Sunday Schedule
Worship – 8:30AM & 11:00AM
Sunday school – 9:45-10:45AM
NightLife – 5:00-7:00PM ($5 dinner)

On Sunday, February 12 we will have a regular scheduled evening instead of a Super Bowl party. We will have a Disco themed NightLife game night. For those who want to watch the Super Bowl at home, feel free to pick up anytime before kick-off at 6:30. For those who are not interested, we will have regular pick up at 7:00.

Functional Faith Series

During NightLife, we are in a series called Functional Faith. Last night, we discuss building a Bible reading routine. Below, you’ll find some of the resources we discussed!


  • YouVersion Bible App


  • Gospel Plan — Read one chapter a day. Start in Matthew, then read Mark, Luke, and John.
  • Psalm Plan — Begin in Psalm 1. Read one psalm a day, or split one psalm into two days if it is long.
  • Chronological Plan — Seach “chronological” on the YouVersion app “Plans” page and choose one.
  • Themeatic Plan — Use the YouVersion Bible app “Plans” page. Choose or search a theme and find a corresponding study.

Helpful Rhythms:

  • Pray, Read, Practice Stillness, Think about God’s Presence
  • Pray, Read (scripture), Write, Read (devotion or nonfiction spiritual growth book), Pray

Visioning Worksheet

Visioning Guide

Gratitude Lists

*The gratitude lists includes a page for monthly gratitude (a line a day) or weekly gratitude (space for a couple of sentences or several bullet points). We invite students to do this individually or families to adopt this practice together! These would be great for the fridge or discussion around a meal.

REZ 2023

We had a great time at REZ23!  We spent time in meaningful worship, enjoyed fellowship with one another, and spent lots of time together in the kitchen!  Below, you’ll find the link to the shared photo albums to upload your pictures from the weekend.

REZ23 Photos

High School Retreat

The last weekend of February (the 24-26), we are offering a High School retreat to Sterchi Lodge. Here are some things we are considering for that weekend:

– lots of fun

– a hike to Max Patch

– worship

– devotions/mini sessions/talks

– s’mores

We will be doing a study of the book The Liturgy of the Ordinary. This will help us to look at the sacred acts that are already taking place in our lives and how to move into a place of worship and prayer with intention.

This retreat is for current 9th-12th graders. If you would like to register, use the link below! The cost for this retreat is $40.

Retreat Registration

Confirmation Retreat

This weekend, our 6th graders and their families are traveling to Lake Junaluska for our Confirmation Retreat. We will spend time in worship and fellowship while learning more about our faith and walking with Christ.

For 7th-12th graders, we will have a regular Sunday for both Sunday school and NightLife.

High School Prayer Breakfast

This year, we are rotating locations of our High School Prayer Breakfast. Hopefully, this will allow more students to participate! Here is this month’s schedule:

  • January 10, Chick-fil-A West Hills, 7:20 AM
  • January 17, Panera Fountain City, 7:20 AM
  • January 24, Chick-fil-A West Hills, 7:20 AM
  • January 29, Panera Fountain City, 7:20 AM

Parent Sign-Ups

Meal Sign-Ups: Each Sunday, we serve our students breakfast and lunch. We ask families to volunteer to help make these meals happen! The sign-ups are below. If every family signs up for one breakfast and one dinner each, we will have nearly every week covered!

Breakfast Sign-Up

Dinner Sign-Up

Have you viewed our page on Church Street’s website? Check it out!

Jenny Cross, Youth Director
(865) 524-0287

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of December 28, 2022

Rev. Catherine Nance

Snow had fallen, snow on snow, snow on snow …

Your love of beauty and your love for your earth was vividly stark and bright to us this last week.

Most of us stayed in and admired the glory of the snow; thankful it was on a day when most of our loved ones did not have to go to school or work. There was no rush. In the freezing temps, we were adamant about staying in and keeping warm. In these moments, O God, when we are forced to be still, we confess that we are uncomfortable with stillness. We measure our days with accomplishments and tasks done; to be still seems a waste. But it is in those moments, O God, if we allow you to help us quiet our inner voices and our anxiety, that we can feel a peacefulness and assurance.

We are reminded that we are not alone … we are loved ….you are Lord of heaven and earth which includes our quiet place ….there are others who are sitting quietly enjoying the warmth of a mug and the familiar smell of the crocheted blanket.

On this Fourth Day of Christmas – four calling birds — what are you calling us to, O lover of our souls? Calling us to worship, calling us to give thanks, calling us to be still, calling us to pay attention …what other calling is on our lives from you? Calling to forgive ourselves, to forgive others, to move on, to tarry?

