Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of August 10, 2022

Rev. Jan Buxton Wade

O God of Every Place and Time, when we chance to turn to you, we are assured your listening ears are attuned to our deepest needs and desires. How blessed are we by such favor! You merely ask us, in turn, to just as earnestly listen to your voice that speaks to us throughout our days. We must confess, however, that we seldom reciprocate in these uncertain times. Perhaps, more than anything else, it is our fear that feeds our reluctance to listen.  

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Because we fear our own poverty, we spend our time clutching our possessions. Because we fear being known for who we truly are, we use our time cultivating that preferred image of ourselves. Because we fear appearing helpless, we pretend we don’t need the help others may offer. Because we fear the future, we exhaust precious hours in secret handwringing. Slow us down, O Attentive One, and calm our souls, we pray. Lean close and whisper that our fears are but a foolish buffer to an authentic relationship with you. Never cease your tender wooing, we pray. We have ears to hear, may we learn to listen!

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

O Spirit of Life, by confessing our own preoccupation with ourselves, we realize how soundly you have grounded us in your life-giving grace. You have given us our church, our home away from home, our commission to serve, our avenue to spiritual renewal. You have honored us with the privilege of regularly partaking of Holy Communion, a tangible reminder that we are members of the body of Christ, called to share the burdens of others. And when we share in this way, may it be a sign that we are also bearing the cross of Jesus.  

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that you help us bear all our trials and also take delight in our joy, we name these particular petitions that have been offered recently by members of our Church Street family:

We pray for… 

  • Friends who are going through difficult situations; may they feel God’s guiding presence 
  • Families who are struggling with the extra expenses of school fees and supplies 
  • Individuals faced with unexpected home repairs; prayers for financial relief 
  • All people to have increased wisdom of God’s presence 
  • All those who are battling drug addiction and for their families who feel helpless. 
  • A child whose mother died; may he have a supportive and positive community around him 
  • Those recovering from COVID and their family members; especially those who are compromised with other health issues 
  • A friend having surgery 
  • A friend with leukemia  
  • All students and teachers and school personnel; special blessings on those who are in homebound situations.  
  • A member who is beginning a new work position this week; others who are in transition with jobs. 
  • Teachers who are teaching online; students who are choosing online option 
  • New school superintendent for Knox County, Jon Rysewyk 
  • A mother who is hospitalized; prayers for stabilization so necessary procedures can be initiated. 
  • Doctors, nurses and all who work in NICU; thankful for their compassion and expertise
  • Family member traveling out of state for medical treatment 

We pray with thanksgiving for… 

  • Acts of kindness and encouragement 
  • Healing after surgery and during rehabilitation 
  • Pastor Rick Isbell; thankful for his years of dedication to Confirmation Class and our sixth graders 
  • Positive experience for our Parish Youth Choir and all adults leading them this weekend in their retreat 
  • The help of therapists, family, and friends with the process of grief

And now, stripping away every pretense that would block us from you, O God Beyond Place and Time, we lay our earnest prayers at the feet of your Blessed Son, using the ancient, yet most powerful words he taught us:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a prayer request?

Kick-Off Recap

On Sunday night, we started our year with a time of fellowship, celebration, and worship. It was such a joy to look toward the year ahead! Many students shared about why Youth Ministry matters to them – they helped us all remember the importance of community and pursuing our faith together.

At the close of the night, there was an absolute downpour. In case you don’t know this about me, I simply love rain. There are about a million reasons why, but top of the list is the way it reminds me of God’s grace and provision. In Hosea 6:3, scripture says, “He will come to us like rain.” And I couldn’t help but see that quick summer shower as a promise of God’s goodness as we step into a new year together. Our God often operates with abundance, and after the rain had stopped, there were rainbows – another tangible reminder of Presence and Promise.

I’m going into the year hopeful and expectant. I hope you are, too.


Football Parking Fundraiser

For each of Tennessee’s home football games, we have the incredible opportunity to park cars on our campus and raise money for our Youth Department and Youth Choir.  Each weekend, we tithe (give 10%) of our earnings to a Parking Lot Maintenance fund, and the remaining is divided evenly between the two groups.

