Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of October 5, 2022

Rev. Catherine Nance

We pray for our church this evening, Gracious God. 

It is busy in this church building today, O God. As it was yesterday. And the day before. 

Of course, we were here on Sunday singing praises and offering prayers; learning lessons and sharing fellowship. We shared the Body and Blood of Christ at Your Table and felt the communion of the saints around the world and throughout eternity. 

It is our prayer that what happens here on Sunday reverberates with us throughout the week. The nourishment we received at the Table strengthens our spirits to receive and share your grace. May our behavior, thoughts, and words reflect that we have been with the Lord. We thank you, God, for Sundays! 

We thank you for the clerical that happens on Monday. Counting offering, reading through friendship pads. Noting names of visitors and rejoicing at names of members we have not seen in a while. Checking the hospital board for who has gone home and noting names of members’ loved ones who have died. God of details, you know how important this work is. In each offering envelope sealed, in each name written, and in each phone call received, there is a story and a disciple. Thank you for the tasks that remind us. 

God who has called some to ‘church work,’ we thank you for staff and volunteers who gather on Tuesday to touch base, look ahead, celebrate, evaluate, and encourage. May each one know your presence in a very real way as they do their work of making your presence known to others. We thank you for the laity who come on weeknights to attend meetings and provide leadership and enthusiasm for the mission and ministry of this church. Thank you for their commitment of time and service. 

God who sang out the first words, thank you for choir members who come tonight to tune their hearts and voices together. May the anthems sung mirror their devotion to the music of the Holy Spirit. O God, who gave us the ability to hum a melody, may the music we sing here echo in our lives throughout the week. Recording worship for those who cannot attend happened today. May the effort be pleasing to you and may those who watch know they are connected here.  

And, there is tomorrow … Soup Kitchen and other gatherings. 

This is a busy place, O God! May all of our movement and conversation and interactions in this place be pleasing to you! Amidst the activity, may we know that it is holy work and not just busyness! For those who are here only on Sundays, may their lives be made more meaningful because of worship. We do not desire busy lives, Precious Redeemer, but meaningful lives steeped in your grace and love. 

We pray for …

  • The friends and family of a young woman who died of cancer this past week. Thankful she was surrounded by so much love and support.
  • Church members who have been hospitalized recently. Prayers of thanksgiving for successful surgeries and treatments.
  • Church member who had a heart attack last month is beginning cardio rehab. Prayers that he will regain strength and energy. 
  • For mother of a member who had cancer surgery today; prayers for family as they make decisions about care.
  • For members who are grieving 
  • A member who has lost so much in a fire this past week; his beloved dog, a family cabin, all the treasures. May he be restored to health and hope.
  • A brother in Illinois, whose farm had a horrible barn fire. Prayers for the family as they suffer this great lost of property and livestock.
  • A member who is in the hospital anxious to begin physical therapy; prayers that he walk ‘steady on his feet’ again!
  • A 16-year old classmate who is in Children’s Hospital suffering from Crohn’s Disease; may the doctors help her manage pain and symptoms.
  • A baby at Vanderbilt undergoing surgery
  • A family whose husband and father died suddenly; prayers of thanksgiving for opportunity give organs so others might have life.

We give thanks for …

  • The A. Orin Bishop Lecture event and Dr. Kate Bowler
  • Beautiful weather!
  • Good medical care and doctors who genuinely have a sense of calling

We continue to pray for ….

  • Those with chronic illness.
  • Those who are grieving whether loss occurred last month or years ago; be with us in our grief.
  • The people of Ukraine and Russia
  • Clean up and rebuilding efforts from Hurricane Ian

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Kate Bowler

On Sunday, October 2, Church Street UMC was thrilled to welcome Dr. Kate Bowler to the nave for a presentation about “Deconstructing our Cultural and Spiritual Scripts”.

About the Bishop Lecture Series

Kate Bowler and Dr. Asa and Skippy Bishop

Kate Bowler and Dr. Asa and Skippy Bishop. The Bishop Lecture Series has provided funds to bring authors like Dr. Bowler to Church Street for spiritual growth.