We thank you, gracious God for the experience of worship on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. How glorious to go from the quiet of Silent Night, Holy Night, to the joyful singing of Good Christian Friends, Rejoice! May these Days of Christmas linger a bit for us – even if we are back at work or heading back to routines – may the glow and warmth of all that was holy remain with us, abide in us.

We know that the cold and snow was not a time of quiet reflection for everyone. It did inspire us to ask about others, to wonder how those who live outside most of the time manage these days. We thought of folks who have to choose between running the heat or buying extra food. We are grateful for bursts of giving and spontaneous shelters. Thank you for volunteers who helped at Magnolia Avenue UMC and for the staff at KARM. Thank you for those who freely gave of their abundance so that others would have warmth. When the weather turns more pleasant and it is warm, may we not forget. Help us to work with the agencies and systems ahead of time, O Lord. We thank you for the day-to-day work of Beacon of Hope and Compassion Coalition and Volunteer Ministry Center and so many others. Thank you for our volunteers at Soup Kitchen who give of time and heart.

This first half of the twelve days tends to be a time of both-and. Both quiet reflection and a call to service; both quiet gratitude for what is past and planning ahead for ways to show more gratitude.

As we prepare for tomorrow and the long vowels of ‘Fi—–ive go—–olden riiiiiiings,’ may we appreciate lingering a bit more, feeling your presence and knowing that it is enough for the day.

We offer these prayers on behalf of our church members and friends …..

We pray for….

  • A mother who has fallen and broken a rib; prayers that pain will be relieved
  • A wife and mother who is under hospice care; prayers for family as they deal with the ups and downs of Lewy Body Dementia…
  • A family who has kept vigil by their grandmother’s side; prayers for comfort now in her death on the day after Christmas
  • Two different families who  had a mother die on Christmas Eve; prayers for them as they gather this week for burials.
  • A neighbor whose house was destroyed by fire
  • Those who have had heart caths and other procedures during the holidays; prayers that these will lead to a healthy new year!
  • Friends who are dealing with new diagnoses, maneuvering through unfamiliar language and territory; thankful for volunteers on Parish Health Ministry Team.
  • A couple who has suffered another devastating loss in attempts for pregnancy; prayers for all who love them.

We continue to pray for….

  • Members and friends who are beginning treatments for health concerns
  • Those who are hoping for pregnancy
  • Those who are healing – slowly! – after surgeries; prayers for patience!
  • Young adults struggling with the economy and job search

Prayers of thanksgiving for….

  • All of the wonderful music over the Advent and Christmas season
  • A good semester
  • Family being able to travel for Christmas

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a Prayer Request?

Submit your prayer request confidentially by clicking here.

Daily Advent Devotions from Church Street UMC

Sunday, December 25

By Tim Best, Senior Associate Pastor

Comfort and Joy

Read: Titus 2:11-14

“For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say ‘No’ to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.”

When I wake up this morning I anticipate I will make my morning coffee, get ready for worship, and at some point listen to multiple versions of the Christmas classic “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.” Most years I do all I can to avoid proper Christmas music until the Christmas Eve services. It has never truly worked, but I do what I can. There are so many good carols that I can’t explain why it is that I have settled on this particular one to help me usher in Christmas day each year. Perhaps it was listening to the version by The Barenaked Ladies (yes, it is a band, for those who don’t remember the 90’s, and I promise theirs is a particularly wonderful performance) or was it the recording from Pentatonix? Whichever it was, the song sums up the Good News of this day. 

The day’s reading from Titus could be the direct inspiration for this favored carol of mine. God’s grace has appeared today, bringing salvation to all. If you have the time today, take the ten minutes and listen to this and other Christmas hymns and offer them as prayers. Receive the gift of God’s comforting grace and rejoice in the love that you have not earned but have been given. Remember, Christ our savior was born on Christmas Day!


Gracious Lord, Fill our hearts with joy as we celebrate that you have drawn close to us in Christ Jesus. Grant that, even as we receive the joy of your presence with us, we would proclaim with our lives the joy you offer to all the world this and every day. Amen.

Have a Prayer Request?

Submit your prayer request confidentially by clicking here.

Daily Advent Devotions from Church Street UMC

Saturday, December 24, Evening

By Jenny Cross, Director of Youth Ministry

Good News and Great Joy

Read: Luke 2:8-11 ESV

“And in the same region, there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone all around them, and they were filled with great fear. And the angel said to them, ‘Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

Each year, our youth attend a retreat called SLA (Spiritual Life Advance).  Typically, it takes place in the fall and is full of flannels, changing leaves, and campfires. Last year, it had to be scheduled a little later than usual, so we traveled to the Smoky Mountains the first weekend of December. It was quickly dubbed “Christmas SLA,” and our students embraced it, trading flannels for Christmas pajamas and decorating a tree in our worship space.