It requires a significant amount of volunteer support to make this fundraiser work, and we ask all families to volunteer for at least two shifts during the season.  Please use the link below to sign up and learn more.

Football Parking Sign-Up

Parent Survey

Parents, please use the survey below share with us some helpful information at the start of the year.  This survey includes contact info, volunteer sign-ups, and a place to share with us anything that would be helpful in serving your family at the start of the year.

In order for our Youth Department to operate to the best of its ability, we rely on the generous support of volunteers to make most of our activities happen.  From Sunday school to SLA, NightLife to Senior Sunday, many hands make for light work.  We would so appreciate you joining us in ministry as we serve your students this year!

Parent Survey

Annual Release Form

Each year, we ask every student to complete an Annual Release Form. This acts as our medical and liability form for all of our events.  Please complete this form for every student in your family!

Annual Release Form

Breakfast & Dinner Sign-Ups

Each Sunday, we serve our students breakfast and lunch.  We ask families to volunteer to help make these meals happen! The sign-ups are below.  If every family signs up for one breakfast and one dinner each, we will have nearly every week covered!

Breakfast Sign-Up

Dinner Sign-Up

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of August 3, 2022

Rev. Jan Buxton Wade*

Love divine, all loves excelling, Joy of Heav’n to earth come down;
Fix in us thy humble dwelling; all thy faithful mercies crown!
Jesus, Thou art all compassion; pure unbounded love Thou art;
Visit us with Thy salvation, enter every trembling heart.

Ah, Love Divine, our hearts indeed do tremble, for these are anxious days. Governments are at odds, the language of war and retaliation is prolific. Our own nation’s leaders seem to work at cross purposes, their bickering aired around the world. We have sullied our good earth and now in remorse we pay the price of our short sightedness: floods, fire, famine and drought are visited upon those most vulnerable. We have all but become comfortable with bloodshed and brutality in our streets and communities. We have abandoned our churches and have not lived up to our vows of faithful presence and witness. You have made us to be beacons, disciples of your unbounded love, O Lord, yet we have slipped far from your holy aim. Clear away our inner doubt and distrust, that there might be sufficient room to build your forever dwelling place. Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy.

Breathe, O breathe Thy loving Spirit into every troubled breast!
Let us all in Thee inherit; let us find that second rest.
Take away our bent to sinning; Alpha and Omega be;
End of faith, as its beginning, set our hearts at liberty.

Loving Spirit, breathe your awakening spirit into our troubled souls. Stir us from the lethargy that whispers everything is out of our hands, for scripture assures us that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Give us courage to plant our feet securely upon your pure and steady rock of grace, believing your own possibilities will unfold if we remain steadfast. Gird us with purpose, we pray, that we might walk unflinching, staring down those prevalent forces of evil, taking a stand for justice in our community and in our world. Alpha and Omega, we depend upon you to give us what we need to respond to the crises of our age, serving our neighbors as ourselves.

Come, Almighty to deliver, let us all Thy life receive;
Suddenly return, and never, nevermore Thy temples leave.
Thee we would be always blessing, serve Thee as Thy hosts above,
Pray and praise Thee without ceasing, glory in Thy perfect love.

Almighty Deliverer, you offer us fulness of life and why we so often take this gift for granted remains an enigma, even to ourselves. Plant anew in our hearts that longing for community, the realization that we, as a body of believers, personally need one another. Knit us together again, we pray, that we might be known as the body of Christ, upholding one another for your work in our world. And even as you watch over us, we ask that your grace would be manifest in the lives of these who submit their most recent prayers and thanksgivings:

  • Gratitude: Safe travel to and from L.A. – daughter settled in new position
  • Celebration the baptism of two youngsters and those who joined our congregation on Sunday
  • Prayers appreciated: Ill mother died peacefully at home
  • Thanksgiving for all at work assisting flood victims
  • Family celebrating a 50th wedding anniversary this week
  • Family happily sharing news of a pregnancy
  • Grateful for our faithful youth, youth leadership and volunteers
  • One seeks prayers for retention of her eyesight
  • Lift up all educators and students as a new school year begins
  • Prayers for family as they move a son to assisted living
  • Please remember in prayer a father undergoing a heart procedure
  • Guidance in decisions: Ill wife with extreme challenges
  • Church family mourning the death of beloved father July 29
  • One seeking forgiveness from and reconciliation with family
  • God’s presence with family, grieving death of cherished cousin
  • Prayer support for family -mother discontinuing cancer treatments
  • Husband grieving the recent death of his wife
  • Longtime friends in Virginia, support as they contend with wife’s breast cancer
  • Protection for all our needy friends in our church neighborhood
  • Pray for member family seeking ways to best help an extremely ill brother

Finish, then, Thy new creation; pure and spotless let us be;
Let us see Thy great salvation perfectly restored in Thee;
Changed from glory into glory, till in Heav’n we take our place,
Till we cast our crowns before Thee, lost in wonder, love, and praise.

Help us to trust, Love Divine, that your love exceeds all others, and that you are guiding, leading, and infusing us with a power that always surprises us. Move us, then, from glory into glory until you welcome us one glad day into your eternal realm. And there, we shall join that ageless chorus in singing praises to your Resurrected Son, who instructed us to pray:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a prayer request?

*Verses of Love Divine, All Loves Excelling, by Charles Wesley, UMC Hymnal, p 384

Prepping for the School Year

It’s hard to believe we are already at the end of summer! Some of our students have already started back, some begin Monday, some start later in August – but the time to shift gear towards school is here.

As we all start new rhythms of the year, I hope you plan to be a part of our youth ministry activities each week.  We are going to have a great year of study, fellowship, and worship.  And I don’t want you to miss out!

Below are some upcoming dates to mark on you calendar!  More to come.

August 14 – Promotion Sunday (9:30-10:45 AM)

August 21 – Youth Kick-Off (5:00-7:00 PM)

August 28 – First NightLife (5:00-7:00 PM)

Kick-Off Registration

Sunday School This Week

During Sunday school this week, we have a special hospitality project we are working on!  We want every member of our youth roster to feel welcomed and included.  So, we will be writing personal notes to everyone as part of our invitation to the Kick-Off.  We need lots of hands to make this happen!  We’d love for you to be a part of it.

P.S. Fresh donuts will be waiting for you!!

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of July 27, 2022

Rev. Jan Buxton Wade

Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I say rejoice.  Let your gentleness be known to everyone.  The Lord is near.  Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 

We do rejoice, O One worthy of all praising! We delight in all that you have created for our benefit, for our sustenance, and for our pleasure. Each surging stream, twittering bird, or boxwood bending in the breeze reminds us of the fragility of such holy gifts. Share with us you message, O Magnanimous God, that it isn’t too late to repay your love with our grateful stewardship. Our bodies, too, these earthly tents with all their intricacies and abilities, are blessed offerings from your holy hand.  We acknowledge the privilege of walking upon the earth, to be part of the human race, for the freedoms our nation provides, for all who came before us as models of the faith, and for holy scripture which reminds us to whom we belong.  

Holy Lord, receive our prayer. 

 You meet us, O Christ, in our shadows and sorrow, and because of your illuminating love, we see how easily we are drawn into the dark web of error.  We have routinely closed our ears to the cries of the hurting around us.  We have kept a safe distance, unavailable to those in mourning, separated from the homeless, the betrayed, the despairing.  We have forgotten that the grace you have lavished upon us is to be shared – your means of drawing us nearer to one another.  Guide us through the thick vale of detachment, we pray, that we might emerge as tested light-bearers, whose actions link us securely with our brothers and sisters near and far.  Our pains and theirs may be different, but our need for your healing grace is the same for all. We would be conduits of that grace. 

Holy Lord, receive our prayer. 

