The Tie that Binds Banner

Today, we are delighted to share a video featuring Laura Still, who is a longtime Church Street member and Children’s Ministry volunteer. You have probably seen her on a Children’s Sunday directing kids in skits during worship, or behind the scenes at the annual Christmas Pageant.

But she is known to our children for the creative and dramatic arts she uses to bring the stories of the Bible alive in the Drama room on the third floor of our Education building. If you don’t have a child, you’ve probably not seen it. So we invite you to listen to Laura’s story about her love of Church Street and explore this foundational ministry in the life of our church.

Children’s Ministry by the numbers: If you don’t have children or grandchildren, you may not know the breadth or depth of how the program engages our kids.

  • Camp Hogwarts: 30 children attended
  • VBS (Vacation Bible School): 38 children attended
  • Fall Festival: around 300 attendees, including their grown-ups!
  • Average of 12 children in the Nursery each week
  • 76 children on our Children’s Ministry roll

Other activities for children include Mission events, special worship nights, summer fabulous fun days, 3rd grade Bibles, older elementary retreat weekends, and more opportunities to grow and participate fully in the connection that Church Street offers.

Don’t miss what is coming up in Children’s Ministry:

  • Sunday, December 4, 5-7 pm: Advent Craft Festival and Potluck (Parish Hall and Gym)
  • Sunday, December 18, 9:45 am: Christmas Pageant! Children go to Sunday School classes and then head to the gym once they have their costumes! Christmas Pageant is followed by coffee and cookies and a time of fellowship in the gym.
  • Saturday, December 24, 3 pm: Family Christmas Eve Service. Children are invited to explore the nave, build the creche, and hear the familiar story of Christmas. Candlelight and communion at each Christmas Eve service.

If you are interested in working with our Children’s Ministry, please contact Katryn Bancroft, Children’s Director, at kbancroftATchurchstreetumcDOTorg.

The Tie that Binds Banner

A few years ago, I attended the funeral of one of the longest-serving “volunteers” for Church Street. I can’t say at Church Street … because he wasn’t in Knoxville. He was the spouse of our caretaker at Sterchi Lodge and served alongside her for 43 years as our welcoming hosts. Roy loved playing and singing bluegrass and gospel music, frequently entertaining guests at the Lodge. In celebrating his life, a bluegrass quartet sang a song that has come to live in my heart … and encapsulates for me the reason I choose to serve my church by standing at a doorway.

           I believe at least for me

           I’ll see my Mom and Dad

           My brothers and my sisters

           And everywhere you look are friends

           Oh, the greetings will be precious

           From those we’ve loved so dear

           But mortal man has never heard

           The likes of when he hears

           Welcome home, I knew you’d come

           Welcome home, you’re here for good

           Look around, was it worth the wait

           Welcome home, step thru the gate

                                               “Welcome Home” by the Gospel Plowboys

Months after the funeral, I was asked to be a greeter at church. Seemed like God heard my new favorite song and was giving me the opportunity to serve in a unique way.

As I take my place in the Welcome Center on Sundays, I think about the people I may see that day. The families I knew growing up in this church, people I have met since I moved back after 35 years away, UT students checking out that “other” beacon on a hallowed hill, and visitors from here and away.

Each person is an opportunity to affirm my faith in the wonderful variety of God’s children and rejoice in how we are all tied together by a common desire to gather in His presence. As I greet people with “Hello”, “Good Morning” and “Nice to see you,” I sometimes slip in a “Welcome Home”. The look on their face changes from confusion to comprehension, then a radiant smile and a little nod … acknowledging that they are indeed home for good.

Kit Brown, Church Street Member and Greeter Coordinator, whose Sunday School class (Open Door) is pictured above at Sterchi Lodge in the Fall of 2022.

The Tie that Binds Banner

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” – Matthew 11:28-30 (The Message)

Last weekend at Spiritual Life Advance, or ‘SLA’ to our youth, about 50 middle and high school youth and adult volunteers retreated to the mountains to step away, lay their burdens down, spiritually reset, learn about carrying one another’s burdens, experience Holy Communion, and move back into the real world with intention and grace. The focus verse for the weekend was Matthew 11:28-30, posted above using The Message translation.

For some, SLA ’22 was their first youth retreat, and for others, it is a grace-filled experience they welcome annually for spiritual growth, renewal, and fellowship with beloved members of their Church Street family. And you can be part of their experience by listening to their 2022 SLA Spotify playlist (click here)!

Enjoy hearing more in the video below from Youth Director Jenny Cross and 2022 graduates of our youth program Reece Wood and Sophia Thompson. They share more about how Church Street has played a big part in their spiritual formation and growth.

