life’s dark spaces.

As this winter melts into spring, we anticipate blessings of the approaching season: Flowers, dogwood blossoms, extended daylight, warmer weather, outdoor events, emerging leaves on awakening trees, and more opportunities of comfortable times to be outside (just to name a few). Starting at the end of this week, many families with school-aged children will experience their spring break. We pray their times together are meaningful, joyful and renewing.

Lord, as you surely must know, it’s challenging for us these days to escape the anxieties of our socio-political climate. So many voices, so many messages, so many confusing contradictions. When we think about such things though, we’re reminded of a truth about Jesus during his brief earthly life: Jesus also lived (and was ultimately crucified!) in a world of socio-political conflict and unrest. Through him you reinforced to us, God, that yours is the one true voice that gives us deliverance, hope and peace. And that your message, “Love one another,” is the one true message that also gives us deliverance, hope and peace. Help us stay attuned to your voice and message as we live our daily lives with compassion for one another, service to one another, prayers for one another.

These weekly prayers of the church affirm the reality that peoples’ needs for your grace are many and serious. We earnestly pray that you embrace each person with your comfort and strength and assurance that you are not one who breaks things, rather you are the living God of love that builds, heals, restores, resurrects, creates and re-creates.

We pray for…

  • A father who had open heart surgery this week; prayers for healing!
  • A friend whose job ended due to federal cuts; highly qualified and has a young family. 
  • A young man who had a stroke and has been in rehab for several months; prayers for patience, strength, and healing.
  • A husband who is having skin cancer removed; prayers that all cancer cells are taken.
  • A friend’s good health after battling respiratory infection for three weeks.
  • A member who is in hospital with pneumonia.
  • A member who is dealing with heart concerns.
  • A nephew grieving the death of his uncle.
  • A mother and sister in the unexpected death of their beloved son and brother; prayers for the whole family as they gather for funeral this week.
  • A sister who is in the hospital; prayers that doctors can determine cause of infection and choose best treatment option.
  • A daughter who is having surgery.
  • A father undergoing lots of tests before heart concern can be addressed.
  • A father who has just been diagnosed with cancer; prayers for his son and family as they offer support.
  • Those who are lonely and miss coming to church.
  • A young adult who is seeking God’s path after job was ended.
  • A sister who is undergoing surgery to have bladder removed due to cancer.

We continue to pray for…

  • Family members who are grieving
  • Knox County Schools students, faculty, and staff
  • Friends and family going through difficult times
  • Those who are receiving chemo and/or radiation treatments.
  • Those who are impacted by homelessness.
  • So many who are dealing with Alzheimers and how best to care for family members. Praying for strength!

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for…

  • The birth of a grandson
  • Cancer treatments that are working!
  • The wonderful community services downtown; so good to see our neighbors and friends.

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a Prayer Request?

Submit your prayer request confidentially by clicking here.

Monday, March 10

By: Rev. Rick Isbell

But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

Matthew 6: 6-8


All of us have the same amount of time in a day. We use the time we have by the choices we make. Time is spent sleeping, eating, working, going to school, tending to daily tasks and spending time with family and friends. Many of us have said “we don’t have enough time” or “I wish I had more time to do this and that.” In today’s hectic world with so many choices and demands, I ask you and myself, “do you have 15 minutes?”

Can you and I take 15 minutes in our day to do one of our most important tasks? Can we find 15 minutes or more to have conversation with our Creator and God? Prayer is one of the most important disciplines of the Christian faith. Most often we relegate prayer to the time we have left over instead of giving it primary time. Whether it be in the early morning hours or the late hours of the evening, we need to set time aside to have conversation with God. Prayer is not a time to bring our “wish list” to God, but rather to have quiet time to talk and listen to the One who creates, saves and sustains us.

This Lenten season I hope that we will make prayer a priority in our daily routine. Take time to thank God for all God’s blessings in your life; to ask forgiveness for your sins; and to pray for other individuals, situations as well as yourself. And a good way to end our personal prayers is with the prayer Jesus taught us.