 The Psalmist says all who seek refuge from you, O Lord, you will shelter under your wide wings.  Though words are rarely adequate to express our inner joys and desires, fears and perils, we remember each of these who most recently seek your refuge.  You are acquainted with each situation already, yet receive these appeals and thanksgivings anew from your people at Church Street who count you as their Sanctuary and Shelter: 

  • Gratitude for successful heart surgery on Friday 
  • Thankful: No complications with partial knee replacement  
  • Grateful for prayers: Invalid relative recovering from Covid 
  • Thanksgiving for releasing of grief for a member 
  • Family thankful for infant daughter’s baptism Sunday 
  • Appreciation for our faithful ushers & greeters 
  • Gratitude: Outpouring of school supply gifts for students and teachers in our neighborhood  
  • An aunt in Texas undergoing treatment for pulmonary fibrosis 
  • A grandchild in North Carolina (4 yrs) having tests for meningitis 
  • Prayers for mother nearing death & her son giving care 
  • Healing for member recovering from boating accident 
  • A sister in assisted living, visits restricted due to Covid 
  • Strength, guidance for a mother hospitalized 
  • Victims of flooding, help for families seeking restoration 
  • Brother-in-law with terminal cancer 
  • Husband grieving the recent death of his wife 
  • Daughter seeking wisdom in caring for her demanding mother 
  • Healing for a friend’s daughter (14) having seizures 
  • Prayers for daughter in LA, beginning her 1st job after college 
  • A family seeks strength, struggling with a recent diagnosis 

At the end of this day, may we look back and see how your grace has sustained us, how you have steadied us and have kept our feet from falling. And, as we turn this day page, now finished, may what little good we have done be counted for your glory and for the abiding mercy of our Savior Jesus, who taught us to pray in this way: 

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.


Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of July 20, 2022

Rev. Jan Buxton Wade

Good and gracious God, Lord of the universe, Lord of all that is, Lord of our hearts, our souls burst forth with gratitude for your astounding love and care. Your name is written throughout your glorious creation – upon each star and planet, upon the sun and moon, upon our blessed earth, and upon space which expands into infinity. Where we fit into your divine plan remains in part such a profound mystery, yet we know enough to bow in humility for the gift of life itself, for the fact that you have included us in your majestic ordering, and for your wondrous goodness that is written out for each of us in the ordinariness of our days.

Loving Lord, hear our prayer.

Good and gracious God, we cannot detect the intricacy of the ways in which you are working in our individual lives, but the influence of your Spirit bears witness to your enlivening power all around us. When we find the misery of the world overwhelming, we see those who never lose heart. When our own voices are too weak to speak out against injustice, we hear resounding echoes of those who will not rest until equality is manifest. When we become weary of those who are marring and polluting the earth, there are your ceaseless followers bringing about the sweet waters of change. Tune our hearts also, we pray, to the spirit song that intones holy hope and restoration; then we, too, will become part of that resilient company bringing about your kingdom on earth.

Loving Lord, hear our prayer.

Good and gracious God, Lord of family and community, deflate our insensitivity in taking your gifts of relationship for granted; for truly our reliance upon our brothers and sisters is part of your sacred plan. Into our anxiety, plant your peace; where there are divisions, sow unity; where there is indifference, may concern blossom; and where anger rules, let understanding flourish. All things are

possible through your grace, so bestow that grace upon your people, we pray, until all hearts beat with your incomparable love.

Loving Lord, hear our prayer.

And remembering our bond with each one connected with our Church Street family, we offer their specific prayers on their behalf:

  • Prayers appreciated – family felt steady support during bereavement
  • Thankful widowed friend is returning to worship
  • Grateful for prayers: medical mission in support of women & children in Namibia was successful & many were blessed
  • Thankful for a father’s 84th birthday
  • Gratitude: a sister’s hip surgery with no complications
  • Celebration by one whose hand ailment has been cured
  • Thanksgiving for an exceptional family vacation
  • Family grateful: father’s cancer surgery went smoothly
  • Gratitude for prayers: frail friend survived July 13 surgery
  • Thanksgiving for Holston Conference & its outpouring of aid for disaster relief both in our nation & throughout the world
  • Prayers for wife having heart surgery this week at Mayo Clinic
  • Solace for family mourning the recent death of a nephew
  • Pray for miraculous healing of infant (10 months) -brain cancer
  • Continued prayers for a very ill brother & guidance for family
  • Prayers for a grandson (10) making a profession of faith July 24
  • A very ill cousin; beloved sister beginning radiation soon
  • Courage for member with dementia at home & her family
  • Lift up a daughter having eye surgery today – that all may go well
  • Leaders of all nations, that they might work for the good of the people
  • Prayers for ending the killing & evil destruction within Ukraine
  • Healing of anxiety of a divorced friend
  • Spiritual intervention needed: a mother & children in dilemma
  • Courage & guidance for dear friend with breast cancer
  • One seeks guidance in conversing with an atheistic friend
  • Healing for an invalid son suffering with Covid
  • One in deep depression, for insurance to pay for his medications
  • Peace for one who feels as if God is not answering his prayers
  • Safety & protection for one traveling great distances this week
  • A family in grief – have been shunned by their rural church