Youth Ministry serves 110 middle and high school students from all over the Knoxville area.

Mad in the City 2022As you heard in the video, part of what makes Church Street unique is that we welcome youth from a variety of middle and high schools in the region. Students connect with peers from around town; they worship and deepen their faith with adult supporters and peers; they mentor each other as they are in different stages of adolescence and spiritual growth; and they take on leadership positions at a variety of levels — from worship band and small group leaders to becoming paid college interns!

If you missed our MAD in the City summer recap, click here to enjoy learning about the mission work our youth do with community partners during the summer. Youth Ministry offers many missions and outreach opportunities throughout the year: Advent, Lent, this weekend for Thanksgiving Baskets, to name only a few of them!

We invite you to stay up-to-date with all that is happening in Youth Ministry at Church Street.

Click here to see more!

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of November 16, 2022

Rev. Catherine Nance

We begin with thanksgiving God! So thankful for rain! Yes, the early November days were beautiful and we enjoyed being outside, but we know your earth and your animals and your plants need the rain. We need the rain! 

May the thirsty ground soak up its goodness and may we, who have thirsty souls, soak up the goodness of your reign! May we feel you nourishing our spirits with your presence just as the rain enriches the earth. 

We do care for this globe and the cosmos, O God, and we offer our confessions when we have said there is nothing we can do to ensure that our earth heals. We say that our little bit of pollution does not amount to much and we do not want to take responsibility. We pray for governments and businesses who are in position to make changes. We pray that we as individuals have the courage to demand change and then to conserve in our own lives. We pray for ourselves, our grandchildren, the butterflies and the bees, and all of your creatures. Help us care for each other. We pray for people around the world whose communities are being destroyed by flooding and other effects of climate change. 

It is mid-week, O God, and the sounds of worship are growing dim from last Sunday. Sharpen our ears to hear the refrains from hymns and anthems. It is indeed Love that welcomed us; it is through humble service that we show we are neighbor to one another. We thank you for the words of Rev. Tillman who caused us to wonder if our neighbors know we are your followers. Let us take a deep breath and recall the spirit of unity but also conviction on Sunday. May it lead us to this Sunday where we will be renewed once more. We want our living to reflect the words we speak and sing on Sunday. 

Our hearts skipped and we listened anxiously as we heard news of a rocket in Poland. Lord, have mercy. We pray for the families in Ukraine, Poland, and Russia. We are bold to pray for the violence to stop. May greed and pride not rule the day, but a desire for the wellbeing of all.  

We are so blessed, Gracious God, to be a part of this church family and to be able to participate in the ministries here. We pray that our participation will make a difference in the lives of others. You are the head of the Church, holding all things together. Thank you, Welcoming Christ, for holding us all together. 

We offer our prayer in the name of Christ and pray with one voice the words he taught us… 

We pray for ….

  • A friend who is hospitalized fighting infection; very frightening experience as it caused hallucinations! Thankful for good care at hospital.
  • An older member who is no longer able to read; causes feeling of isolation and frustration. Thankful for supportive community where she lives.
  • A sister who is dealing with infection after cancer treatments.
  • The right person who needs a job to fill a part-time position and the supervisor responsible for hiring.
  • Two church members who are under hospice care; giving thanks for faith in God.
  • A beloved  mother and grandmother hospitalized for pneumonia
  • Those in Poland affected by violence
  • Peace and patience as a member and his sister move into assisted living
  • A sister who is making an adjustment to a new living situation
  • A dear friend, husband, father, and church member who is feeling so sick and so tired; may the medical community find some relief for his inability to eat.
  • All of the caregivers who are offering 24-hour love and support for their family members
  • Parents who are already dealing with the “I wants” of the holiday season
  • Families who are worried about the expenses of travel over Thanksgiving
  • Students at U-Va as they mourn the deaths and injury of classmates; prayers for the young man responsible. O Lord, all of their families!
  • Students at University of Idaho in wake of shooting this week
  • Our world, God’s world; praying for leaders  who are attending the world summit on climate change … COP27
  • For all the people who will be receiving Thanksgiving boxes and for all who are hungry
  • A man seeking new direction with job opportunities

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for ….