SLA is always one of my favorite weekends of the year. It’s a time for spiritual renewal and abundant joy — a time where the space between heaven and earth thins for a bit, and we glimpse the promise of glory to come. Last year, as we meditated on Advent and spent time preparing the way for Jesus, I was overcome with the goodness of God over and over again.

We have a tradition at SLA on Saturday night. After our session and small group time, students bundle up in their warmest clothes and spread out around the camp for a time of silent prayer and reflection. When they feel ready, they walk quietly to a campfire where we pray and worship together, with music lead by our youth band. It is one of the sweetest moments of my year. Last year, we gathered under the stars on a clear winter night and read Luke 2 in a field, like shepherds. We looked out at creation and around at each other and felt the weight of what that passage meant in a new and different way. The angels came to share the good news on a night a lot like that, halfway around the world and a couple of millennia ago. But because of Jesus, the words still matter. They are worth remembering. I’m not sure I’ll ever read that familiar Luke passage the same way. Like the shepherds, I was changed in a field in the bleak midwinter.

Glory to God in the highest.


Holy God, In this time of Advent, make us aware of your Presence. Help us to see your goodness and mercy in our ordinary days. Make us like shepherds, who go to look for the Christ-child. Help us to prepare the way of the Lord in our hearts and our lives. Amen.

Have a Prayer Request?

Submit your prayer request confidentially by clicking here.

Daily Advent Devotions from Church Street UMC

Saturday, December 24, Morning

By Fran Wheeler

The Blessing of Christmas

Read: Psalm 23:1-3a ESV

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul.”

It’s no accident that shepherds and sheep were included in the glorious birth of Jesus. In scripture, God’s people are often compared to wandering sheep, needing shepherds. And Jesus often referred to himself as our shepherd. But before that, Jesus was born the Lamb of God. 

Imagine the night on the hills around Bethlehem. 

In the sky was an unfamiliar star, casting bright light over the countryside. No one, especially not shepherds who spent their nights outside, could have missed that phenomenal star. Its light filled the whole sky! As the shepherds gazed upward, an Angel suddenly appeared, terrifying them! The Angel said, “Don’t be afraid. I bring you joyful news. A savior has been born to you in Bethlehem. Go, find the baby who is lying in a manger.”

Dumbfounded, they were mesmerized as a great company of the Heavenly Host appeared, praising God: “Glory to God in the Highest, and on Earth, peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

They ran down the hill to Bethlehem and found the baby, the newborn Lamb of God, lying in a manger just as they had been told. This baby would grow up to become the Good Shepherd, watching over his sheep. And that’s us. We are his sheep.

Jesus our Shepherd, leads us into green pastures and beside still waters. He protects us from the evil one. When we find ourselves in dark places, he restores our souls. And when we go astray, he searches for us and brings us back home. Surely goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our lives, and we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. 

That’s the blessing of Christmas.


Oh Lord, we need your tender care, and knowing you watch over us comforts us. Thank you for never leaving us alone and unguarded. Amen.

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Daily Advent Devotions from Church Street UMC

Friday, December 23

By Barry Christmas

In Anticipation of Our Blessed Hope

Read: Titus 2:13 NKJV

“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.”

I liken the season of Advent to waiting with childlike anticipation for the arrival of Christmas morning. We can hardly wait to see what gifts have been left under the tree! Prior to this day, there is excitement in the air and everyone is busy making preparations. It’s a time to tidy up the house and spend all day preparing a delicious feast for our guests.

But Advent is the season of preparing for the coming of Christ, not for that fictional jolly character from the North Pole. We need to be busy preparing ourselves for His arrival and for the unique spiritual gifts He has for each of us. It’s a time to “tidy up” by seeking forgiveness and preparing our hearts to be receptive to Jesus’ visit and to His message. He spreads out the feast before us and invites us to partake of His goodness and mercy. May we feast daily with the Savior and anticipate His presence during our time of studying His Word and praying for His guidance.

During the season of Advent, we not only look back and celebrate the birth of Jesus, we also look forward in anticipation of the second coming of Christ to establish His kingdom on Earth. Oh what a time of peace, love and joy that will be for all of His children! He truly is our Blessed Hope.


Dear Lord Jesus, please come to us this Advent season and fill our hearts to overflowing with hope, peace, joy, and love. Amen.