Good and gracious God, even as we are scattered, bind us together into one human family. Help us to be the body of Christ, loving and serving the world. And as you have created us all, we lift our voices in prayer, as Jesus taught us:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.


Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of July 13, 2022

Rev. Tim Best

Friends in Christ, God invites us to hold the needs of our sisters and brothers, as dear to us as our own needs. Loving our neighbors as ourselves, we offer our thanksgivings and our petitions on behalf of the church and the world:

Gracious God we give you thanks for the wisdom and knowledge you have poured out upon us through your church. We are thankful for minds that wonder and souls that search for you. Guide our learning and our teaching that through it all you might be made known and glorified. Where our knowledge is lacking and our wisdom deficient, strengthen and nurture our spirits and minds by your wise and loving grace. 

We pray for our neighbors. For those neighbors whom we know well and cherish we are thankful; For those neighbors that we do not know or that make us fearful we pray that your Holy Spirit would teach us to love and learn alongside them and from them, giving us eyes to see the gifts that you have given to each of them. May we truly live as those rescued from the power of darkness and live peaceably with all our neighbors in sure confidence that the kingdom of your beloved Son is a reality for us here and now. 

We lift all of those who suffer, are alone, or are in any kind of trouble, to your care. Comfort and heal those we hold in our hearts and grant them courage and hope the midst of their troubles, and bring them the joy of your salvation. May your Spirit draw close to those who mourn and those who feel distant from you. Draw each of us closer to your heart, as we name so many gifts that have brought us joy, and also name the specific concerns of your people of Church Street UMC: 

  • Thankful for prayers: Pathology report shows no cancer cells
  • Aunt grateful for prayers: Healthy nephew born on Tuesday
  • Gratitude: Commissioning of 3 new Stephen Ministers & 2 Stephen Ministry Leaders
  • Thanksgiving for stellar worship experiences
  • Celebrating successful Children’s Choir Camp this week
  • Family celebrates birth of healthy baby boy, appreciates prayers for both newborn and mother with gestational diabetes
  • Family thankful for the gentle death of a beloved father on Sunday
  • Young mother with shingles appreciates prayers – now healed
  • Grateful for our Youth involved in outreach ministry in Knoxville this week – “Making a Difference in the City”
  • Courage for member with dementia at home and her family
  • Healing of member in assisted living recovering from surgery 
  • Prayers for friend in failing health, having surgery July 13
  • Endurance and peace for all families in mourning
  • Leaders of all nations, that they might work for the good of the people
  • Prayers for ending the killing and evil destruction within Ukraine 
  • Spiritual intervention needed: A mother and twin children in dilemma
  • Please pray for dear friend (age 40) diagnosed with breast cancer
  • One in deep depression, for insurance to pay for his medications
  • Sustaining of member in longterm cancer treatment at home
  • Families deeply desiring children
  • Peace for one who feels as if God is not answering his prayers
  • Brothers & sisters around the globe enduring hardships due to flood and famine, victims of natural disasters and exploitation, for unselfish hearts to rise up, helping and healing
  • Prayers for families grieving violent losses of innocent children 
  • God’s care for a brother in skill nursing facility & strength for his family caregivers
  • Hope and healing for a mother with advanced eye disease
  • A new job for a son in a healthy environment
  • Continued courage for mother entering chemotherapy
  • A family in grief – have been shunned by their rural church

God of salvation, who sent your Son to seek out and save what is lost, hear our prayers on behalf of those who are lost in our day, receiving all our petitions and thanksgivings with your unending compassion as we join offer the prayer that Jesus taught:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a Prayer Request?