  • Successful heart procedures for two of our members; thankful for skilled doctors and supportive families and friends.
  • Our youth and leaders who had a wonderful SLA retreat last weekend
  • The rain!
  • A church member who is back home from Nashville hospital
  • Beacon of Hope volunteers and all the donations

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Sunday Schedule
Worship – 8:30AM & 11:00AM
Sunday school – 9:45-10:45AM
NightLife – 5:00-7:00PM ($5 dinner)

Thank you to everyone who was a part of our Thanksgiving Basket project! We could not have done it without you. The food we packed together is going to serve people throughout the Knoxville community this weekend. What a gift to be able to love our neighbors in this special way.

Advent with Church Street Youth

This Sunday begins the season of Advent! A time in the life of the church where we intentionally prepare our hearts for the coming of the Christ-child. There are so many opportunities to participate in Advent together this year. Mark your calendars!

Advent Study (during the Sunday School hour)

  • Prepare the Way for the Lord: Advent and the Message of John the Baptist by Adam Hamilton

Sunday, November 27

  • Advent Missions Night (during NightLife time, THEME NIGHT: Christmas Sweaters)

Sunday, December 4

  • Advent Craft Festival will be in the evening from 5:00-7:00 (potluck dinner, volunteers needed to lead craft stations)

Sunday, December 11

  • Youth & Children lead worship at both 8:30 & 11:00
  • Youth Christmas Party begins at 12:15 following worship (festive attire encouraged, $5 white elephant gift swap)

REZ 2023

Each year, an event is held for Holston Conference Youth called Resurrection. Our group enjoys time together in a cabin in Pigeon Forge and attends worship sessions throughout the weekend.

This year’s theme is One Faith, One Hope, One Lord. And we’re looking forward to this weekend away. Here are our details:

Earlybird: Due December 4 – $115
Regular: Due December 18 – $135
Event Date: January 20-22, 2023
Location: LeConte Convention Center | Pigeon Forge, TN
Lodging: King of the Mountain Lodge | Hearthside Cabin Rentals

Use the links to register with our group and learn more about Resurrection!

REZ23 Registration

Resurrection Website


High School Prayer Breakfast

This year, we are going to rotate locations of our High School Prayer Breakfast. Hopefully, this will allow more students to participate! We will begin after Labor Day. The first two dates & locations are:

  • November 22, Chick-fil-A West Hills, 7:15 AM
  • November 29, Panera Fountain City, 7:20 AM

If you are interested in a prayer breakfast near your neighborhood, let Jenny know!

Parent Sign-Ups

Meal Sign-Ups: Each Sunday, we serve our students breakfast and lunch. We ask families to volunteer to help make these meals happen! The sign-ups are below. If every family signs up for one breakfast and one dinner each, we will have nearly every week covered!

Breakfast Sign-Up

Dinner Sign-Up

Have you viewed our page on Church Street’s website? Check it out!


The Tie that Binds Banner

Each day this week, we will be sending an email with important information about the church’s budget, stories from church members about their ties here, what giving looks like here, and other information that shows us ‘The Tie that Binds” … to God and to our church family.

Today, hear from two long-time Church Street members — Verna McLain and Susan Dominick — who share more in the video below about how the music program at Church Street has formed a musical and spiritual foundation for them and deepened their connections to their church home.

Music Program by the Numbers:

  • Adult Choir: 55 members
  • Youth Choir: 52 members
  • Children’s Choirs: 30 members
  • Handbell Choir: 10 members
  • Scholarship Singers: 6 students

Master Arts Series Upcoming Events:

  • Dec. 9: Holiday Dinner and Concert
  • Dec. 11: Youth and Children’s Choirs in Worship
  • Dec. 18: Parish Adult Choir and TN Brass Quintet in Worship

More about these and the 2023 events at






Our Worship Services offer traditional worship and are planned carefully with our music program to give a full and connected experience each Sunday. In this ‘post-lockdown’ world, Church Street has continually seen in-person worship numbers rise and continued to see online worship numbers stabilize at an average of between 100-125 unique viewers per week. (All attendance metrics are noted each week in the Messenger.). Other worship highlights this year have included:

  • Disability Awareness Sunday, pictured above, and the consecration of the new accessible chancel lift
  • The Rev. Brian Tillman, pictured above, preaching at both in-person services on November 13
  • 39 adults joined the church, plus 13 confirmands in April – a total of 52 new members!
  • What a joy to celebrate more than 10 baptisms

Every Sunday is a special Sunday to be in worship together! Other ‘Special Sundays’ celebrated in the life of our church this year included United Women in Faith Sunday, Children’s Sunday, Missions Weekend, Confirmation Sunday, Stephen Ministry Sundays, World Communion Sunday, Missions Weekend, Senior Sunday (pictured above), Promotion Sunday, Hymn Festival and All Saints’ Sunday.