The event was made possible thanks to Church Street’s Bishop Lecture Series. Dr. Asa Bishop created an endowment in memory of his father A. Orin Bishop, called the Bishop Lecture Series, and over the years, the series has underwritten more than 20 lectures and extended the legacy of the Bishop Family and their passion for biblical and spiritual enrichment into the future.

About Kate Bowler

Kate Bowler is a three time New York Times Bestselling author, and she is a professor of history at Duke Divinity School. Her academic research has focused on the history and culture of American Christianity, exploring the phenomenon of the Prosperity Gospel, the idea that God will show favor to some of us for our faith and bless us.

She is known for her popular memoirs Everything Happens for a Reason (and other lies I’ve loved) and No Cure for Being Human (and other truths I need to hear), her book of devotions Good Enough, and her podcast EVERYTHING HAPPENS, where she has interviewed everyone from authors Barbara Brown Taylor, Anne Lamott, and Richard Rohr to the Archbishop of Cantebury and Reverend Will Willimon, to actors Stanley Tucci, Matthew McConaughey, and Alan Alda – among many others. She has nearly 150,000 instagram followers where she shares hope and humanness about what she has called “our chronic lives”.

Kate Bowler at CSUMCKate Bowler full naveKate BOwler Catherine Nance Q and AKate Bowler BlessingKate Bowler reads blessing

Kate Bowler and Tom HoodKate Bowler greets Rev. Tim Best and family

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of September 28, 2022

Rev. Catherine Nance

Gracious God, 

On this Wednesday evening, our hearts and minds are with all who have been and will be in the path of Hurricane Ian. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.  

Often, when we hear world news, we have to look on a map or perhaps we dismiss the news since we cannot picture where it is. (Forgive us Lord!) But, we all know where Tampa is. We know Jacksonville. We have been to Orlando. We have relatives and loved ones along the path. We have friends who are scheduled to travel and we worry. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. 

In the midst of news about landfall and surges, we hear the phrases explaining how climate change plays a role and then, how we have played a role in climate change. Forgive us Lord, in our shrugging, our denying, our simply hoping for things to be better. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. 

We see people on the news who, yesterday, were political candidates. Today, they area governors and other officials in charge of emergency maneuvers. Bless these leaders Lord. May all work together to promote safety and clarity of information. Thank you for the employees who show up each day at National Weather Service and provide information for us. We are grateful to for science and technology that informs and supports their work. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. 

O God, these weather-related terms apply to our own lives as well. Some of us are expecting a ‘landfall’ – some impending crisis – a diagnosis, a conversation, layoff. Others of us have no idea of what is ahead but will experience the ‘surge’ and the ‘impact.’ Dear God, your Holy Spirit connects us to each other. May we be mindful of how our decisions, our words, changes in our lives, do not affect us alone. But there are ripples and consequences and aftershocks. May we be kind to one another and understanding of those who find themselves caught in a deluge they did not know was coming. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers. 

Along with all of the people of Cuba who are without power, the people of Florida, and all those in the path, we pray for these concerns shared by our church family: 

We pray for …

  • A dear friend who has undergone so much cancer treatment and now has pneumonia and other complications. Prayers for her family as they hear and grapple with prognosis from doctors about the weakness of her body. Prayers that she feels the love and prayers all around her.
  • Those who are traveling out of town for work
  • For a coworker whose cancer has returned. Prayers for her three sons; one teenager and two young adults. This single mom needs the assurance that ‘her boys’ will be fine.
  • Clarity from medical tests results and that a healing plan will be made clear
  • A man who has had heart attack; prayers for good rehabilitation
  • A family whose mother is in hospice care; not expected to live many more days. Grateful for Eternal Light and Life!
  • Those who have been recently hospitalized and are doing well at home.