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of July 6, 2022

Rev. Jan Buxton Wade*

This is my song, oh God of all the nations, 

a song of peace for lands afar and mine. 

This is my home, the country where my heart is; 

here are my hopes, my dreams, my sacred shrine. 

But other hearts and other lands are beating 

with hopes and dreams as true and pure mine. 

 O God of All Nations, the poet speaks truth as we acknowledge our land comes to us as a gift of grace, entrusted to our care.  Indeed, as we celebrate our independence this week, we lift our hands and hearts in thanksgiving to you, for our country and for its people, for its vastness, its rich diversity and resources to nourish and sustain.  May we join in this song of homage, knowing that our freedoms were forged by others willing to lay both livelihoods and lives on the line for liberty’s sake.  Yes, we cherish our nation, but we remember that other hearts burn just as deeply with love of their homelands. Your dream is for all peoples to know the freedoms we have inherited. So guard us, we pray, lest we cross the threshold to worship of America.  May we heed the words of the prophet: O God, others have ruled over us, but we worship you alone! (Is. 26:13).   

My country’s skies are bluer than the ocean, 

and sunlight beams on cloverleaf and pine, 

but other lands have sunlight too and clover, 

and skies are everywhere as blue as mine. 

Oh, hear my song, oh God of all the nations, 

a song of peace for their land and for mine.  

O God of All Nations, we confess that despite all you have done for our states united, our history haunts us, for it brims with the sordid parts of our past.  No longer dare we brush aside our longtime exploitation of persons of color, our indifference to the plight of the weak and poor, our love affair with money, our apathy in correcting inequalities, our tolerance for violence, and our hunger for world supremacy at all costs. Our Savior spoke of humility, kindness, and love for the stranger. His was a peaceful walk, but we have soiled Jesus’ path with our own selfishness. Lord have mercy upon us once again. Point us toward that new, untainted thoroughfare, and we will move forward with you as our resilient guide.  

O God of All Nations, as we depend upon you as our ultimate sustenance, may our very breaths this day become prayers of healing and peace for those across the globe who are hungry or thirsting, threatened, nearing death, and in need of your holy counsel. We place our own prayers beside our brothers and sisters in every land who lift their private yearnings toward the gates of heaven: 

  • Thankful for prayers: Niece’s July 1 cancer surgery went well 
  • Gratitude: Family arrived safely home from Europe on Monday 
  • Mother with ovarian cancer feels our prayer support 
  • Thankful a Thursday surgery was successful 
  • Member grateful for church support in dealing w a family death 
  • Family gives thanks for a daughter’s engagement 
  • Five families celebrate safe July 4 celebrations with family 
  • Mother in heart failure now improved, prayers appreciated  
  • Gratitude for Stephen Ministers supporting those who struggle 
  • Resilience for a son searching for a healthy work environment   
  • Healing of a young mother suffering with shingles 
  • Prayers for unborn nephew, that he may receive the best of care 
  • Prayers for two adult sons grieving death of fathers 
  • Member in deep depression, for healing and reassurance 
  • Safety & success: Medical team helping women & children in Namibia 
  • Safe delivery of baby boy, mother with complications 
  • Safety & resilience for friend boldly speaking out for children’s safety in classrooms & for protection of voter rights  
  • Strength, faith, & hope for aunt entering new phase of cancer treatment 
  • God’s presence with Highland Park shooting victims & their families  
  • All working to bring about the end of the Ukrainian crisis  
  • Patience, continued humor, healing for an uncle recovering from a stroke 
  • Hope & healing for a mother with advanced eye disease 
  • Solace for daughter grieving the recent death of her mother   
  • Continued courage for mother entering chemotherapy 

As those who follow the Risen Christ, we believe your loving hand will ever be upon us.  And we shall not forget that our true citizenship is in the kingdom of heaven, our eternal home. 