This week, you should be receiving a letter and a commitment card in the mail for your 2023 pledge – please return it on Sunday, November 20 during worship. If you prefer to make your commitment online, you may do so securely by visiting If you would like to discuss your pledge, please contact Kate Spencer, Church Administrator, at or 865-521-0268.

The Tie that Binds Banner

Each day this week, we will be sending an email with important information about the church’s budget, stories from church members about their ties here, what giving looks like here, and other information that shows us ‘The Tie that Binds” … to God and to our church family. Please be prayerful as you explore how this church is supported by you, its members and friends, and how making an annual financial commitment between now and Commitment Sunday, November 20, gives Church Street the opportunity to be in ministry and mission within our community.

Below, find three graphics that represent how we look at three larger buckets of Church Street’s expenses in 2022, with additional context provided about each graphic below.

Ministry Expenses budget graphic

Ministries at Church Street: Our ministries and missions make up just over 37% of our expenses in 2022. Many are noted in the graphic above, but the missions Church Street supports were too long to include in one graphic! Missions include:

  • Wesley House Community Center
  • Beacon of Hope Food Co-Op, Ladies Lunch and Learn, and Sharing Shop
  • Soup Kitchen
  • Habitat for Humanity
  • Justice Knox
  • Operation Backyard
  • Sharing Shop
  • Family Promise
  • Wesley Foundation at UTK
  • Dogwood Elementary School Kindergarten
  • Food 4 Kids Weekend Bags Packing
  • Annual Thanksgiving Baskets for 115 neighbors in need
  • United Methodist Committee on Relief (Disaster Relief for hurricane and flood victims and relief for Ukraine)
  • Rise Against Hunger (packing 10,000 meals)
  • Henderson Settlement
  • Missionary Support (Alaska & South Sudan)
  • Hands-On Mission Projects, including food buckets for Zimbabwe, Emerald Youth Foundation

Extension Ministries Budget

Extension Ministries comprise nearly 13% of our annual expenses and include the Church Street Preschool, all expenses related to maintaining Sterchi Lodge — our church’s mountain retreat — and the myriad uses of the Church Street Kitchen.

Notably, on each school day the kitchen is in use by the Preschool for healthy meals. And every Thursday for more than three decades, church volunteers serve a warm lunch and a takeaway bag for guests who join us at Soup Kitchen in Parish Hall. In the first 10 months of this year, Soup Kitchen has served more than 3,700 meals.

Salaries and Benefits Budget graphic

Salaries and Benefits for our staff make up 50% of our expenses at Church Street. Guiding our mission and ministry work every day and helping to deepen our faith through our sacred worship setting and meaningful programming are:

  • Three full-time appointed pastors
  • Fifteen full-time program, administrative, and custodial staff members
  • Five regular part-time support staff, including music support, communications support, finance and administrative support, and childcare support (with additional nursery and childcare workers as needed)

Did you know… SIX of our full-time staff members have been employed at Church Street for more than 10 years? Administrative Assistant to the Senior Pastor Kelly Woods, with the longest tenure, began working at Church Street in her early adulthood and has served with 9 senior pastors, beginning with Rev. Toombs Kay.

This week, you should be receiving a letter and a commitment card in the mail for your 2023 gift – please return it on Sunday, November 20 during worship. If you prefer to make your commitment online, you may do so securely by visiting If you would like to request more detailed budget information, or have other questions, please reply to this email and Kate Spencer, Church Administrator, will be glad to speak with you. You may also call: 865-521-0268.

The Tie that Binds Banner

November 11, 2022

Haven’t you loved the “photo of the week” on the banner of our MESSENGER newsletter? This is something we started doing on August 19, 2022. Instead of the same picture for a season – which were beautiful – you get a snapshot of a ministry moment that happened that week! These pictures are indeed worth a thousand words! I’m going to write a little less than one thousand, though, as I share with you how these pictures are possible and what they mean! (If you want to go back and see all the Photos of the Week, you can go to to see them all.)

In Catherine’s Corner last week, I shared with you about The Tie That Binds and all the ways the Holy Spirit connects us to God and to each other. There is always an ‘each other’ component when we talk about our relationship with Christ. Our response to Christ’s love for us is often manifested in our relationship with others – those in our family, our community, our church, and around the world! You see that connection in all the pictures.

Your offerings to Church Street United Methodist Church are one way to respond to Christ’s gift of salvation and love. No, we cannot pay for or buy our salvation! But we respond with thanksgiving! Our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness are disciplined practices that connect us to God and to each other. When much in our world seems to be unraveling, the Holy Spirit is a tie that pulls together, shores up, strengthens, and reinforces our dependence on God and each other. It indeed binds us together!