We give thanks for …

  • The scriptures which give guidance about how to live; especially First Corinthians 13
  • God’s wisdom and purpose in our lives
  • Third graders who received Bibles and that Ms. Katryn was able to hand them out in person!
  • New members joining and two baptisms this past week!
  • The opportunity to hear Kate Bowler. Thank you to the A. Orin Bishop Lecture endowment!

We continue to pray for ….

  • A Sunday School class member who has to travel to Africa several times this month for work
  • Families making decisions for loved ones
  • A woman recently diagnosed with cancer

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of September 21, 2022

Rev. Catherine Nance

He’s got the whole world in his hands …He’s got the whole world in his hands ..

He’s got the whole world in his hands …. He’s got the whole world in his hands!

God of the world, many of us heard this song sung on Sunday afternoon as we gathered to talk about caregiving. It reminded us of children singing this song at VBS and doing all the hand motions: Itty-bitty babies – you and me sister – whole world. These songs we learn as children are full of truth and create in us a firm foundation on which to stand later in life when we cannot recall the words we are looking for.

You have the whole world in your hands O God …

We have seen beautiful images of your world this week. Friends have shared pictures of hiking trips and cruises. We see your majesty in creation with the Smoky Mountains and beautiful rivers and lakes in our line of vision each day. While we are lifting our eyes to the hills, we know there are others who are looking over flooded homes in Pakistan. There are farmers who are looking at crops that have burned up from heat. We love the beauty of your earth, O God. Forgive us when we use and abuse this earth and do not take care of it. We pray for communities, industries, and countries to be aware of how we pollute and then convict us, O Maker of Heaven and Earth, to change our ways. May we not so selfish and self-centered; may we sing about your world instead of our world.

He’s got the whole world in his hands ….

We have seen stark contrasts of your world. There were pictures of majesty and beauty and order and reverence as we watched Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral procession with all of the bright and beautiful colors. Then the images that all appear to be grey; Russian and Ukrainian soldiers and the bombed remains of cities. We have no words to fill in the in-between. We know that the funeral was just a snapshot in history and not all of the history is beautiful. Images of war often leave out the images of hopeful and happy families struggling in the midst of war – Russians and Ukrainians alike. Help us to imagine a place where order, beauty, color, and peace is the reality. May we honor one another’s humanity and see each other as your children in your world.

He’s got the whole world in his hands ….

We sometimes say things like, “How can God care about me when God has the whole world?” But, you do care. You care for us as a mother cares for her children. You have promised to be with us and to hear our prayers. We do pray for your world, O God, but with confidence that you know all we care about, we offer now the prayers from our part of your world – the people we know and live with and care for. Thank you for hearing the prayers we offer from our church family …

We pray for…

  • A friend who is traveling to Africa several times this month
  • A friend who is dealing with depression; may upcoming medical appointment help with answers
  • A wife and mother recently diagnosed with cancer
  • An aunt grieving the death of her niece
  • Those who are dealing with chronic pain
  • Those members who are acting as caregiver; give them strength and the courage to ask for help.
  • A time of rest, healing, and hope for a couple who are waiting on test results and calls from medical team
  • Caregivers who are tending to family members each and every day; prayers for their health. May they find some rest and peace.
  • For a young daughter who had surgery this morning; may her healing be swift! And parents experience relief!
  • The people of Puerto Rico and all those in Hurricane Fiona’s path
  • The people of Pakistan
  • Families who are making decisions about future health care needs for a beloved family member

Continued prayers for…

  • Young adults making the transition from high school to college and career; changes in families
  • Those in between scans and tests; those who have been cleared ‘for now’ and who are always aware of disease but living in hope and health
  • For peace of mind for those dealing with difficult situations

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for…

  • For Children’s Hospital and the wonderful staff there!
  • For a new house and a new job!
  • For the leadership and life of UMC Bishop Bob Spain (retired) who died last week at age 96! 
  • For strides our church has made in being accessible to all people
  • For Pastor Hank’s sermon and presence last Sunday
  • For the Parish Health Ministry Team and the Caregiving workshop they offered. Thankful for resources!
  • Safe return back home and the ability to sleep in one’s own bed after a long journey!


Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of September 14, 2022

Rev. Catherine Nance

With just a hint of cooler weather in the air, we are reminded that you are the God of All Seasons. You created your world, O God, with the beauty and gift of autumn, winter, spring, and summer. Sometimes we speak of these seasons as if they end one day and begin the next. Our calendar will tell us the first day of autumn is just one week away. We give thanks for scientists who can measure and map where Earth is in its orbit and explain the seasons. We give thanks for preschool teachers who teach songs about the four seasons. We are thankful for memories of early artwork – large sheets of paper divided into four equal quadrants – one with orange and red leaves, one with snowflakes, then bright flowers, and the last with a bright, smiling sun! These divisions and measurements give order to our lives and help us plan; your order has given us days to look forward and a sense of knowing that things always change. But there is beauty in the change. 

We know that the seasons do not stay in the bold lines of our kindergarten four-square season chart, but that you allow us time to prepare, to anticipate, to hope, and yes, even to be disappointed when a hot summer day appears in October or we need a sweater and scarf on an April afternoon! Thank you for caring for your Earth and for us that we do not abruptly land into a new season, but that you allow for gradual changes. May we take time to savor, to appreciate, to accept right now as the time you have given us.  

O God of All Ages and Stages, remind us that you are with us as we go through changing seasons in our lives. There are cycles we anticipate and celebrate and then the not-so-subtle changes we thought we would never experience. May we be graceful and feel your grace as we go through the stages and seasons of life. When we see others around us in different stages and places, may we offer prayers: 

  • For children who are so curious and demand attention right now – bless their sense of wonder 
  • For young parents who are burdened to think they must do everything perfectly – ease their self-imposed stress 
  • For graduate students and young adults figuring out ‘what’s next,’ – let them feel your guidance and peace 
  • For adults who are wondering ‘is this what I wanted?’ – give them clarity of your love and purpose 
  • For those who feel alone – may we be open to those who need a gesture of kindness 

Thank you, O God, for the subtlety of change of seasons that gives us time to appreciate, time to give thanks, and time to prepare. We thank you for all of the seasons you have given us.  

We turn towards the evening with a grateful heart for your presence and we open our heart in prayer as we share these concerns and thanksgivings from our church family…

We pray for…

  • Church members who are traveling to Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville; particular prayers for one who is dealing with neuropathy and another who is awaiting diagnosis and a clear path of treatment.
  • A family who is in the midst of new beginnings: new house, new job, selling house! Prayers that stress be transformed into positive energy!
  • A young father who is following up with doctor about GI issues
  • A dear aunt, aged 96, that she remain in good health
  • Those in our church family with COVID
  • A church member who is a beloved mother, mother-in-law, and friend who is struggling with health concerns and weakness.
  • A best friend who has been recovering from cancer and now has a new diagnosis. Doctors say this one is treatable. Prayers for her body to receive this intensive treatment well. Prayers for her husband and friends as well.
  • The nieces and nephews who celebrate the life of a church member; thankful for the gift of Eternal Rest and a life well lived!
  • A member meeting with cardiologist Thursday morning after experiencing some concerns recently
  • A friend having dental surgery on Friday
  • A little girl having tonsils removed next Wednesday morning; prayers for parents!

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for…

  • Family in Texas … and for all who know how important it is to keep in touch!
  • A good report from CT scan
  • A successful surgery of the 8-month old who had club feet amputated. The surgeons were able to leave enough bone for the prosthetics to be possible.
  • A brother who had a stroke this past week and is doing so much better thanks to excellent medical care. Prayers of thanksgiving for local hospitals and for loving family!
  • A group of young couples who have been visiting our church and met together last Sunday to plan for getting together; may their desire for Christian fellowship and study inspire us!
  • Recent high school grads who have gathered to plan a Bible study; may their desire for deeper discipleship inspire us!