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Daily Advent Devotions from Church Street UMC

Thursday, December 22

By Katie (and Evie) Strangis

The Power of Three

Read: Romans 15:14

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in your faith, so that you overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Chats with Evie are often spiritual. This kid has a lot of questions about God and Jesus and especially Heaven. A (small) sampling of questions have included:

“What do you think heaven is like?”

“How will I know who I was in heaven before Jesus put me on earth?”

“Do you think God is in this cheeseburger?”

 Some of the hardest ones are about the Holy Spirit, and, because she often sees me editing our online worship service at home, she has asked me, “What does Pastor Catherine mean when she says the ‘fewowship of the Howy Spirit’?”

When Evie and I talk about the Holy Spirit, I’m usually just winging it, unsure what to tell her because, to me, the Holy Spirit really is a great mystery. But framing it as the fellowship of the Holy Spirit has made it easier to understand. We talk about it as the community to which we belong; or as I describe it to Evie, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit is sort of like the family and friendship of the Holy Spirit. It gives us something really special to connect to. Fellowship makes us stronger because it means we are not alone. I thought for a long time that I could believe in God and Jesus without church … and I still get bogged down sometimes by flawed people running religious institutions (I am a very flawed person who works at a religious institution after all!). But ever since I started attending church again, I have felt the hope and promise and fellowship that comes from being in a spiritual community again. We may enjoy very individual and complex relationships with God and Jesus, but for me, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit is what keeps me going when I feel alone or like I cannot grapple with the magnitude of the mystery of faith.

I hope my kids will lean into and grow with the Holy Spirit as they get older and deepen their understanding of the Trinity. I’ll be relying on that hope and fellowship — and a lot of mystery — as I walk through Advent this year.


Triune God, you have given us so many ways to understand you, and yet you are still a powerful mystery. Thank you for our children, who both complicate and demystify you, distilling the hope, joy, peace and love you have shared with us through the trinity. Amen.

Have a Prayer Request?

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of December 21, 2022

Rev. Catherine Nance

We are worried about the cold weather, O God. The empty shelves at grocery stores and the anxiety at gas pumps show that we anticipate the very worst. If we were honest – sometimes we are not completely honest with you! – if we were completely honest, we have plenty of food at home. Enough to last a few days. Maybe not our first choice, but we will not starve. We are worried about the cold weather, O God, but we buy items to make brownies and chili and stew and cornbread; almost as if we are planning a party!  

We are worried about the cold weather, O God. Maybe our extra bag of marshmallows in the cart is a way to cushion our worry and guilt about those who are homeless when we have enough. Maybe our buying an extra pound of ground beef reveals the intention to take extra soup to the neighbors.  

We are worried about the cold weather, O God. Some are haunted by childhood memories of not being able to turn up the heat or not having enough wood or coal. Some are anxious about the cost of utility bills right now but not wanting to let children know about layoffs and cutbacks. Some feel helpless in their warm apartment knowing there are those who are cold. 

We are worried about the cold weather, O God. Looking at the weather app and the clock and knowing all that needs to get done, we begin to shiver – not with cold, but anxiety. We meant to do more, we meant to run those errands earlier. We meant to, O God. 

We are worried about the cold weather, O God. We have family members who work for utility companies, we have friends who are rescue workers.  

We are worried about folks who don’t have the resources to keep warm and who have drafty crawlspaces where the pipes are. We are worried about family and loved ones who are traveling – O Lord, keep them safe! We are worried about parents who have to go to hospital in the cold and we are worried about elderly who …. 

O God of arctic winds and God of trade winds and warm air … O God, calm us down. As we blow warm air into our hands, may we feel your breath on us. Give us a sense of peace and a sense of time. Perhaps by warm lamplight on this longest night, we can make a Love-inspired list of folks to check on tomorrow. Perhaps with more daylight tomorrow we will feel hopeful that we have done enough. 

Thank you O God for hearing our anxious prayers and for calming our spirits. Give us good judgment and clarity. We thank you for opportunities we have through service and offerings to help those who do not have housing, to extend help to those in need. We offer prayers of thanksgiving for those whose job it is to prepare for cold weather.  

We thank you O God for your abiding presence in all times. May we feel the warmth of your Holy Spirit and may we be bold to share that warmth with others, however you give us opportunity. 

We pray for our church family who have requested prayer … 

Prayers have been requested for….

  • A daughter and son-in-law undergoing IVF treatment
  • A family whose teenager was killed in auto accident this week
  • Healing after surgery
  • An individual who is here from Ukraine; prayers that things will work out in starting a new life here
  • Friends and families with particular concerns (unspoken requests)
  • A high school student injured in ATV accident
  • Those who are homeless during this freezing weather. Prayers of thanksgiving for KARM!
  • A brother healing after cancer surgery
  • Those dealing with mental health issues and adjusting to medications and treatment
  • Teachers who have students going through crises of health or family
  • For a wife/mother who is being placed on hospice care tonight

Prayers of thanksgiving have been offered for…. 