Each day next week, we will be posting ‘snapshots’ of information about our church and see samples of the tie that binds. Through emails and social media, you will learn more about how we use your gifts and offerings to provide ministry and programs that are meaningful. You will not want to miss seeing the videos – they are precious! I hope that as you see how the Spirit is working and connecting, you will respond faithfully by filling out the pledge card you will receive in the mail and bring it with you to worship on Sunday, November 20. If you are not able to be present, you can mail it, or follow the instructions to pledge online or to talk to Kate Spencer, Business Administrator, directly.

I am thankful that you take time to read my Friday morning musings! It is one way we stay connected.

Looking forward to being with you in worship on Sunday!


Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of November 9, 2022

Offering a “Prayer at the Close of the Day,” written by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.  

(copied from UMC Hymnal 689) 

O Lord my God, I thank thee that thou hast brought this day to its close. I think thee that thou dost give rest to body and soul. Thy hand has been over me guarding me and preserving me. 

Forgive my feeble faith and all the wrong I have done this day, and help me to forgive all who have wronged me. 

Grant that I may sleep in peace beneath thy care, and defend me from the temptations of darkness. Into thy hands I commend my loved ones, I commend this household, I commend my body and soul. 

O God, thy holy name be praised. Amen. 

We pray for ….

  • A church member who is hospitalized in Nashville; prayers for his parents and brother.
  • A church member with MS who is hoping to move into more suitable housing
  • A long-time church member who went into skilled rehab this week to help fight an infection.
  • A church member and faithful volunteer who experienced health concerns over the weekend; prayers for stability and good health.
  • Prayers that the Lord will lead each of us to do the Lord’s divine purpose.
  • A parent who is concerned about children’s relationship.
  • Friends who are grieving and going through difficult times
  • Those who are looking at  ‘next steps’ in career, education, life … praying for discernment

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for ….

  • All Saints worship and celebration! A wonderful day to begin the month of gratitude!
  • A healthy grandbaby
  • Successful eye surgery

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

SLA Info

On November 11-13, we are heading to the mountains for a weekend of intention worship, fellowship, study, and prayer.  It is one of the highlights of the year for many of us!  Please use the info below to prepare your hearts and minds for the days ahead.

5:30 — Arrival at Church Street (Youth Area) & Load Trailer
5:45 — Dinner in Youth Area
6:15 — Brief group meeting
6:30 — Departure for Locust Springs Christian Retreat Center (Greeneville, TN)
12:00 — Lunch at Locust Springs
12:30 — Pack & Clean Up
1:00 — Depart from Locust Springs
2:30 — Arrival at Church Street
Packing List 
A printable/saveable version of this packing list is available below.  That way you can have your own checklist as you get ready!
  • sleeping bag or twin sized linens
  • pillow
  • Bible
  • water bottle
  • warm clothes, casual clothes (bring a flannel if you have one)
  • pajamas
  • shoes for walking & hiking
  • coat, gloves, & hat
  • rain jacket (just in case)
  • towel
  • toiletries
  • snack to share (individually packaged please!)
  • chargers
Additional Info
  • Late Arrival/Early Departure — If you have a conflict and need to either arrive late or leave early, please let Jenny know the specifics by Wednesday, November 9.
  • Release Form — Everyone must complete release forms for both Church Street & Locust Springs.  Please use the links below to access them.
  • Rooming — Students will be sleeping in cabins with 8 individuals per room.
  • Sickness Policy — If a student becomes ill while we are at Doe River, we will contact parents and ask that you plan to come and pick them up.

Church Street Youth Annual Release Form

Locust Springs Waiver

Preparing for SLA

Our prayer for this weekend is that it would be one of restoration, connection, and hope.  SLA stands for Spiritual Life Advance, and we are believing that God will grow our faiths as we spending time with Him away from the pressures of everyday life.  Here are some ways your can intentionally prepare your hearts and minds for this special time.

  • Prayer — Spend time in intentional prayer leading up to SLA.  Ask God to be with you and protect you, to help you learn and grow, to heal brokenness and restore joy.  Lift up anything on your heart to Him!
  • Worship — We have created a playlist of all the songs we will be singing over the weekend.  Listen to it over the next couple of weeks! Listen here.
  • Reflection — Consider where you find yourself at this point in the school year.  Worn out? Excited? Hopeful? Discouraged? Disconnected? Stuck? Energized? Bring those things to Him and come to SLA aware of where you are in your life.