Continued prayers for…

  • Those undergoing radiation treatments and chemotherapy
  • A sister who is struggling with high blood pressure
  • A friend who has been diagnosed with macular degeneration
  • City officials and agencies and churches as we address our houseless population
  • A son who has gotten a new job in the field he majored in.
  • A member awaiting procedures and results and relief from back pain

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Sunday Schedule
Worship – 8:30AM & 11:00AM
Sunday school – 9:45-10:45AM
NightLife – 5:00-7:00PM ($5 dinner)

Next Sunday, October 9, there will only be Sunday school. We will not have NightLife due to Fall Break.  We will return to a regular schedule on October 16.

High School Prayer Breakfast

This year, we are going to rotate locations of our High School Prayer Breakfast. Hopefully, this will allow more students to participate! We will begin after Labor Day. The first two dates & locations are:

  • October 4, Chick-fil-A West Hills, 7:15 AM
  • October 18, Panara Fountain City, 7:15 AM

If you are interested in a prayer breakfast near your neighborhood, let Jenny know!

Football Parking Fundraiser

For each of Tennessee’s home football games, we have the incredible opportunity to park cars on our campus and raise money for our Youth Department and Youth Choir. Each weekend, we tithe (give 10%) of our earnings to a Parking Lot Maintenance fund, and the remaining is divided evenly between the two groups. We need a lot more help for the Alabama game on October 15!

It requires a significant amount of volunteer support to make this fundraiser work, and we ask all families to volunteer for at least two shifts during the season. Please use the link below to sign up and learn more.

Football Parking Sign-Up

Parent Sign-Ups

Survey: Parents, please use the survey below share with us some helpful information at the start of the year. This survey includes contact info, volunteer sign-ups, and a place to share with us anything that would be helpful in serving your family at the start of the year.

Parent Survey

Annual Release Form: Each year, we ask every student to complete an Annual Release Form. This acts as our medical and liability form for all of our events. Please complete this form for every student in your family!

Annual Release Form

Meal Sign-Ups: Each Sunday, we serve our students breakfast and lunch. We ask families to volunteer to help make these meals happen! The sign-ups are below. If every family signs up for one breakfast and one dinner each, we will have nearly every week covered!

Breakfast Sign-Up

Dinner Sign-Up

Have you viewed our page on Church Street’s website? Check it out!


Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of September 7, 2022

Rev. Catherine Nance

A prayer inspired by Psalm 139 

O Lord, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar. 

These words from the psalms should be a comfort to us, O God. We often complain that no one truly knows us, but yet you know us through and through. Perhaps the psalmist was overjoyed with this intimacy; instead we are embarrassed or ashamed. We would prefer that our thoughts were not so clear to you! Sometimes they are a jumbled mess to us – and yet you are able to discern them. You created every living thing because you desired life around you and through you. May we open ourselves to your loving and living presence and not recoil in fear or shame. Here we are O Lord, you know us so well – and continue to love us!  

You pursue me behind and before, and lay your hand upon me.  

O God who walks alongside and ahead and behind, we want to feel your companionship and your presence. When we wander off clear paths may we feel your hand leading us home. When we hurriedly move past our family and friends, we are thankful for your hand that reminds us to slow down and pay attention. When we feel immobilized with fear, or boredom, or depression, or anxiety, may we feel the nudging and pushing along of your loving hand on us. You are indeed acquainted with all our ways, O Lord, and what a relief it is to us that you continue to choose to walk with us. 

Where can I go from your spirit? Where shall I flee from your presence? 

Forgive us, O God who breathed into creation every conceivable place and space, when we say I am all alone. Whether we are feeling the despair of loneliness or fleeing to hide from you, your Holy Spirit breathes on us and reminds us of your steadfast presence. You created us and called us good. May we live into your goodness, O God, and trust that you desire to be with us. May your love for us make us loving toward others. Lift our eyes beyond the confines of our daily world to imagine others in your world, people of all nations who are also loved and cherished by you.  

Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts; and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting! 