This is my prayer, O Lord of all earth’s kingdoms:  

Thy kingdom come; on earth thy will be done.  

Let Christ be lifted up till all shall serve him,  

and hearts united learn to live as one. 

 O hear my prayer, thou God of all the nations;  

Myself I give thee, let thy will be done. 


*Verses excerpted from hymn, O God of Every Nation, authored by William W. Reid, Jr. and Georgia Harkness, UMC Hymnal, Hope Publishing, 1958, 1989. 

Have a Prayer Request?

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of June 29, 2022

Rev. Palmer Cantler

Holy One of Israel, covenant-keeper, you restore what is lost, heal what is wounded, and gather in those who have been rejected. Give us the faith to see you at work in all aspects of our lives. We know that you desire relationships to be restored, the hungry to be fed, for outcasts to be welcomed and all people blessed.

As we listen to the Old Testament story of Joseph, we know that you do not cause the unpleasantness and the hurt in our lives; you do not make it happen for a reason. But we have seen evidence in scripture and in our own lives that you can take what we make a mess of, you can take the results of our sin, our greed, our fear, and breathe your spirit to open new ways and possibilities. You are always leading us through and leading us to renewal.

When we find ourselves asking “why, Lord?” may we sense your spirit asking other questions, such as: Who can we help? What can we do differently? How can I point others to your steadfast presence?

We are thankful for a wonderful Vacation Bible School at our church this past week. We know that children all over our community attend their own church, friends’ churches, and granny’s church for VBS. Thank you for these experiences of snack and songs, of caring adults, for crafts and games, but more importantly the opportunity children have to feel safe, to feel like they belong, and to hear that God loves them.

In a world of complex emotions and issues, we pray that our church might continue to be a place of safety and support, especially for families facing crisis. Guide us through the Holy Spirit to remain faithful to our call to care for our neighbors with respect, dignity, grace, and love. Hold us accountable for showing compassion to one another and seeking understanding rooted in relationship.

Because of your generous outpouring of grace, we share these personal prayers on behalf of your people and Church Street, believing that your great love can penetrate each circumstance, bringing hope and renewal:

  • Gratitude: Visit from a grandson living on the West Coast
  • Thankful for prayers: Brother with kidney disease stable
  • Thanksgiving for our nation as we celebrate Independence Day
  • Member grateful for safe travel home from Europe last week
  • Family grateful for a wonderful wedding celebration
  • Member appreciates prayers as she continues role of caregiver
  • Dear friends adjusting to assisted living facility
  • Prayers for adult son and family grieving recent death of his father
  • Wisdom, safety for members suffering from Parkinson’s
  • Member in deep depression, for healing and reassurance
  • Brother and family mourning the death of his sister
  • Safety and success: Medical team helping women & children in Namibia
  • Safe delivery of baby boy, mother with worrisome complications
  • Safety and resilience for friend boldly speaking out for children’s safety in classrooms & for protection of voter rights
  • Safe travel for family of 3 traveling from Europe July 4
  • Strength, faith, and hope for aunt entering a new phase of cancer treatment
  • God’s presence with all who are in mourning
  • All working to bring about the end of the Ukrainian crisis, for healing, help, and hope for these suffering people
  • Healing of mother in heart failure, for her caring family and physicians
  • Guidance for the leaders and people of our nation, that we might find the right road once again, as we address the fissures within our society
  • Patience, continued humor, healing for an uncle recovering from a stroke
  • Healing for a brother in severe kidney crisis
  • A same home environment for an at-risk 5-year-old
  • A strong bonding of all races within our community
  • Guidance, courage for mother with ovarian cancer
  • Prayers for niece’s cancer surgery July 1
  • Prayers for couples longing to have children
  • Member recovering from hip surgery and colon perforations
  • A new position needed: Adult son in unhealthy work situation
  • For reliable caregivers to be found to help an infirm husband

Open our eyes and hearts O God that these words would be our guiding principle: Always looking to see what you are desiring for us and for your world. Refocus and clear our vision that we do see your miracles: the beauty of your earth; the power of cool water to quench our bodies on these hot and humid days, news of babies being born and stories of families coming through difficult times. Teach us to look around us for how you are at work and then say to others: “Come and see what God has done!”