God, help us to find time to have conversation with you and to be open to what You have to say to us. AMEN

Wednesday, March 5

By: Anthony Wilson


Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips.

Psalms: 141:3


Three years ago, I was searching for something to give up for Lent. I had an attachment to a specific social media platform. I truly viewed it as my “town square”, where I could say whatever I thought. I was particularly vocal in a specific context, and I let my displeasure be known frequently. Often with words that should never come out of the mouth (or the keyboard) of a Christian. I now compare it to “road rage” because it was similar in that I was acting very differently in the context of this social media setting than I would ever act in person. It was consuming my emotions daily.

So, one Ash Wednesday, I chose to give up this social media platform for 40 days.

It was liberating. It was life changing.

After the 40 days, I felt a conviction from God that asked me, as surely as if He were in the room with me, “Do you really need to go back on that social media platform?” This made me realize that it was not something that I could resume. I am far from perfect. Yes, I still say things I should not say in a lot of different settings. But listening to the voice of God in this instance has helped me to grow closer to Him and to be a better witness.



O God, continue to convict my heart of things that draw me away from you and dilute my witness as a follower of Christ. Help us all to understand that you are trying to speak to us in every way you can to help us to set a guard over our mouths and our keyboards so that we can be faithful witnesses for the love and grace that you show to all people, no matter who they are. Amen.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of February 26, 2025

Written by Rev. Tim Best

Loving and Merciful God,  

We arrive at the end of another day, and we pray. We pray together because we know that you call us to community and relationship with you and with one another. We pray for friends and strangers alike. We give thanks and we pray for intercession.  

Open our hearts and help us see the blessings we have experienced today. It is often easier to name what we need than it is to celebrate what we have already received. Transform our hearts to be able to name and identify where you are at work every day. We can be thankful for simple things such as the weather or the faithfulness of friends. We can be thankful for the good and meaningful work you call us to do in the world.  

We give thanks for the ministries Church Street has been able to offer in the last week. Even as the weather begins to warm again, and the sun is out, only a week ago roads were covered in snow and temperatures were frigid. We are thankful for the compassion and empathy of this congregation to act when there was a need. Our hearts burst with praise for the ways our children led in worship on Sunday. Make us always mindful and aware of the needs of those amongst and and ever ready to include people of all ages in knowing and sharing the Good News.  

With hearts that seek to trust you in all things, we pray for the needs we see around us, both near and far. We pray for a world desperate for your peace. We continue to pray for the people of Ukraine, for their leaders, and for the hope of peace and justice. We pray for all the victims of this war and for all leaders who would seek to speak and lead in this moment. May all leaders be motivated by a commitment to peace and the wellbeing of the Ukrainian people. We continue to lift up the fragile peace in Gaza. May your Holy Spirit be at work in all places of violence that the world may come to know your reign of justice and peace.  

We lift up the needs of our communities. We pray for our schools and for the teachers and students that fill them. May each student have a safe and excellent place to learn. May teachers be filled with joy and energy to work with our children, and may we be reliable partners and advocates for our schools. We especially lift up the schools near 900 Henley. We pray for L&N Stem Academy, South Knoxville Elementary, Green Magnet, Dogwood Elementary, South Doyle High School, Sequoyah Elementary, Vine Magnet, Austin East, West, and so many others. We know that these are the places our young people spend so much of their time. May they know your love and grace in those places as they learn.  

As we prepare to rest this night and to face another day tomorrow, see the concerns of our hearts. Fill us with compassion for others and honesty towards ourselves that we might pursue you in all things. May we trust that as we share our concerns and our celebrations with you that you see our needs and you care for us. It is in the promise that you do hear your people praying that we share these prayers and petitions of our Church family:  

We pray for…

  • A son who grieves the death of his mother
  • A member who is in hospital with pneumonia
  • A member who is dealing with heart concerns.
  • A nephew grieving the death of his uncle.
  • A wife who is grieving the sudden death of her husband; prayers for their two children as they make decisions about caring for her.
  • A sister who is in the hospital; prayers that doctors can determine cause of infection and choose best treatment option.
  • A father who has just been diagnosed with cancer; prayers for his son and family as they offer support.