We truly want to be disciples of Jesus Christ! Sift through our hesitation and our doubting. Sift through the selfishness and the justifications. As we open ourselves to you, may you transform us into disciples who rejoice in the grace you offer. Your love and acceptance of us should cause us to rejoice and yet we often grumble and accuse others who think differently or have experienced you in a way with which we are not familiar. Oh God, lead us in your way! 

How profound to me are your thoughts, O God! 

It is with a sense of profound awe that we lay before you the concerns and petitions of our brothers and sisters … 

We pray for…

  • Bishop Bill McAlilly of the TN-Western KY Conference of the UMC who is recovering from surgery after an automobile accident …
  • The people in Jackson, Mississippi who have no water. Pray that leadership will see the plight of the poor and forgotten. Prayers for help with infrastructure.
  • A son who is struggling to find a job that is meaningful and for which he has prepared and trained; prayers for ‘in the meantime’ as he deals with rejection
  • A forty-four year old man who has melanoma in several organs and the friends and family who love him
  • A church member who was involved in a car accident. No injuries (Praise the Lord!) but the inconvenience and all the aftermath with repairs and insurance. Praying for peace through a difficult time
  • A church member who had surgery today
  • A five-year old who is battling brain cancer and for the people who tend to him.
  • A family who is dealing with major medical issues; prayers that insurance will approve next steps and that logistics of receiving care are met with ease
  • Prayers for a son concerned about his parents and their hesitancy in asking for help. We pray for all parent/child relationships as caregiving becomes an issue
  • For a sister who has completed radiation treatments but is so fatigued from them.
    A ten-month old who is having both feet amputated this week because of severe club feet.
  • A colleague who is planning to move; prayers for clear answers about timeline and logistics as retirement nears
  • A member’s sister who is having health concerns due to extremely high blood pressure; prayers for a path forward to deal with the issue.

We continue prayers for…

  • Our college freshmen and their parents! Both are making adjustments! We pray for all students from kindergarten and up who are past the Labor Day break and adjusting to the new normal of routine.
  • Those who are undergoing treatment for cancer, who are waiting test results, and who are waiting on follow up appointments. Prayers for patience and hope in the waiting.
  • Members of a Sunday School class who are concerned about one another’s finances.
  • Friends and family who are simply trying to survive each day

We give thanks for…

  • Opportunities to learn through the LIVING FORWARD event and the BRIDGES OUT OF POVERTY training. Thankful for committee members who work to promote education and advocacy in our families and our community.
  • For upcoming Stephen Ministry training and for hearts that are being stirred to serve in this caring ministry.
  • Our Stephen Ministers – especially our newly commissioned ones! May God bless them!
  • Members and staff who have felt the relief of student loan debt forgiven. Thankful for the opportunity during stressful financial times to have a sense of hope and rearranging budgets.
  • Two of our Soup Kitchen neighbors who have found housing
  • The completion of infusion therapy after a year; prayers of thanksgiving for God’s healing presence

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of August 31, 2022

Rev. Kim Goddard, Superintendent of New River District

This week’s prayer was written by Rev. Kim Goddard, Superintendent of the New River District. Kim also serves as the Dean of the Cabinet. We are sharing this from the “We Pray Together” project offered by our Holston Conference Communications. 

Gracious Lord,

You once met a woman by a well and offered living water she did not know she needed. You quenched her thirst, filled her to overflowing, and everyone she met saw the transformation.

Oh, Living Water, do for us, what you did for her.

Make us thirsty again.

Cause us to drink so deeply from your springs of living water that we are transformed.

We confess, too often we content ourselves with half-hearted discipleship, and it leaves us parched and weak.

You offer us means of grace, like dippers, to drink in your presence and guidance. Too often, we leave them to gather dust.

We pray at meals, at church, when we emoji praying hands on Facebook, but find it so hard to quiet ourselves to linger and listen for your voice.

We open the Bible to prepare a sermon, or Sunday School lesson, or prove a point, but rarely go to scripture expecting to be challenged or changed.

We fast for our physical health, but Lord, when have we fasted for the singular joy of following you, communing with you?