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of June 22, 2022

Rev. Tim Best

Gracious God, as we reflect upon Father’s Day, we are grateful for all men who have nurtured us and helped us learn more about your love: fathers, grandfathers, uncles, teachers, brothers. Thank you for special relationships and bonds that reflect your image of grace, acceptance, wisdom, and growth.

We pray for children everywhere – may each child know that they are loved by you. Open our eyes that we may know how to care for children – not just our own – but those in our community, in the schools around us, in our neighborhood. May our decisions and our actions all be done in an effort to guard, guide, and defend them. Give us the strength to protect them from dangers seen and unseen; give us the faithfulness to live holy lives in front of them; to never stop trying to be spiritually alive members of the church and ambassadors for Christ everywhere we go. 

Loving God, bless us that we may be a blessing to our children. Help us remember who we are and from where we have come. Help us remember the things you have done for us in the past so we can teach them to our children. May we give them hope and enthusiasm for the future. May we give them openness to your holy message of forgiveness, grace, and love. May they too want to walk in the paths of righteousness. May your word live in them and for generations to come. Hear this prayer we offer today. We give thanks that Covid vaccines are now available for our youngest children.

Our Juneteenth observance just past reminded us of our shortcomings as a nation, and how we exploited the vulnerable, and have not traversed the road to equality as we have promised.  Therefore, we pray for all who are still in bondage … may they hear good news that there is freedom in Christ – whatever their bondage. Forgive us when our own prejudices and fears have kept people labeled as other or “less than.” Overwhelm us with your grace that we might embrace all others as fully blessed, beloved, and created. Reveal to us the ways in which we benefit from the oppression of others and transform our thinking and our living. Embolden us to declare with our words and our works that through Christ all are made free. 

And may that same overwhelming grace spill over into all the lives of these friends who call upon your name, both in thanksgiving and in need this week.  In whatever way you will, surround them with the peace and confidence for which they long:

  • Gratitude for safe passage home for Master Arts European travelers
  • Family elated: Youngster with head trauma is now home, much improved since his accident, ask for prayers for complete healing
  • Wife, caregiver, appreciates prayers & offers of assistance from friends
  • Nephew thankful for prayers, his uncle died peacefully
  • Thanksgiving for a festive church wedding on Saturday
  • Happy couple celebrate their second wedding anniversary
  • Couple thankful for their 53rd wedding anniversary on Thursday 
  • Family deeply appreciates prayers during a bereavement
  • One grateful for all remembering him throughout his hospital stay
  • Thankful for eager & energetic children attending VBS  
  • Church & family celebrate the baptism of 2 young daughters Sunday
  • Thanksgiving for the life and witness of a remarkable Christian woman who succumbed to cancer on Sunday
  • Prayers for adult son & family grieving recent death of his father
  • Wisdom, safety for members suffering from Parkinson’s
  • Safe delivery of baby boy, mother with worrisome complications
  • Safety & resilience for friend boldly speaking out for children’s safety in classrooms & for protection of voter rights 
  • Prayers for member grieving death of wife, safe travel for a daughter & family traveling to area to offer support
  • Continued prayers for all pastors in transition this week & for the congregations they will serve
  • Strength, faith, & hope for an aunt entering a new phase of cancer treatment
  • All working to bring about the end of the Ukrainian crisis, for healing, help, and hope for these suffering people
  • Patience, continued humor, & healing for an uncle recovering from a stroke
  • Healing for a brother in severe kidney crisis & for his family
  • A strong bonding of all races within our community
  • A fractured family relationship
  • Wisdom and insight for leaders at every level to end gun violence 
  • Easing of pain & infirmity – member recovering from knee surgery
  • Prayers for couples who long to have children  
  • Member recovering from hip surgery & colon perforations 
  • A new position needed: Adult son in unhealthy work situation  
  • For reliable caregivers to be found to help an infirm husband
  • All working to end violence, hunger, and poverty in our community

We thank you for accepting these prayers offered in sincerity, and, as those made one in Christ, we offer that prayer he taught us, saying:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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