We continue to pray for…

  • Family members who are grieving
  • Knox County Schools students, faculty, and staff
  • Friends and family going through difficult times
  • Those who are receiving chemo and/or radiation treatments.
  • John Redmond, our missionary in Willow, Alaska.
  • Those who are impacted by homelessness.

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for…

  • The birth of a grandson
  • Our new organist! Prayers for her and her husband as they make Knoxville their home.
  • The children who worked so hard for last Sunday’s service; prayers for their leaders and teachers and music directors.
  • The volunteers and contributions that transformed our Parish Hall into a warming center for two night last week.

With thankful hearts that you hear our prayers we join together to pray the words Jesus taught us….

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a Prayer Request?

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of February 12, 2025

Written by Steve Richardson

Spirit of God, descend upon our hearts as we turn our thoughts to you. Thank you for moments such as these. Thank you for the abundance of your blessings. Thank you for your constant presence in the very core of our being.

Spirit of God, please help us. There is so much to pray for. With faith and hope in your gracious goodness, we pray for our world, our nation, our leaders, our family members, our neighbors, our health, our relationships, our work places, our schools, our aspirations, and your church. Grant us your grace, your guidance, your wisdom, your healing touch, your strength, your creativity and your peace. 

Spirit of God, please help us. Inspire us to be kinder, more loving and more charitable, especially to people short-changed by life’s necessities of nourishment, safe shelter, medical services and loving, supportive relationships. Help us to be Kingdom people, God. Instill in us the impetus to continue what you have always asked of us: Act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with you.

Spirit of God, please help us. The minds and emotions of children, teens and young adults are being shaped by older peoples’ decisions and examples. Guide every generation’s perceptions to discern the differences between truth and deceptiveness, between integrity and infidelity, between mutual respect and intentional indifference. Help all of us, young and old, embody the love and compassion demonstrated by Jesus.

Spirit of God, please help us. Help us to think of each new day as a blessing. And to think of each blessing as the beginning of a new day. Also help us to realize that to love one another is to act in your name. And to act in your name is to love one another.

Spirit of God, please help us. Shed your sacred light on us. Connect us as your people. So that together, we collectively shine your light evermore brightly across this dark and frenzied world.

Spirit of God, please help us. Help all who ask each of us in your church community to pray with them for these things…

We pray for…

  • The mother of a member who is under hospice care and in much pain and stress. May she know the Eternal Peace of God soon; prayers for her son and husband and who are coating for her.
  • All of those who have the flu! May they be well soon and may we all be careful and healthy!
  • Any who have suffered physical violence.
  • One whose arm is broken up to his shoulder and is having to keep arm/shoulder immobilized. Prayers for patience and healing.
  • Family members and friends going through difficult times.
  • A husband who is in hospital with pneumonia; his Alzheimer’s adds stress to the situation. Prayers for peace and healing.

We continue to pray for…

  • Those in our church family who are undergoing radiation treatments; keep them strong during such a fatiguing process;
  • Those in our church family who are caring for those with cancer; the waiting between treatment cycles and tests to show if/how the treatment is working…. Prayers for patience and strength while waiting;
  • Family members who are grieving
  • Knox County Schools students, faculty, and staff
  • Friends and family going through difficult times
  • Child who is recovering after being in a car wreck that took his mother’s life. Prayers for the whole family.

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for…

  • The doctors and surgical team who have completed surgeries for newborn grandson
  • Our new preschool; the staff and children. 
  • The Organist & Music Assistant Search Committee and the good work they have done. Prayers for our new organist and family as she prepares to move to Knoxville.

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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