We love to attend church where we experience family and fellowship, but do we leave without bending to you in worship and submission?

We send thoughts and prayers to the suffering and lost, but let others take the cup of cold water, the blanket, the Bible, the real presence of a friend.

Lord, is it any wonder we find it hard to guide others to your springs of living water when we are so parched ourselves?

Oh, Living Water, do for us, what you did for a Samaritan woman at a well.

Make us thirsty again.

Cause us to drink so deeply from your springs of living water that we are transformed.

Then, transformed, send us with dippers and buckets to share.

O God who hears all of our prayers, we offer the following requests on behalf of our church family:

We pray for…

  • A clear diagnosis for a member’s husband in the midst of so many questions
  • Peace of mind for a family who is in process of buying and selling a home
  • A friend who has brain cancer.
  • Friends and families who are going through difficult times
  • A sister and her family who has been diagnosed with dementia

Continued prayers for…

  • Loved ones in families who are battling cancer and going through difficult treatments
  • Family members battling addictions
  • Those who are grieving deaths of family members; may precious memories sustain

We give thanks for…

  • A member’s negative CT scan report
  • A new job! Prayers for joy and wisdom
  • Opportunity to share food and fellowship with Maplehurst neighbors last Thursday night
  • Sunday School classes and members who care for one another; prayers to know God’s strength and guidance
  • The baptism of a precious child of God last Sunday
  • Children’s and youth programs back in full swing on Sunday morning and evenings

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a prayer request?

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of August 24, 2022

Rev. Tim Best

We give you great thanks for the gift of rest and renewal in your Son Jesus. Guide our lives that we might find patterns of liberation and renewal from all those forces that when not controlled and bounded by your love bind and control us. Grant us your peace that our spirits might be cured of what ails us and we might stand tall with dignity and love.

Heal me, hands of Jesus!

Merciful Lord,

Heal and comfort those who suffer in body and spirit. We pray for those who grieve. May you walk alongside them and help them to find rest in the promise of resurrection. We ask for healing for all recovering from injury or operations. May they have access to good Doctors, caring and qualified nurses, and attentive caregivers. Awaken our hearts that where there is need your church may be at work to care, advocate, and support. Bless all the suffering neighbors and friends that we name before you in our hearts.

Heal me, hands of Jesus!

Almighty God,

You fashioned all things out of nothing. Let us rejoice in the gifts of your creation and show care for all life that dwells upon the earth, that swims in the seas, that lives under the earth, or fills the skies. As you give us Sabbath that we might know freedom from our labors and our cares, may we grant rest to the earth and all creatures from toil and use. Help us to rejoice in the beauty of all that you have made and to use all resources well and to your glory.

Heal our earth, O Lord!

Ruler of all things,

We pray for our community, our state, and our nation. Grant your wisdom and compassion to those who make decisions on behalf of others and for the sake of whole communities. We pray for Mayors Kincannon and Jacobs. We pray for governor Lee and all state legislators. We pray for all senators and members of the house of representatives. We pray for President Biden. We pray for the leaders of all the nations, those we consider friends and those we think of as enemies. Guide your church in our work to be peace within our community and within the world.

Heal our communities, O Lord!

Loving Father,

Lord in your mercy… God of mercy and healing, you who hear the cries of those in need, receive these petitions of your people that all who are troubled may know peace, comfort, and courage.

We pray for …

  • Young adults who are seeking meaningful employment
  • A son who desires a job in his chosen field; may he not become discouraged with rejections and roadblocks
  • A sister who has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in breasts, bones and possibly liver; prayer for comfort and for healing
  • A member’s sister-in-law recently diagnosed with bone marrow cancer; also battling pneumonia.
  • A friend with ALS; may she experience the comfort of God’s love and love of friends who care
  • A member grieving the death of his sister-in-law; praying the entire family feels God’s strength and comfort.
  • A family whose newborn died; we pray for all who loved him and all who cared for him in NICU.
  • Loved ones struggling after the suicide of a son; for the complicated grief that follows
  • For children facing surgery
  • For patience and understanding when we struggle with “why?” May we know God’s desire for us in how to be present in horrific and devastating situations.