  • Successful gallbladder surgery
  • That a mother has returned from rehab to assisted living
  • The joy of seeing church members who have been missing worship back in church
  • Wonderful worship services and musicians
  • Grandchildren coming to visit for Christmas
  • A new niece
  • A second interview!

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a Prayer Request?

Submit your prayer request confidentially by clicking here.

Daily Advent Devotions from Church Street UMC

Wednesday, December 21

By Beth Cooper-Libby, Preschool Director

A Blip in the Screen

Read: Hebrews 6:10 NIV

“God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.”

It happens at Walmart; it happens at McKay’s; it happens a lot at the grocery store. I hear a voice “Hey, look Tommy, look! It’s Miss Beth! Don’t you remember Miss Beth?” Next I will smile and greet a child that has no clue who I am. Poor Tommy will scan my face, having no idea who I am or why his mom is excited to see me. The parent does of course remember me, but rarely do they understand that the child does not. I don’t take it personally. It’s called “childhood amnesia” and just part of the natural order of life. Most adults do not have memories of their lives for the first 3 to 3 1/2 years, and although many adults may have some, chances are a woman you knew in preschool and have not seen since isn’t one of them. 

I know that I am just a blip on the screen; most families forget about me within a year of leaving and nearly all of the children will. I like to think that deep down inside they remember someone being the hands and feet of Christ by acting kind to them in their early years. I consider my job mission work. It’s how I serve others and what I feel called to do. Is it glamorous? Nope, not really. Prestigious? Not exactly that either.  

During Jesus’ mortal life, He served the poor. He taught the gospel. He fed crowds of hungry people. He washed His disciples’ feet. He ate with thieves and touched lepers. He healed the sick and even raised the dead. Thankfully, none of that is in my job description, because if you know me at all, you know my feelings about feet.

You can serve the Lord by serving those around you. You do not have to do something big to serve others. For me, it’s helping a child learn to share, tying a shoe, making parting from a parent more comfortable, teaching the prayer we use before we eat — all small ways that I serve. They might not be big, but those are things that I’m good at doing. When we willingly serve, with the talents we are given, we become more like Christ and our faith grows.


Blessed Jesus, because of your finished work on the cross, our labors have become labors of love; our works are works of faith. May we love and serve those around us who need our services and offerings of love. Amen.

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Daily Advent Devotions from Church Street UMC

Tuesday, December 20

By Dan Kelley

Cowboy Bob

Read: Genesis 45:7a

“God sent me before you to preserve you.”

My mom loved to tell the story about me when I was a small boy and my friend, Cowboy Bob. Mom had lost my older brother Timothy in childbirth about two years before I was born. She was afraid that she could not have any more children. So when I was born she was very happy and very, very protective.

My dad had built a large family room across the whole back of our house in St. Louis. It was a great place to play when the weather was too bad to go outside. And my favorite games to play were Cowboys: Cowboys and Indians, Cowboys and Bank Robbers, Cowboys and Rustlers, and Cowboy posse helping the Sheriff. 

I had jeans with a leather belt and a silver buckle. I had boots and a cowboy hat. I had a vest and a two-gun holster. I had a cardboard horse that I could ride. I watched all the cowboy shows on TV. I loved playing Cowboys.

What I did not love was taking a nap. (I apologize to naps for my rude behavior toward them when I was young. I have since learned what a wonderful thing they are.) I objected that the Indians, Bank Robbers, Rustlers, and other Bad Guys would sneak up on me while I was asleep. I was afraid that they would get me. No amount of discussion with my mom would convince me otherwise. It was an ongoing battle.

One day my mom gave me a bag and asked me to open it. Inside was a bedspread with a tall man on it. He had jeans with a brown belt and silver buckle. He had cowboy boots and a white hat. He had a red vest with a star on it. And he had a two gun holster. His name was Bob, Cowboy Bob. Mom said that he had been deputized to stand watch and would protect me when I took my nap. He looked dependable, so I agreed to this solution and never argued again.

We are living in uncertain times of turmoil and change. Wars and rumors of wars fill the news. It is difficult to sleep because the bad guys are up to no good and are threatening us. Cowboy Bob was an outward and visible sign of my mother’s love and protection for me. The birth of Jesus the Christ is an outward and visible sign of God’s love and protection for us.


The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Amen.

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