We give thanks for …

  • A son who has gotten a job in the field he studied for! So grateful for his happiness.
  • The rejuvenation experienced after time away with colleagues
  • Safe travels
  • Friends who offer comfort and strength
  • Pastor Jan Buxton Wade and all she means to our church family. Prayers for good health and joy as she and Dwight spend more time with family now. 

Life-giving God, heal our lives, that we may acknowledge your wonderful deeds and offer you thanks from generation to generation through Jesus Christ our Lord as we pray that prayer he taught us, praying…

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of August 17, 2022

Rev. Jan Buxton Wade

You are the Lord, you alone. You have made heaven, the heaven of heavens,

with all their host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them;

you preserve all of them; and the host of heaven worships you.  (Nehemiah 9:6)

Vibrant Framer of the Universe, the shadows shift as the wind makes its way through the trees, rearranging the path of clouds, delicate and dense alike. Truly your name is proclaimed with each stirring of the heavens above. Such stirrings echo your Spirit’s soaring over the void to create light and life. In richness and variety you clothed your creation, a masterpiece of color and texture no human mind could fathom. By the solace our earth offers, by its freshness that brings peace, by its richness that feeds body and soul, we are more than blessed.

O Lord, we praise you!

Merciful Creator, you planted us within your world to love and to tend, yet we confess that through both greed and ignorance we have maimed your astonishing creation, our blessed inheritance. We have been careless in polluting the pure air, water, soil that were gifted us, forgetting you intended this as our common home, sufficient to sustain all peoples.  Will this remain our legacy – always taking more than we give?  We weep at the thought. Open our eyes and our hearts, we pray, to behold the harm we have caused; move us to cherish the resources we have neglected and to join in the deliberate act of restoration—for the world’s sake and for your glory.

O Lord, forgive us!

Healing Hand, in many ways, we are like the bent-over woman whom Jesus restored on the sabbath, staring at our own feet, thinking it impossible to change existing circumstances. But you, O Lord, are in the business of re-creating and you call us forth to be a new creation.  Show us, through that same holy healing power, that you can straighten what is bent in body and soul, aligning our commitment with your own vision. Even if our first steps are hesitant, you will strengthen us to correct the wrongs we have inflicted upon your people and your good earth. Point us and move us into your future, even if it means giving up our dreams of wealth and progress.                             

O Lord, heal us!

And now, Faithful One, we turn our thoughts to the myriad signs of graciousness that have come our way throughout these recent days, and we also share the deepest concerns of your people of the Church Street community:

We pray for …

  • A brother going through cancer treatment
  • A church member’s friend whose little three-year old is at Vanderbilt receiving bone marrow transplant; prayers for the whole family and for the team of medical personnel fighting this leukemia
  • A close friend who is downsizing and moving
  • A member asks for prayers after a concussion and follow up appointment with doctor
  • An aunt who has pancreatic cancer; prayers for strength and comfort, and contentment
  • For all who struggle with home expenses and repairs and maintenance
  • A woman experiencing back pain; praying for appointment to open soon
  • Several members with Covid; thankful for mild symptoms.
  • Children and youth back at school; prayers for safety and health
  • A caregiver’s little five –year old daughter who is ill; prayers for healing
  • Vacancies in schools and preschools to be filled with wonderful teachers

Prayers of thanksgiving for …

  • Faithful soup kitchen volunteers each Thursday
  • Thankful a father has moved to a nursing facility closer to home
  • Our Church Street UMC Preschool and all of the staff
  • For Sunday School classes who are praying for grade levels and students in our church
  • Successful surgeries and procedures for several family members and friends

Reclaiming Spirit, move among us as we take our rest this evening, for we know we serve a God whose mercy never fails. Bind our hearts together as we sleep, that we might rise straight and tall, refreshed to follow and to serve, always praying as we were taught by Jesus:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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